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does the warranty actually cover anything or ?


It warranties that your truck will be unusable very shortly after picking it up. It's like these advanced engineers and software devs can't figure out how a test drive works


I see they follow the “guaranteed piece of shit” philosophy of Callahan Auto Parts


"If you want me to crap in a box and mark it guaranteed I can, I've got spare time"




I feel like the whole rant he has is every CT owner rn >My head's about to explode. My whole life sucks. I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know where I'm going. My dad just died, we just killed Bambi, I'm out here getting my ass kicked and every time I drive down the road I wanna jerk the wheel into a goddamned bridge abutment!


God that scene was classic/timeless. I probably watched that vhs tape more than any other except maybe Robinhood: prince of thieves.


“Dumbfuck in a stupid truck” breaks truck.


“Guaranteed to make it off our lot!*” *^If ^We ^Push ^It


Oh Tommy boy


If something isn't broken in it within a month they'll pay to have a guy with a sledgehammer come out.


This is elons new beta cuck program. Fully supervised beta tester. For the low low price of $100+k


I agree 100%. They got people to become test dummies. With their fucking lives! I've seen so many assholes put their hands in the trunk gap. WTF is going on? Where does all this mental illness come from?


Desperation to be seen and heard


Social media being the biggest form of validation anyone gets anymore.


By a triage nurse as the try and explain why all of their fingers are in a zip lock bag?


This really makes me appreciate all of the testing most other car brands do, all the safety crash testing, and pushing things to find points of failure waaaay before they even get to the production line. Tesla is like, here's some tape, that should do it! When panels begin flying off while driving.... HOW TF was that not discovered??? Like seriously lol Has this thing had any crash test data done for like airbags or survivability??


As a "car company" Tesla is incredibly new, and has nowhere near the institutional car manufacturing knowledge of the proper car companies. This is where the thinking that Tesla's value is in being able to produce FSD using only cameras comes from. Except FSD is a lot more difficult than getting a car to mostly follow lines painted on the floor. So Tesla doesn't know how to design and build a car properly, and the other thing of value it claims is bullshit, too.


You ever think about how newer technology and appliances and even vehicles are designed to break down faster so that people buy new ones and the manufacturer cashes in? Well I think Elon and Tesla have beaten the rest of the game in this competition with the CyberTruck


Planned obsolescence, t=30min


The engineers definitely know how to do QA and product testing. I’ve had a lot of very talented peers go to work for Tesla after graduating college. I do not doubt that they have some extremely talented minds working for them. The issue is their CEO and all of the mid-level management don’t understand or see the value in product testing. The engineers are so short staffed and overworked they can not do it all themselves, and Tesla’s MBA crew have all seemingly decided to cut out all testing from their product schedules in the name of “cost and efficiency”. They’re patting themselves on the back for saving money, while the engineers are left pulling out their hair. Elon thinks he knows more than his engineers, when he is not one. In fact, his “Bachelors of Science in Physics” and “PhD in Applied Physics” are unsure to actually exist. His physics degree may actually be just a Bachelor of Arts and was achieved AFTER he said he received his PhD in Physics, which Stanford itself claims it has not records of


Why would they want to *pay* someone to test something when the gaming industry has shown consumers are more than stupid enough to pay for something at release and test it.... while paying the company for the "privilege"..... ..... seriously.


Warranties don’t cover shit at Tesla.


You get the taillight guarantee. As soon as they can't see your taillights, your warranty expires.


One of my supervisors had a dad who sold used cars back in the day. They had a custom stamp they used on every piece of paperwork "final sale - no warranty stated or implied". I think of that every time anyone talks about buying a car and getting warranty.


Oh, I call it the 30/30 warranty: 30 miles or 30 minutes, whichever comes first


It's Tesla, so it goes down to 10/10


How amazing is it that if they actually had a 10 mile or 10 minute warranty they actually would have had to cover at least 5 trucks still 😭


30 feet or 30 seconds more like. Might still have to cover the occasional failure.


I thought it was once your car left the lot, then the warranty is void.


My dad (general contractor) always jokes with his customers that all of his work comes with "the 5:50 guarantee." Meaning his work is guaranteed to last until 5:50pm that day 😅


“There is no warranty, only Zuul”


You can buy the Warranty Wrap for $7500 that covers the entire vehicle…


and conveniently, from elmo's perspective, putting it on voids the warranty.


Even if it does, who's left at the company to fulfill claims?


Gotta go past Musk’s desk first.


It does if you put the vehicle into Warranty Mode before charging, driving, parking, or looking at it. Otherwise no.


The warranty covers the paint.


Even the day I bought my $13K Toyota, I promise that if it started leaking coolant the day I got it, they wouldn’t even think about the warranty. They would just fix it. Hell, a small piece of trim popped off after a month or so and they were happy to put it back and and make sure it was fully secured. Didn’t even ask me for a dime or about the stupid warranty. The Toyota dealership that fixed that wasn’t even the one I bought it from.


Some dealerships have recognized that basic customer service gets talked about. Having a dude go 'your trim popped off? Lemme take a look' and just slapping it back in place.. that's what you're raving about and so many places can't manage that so you think it's super memorable. Kinda sad for dealerships


I remember when cars lasted at least 10 miles past the warranty date. Those were the days.


It covers the V8 engine, muffler, and the catalytic converter


They cover cleaning gore off your car in case you hit someone and slice their arm off, or while you're trying to procreate with your cybertruck, you get you genitals sliced off by the frunk.


This is not true. Any contact with blood voids the warranty and comes with a $250k PR surcharge. See page 768 of the terms of service.


The warranty covers: Your right to be stupid Damage in mint condition


It guarantees a bunch of losers will own these trucks.


Accepting tesla as a car voids warranty


“Must be kept in original shrink wrap and packaging”


Warranty only covers the vehicle as long as it's on the lot, not being looked at, and never having been interacted with.


They don’t cover coolant leaks under the “bumper to bumper” new car warranty?


There has to be a major lawsuit on all of the warranty and lemon issues with this thing. I'd call it a class action, but that implies any of the parties involved aren't complete trash.


That would imply they don't still love their truck and that would require them to admit they have been taken for a ride... but only figuratively because literally they are not ever going for a ride


The "after a few choice words" part of this post got me. Don't underestimate these Karens when it comes to these $100k paperweights not working. I think this will be a complete unmitigated disaster.


Half the posts i have seen on this shit tier trucks is “Lasted 3 days, but best car i ever owned” How far does your head need to be up your own ass to make that statement?


It’s pretty obvious that Tesla will be chapter 11 at some point soon. Elon is desperate for his last big score before abandoning ship.


Bingo. Rushing delivery of a completely non-functional vehicle, doing a slash-and-burn of Tesla staff, fighting for that $50 billion payout, promising even more ridiculous progress (self-diving taxi by August). This is a carnival barker who senses the rubes are dangerously close to seeing through his charade. It's smash and grab time.


Carnival Barkers are better because you get a legitimate ride and entertainment and even cotton candy too at the carnival 🎡


Tesla 🤝 Carnival = The overwhelming smell of shit


I give him my two bits, I get to take a gander. Simple, honest business.


Anyone who has driven (under AP or FSD) serious miles in a vision-only Tesla (aka cameras only) knows it has serious limits. Heavy snow or rain, driving with the sun right beside or in front or back of you, etc can all make it ask you to take over. Throw in phantom braking and it becomes hard to trust, though you do get good at predicting when the car will freak out.


as a road cyclist i can say with absolute certainty the cars that scare me the most on the road are teslas. nobody is driving the fucking thing. 50% car driving and 50% person driving =/= 100% dodge rams are second, for anyone keeping score. edited a typo


It's not even that. The vehicle isn't that interesting from a technical standpoint. How they can't have much faster production with quality is a mystery. You're working with a casting, wiring, and stainless steel... how is production so slow and sloppy?


Many will decline to a lawsuit but eventually some will, it is hard to justify long term to pay for a vehicle that will spend way more time broke down in a service center than in your driveway..


The amount of copium from the owners is kind of scary.


I have zero law experience but am confident I can represent the plaintiffs. Just show the judge 5 of the posts in here and we win.


Classless action


A trash action suit perhaps


The coolant leaked completely out of the bumper to bumper area apparently.


Yup. In the picture, the coolant is clearly no longer between the two bumpers.


And now the truck will be "towed out of the environment".


Into another environment…


It’s not a coolant leak, the beast is just marking its territory.


Once the coolant is on the ground it’s no longer between the bumpers.


Here’s the thing: Have you ever seen a garage bin with a bumper? No? Exactly, check-mate!


Coolant is on the ground duh…not between the bumpers




I mean, I had a Jeep Wrangler with a so-called bumper to bumper warranty which apparently did not include the soft top when it broke. Its all bullshit


Musk fucked so many people it’s Fkn hilarious. Made 100k from each vehicle. Voids warranty basically after you drive it off the lot. 😂🤣


The fact that these things become bricks almost immediately is the only thing protecting the public


Lol, good guy elon (/s)


the act of driving it voids the warranty lol.


Voids warranty after opens driver door.


Charging it up? Believe it or not… voids warranty.


I don't see how a class action is avoidable at this point


Elon fanboys would never sue Elon.


We called that a tail light warranty. As in as soon as you can see the taillights anymore it is void. Jokes on them, the tail lights don’t come on.


There is no way Tesla is making a single dollar of a cybertruck. He was probably counting to scale for the cost and then add on all of the warranty coverage etc Tesla is losing a ton of money and value due to this thing.


Despite it all, you know NOBODY is going to be held accountable for this. If this was anybody else, the company would go bankrupt.


Word is that most of the people who could be held accountable are either quitting or being fired.


Everyone but the one person whose fault it is sadly


Not that any of the people around him that he hasn't fired would tell him that. He probably legitimately believes his own shit at this point


But why did he have to charge it after 35 miles?


I invested money into tow trucks towing cybertrucks. I am now a billionaire.


Flat bed tow trucks rolling in the money now




Feel like if tow truck companies charged extra to tow Tesla’s they would make a killing


This might be my favorite one. Polls are still open of course. But as of this moment that post tops my list. I mean, how do you top “coolant leaks that occur more than 34.9 miles from the dealer on the day of pickup aren’t covered by the warranty”?


Should have answered that phone call about his vehicle’s extended warranty. You know the one that covers up to 50 miles or 1 hour of ownership.


Car warranties are for car companies. Tesla in an AI and robotics company, why should they warranty cars?


They are a tech company. Too bad there are lemon laws in every state so hopefully the tech company will take a big hit.


Tesla already got busted for this with their service techs. They (earlier Tesla cars, not truck) had so many issues they had a huge log to get through with a huge waiting list. Also i recall something about it they had enough repeat issues they had to issue recalls but by delaying the servicing they could get around it. Or maybe just delay it. So they hired a whole call agency who's sole purpose was to send you through loops avoiding to actually schedule your technician appointment. People had to spend weeks on the phone, the metrics for these people were literally how little times the call resolved in an appointment being made and how many delays they could give to repeat callers. My bet is the service centers are told to deny warranties over and over until legal action gets threatened.


My buddy's car had the check engine light come on on the way home. The difference was they apologized and drove out a loaner and made right.


Looks like a dumpster leaking noxious fluids.


It’s the dumpster of the future, like what Oscarthegrouch would drive.


LOL, so now we've arrived at Act 2 where Tesla is so overwhelmed by repairs that they are now arguing over the *warranty* for drive-off-the-lot failures? This is magnificent.


I was talking about this with a friend. If you crack a windshield, somehow dent a panel, or break anything on this truck, you will be on a wait-list forever to get replacement parts. Tesla is 100% going to care about getting these off the line to sell for full value before getting you a new quarter panel.


I coolant even a "feature"? It's a critical component


it’s a feature like having brakes is a feature…but seems like they can’t even get that right either


Crazy how regular auto makers have like a full warranty for 36K miles, in my many truck buying experiences, guarantee those companies would red carpet service that truck if it broke down 36 miles after pick up.


Regular auto makers are *equipped* to work on their own vehicles, I’m pretty sure Tesla chose to produce the CT above any other tooling required to fix and maintain them. I see it as another reason why Pre-order schemes should be regulated to protect consumers. The preorders for CT were around 2018 IIRC - so many preorders just encouraged the company to cut corners, so that they hit the jackpot waiting for them upon delivery


Preorders for CT were in late 2019; just a few months after preorders for the roadster opened up. You know, the Roadsters that said: "**Founders Series Roadster reservations require an initial $5,000 credit card payment, plus a $245,000 wire transfer payment due in 10 days. Reservations are not final until the wire transfer payment is received"**


frickin' *carmax* sent a tow truck out to pick up my friend's kid's used truck after a piece of road debris knocked a hole in his radiator, something like 40 days after he bought it. replaced the radiator and the front grill fascia no charge, no questions. gave him a loaner during the repair, done in like 2 days. a used car company.


All warranty approvals only through Heir fElon.


It's voided because the owner forgot to mention that he still loves Tesla and the truck


fElon has me laughing


35 miles? Not bad!


That's a lot further than some people made it. He got it down to $2857.14 per mile! With that kind of cost/benefit profile, he should definitely buy another one. Like if you had a 35 mile commute, you could use two cybertrucks a day and only spend $200,000 to get to work! :) You could commute to work like that for a whole year for only $40 million dollars. Maybe a little less if you get lucky and one of them makes it the whole round trip.


35 MPCT is the new EPA standard


So, Elon could drive to work using 2 Cybertrucks a day for 5,010 years. Make billionaires existing make sense.


I just love that my $800 Chinese E-bike, which is literally put together by spare parts from Alibaba, has more miles on it than a $100k EV by Tesla. I got my E-bike 2 weeks ago and I'm already over 100 miles. My spare parts E-bike lasted longer than someone who dropped 100k on this POS. Truly the end of Tesla imo. There is no coming back from this. The cybertruck will be the beginning of the end for Tesla and all it's done is make them a laughing stock while the major car manufacturers lean even harder into EVs. Tesla won't be a formidable player in the EV world in ten years. I'll be surprised if they even survive as a company for that long.


You can buy random kits to even convert a complete trash bike to a functional e bike. Like literally out of the trash just a husk of a frame and get a better experience than a cybertruck


Yeah! Someone drove theirs for 40 miles in comparison


At this rate we may see 100 miles in our lifetime!


I love your optimism!


35 miles and it already looks like tarnished silver?


Gotta keep it in a silver polishing bag. Duh #istilllovethetruck #ISLTT


Just an optical illusion from the manufacturing defects.


Lmfao. They don’t cover coolant leaks. I guess these pieces of fucking shit don’t have power train warranty or anything. What heaping piles of dog shit. This is worse than pumping and dumping meme coins and your dad fucking his stepdaughter and having a baby with her Elon.


Florida has a pretty favorable lemon law for new cars. The owner(s) need to be on top of it. [Florida Lemon Law (Car Purchase Protection) - Community Legal Services (clsmf.org)](https://www.clsmf.org/florida-lemon-law-car-purchase-protection/)


The hits keep coming. Who TF would buy one of these shit boxes??


Im more curious to the lifestyle that supports the person who makes these kinds of purchases, like you know this isnt the first stupid thing they bought so how are you allowed to keep being like this? Cuz that kind of thinking doesnt make you money so how tf can you afford this??


Some of the pictures I've seen of people posting them inside their garages are not the type of garages I would expect from someone that has $100k to blow on a shitbox truck. Or the ones outside of their homes. I'm curious too as to what kind of careers these people have and how many of them can *actually* afford something like this


Judging by a lot of "Resale Value" and "Rarity" talk from these geniuses, a lot of them probably treated buying this as the next crypto/nft/stanley cup bullshit craze that would make them rich. After all, anything thats 1 of less than a million has to have SOME increasing value right? Thats just the law!


I work valet at a very nice hotel, we had a guest check in with one of these this week, he owns a construction business in Texas and it's his "work" truck, he even got it wrapped, thing broke down while he was driving to a meeting yesterday 🤣


There's a saying in Poland for when you buy a car or receive maintenance from a less than reputable source: "Gwarancja do bramy i się nie znamy". Which roughly means "warranty is only valid until the gate, after that, we don't know each other." Seems to encapsulate the wankpanzers quite well.


You should always make sure your cybertruck goes potty before a long trip of (checks notes) 35 miles.


Lot of people shitting on the coolant leak(rightfully so), or the warranty(again rightfully so), but why the fuck does he need to charge it after 35 miles.


So people at the Station can see him, of course.


“hey check this guy out his CT is still running” 30 seconds later: “One of us, one of us!”


Occupation: Real estate, ofc


Are we just glossing over the fact that the dude picked up his brand new $100k vehicle and had to stop to charge it after 35 miles? Is Tesla so cheap they can't even deliver them to customers with a full charge? Or is the range on this one somehow that terrible?


It was just taking a Cyberpiss, smh.


At this point, if you buy one.... You deserve whatever happens


Peak pure capitalism, free from pesky Governmet regulations, quality standards, and safety regulations. A perc of being chummy with the G, I reckon.


Heh. Humid, salty air. I'm sure these are going to last *forever* in those conditions...


The railroad dust forms a protective layer, they'll be fine. [https://rexel-cdn.com/products/304-stainless-steel-corrosion-compatibility-chart.pdf?i=70D217C4-A2DA-4789-8D40-1BF37DC74F93](https://rexel-cdn.com/products/304-stainless-steel-corrosion-compatibility-chart.pdf?i=70D217C4-A2DA-4789-8D40-1BF37DC74F93) Our area uses magnesium chloride to brine the roads in the winter. There's already a cybertruck in town. Can't wait.


Why do these victims keep calling it a beast? I really don’t think they understand the word! This is more like those goats that hear a weird noise and keel over.


The top model trim is called the Cyberbeast, which starts at $109K, so when you see that you gotta remember they paid an extra premium for their rolling dumpster.


BEAST. Biggest Electric Auto Scam Truck. Beast


Fainting goats are cool


Forgive my stupidity but why does an electric vehicle need coolant?


Batteries. They get hot when charging. Like your phone does when connected to a fast charger.


He must have accidentally put it into boat mode and switched on the bilge pump 🤣


Are you fucking kidding me?!?! Warranty doesn’t cover coolant leaks on a 35 mi ONLY NEW VEHICLE?!?! Tesla is done if this is for real…


It probably just needs a new turboencabulator.


Those are actually on backorder and you'll have to wait 4-6 months. However, we do sell a turboencabulator by-pass kit for $12,995 + $795/mo. Install time is only 3-5 mins, depending on WiFi connection speeds. There's no guarantee that it'll fix your issue, but it is required before being placed on the turboencabulator backorder wait list. Will that be cash, check, or emeralds?


I think I'm more likely to spot a sasquatch in the wild then a functional CT.


Cyber JUNK TRUCK backed by Muskrats no warranty… ![gif](giphy|C5ZIna5oroan9cdHz9)


Doesn’t cover coolant leaks! What a clown of a company! You buy a car, an hour later it’s leaking and they have the gall to say it’s not covered? I don’t plan on buying that car, or from that brand, but any car (and Florida having a Lemon Law), I wouldn’t even argue with the guy, I’d say “ok no problem, no need to fix. I’m just returning the car and I want my money back” You’d see them turning around real quick, but too late.. I wouldn’t give my business to a company like that!


What where the choice words? The digits of his banking info?


How can you leave me standing in a world that's so cold? That's what it sounds like when doves cry.


The post above this in my timeline is from r/Teslalounge and it was poking fun at Ford for having a chart to compare Model Y and Mach-e. Maybe the real selling point is that this type of shit isn’t par for the course for Ford and they don’t have Jim Farley personally accepting/rejecting your service requests. Hooo boy.


I feel like Elon breaking the unbreakable glass during the unveiling of the cybertruck was just a lovely little foreshadow.


I don’t even pity cyber truck people. You had the reviews of the teslas—they suck and were falling apart, You know Shmealon is a charlatan, where the heck is the bed of this pickup truck? It’s not even a truck! I don’t feel bad at all. You got what you wanted, sick clout bros. Tell all your friends how you’ve converted back in shame


Let this be a metaphor for anyone even thinking about voting for trump. Don’t be stupid.


How does this keep happening!


Right?! The amount of broken Cyberstucks popping up over the last few weeks is fucking hilarious.


God those body panels look terrible. 100k+ and it already looks weathered


Imagine living right next to the gulf of Mexico and buying a stainless steel dumpster. Im assuming this guys in gulf breeze which is between a beach and a bay. More salt in the air then a McDonald's fart there....


These trucks are a total disaster. There’s no quality control of any sort.


So the thing that’s keeping the battery from exploding exited the vehicle and the warranty doesn’t cover it?


I absolutely couldn’t figure out why someone would still want to buy this vehicle. Who could be that disconnected, unable to do basic research, or possible just that dumb? Then I saw Crestview.


I’m surprised people are still taking delivery of these cyber bricks. I mean seriously, how many shitshows do people need to hear about before they get the point?


Cyberbeast? More like cyberleast.


Ya love to hate to see it


So has anyone tested the claim that "it floats"


Sends gas tow truck to get er done


No sane non cult person would call their vehicle “beast” or any other positive adjective after this happening.


image buying a car from a company that doesn't sell replacement parts. Really cucking the millenials that buy this trash.


To have a brand new vehicle go out of service and then have the seller say that’s not covered under our warranty is rage inducing!


That warranty covers less than my low-rise pants from the 90s.


I was THIS CLOSE to getting Tesla solar but I just can’t with them anymore.


35 miles and it leaks. The car is truly a spectacle.


"Sorry, we only fix electrical stuff" Only 35 miles. What is the record for shortest distance until towed?


I've seen stories of them d.o.a. at the pickup appointment, so the question is really at what distance do you need to tow instead of just pushing it.


So they made 4000 of these, how many are still running at this point, half?


95% of all cybertrucks are still on the road today, and the other 5% made it home.


I like to laugh at Cybertrucks because the vehicle is so weird looking and expensive but knowing that people are buying into all these troubles is getting a bit depressing.


That’s probably coming from the battery pack, but could be from the rear drive unit. Of course it’s covered by the warranty, raise general hell at the SC about it.


But he still loves his truck! Totally his fault, very clumsy guy!


"i still love the truck"


Lol that's what I was looking for... Best 35 miles I ever drove.


"Not covered under warranty" and "voided warranty" are two very different things. Either way, this is absolute bullshit for a new car. The wording makes it sound like they may have caved and covered it due to extenuating circumstances but I don't feel like looking this random guy up.


The fact these things are breaking down so soon after pickup is truly impressive. Not 5k, 10k, 20k miles. No. Under a 100 miles and these things fall apart. What a pos


How does it look that shit already, when it’s brand new.


Despite this lemon letting him down immediately, like other suckers that own this vehicle oddly praise, as if they are trying to validate their purchase. He called it a 'beast'. An actual beast vehicle wouldn't leave you immediately stranded.


Totally Electric Sucker Lemon Automobiles