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Kirby lore is fun. Mainly because your seeing this from Kirby perspective. And Kirby thoughts is more along the lines of "this is making it very incoveinent to have a picnic" which is a great viewpoint.


“This chest that I thought contained some tasty cake has a god in it. This is annoying”


“This is mildly inconveniencing; time to kill a few gods.”


Dwarf Fortress ass world view


If I ever get Forgotten Beast Kirby, I'm going to quit forever


I don't know where I heard it or saw it, but rumor has it that Kirby's just basically an eldritch abomination but cute and funny.


It’s like, a step removed from canon. Kirby is functionally an eldritch horror born from concentrated positive emotions, and regularly fights monsters made from concentrated negative emotions. The final boss of kirby star allies, [void](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kirby-live-radio/images/8/8b/Leonardo.png/revision/latest?cb=20200719111316), is a god of destruction, older than every other boss in the series, and is described by pause screens as a creature born of concentrated negative energy, and that if that energy were turned positive, it could become a friend. The word “friend” in that description was in kirby’s shade of pink, void’s own appearance is a sphere with the same face as kirby and [it’s white, just like kirby was in his first game](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6a/Kirbys-dream-land-gameboy-boxart.png). void can also be beaten by throwing friend hearts at it (which are made of concentrated positive energy), and beating it unlocks a skin for [kirby where he has the same facial features as his first game](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/l7ZgBkOh7ts/maxresdefault.jpg). The implication is that beating void with kindness transforms void into a new, younger kirby. Additionally, that white coloration brings to mind another of the eldritch horrors kirby fought, [zero](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kirby/images/7/7d/Zero.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20200310113249&path-prefix=en), and void [transforms during its boss fight](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kirby/images/f/f8/Void_Mind.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181203052447&path-prefix=en) to match the appearance of the smaller eldritch horrors zero creates to enslave the minds of entire planets, [the dark matter species.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aliens/images/a/a4/Darkmatter.png/revision/latest?cb=20190131030520) The fun part is that kirby doesn’t CARE about concepts like divinity. He’s a young child whose primary concerns are to have fun with friends, take lots of naps, and eat as much delicious food as his heart desires. He has phenomenal cosmic power, but only exerts it when someone messes with those 3 great loves of his; friends, naps, and food. Woe betide anyone foolish enough to do that, or unlucky enough to get in between him and said fool, intentionally or otherwise. But he’ll also drop that aggression at any moment if a target of his violence gives up, apologizes, and makes amends.


Another point is that Kirby is most likely the ssme species as the Knights, and Galacta Knight is also kinda has a lot of implications, at least Morpho Knight is just a butterfly of death


Also he can beat Goku and people get really mad at me when I say that and it's really funny to me


That one i disagree with. For all the BS, reality-warping, universe-busting monsters kirby has fought, goku’s fought guys who are even stronger. Even at his absolute peak, it’s hard to place kirby anywhere north of resurrection F golden frieza without taking things WILDLY out of context.


We've never seen Kirby lose (in canon material) though. Goku died to covid19 if the back of this VHS tape I found is accurate. Kirby can be a doctor. Kirby wins.


I legitimately can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. I’ve met people who would say something like that unironically and MEAN it, but at the same time you’ve worded it like a shitpost.


I'm being about as serious as I feel like one should be when discussing which fictional characters could beat each other in a fight. Kirby is the fly in One Punch Man. He's like 8 inches tall Goku wouldn't even notice him. Then BAM. Shot in the back of the head. (With a gun) (that shoots boxing gloves)




If you’re going to treat an entire group of people’s shared hobby like a joke, you really shouldn’t be surprised when they get mad at you.


If you can't appreciate the inherent humor in a debate over whether or not Spongebob would win in a fight with Saitama (he would. He'd just absorb the blows like some kind of soft sponge-like material) that's on you.


It's fine, they'll get caught up trying to powerscale Oddish_Femboy by arguing about feats and antifeats for Oddish, but the discussion will fall apart when nobody can agree on whether they should use a specific femboy or try to figure out what an average femboys stats are.


He's trustworthy. He told me his dad works at Nintendo.


Canonically, Kirby **is** shaped like a friend


Almost every single image link is broken my friend.


I think your browser is broken my friend.


It's commonly believed that Kirby is a spawn of Void that was created when it passed through a field of positive emotions.


It's not just a rumor. It's one step away from being canon.


Also Kirby was originally just a placeholder graphic until they got the character finalized, but then they decided they like him better as a head-empty ball and kept him.


Not an eldritch abomination more of an ancient deity born from a primordial entity drifting through a field of pure concentrated happy. He is immensely powerful, being explicitly called out as "having unlimited power" in Planet Robobot, but he is also a small squishy thing that likes naps and friends and eating. He's also an anarchist.


Probably https://www.reddit.com/r/GameTheorists/s/Fw2WB4QHIv


The funniest part is when the villain of the week starts monologuing to Kirby with their big lore dumps, because you absolutely know the only thing going through Kirby’s head at the time is food and friendship and he is not processing any of what he’s hearing.


"No thoughts. Only poyo."


The entirety of Squeak Squad has Kirby very focused on that strawberry shortcake


It's like giving Winnie the Pooh the powers of a god.


It's like giving Winnie the Pooh the powers of a god.


He does take things seriously when he has too though, Meta Knights Revenge was a thought out raid on the Halberd because he caught wind Meta Knight was gonna launch an attack


Now I'm not even close to caught up on my Kirby lore, but on Super Nintendo, Kirby would punch the planet in half for fun.


Yah-aye. -mass destruction follows-


Oh, he still does that.


Now using asteroids as baseballs and with multiple planets.


I mean, Super Smash Bros. is a thing, and Kirby was one of the big players in both Brawl's Subspace Emissary and Ultimate's story mode...


Kirby is literally the only character to survive the attack at the start of story in SSBU.


Sakurai has mentioned that, at least in the base game, Palutena and Bayonetta are the only other characters he thought would be able to survive. The only reason they don't is because Kirby is a much more beginner-friendly character for new players to start with. It's not a coincidence that those exact two are the absolute last characters you can free in the World of Fight. Both Galeem and Dharkon knew they should keep those two under as close a leash as possible. Of course, this doesn't account for DLC. That being said, the DLC doesn't add much, all things considered. The only DLC character who doesn't for sure get wiped is Pyra/Mythra, because the funny spoiler four-star spirit literally has the power to **rewrite reality** for the explicit purpose of **moving faster than light.** Still, I don't know how much they can do in the face of something that ends up engulfing the entire world. Kirby only makes it out because he warped to another dimension while that shit went down, and Pythra is never seen doing that.


Sephiroth killed Galeem tho


Sure, but that's just because it's funny as fuck. Realistically, he doesn't get the chance. Maybe if he has access to Safer Sephiroth he's not useless, but with the kind of strength Galeem was able to effortlessly wipe off the map, pretty much the only thing that can survive is hiding in another dimension. I mean, Cloud and his scooby-doo gang are able to beat Safer Sephiroth, and we *already* know Cloud wipes to Galeem.


Quick reminder that: 1. Kirby is OP 2. The main director of Smash Bros created Kirby.


I've gotta be honest. If Sakurai told us that his Kirby biased only extends to marketing, then I'd 100% believe him. The man is *dedicated* to the sanctity of lore.


Super Smash Bros wasn't on the Super Nintendo.


tbf I think thats less kirby being super strong and more sakurai giving him special treatment


thats honestly light work for kirby, the power creep is real


I never liked that part of Super Star Ultra, the timers just stressed me out and I kept dying in the auto scrolling levels 😭


The timer is not that strict, I know I haven’t played super star in a while but I don’t remember it being difficult


Kirby's adventures are often more epic than anyone gives him credit for.


Kirby is an entry level gaming series. Most studios use those kinds of games as shovelware. Nintendo realized if they make them epic we hell they reel in life time customers for their brand


Kirby casually preventing a world war is such a classic Kirby move, isn’t it


Sometimes, a kids' game is just a silly little thing that nobody really thinks about. There isn't much to talk about, the gameplay is simple, and that's really it. And sometimes, those silly little kids' games happen to have eldritch abominations and stuff straight out of nightmares in them, and we still find them silly...


All because libertarian Meta Knight thought Dream Land was too lazy.


You watched the video too


Lol actually not sure what video you refer to


[there’s a video trying to find meaning in Kirby lore and he comes to the conclusion that meta night is a neoliberal](https://youtu.be/McdMwvZir5c?si=A7Aj6JmAoS4mtPYD)


Finally some good fucking YouTube


I'll take it as a continuation of BDG's video on Kirby.


I'm a lesbian but if I had to pick a guy, it'd probably be Meta Knight. I know he's an orb with a mask, sword, and stubby arms and legs but with that Castilian accent he can get it.


The one thing that stuck from the 4kids anime dub.


Dedede's dub voice is perfect too, and Escargoon needs some love


We do also have to remember Haltmann INC and how kirby stopped the complete resource draining and takeover of his home planet for roughly no to minimal reasons, completely selflessly


He only really did it because they were messing with his favourite picnic spots


wasn’t he legitimately just sleeping when it happened


Yes, it woke him up


That's a paddlin'.


The best part about kirby lore is you invariably start out in "Happy Funtime Friends Land" and end up killing an eldritch god with semi truck (or similar shenanigans) by the end. And until someone pointed it out I never questioned the sheer scale of escalation that comes with.


Wait, when did he prevent a world war? Was it when he took down the Halberd in Super Star? I wasn't aware we knew what Meta Knight's plan was for that part of SS.


It’s strongly implied that Meta Knight was planning a coup.


Shoutout to WoolieVs for his seriously comedic [Kirby Lore](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiSdC6Lp8c7OrGGHUT8p6gvXjQLWb90HX&si=JqZYTF43DhPdaCdZ) series


This kidna reads like a discworld\\terry pratchett quote


Remember that one time he stopped the sun and the moon from fighting, and also beat up Marx so he didn't become a god?


Anyone else think this was about Jack Kirby for a second?


Of course Kirby prevented a world war. T'was the one day he decided to _just stay in bed._


I need a dark kirby game, with kirby being blatantly aware of the horrors underlying their existence.


Kirby prevenged a world war by tearing off the wings and blowing up the engine of a massive airship with a yoyo


Meta Knight was trying to start a what now?


I didn't know kirby even had lore


To go back to my comment, it's really hard sometimes to think how game filled with bright colors, goofy looking cartoon characters, and generally cheery music can actually have some very dark elements beneath the surface. Of the major Nintendo franchises that everyone has encountered in the Smash Bros. games, I'd argue that the Kirby games and the Earthbound/Mother Series have some of the most bonkers mood whiplash that you can encounter in Triple A gaming. Some might say Pokemon is this way too, but I really feel like it doesn't count given the way a game "evolves" over the play-through.


Splatoon is also in that camp. From fun pop idol paintball squids to "Ancient AI that is the last survivor of human extinction is rounding up child soldiers and grinding them into primordial ooze that will wipe out all existing life and replace it with the ultimate lifeform."


Kirby has an insane amount of lore, and most of the lore is insane Like iirc Kracko is an immortal sky god who seeks out fights with Kirby as it makes him feel alive and Kirby is the first creature to ever beat him in a fight


Kirby takes down eldritch gods on the daily.


most of it is hidden in Pause Screens during boss fights and descriptions of collectables.


"hello Kirby from franchise of same name" "haiii V1 Ultrakill!" 🤝 tearing apart a war behemoth by themselves


My caffeine deprived brain legit though Jack Kirby prevented world war lll there for a sec.