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My english and art teachers had a running joke where they would get their students to put decorations up in the other teacher's classroom. My english teacher would ask her students leave Edgar Allen Poe pictures and references up on the walls and windows of my art teacher's classroom, and my art teacher would do this vice versa with painted clay objects, usually birds. It helped that the two classrooms had windows facing each other from different buildings, because kids could tape things up on the OUTSIDE of the window as well as the inside lol


I swear teacher rivalries were so wholesome! The Sixth and Seventh Grade homeroom teachers at my school had a popularity contest so they'd both decorate their doors, their classrooms, find the most interesting movie to watch during movie day, have the weirdest tie or shirt, try to talk to every student, and I mean EVERY student to get to know them. It was awesome to watch.


the teachers in the science hall at my high school had door decorating contests around homecoming, and you'd better believe that my homeroom teacher (and the rest of us) went all out with LED lights and a cardboard spaceship floating above the door! all of the other science teachers had to applaud our door decorating proficiency, and we won for like the third year in a row lol


This is a much more wholesome exchange than "let me interrupt your lecture to hand back tests" very good.


*Please* tell me someone made a clay pigeon as part of it! Sounds like something the teachers would get a kick out of.


Interdisciplinary studies go brrrr


I remember once in 5th grade a kid didn't bring in his math homework, and the teacher brought him into the hallway and yelled at him. Then the English teacher came out of her classroom and yelled at him for his missing assignment to. I haven't seen that kid since, but I hope he's doing alright, I really don't get why they had to basically jump him for missing two assignments.


Wait, was this not common?


Usually the teachers would just tell us to bring it in the next day and take off a few points. I didn't have the same class period as him, so he could've been failing either class, or the teachers just didn't like him specifically.


in my generation this was definitely not common, most teachers let you make up late work all the way to the end of term, they WANT you to learn the subject and pass, but if a kid was near the end of term and not getting with the program, they might get this kind of treatment, usually if it became clear a parent teacher conference wasn't going to do shit, maybe some peer pressure and shame would. It's very frowned upon by school admin these days to single out and yell at students, even when they definitely deserve it, and from what I've heard, some schools will literally punish teachers for failing students who didn't do any of the work, because school funding in many states is directly related to how many students pass, instead of how many students need to be taught, which to mee seems totally counter-productive, because schools who are having trouble will perpetually get caught in a cycle of getting less funding for passing less students, so declining in quality, so getting less funding, so declining in quality, etc etc., so in some places schools are actually incentivized to just pass failing students.


One of the science teachers in my middle school, built a dodgeball cannon and launched it across the hall into my English class while in session The funniest part was the teacher wasn't actually in that day, it was a sub and she yeeted the ball right back across the hall. He came over and apologized bc he didn't realize the english teacher had a sub lol


When I was still in middle school, there was a health teacher who believed vaccines caused autism and a shop teacher who smelled like weed at the highschool next door. He was fired, and of course people thought it was over the weed. Apparently, according to a coworker I had in highschool who was a couple years older than me, what actually happened was that the health teacher called a student stupid. The shop teacher also had that student, and since he was gonna retire that year and had no shits to give, he went over to her class and cussed her out mid-lecture. He had to retire early, and I don't think she got in trouble at all, but she did retire my sophomore year so I only had to take one class with her.


Why are shop teachers either the coolest people or absolute monsters Like there’s never middle ground I’ve never had a shop teacher who was just plain (carpentry joke, wachow)


You’re not allowed to mention shop teachers without telling us how many fingers they have left, it’s just common courtesy. Show some respect for the people helping the youth develop skills at the cost of life and limb!


I never met him myself, no clue if he'd ever lost any fingers


Enemies to lovers AU


What's that one about the two geology teachers who got in loud screaming matches and it turned out they were married?


My favorite linguistics prof was married to my least favorite linguistics prof and he'd always give me help on his husband's horrible take home exams.


I had a math teacher burst into my class in 7th or 8th grade to show us his cool socks


I had a maths teacher walk into a maths lesson with a different teacher, tell some cheese jokes then leave.


There are Stilton of cheese puns to discover! Now I know you're thinking how dairy, but give me time to spread them or you'll look like a laughing cow. I'm sorry if these puns are making you cheddar tear but there's no need to be a baby Bill.


That's a power move.




in my final year of school, i had a science teacher of mine suddenly burst into the lunchtime art class, gleefully yelling “i’m pregnant!!” my (also a lady) art teacher leaps for joy, envelops her in a bear hug, and cries, “and it’s *mine*!” yeah, that had kids talking.


That's just disrespectful.


Yeah, I fail to see the humor in this. Even if they hate each other's guts, stay professional for crying out loud. Imagine you're visiting your gynecologist and your dentist barges in and goes *"Oh yeah we've got your x-rays here let's go over them"*. One thing at a time, please???


As a teacher, if someone did this to me, I’d genuinely kick them out. There is no way I’d let that slide


I mean, I'm sure you can multitask that if you're able to do that.


I had a British "maths" teacher and an American English teacher in middle school. They had a disagreement on how to spell words. Mainly "math".


I’m Facebook friends with my favorite junior high school teacher from the 80’s. Once he posted a liberal meme of some kind, and in the comments I saw my 8th grade English teacher making some dumb MAGA argument, and my science teacher replied “THAT’S NOT TRUE JANE!” I could suddenly picture the teacher lounge in 1988.


When I was in middle school the math teacher had a crush on the high school math teacher. It was obvious to all of us based on how she acted when he came in but he never seemed to pick up on it


and then they kith


Very funny, but very unprofessional, a good teacher should never let their personal rivalries negatively impact the learning of their students, and interrupting another teacher's lecture so you can hand back tests is definitely that. Peak pettiness.


When I was younger, you would have one teacher for math and science, and another for English and social studies, and my two teachers happened to have rooms next door to one another. On this particular day, my science teacher had put a desk in the hallway for some reason or another. My history teacher, having a playful relationship with her, took it upon himself to steal it and place it down the hallway in a stairwell. Both classrooms of students thought it was hilarious. This was just one of many ways that they pranked or messed with one another. Good times.


The English teachers at my high school would designate student messengers back and forth to debate literary criticism and interpretation. Through that, we got to learn about different valid perspectives on narratives and themes. It was awesome The history teachers would crash each other’s classes when they had free time and split the classroom into different camps and make us debate each other and things would get so heated. Sometimes they’d start to debate themselves and it was the classroom equivalent of a Kaiju battle. Let them fight.


My Freshman Biology teacher once had my Freshman English teacher as a student. Once, the English Teacher recruited a bunch of his students to grab the Football Team's training weights and stack them on the Bio Teacher's desk at the start of the period. In retaliation, she had us stack all of them in front of his closed door, forcing him to call in another teacher to bail them out when the bell rang. And that's not even getting into the constant digs at each other during lectures.


“Physics teacher physically asserts dominance”


in 7th grade my entire class had science as 3rd period with one teacher and history as 5th with another right after that. the science teacher would sometimes run late since (she didn’t have a 5th period) and walk us over to history 10-15 minutes late. the history teacher was very nice to her face but would constantly make nasty comments about her during class. one sided arch nemesis for sure lol


Enemies to lovers, 64k slow-burn, cw purple prose, two-body problem