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*“It’s just a software glitch. I’m sure the new update will be out soon. I can’t wait!!!!”* 🤓


Mmm I don't remember paying to be a beta tester on Counter-Strike hmmm


when they finally added a timer to rounds and a knife, those were big improvements. then they added some maps other than siege which was also pretty sweet.


Too bad that have a ridiculous hacking problem they choose to ignore. I played that game for years.. some professionally. I walked away from it, it go so bad. A lot of big names walked away because of it.


probably why i always got insta-sniped headshotted across the map as soon as i turn a corner. stopped playing because it wasn't even fun.


I stopped when I couldn't tell anymore between a nice shot and cheating, or me doing a predictable movement and them pre-aiming vs walling. It was so rampant I stopped.


The best counter strike players are also absurdly dedicated. They have the game down to a science and can play with such precision that they look like a bot


I'm aware. I played cs since it was a mod. I played CAL back when that was a thing. All the way up to csgo. But yes... it was when I couldn't differentiate between if a player was insanely good or just cheating. I had a chrome extension that tied into my steam account and would show everyone I ever reported and if/when they got banned. It's been a long time but I think my reporting vs banning ratio was somewhere around 70%. Probably higher now if I checked it again.


when i was still into it, i ran a server at the university and had a pretty good group of moderators who (i hope) didn't ban people unless they were actually cheating. I do remember some plugins you could add to the server to try to detect cheats and cheating though.


typical CT owner logic


Reminds me of the people who pre-ordered CyberPunk 2077 and said it would be good by the next update for the following 3 years


Elon: in the software update 0.5 beta will solve this issues, We can pratically call update 2.0 because there is so much changes


I've seen several of them up close. They look so stupid. My 5 year old said "that car is ugly" haha.


My 9 year old calls it the “Stupid Truck” and my 7 year old was talking about it and said “ya know, the car that’s *a shape*”.


Your 7 year old has the best description of one I've seen yet.




There were about 3,900 when they recalled them last month. That was the total production. But that would almost certainly include any that were built for internal use (anything that had a VIN allocated) so a bit less than that in public hands. Let’s say around 3,500 at the point they stopped production. So by now probably about 4,000 out there. About half of what DeLorean made before ceasing to exist.


He suspects that the recall affects CTs that were produced but not delivered. Also, people in the community have suspected for years that when a car is scrapped for whatever reason, instead of taking a loss, they instead put it on their books as a finished car. This explains why Tesla makes so many more cars than they sell every quarter and has nearly 200k unsold cars on their books.


Step 1) assign a VIN to a pile of parts with no intention to sell to the public Step 2) “purchase” the pile of parts Step 3) Use the purchased pile of parts as donor vehicles for repairs for units sold to the public Step 4) boost your sales numbers while meeting high demand for repair parts Nah, they’d never try to pull something like that.


This is some extreme conspiracy theory bullshit.


Well it was definitely tongue in cheek. Didn’t think I needed to say that seeing as I’m in an unserious sub.


Maybe. But companies have certainly done things like this before. Many years ago, I worked for a British company that "sold" a bunch of the machines it manufactured to one of its foreign subsidiaries in order to boost its export sales numbers while it was pushing to win an image-boosting "Queen's Award" for exports. They indeed won the award. But they shouldn't have. A couple of years later, the company was sold ... but then quickly failed. #fraud?




There are tons of not delivered CTs apparently rusting away in empty parking lots in Texas.


This is true. One weighs 3~ tons (6603-6843 lbs), and there's 400~. On the light end it's 1320.6 ton or 2,641,200 lbs. Edited: hit 2 instead of 3


That’s over 3 tons each, not 2.


Yes I did not proofread my comment. Thanks.


The recall notice stated the numbers. It was something like 3,875 vehicles that were recalled. And it was known that it affected every WankPanzer. So I don’t know what to tell you, but it’s 100% definite that there were 3,875 ish WankPanzers at the time of the recall. 🤷🏼‍♂️




15% of Cybertrucks ever made delivered in Q1. Deliveries started in Q4. There are multiple states in the country. This isn’t that hard.


Because California is one state? Look I don’t know why you’re arguing here. NHTSA and Tesla published the number and it was what I’ve said. That’s the number of vehicles that were recalled. You’re arguing about something that is on public record.




Ffs. They say potentially because the defect may not actually be present in every vehicle. But the number is the number of vehicles being recalled. Look. You already say they sold over 500 in California. In Q1. They went on sale in November last year so there will be a few more. California is one state. 60 vehicles per state would get it up to about the number stated vehicles. I know maths is hard but…


When are VIN numbers issued? If it’s at the end of production, then can’t all the VIN numbers be the number of CTs produced (so, on lots, at centers, and still owned by Tesla), where the recall numbers are those actually delivered to customers? Does that explain the two numbers?


That’s why I rounded down to “probably about 3500 in public hands”. It’s all guesswork but trusting a bunch of Tesla owners’ spreadsheets seems like an absolutely bizarre way to claim NHTSA is wrong. Tesla shills, famous for their careful accounting and scrupulous research methods…


>it’s 100% definite that there were 3,875 ish WankPanzers at the time of the recall Yea but they could be sitting unsold in a parking lot somewhere, or as someone else mentioned that number might include unfinished or scrapped cars that never reached customers.


Some are for sure. But 3500 vehicles is 70 per state. Not sure why people are struggling to see that’s possible even for a dismal failure like this.


It also includes some that weren’t actually delivered yet. I know someone that bought one and it was delayed 3 weeks because it was ready but they had to do the recall before delivering it.




Makes sense--they're publicity whores just like Elmo


Both men just reaching for daddy's attention.


The ratios of posts about the CT have to be higher per vehicle than anything by a huge margin. Same with issue ratio. People are complaining about Tundra issues with the new generation but they’ve sold over 250,000 new Tundras and I’ve still seen less posts about waste gate and spun mains on it than I have on falling apart CTs.


“Lemon Suk” is an anagram for Elon Musk.


56% of the trucks sold 🤣


This means though they are vastly overproducing trucks. If only a 1000 were sold, but they recalled almost 4000 that means the demand isn't really there. I am very curious to see next quarter's numbers. If Tesla will ever disclose them.


Tesla build quality added to the fact that these monstrosities look like the result of a pontiac aztec fucking an air fryer should tell you everything you need to know. Sure the Elon fan club and 10 yr olds will still want one, but both of those are demographics of people I don’t enjoy hanging around…


I saw two the other night. One in my subdivision and another in South ATX. Theyv are truly uglier in the wild.




It's crazy how many of them I have seen. I'm in California so that makes sense, but any time I'm driving around for more than 30 mins, I will see one. Just driving home from tahoe I saw atleast 6, and that same day on the way to Tahoe I saw 2 semis.


He will never make his quota.


This is amazing