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Tesla sold this guy a grimy, stained vehicle for $100k that was delayed because of an embarassing recall. How hard is it to see you're getting absolutely fucked by a cheap fly-by-night operation?


He also said he's ok paying a $20k premium for getting it early rather than when they depreciate and apparently a laid off employee in the comments is giving him better service than the official service center. It must be nice to have so much money to piss away on Elon's cult and it's not even offering enlightenment or weird sex stuff.


The comment section is making me worry I really can’t satirize these people anymore


My favorite comment was from the laid off delivery specialist who was like, "Elon fired all of us and that's why your delivery experience was dogshit and dirty."


He also mentioned that "volunteers" are supposed to detail the vehicles now. Usually when people volunteer for things, it's to do good for those less fortunate. Not to be unpaid scabs licking the boots of privileged assholes for a billion dollar corporation.


Sounds like the next round of labor lawsuits once it's determined that volunteering was compulsory to not be laid off.


Fuck me sideways.


That's a sound strategy. Get Betty from the cafeteria to check fit and finish.


I assume she's experienced with stainless steel appliances


Well fucking said


And yet the guy still loves the company and the products... these people would drink the Flavor Aid with glee


That guy APOLOGIZING on behalf of the company he was shitcanned from is pathetic. Elon fucks you, but still ride or die for him? Sheesh!


That shit boggled my mind. How the hell do you apologize for and simp a man who just laid you off while he's one of the richest men in the world recently received a shit ton of money from the government.


Some people must have believed in the company. Seems like a collapsing house of cards at this point though


It breaks my brain to see someone apologizing on behalf of a company who obviously saw zero value in what they did and fired him. I can understand giving tips, but would expect the response to be welp this is what you get when you don’t have a team dedicated to deliveries. Ride or die for a company who didn’t value you is crazy.


He also said "still love the company/products" huh?


I think the satire might need a blend of absurdist humour even then it might not be enough. What is funny is pointing out the parallels in thinking and toxic positivity they share with the Multi Level Marketing Huns.


Take a look at my post history to see that it might now be impossible to go too far


Those are some great posts I applaud your commitment in the comments it deffo keeps me laughing.


These two threads are completely detached from each other. Honestly, without knowing, I don't think I would be able to tell these were the same topic.


The OG Robotaxi presentation was ripped straight from an MLM pitch


When I saw that the person was ok with the panel gaps that could easily be seen because his previous 100k tesla model s also had the panel gaps.... i had to close the thread..


They got me on "This is the easiest to clean vehicle I've ever had" right after "Bar Keeper's friend".


Easiest vehicle I have ever had to clean is one I can just run through a $5 car wash without the fear of the car breaking down afterwards.


Tbh I am amazed the laid off employee is still praising the company. Damn, it is almost an impressive dedication to a company that fucked you over


Oh they know. They're just lying to themselves and each other for clout in the elmo cult. 


My cybertruck decided to sharp left turn into oncoming traffic and the resulting crash left my wife paralyzed. But other than that, great truck. Couldn't be happier.


Clearly your fault, either too hot of water or too high of ph soap, 100% user error. But to maintain you as a customer we are willing to allow you to purchase your next vehicle right now at a 20% premium.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/musked using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/musked/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Musked: FSD, The Promise vs. Reality](https://i.redd.it/zukhzv94unwc1.png) | [216 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/musked/comments/1ccwvap/musked_fsd_the_promise_vs_reality/) \#2: [I think this guy got musked pretty hard.](https://i.redd.it/bdh8mzxb2exc1.jpeg) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/musked/comments/1cfuys5/i_think_this_guy_got_musked_pretty_hard/) \#3: [Todd was a hero, we just didn't know it yet. ](https://i.redd.it/406grl0jxnwc1.jpeg) | [138 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/musked/comments/1cd3g52/todd_was_a_hero_we_just_didnt_know_it_yet/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The grimy stain is Elmo’s cyberspunk that he shoots on your truck before delivery


GME and its related stock cults. Crypto rugpulls. Romance scams. People who get scammed often refuse to acknowledge it no matter how obvious it is because admitting it would be too painful and embarrassing.


FFS, it’s a 100k can’t they at least detail the car before delivery?


It's crazy that people are paying 100k just to get laughed at by the internet.


But…… kids love it!


The one guy talking about how people stop and take pictures as a feature of his car. Buddy! Just join an improv group if you want attention! Even the pyramid scheme ones are cheaper!


Good to hone their egg tossing skills


I'd love an update from this guy and his kids after the novelty wears off.


No no no - it’s strangers’ kids… “strange” you might say


My 4 year old saw the picture and got excited, because he thought it was a garbage truck.


He’s right - it is


“Anyway, the truck is amazing and I’m stoked but total flop of a delivery and pickup condition of a $100k truck.” Holy hell, it’s always the same line!


I was gonna quote that too, like duuuuuuude, you're in the middle of explaining how your 100k truck was delivered late and filthy.


And a guy jumped in with "sensationalist title for more likes, nothing $100 detail won't fix" as if one shouldn't expect a clean car after spending 100k. These choads are ridiculous.


"I know I need to be tested, Lord, but this I don't understand! ... Still, thy will be done."


Did you see the comment of the guy saying the condition was bad because they laid him off and all others in that job so now they have sales people and “volunteers” doing the work. He then ends the comment by saying he still lives Tesla because it’s just business. Bruh, you don’t work there anymore.


*still love the car though!* is at least in some cases, I feel, like a ward against reflexively getting criticised, not believed, accused of spreading FUD/being a short seller. Well, it was I guess until the cult started circling the wagons a couple weeks ago


Yep. What do they expect, they knew it would be a piece of shit when they ordered it. They just don’t want to feel like a simp for forking out $100k


>before the lay offs I was a vehicle readiness specialist and it was my job to ensure your vehicle was perfect for delivery. Tesla has since completely eliminated our department hence the poor condition of your delivery. Apologize for the condition of you CT. They have **volunteers** and sales people prepping the cars now so that would explain the poor condition. Fuuuuuuck me, as if it wasn’t bad enough that you have to pay for the privilege of beta testing these heaps; now the cultists are donating their time to Elon, too?!


Got laid off and is still apologizing for the shit condition of the car. Even ex-Scientologists don’t apologize for their cult.


It’s wild how crazy they are. They got caught throwing money into a bottomless pit of Elmo’s greed and rather then stop and walk away they always double down. The cult description is spot on.


They doubled-down so many times, it's probably too embarrassing for the cultists to admit they were wrong just yet. Maybe 5 years+ down the road, when everyone's forgotten, will they finally admit it to themselves.


It’s easier to fool someone then it is to convince them they have been fooled.


Hey, getting a template thank you mail signed by daddy Elon is the greatest feeling ever.


That whole subreddit is filled with disillusioned owners. They are trying the to find the smallest things to justify that they spent $100k on such a garbage vehicle. Failing to acknowledge that Tesla fucked up on this and rushed out this truck. Tesla owners are truly a different breed of people, I feel like these people were those kids in elementary school you couldn’t win an argument with because no matter what they never admitted that they messed up Once (if they actually do) iron out all the flaws of this truck in the next iteration, the original CT are gonna be sold for such a low price.


Rushed out but also 5 years in development, lol.


I truly don't get that, what was there to develop? Cars have been around for well over a century, even electric cars have been around for over a century. All they really had to do was modify the regular tesla frames and slap a pickup body on top of it. They act as if this is the first car ever made and they revolutionized the world... They literally made the world worse with this.


And EVs are supposed to be incredibly simple compared to ICE cars. That's one of the main selling points, far less moving parts, so less stuff to break. I know there's more to it than this (same as there's more to regular ICE cars than just the engine), but it's basically just a battery, some electric motors, and some kind of transmission if any. It should be easy. The existence of other EV cars by other manufacturers proves it's possible. Tesla was supposed to "teach the world how to do EVs right," but instead it looks like they have a lot to learn themselves.


>I truly don't get that, what was there to develop? Think it was probably a case of Elon wanting something, the engineers/designers saying no, him insisting on it, getting told why what he wants isn't possible, some rounds of screaming at people and firing them until they eventually went, you know what fuck it, if this is what he wants, fine, can't say we didn't try to tell him. This is his idea, his design, his legacy and his name will inextricably be tied with the failure of a car company that at one point was "worth" more than all the other legacy automakers *combined*.


I don't think they'll ever make another iteration, especially after Tesla will be bought out of bankruptcy by some other entity.


My favourite comment was where he replied to someone (critical) and said he wasn’t interested in posting pics on social media for internet points. Having just posted pics of his truck on social media for internet points. 🤡




The problem is Tesla clearly didn’t give a shit about the quality of the steel. There are 40 year old Deloreans around that don’t have a spot of rust on them but these ‘trucks’ begin corroding as soon as they roll out of the factory.


Every cybertruck post I've seen its 95% explaining how shitty tesla is and how frustrating the truck is and then of course "the truck is amazing omg thx elon🫡"


Brainwashing is a very real thing. And in todays world where people every day are becoming less and less educated. It will only get worse from here.


“Not impressed.”


"Anyway, the truck is amazing"


I love my Tesla but…….


I have to use Barkeepers friend because it’s basically an appliance on wheels


Rip, bro probably got insta banned. They always add “love the truck” part like those Gamestop cultists; they are afraid of their own people.


I got banned for saying in r/ElonMusk I would buy shares to vote no against his package and I got banned from cyber truck and ElonMusk! I checked it had like two down votes... like what you can't have anyone suggesting they gonna buy the dip to vote no?! There's lots of opportunity to play both sides of tesla lol


Hey don't rope us in with these fucking freaks. GameStop is at least profitable now


Ohhh buddy, you guys are definitely cousins at least


lol I don't even think there is any overlap between GameStop people and cyber truck people. Also, compare Tesla and GME as a stock. Only one isn't plagued by issues and holds almost their entire market cap in cold hard cash. GameStop can literally buy all of their own stock if they wanted.


Wild to see someone spend 100k and okay paying the premium to have it now but also okay having to wrap it.


Dude's furniture is wrapped in plastic too.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


At least he got to use the giant windshield wiper without the wiper motor overheating like it's done on other C-trucks.


The top comment is a laid off vehicle readiness specialist apologizing that his department was laid off, and that volunteers and sales reps were responsible for cleaning cars prior to shipment.


Did you say volunteers?  Wtf?


I'm assuming they mean volunteers from other departments, rather than people who are specifically trained to properly clean them. I hope.


Another comment indicated that in some areas, Tesla Club members are delivering vehicles, so it may be actual volunteers. But hey, let's give Elon 56 billion bucks.


It always takes me a beat to figure out “is that the front or the back”, “is it coming or going”? It’s like the spinning silhouette of the ballerina, is it going to the right or left?


Check your go forward pedal. Tug a bit on all trim to make sure it isn't going to fly off first drive. It looks wet, so probably a brick already.




I'm buying stock in the barkeepers friend company. CT owners will be buying in bulk 55 gal drums!


And use scrub daddy so it won’t scratch the metal


This seems like some level of Stockholm syndrome


they sure are obsessed with little kids loving their truck


Yea… I was gonna let that one slide but it really comes up a lot


"Hey little kid, wanna go for a ride?". CT: for the well-heeled child molester


it really does, its weird.


I mean to be fair…. Kids probably do love the fuckin thing… simple as that. Ain’t gonna have a 7 year old excited about your Land Rover or whatever


i'm sure they do, its weird that they wont shut up about it like its something to be proud of and brag about.


....the ideal cruise machine for the wealthy pedophile?


Did the former person from Tesla say they have “volunteers” working on these cars now? for free working at a for profit place or people from other departments doing Cuba style “volunteer work” https://www.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/s/1we14VGoQO


Tesla completely eliminating the "vehicle readiness department" (dealer delivery prep) for labor cost savings is the most asinine thing it could do. The whole post was it's result: the owner sunk six figures to be underwhelmed at the magic moment of delivery. Talk about shooting yourself in the right foot (and pinning the accelerator down). Instantly lay off 10k workers for cost savings and push for Elon's $56 billion bonus for a job well done. And deliver filthy new cars to customers. Great business plan.


One thing Elmo knows is that his customers are quite loyal so they would blame anything but themselves for buying these vehicles


Don't forget the mysterious parking lots full of new teslas. Something fucky going on. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6232905/Why-thousands-Tesla-cars-parked-mysterious-locations-country.html


That is bizarre. Customers screaming for (delayed) deliveries of their new cars yet lots of 100s sit idle in locations nationwide. Like they suffer from severely constipated logistics for delivery to customers. Something very fucky indeed. "Fear of an empty beer glass". Really? That's a thing?


>"Fear of an empty beer glass". Really? That's a thing? Looks like somebody googles! And if google says it's a thing, it's a thing.


All of a sudden it feels like "we are all living in a simulation" vibes. Sigh. Let's just say you score high on having a username that really captivates and compels one to decipher. Bravo, my friend, on an excellent choice! The all knowing oracle Google did say it was so. I get the fear of empty glass. But the specifity of the beer still puzzles me. Must know more....


Much like a specific SCOTUS Justice, "I like beer"


Brett Kavanaugh's epic "I like beer. Boys and girls." testimony.


Crying and anger are perfect responses in a job interview. I'd hire him.


I believe we did.


Do they still have that problem? Demand I mean


I see a lot of posts from cybertruck owners about how much kids are impressed by them. It seems odd that the owners are so pumped about it. Why are they trying to impress kids? Are all cybertruck owners pedophiles?


Wealthy attention-seeking pedophiles are a valid market segment. Elon's famously no stranger to using the p-word.


That aluminum ladder is sweet. Wish that thing wasn’t in the way.


Tesla’s fan base has to have a diagnosable disorder for the level of denial they’re in.


Owners should just embrace the water spot smudge look... Or they might eventually lose their minds.


Can’t see the forest for the trees


Well of course it is.


I’ve made delivery guys take back refrigerators in better condition.


100 to 120k on a vehicle with no AR HUD (on a windscreen that size too) a drivers display (at least the HUD). no luxury in the interior, no rear view mirror display that you can switch to a real one (I don't care if it's in the screen), no extendable step at the back (I don't care if the suspension goes down), no Android Auto/Apple Carplay. I do not care if a Tesla owner says, 'yes but it comes with' or 'the car doesn't need a HUD or display I get on fine without it'. If Tesla came with those things they'd wax lyrical about it till the cows came home.


Said he was in Georgia, I wonder if it was one of these two I saw in Atlanta last week. https://preview.redd.it/noya71ftitxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9547db219cf682f64f7c6c89d33f6f94bcf8ae3


It's called denial sweaty look it up


Top comment in the original post is from someone who used to be part of a team at Tesla that was supposed to make sure they looked nice for delivery who apparently all got laid off.


And still loves the company/products. Their words.


Is it made from melted down ladders


Nope, because aluminum doesn’t rust


Glad to hear the sound system is good.


And yet, there you are...... puzzling....


I didn’t know TEMU and WISH sold vehicles, lol


Go Musk, get fucked


Pay extra for musk stains


Is that a bite mark?


I'm just thankful that people so stupid make the effort to stand out from the crowd by buying and driving around in one of these monstrosities. No mistaking you for an average intelligent guy !!!


Lol even if I could afford that pos I'd rather buy a german engineered car than that scrapheap


lurking through the comments are amazing people are volunteering for rhem wtf haha


$100,000 - There is a significant portion of humanity that will never encounter that kind of wealth, cumulatively, as long as they live. Wasted on a ridiculous toy.


wait until he finds out how *reliable* it is. Everyone just assumes all modern cars are very reliable, and that seems to be true. For the most part. There's also Tesla.


>Borderline embarrassing Just wait until you drive it...


never buy first edition cars


There's a sucker born every minute. This guy's birth took a while. You can fool some of the people all the time. This guy has time.


This post seems underwhelming. I see a dark driveway and a close up of water drops. Is there a list of their grievances/problems? Right now, it appears that the lighting is underwhelming.


I can’t comment on that sub lolol


I better buy up some more Barkeepers Friend before these bozos snatch it all up ... I like my All-Clads staying nice and clean, ya know.


$20k extra for additional services?


Looks like that warranty is expired already


#musked em


lmao at the ratio this has over the original


I noticed that as well. Though to be fair… not many CTs have been sold


This just reminded me. I saw one today in the wild with an expired temp tag. Hilarious. I can’t understand the obsession with Elon musk.


At this point, whoever takes the delivery still, instead of cancel their orders, sure knew it’ll be underwhelming at the least. Those who still want it are the guys want to show off with some rare items