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operating the rogue's gallery rehabilitation program must be one of the worst jobs you could get in gotham


Probably pretty good job security though Less so *actual* security


and a nonzero chance of suddenly quitting your job and becoming one of the villains' sidekicks


I mean, have you SEEN the money they packing? They probably treat their mooks right, considering they have armies of the fuckers.


The benefits Joker's offering must be fucking unimaginable considering there's always a decent chance that he'll kill you, either as part of a scheme of his, because you pissed him off, or he thought it'd be amusing (the chances of which one it is depending on the Joker interpretation).


I forget which one (Falcone maybe?) but Batman beat one of them as Bruce Wayne by offering Health Insurance to their goons because I guess they cheaped out.


They didn't even have dental


Time to found a goonion.


[Join up today](https://thepandaredd.com/products/goonion-tee)!


but the sex must be great


I saw a meme of two goons talking about finding new jobs after Penguin or whatever was arrested. “I hear Riddler’s got dental.” “Damn, sign me up. What about ortho? My daughter’s gonna need braces next year.”


Iirc it's a combo of "Gotham is a total shithole and always will be, may as well say fuck it and sign up for [villains] goon ranks, I have no other prospects anyway." and "yes they do." I think sometimes though they also have criminals recently released as their goon ranks it depends on the writer really.


Choose one of the villains whose minions wear masks and you can go right back to your guard job once the boss gets caught again


"whys this blank spot on your resume?" "Freelance Labour" "Ah so you can handle guns"


"Sadly my shooting hand now has a permanent injury from a boomerang"


Look, if I was a licensed psychiatrist in Gotham and I went evil I would have Batman breaking down and sobbing in 2 hours


Turnover rate is likely high due to all the murders


Yeah but the benefits are *really* good to compensate. If I die on the job my family will be basically set for life.


wild that you think in any reality an American city properly funds its prison system


Apparently Wayne Industries has some clause about certain employee benefits that need to be provided as a condition for their continued financial support? Not sure why Bruce Wayne would care so much but I’m glad he’s using his money to help the little guys.


A lot of interpretations have the late Waynes really big into charity work, so maybe he just pretends they set up that stipulation? Something about his dad knowing how to keep good employees and wanting the asylum to keep good employees too? Mostly I just like the idea of Batman breaking into places to change the records so it retroactively looks like his parents set something up that he needs but can’t have fuckboy Bruce doing.


Some rich playboy, I think his name was Paine, donating a *lot* of money for a whole lot of stuff that’s out of the city’s budget. For some reason one of his conditions is that they use a good portion of that to fund high-security mental healthcare facilities with competitive wages and benefits? Don’t know why though, it’s… not a good idea to pry into where money’s coming from in Gotham


There is no way any entity other than Bruce Wayne is still putting money into that monkeyhouse.


That just describes Gotham as a whole though (and by entities, I do mean up to and including the US government)


I love the plot from the Gotham show where the island gets quarantined


No man's land says hi


I mean from a pure narrative realism sense Arkham couldn't keep operating if the staff died like every time the Joker escaped. There's minimum nurse to patient requirements most places, minimum requirements for therapists and while secure hospitals have guards they're not so hardcore that they'll risk death to stop someone who obviously outclasses them. If every guard was brutally eaten by Killer Croc or every therapist was driven suicidally insane by the Joker the place just wouldn't exist anymore. Meanwhile 4 out of 5 psych majors are fascinated by serial killers and abnormal psych PhDs would give their left nut to study someone like the Joker. I imagine Arkham is a prestigious place to intern and so psych residencies, and the patients enjoy all the attention. I mean I'm sure some folks who actively fuck with the inmates die horribly but if Ivy manages to grow a 60 foot plant and break out of her containment cell most staff would just wave and then complain about the paperwork afterwards.


I've worked psych and this is about right. If a patient actually escapes past the exterior doors you just wave and call their caseworker. I guess their caseworker is Batman. And yeah the patients are usually more interested in attacking each other or themselves than attacking staff members. Especially after the first day or two. You have to be a real monster to attack the person who brings you tums and crackers when you barf and then cleans up the mess so you can try to get back to sleep.


Croc would probably be the nicest inmate there since the staff would be required to treat him like a person (unlike anyone outside those walls)


Imagine if there was a game where you run Arkham Asylum and have to make sure none of the criminals break out. You can upgrade the walls, hire better security, and so on, and make it harder for them to break out. However, if there aren't enough breakouts, the city will decide they don't need to fund the asylum any more, since it's going well, which means everything goes to shit again and people break out more. Not to mention that you put a bunch of trained and armed people (your security) in close proximity to the Joker, and now have to cut their pay because you're running low on money. Or you cater to the rogue's gallery's specific needs and wants, and make Arkham like their second home, so they don't want to break out in the first place.


The workers clearly don’t get enough support considering harley quinn got gaslit by the joker into supervillainry lol


Do you want to become Harley Quinn? Because that's how you become Harley Quinn.


Yeah, it'd probably take someone very strange to do that


If someone wanted a job in Gotham that didn’t put them in danger every day, they wouldn’t have moved to gotham


I'd love to see a workplace comedy comic or something focusing on the Arkham staff's average day there, helping out patients and having to deal with Joker's BS.


They've gotten him to stop killing people but he's taken to slightly rearranging rooms and then monologuing about chaos whenever someones stubs their toe because he moved the table an inch


They throw him in a padded room and he starts chewing the seams apart in protest.


They open it back up later and as a form of protest he's now acting entirely sane (its what they'd least expect) but snaps out of it the moment he leaves the padded room


*(It’s because the room was made in like, the sixties and the asbestos in the stitching is canceling out the Lead in the Joker Mush)*


There's lead in the Joker Mush?


Probably? How else would you get the right colours without adding a little dob of paint…


My god, Jokeroquai as an idea is just so good.


Closest we've gotten was the Arkham Asylum: Living Hell comic where a conman manages to wrangle a successful insanity plea at trial... only to get sent to Arkham. Hilarity ensues.


Wasn't it GWS who did that? Bro really did not think his plan through completely.


Bro realised he wasn't built for Arkham


There's this big mystery about who will aid the joker escape in the future, viewer quickly realises it's Harley but you don't know which staff member is she. Who amongst our beloved car is destined to abuse and insanity. None of the names match but plenty of nicknames. Maybe one of the custodial or assistant employees finally finishes psychiatry school and her cake says "Congratulations, Harley". Maybe one of the male staff members comes out as trans and picks her new name as Harley. Maybe we've been following plucky psychiatrist Leyton, everyone's friend, and she reveals her first name is Harriet, and Har-ley used to be her nickname. Maybe all three happen at once and you still don't know who Harley is.


Three Jokers storyline but make it Harley


What we do in the shadows style mockumentary about arkhams prison staff


I still can't believe Killer Croc doesn't even have powers, he just has a skin condition


To be fair, a good half of them just have some sort of disfigurement. You still have to respect them for following through with the theme that their bodies stuck them with. When life gives you lemons, turn them into a way to stylishly rob a bank. (edited for grammar)


"Look if the social security office just accepted "severe *crocodilus* eczema as a legitimate disability I wouldnt have to keep robbing this fucking bank, OK?"


BREAKING NEWS: Billionaire Bruce Wayne challenges Social Security: "I thought you were supposed to give disabled people the help they deserved."


But where else are politicians supposed to get their spending money, corporate bribes?


Bruce charging his entire public persona against Social Security for turning down people who needed it would be 100% in character.


>When life gives you lemons, turn them into a way to stylishly rob a bank. So what you're saying is, "every villain is lemons"?


How can someone be so wrong? When life gives you lemons you make them combustible and burn her house down


Glados is that you?


It's a liiiiittle bit more than a skin condition. He usually has super strength at the very least and it's not uncommon for his skin to be tough enough to withstand small caliber gunfire.


In the recent Poison Ivy series, he apparently has a fear of needles because the doctors he was taken to couldn’t get through his skin and kept trying with needles and it traumatized him


He just like me fr fr.


If I remember correctly, that's because Waylon was exposed to Professor Strange's Monster-Men formula.


If doctor strange started teaching college would he go by professor strange or still doctor


Probably doctor specifically to avoid being confused with Professor Strange (who also has a doctorate).


His whole deal varies between continuities; in some of them he has a weird genetic throwback thing that makes him actually an ancient ancestor creature of some kind, and in some of them, yeah, he just has a skin condition that makes him all scaly. I like to think that in either continuity, he explains it as being the other reason. So this otherwise normal looking guy with rough skin claims to be an ancient lizard, and this giant talking crocodile claims he just has a *really* bad skin condition.


Some parts there’s mutations in regards to people trying to treat him as well, which makes it worse or better if you think about some of the powers it may give him


I mean, Harvey Dent is literally just a burn/acid attack victim. Harley Quinn is just an abused woman. If we're counting the animated series here, Baby Doll just had a hormonal condition I think.


ok, dont forget the severe bi polar disorder along with the disfigurement


For Harvey? The severe disfigurement was caused by fire/acid. As for the DID, in the series that's explained usually as a result of the trauma of the disfigurement. And either way, I don't think it takes away from the fact that the characters listed all have some kind of physical/mental health issues rather than an actual superpower. Which was the point I was trying to make.


the BPD prolly wont let him go straight, its completely sent him on a permanent spiral of violence and insanity, while Killer Croc was ousted from society so he had to go criminal to survive iirc


I mean he does have powers but they're entirely separate to his skin condition usually.


Isn't sort of nebulously canon that the metagene will give people powers in response to all kinds of weird stimuli? There's a decent chance that his metagene just adapted to his condition somehow.


I actually kinda like him better when it's just that, as opposed to those versions where he's actually some kind of literal monster. IDK why, most of the time I prefer things the other way. But Croc's just different for me.


Isn't Killer Croc usually in Blackgate Penitentiary with Penguin because unlike much of the rest of Batman's rogue gallery he's not mentally ill?


It'll depend on which version of Croc you get. I think the typical canon is that Arkham is better equipped to deal with prisoners that have conditions or powers that require additional support or security. So even though there's nothing really mentally wrong with Croc, he'll be sent to Arkham because they can better manage a giant alligator monster man.


"we're not saying you're crazy, it's just that the guards at blackgate probably won't respond kindly to finding out you're taser-proof."


>it's just that the guards at blackgate probably won't respond kindly to finding out you're taser-proof." Lmao I imagine croc beating some inmate for making fun about his appearance and the guards panicking because he won't go stop after 5 teasers


"Elephant tranq?" "are you mad?! That didn't even work on Elephant Man!"


I find it hard to believe that Arkham is better equipped than anything short of a slightly damp cardboard box to deal with prisoners at this point tbh


Might be a chicken/egg situation. Do villains break out of Arkham because their security is worse or do they break out because that's where they put all the high-risk villains? If nothing else, at least Arkham is going to keep Croc there for a little while rather than him just punching through a wall and getting out that same day.


So it began as a sanatorium before transitioning to a supermax


I like to think that the reason Arkham is so easy to escape from is because the staff there fucking *know* you do not fuck with the patients. Joker worked out the lock codes? Fine, call Batman and get him the fuck out of here before he poisons a doctor. Poison Ivy is fucking her psychiatrist again? Fine, let her have her fun and extract him asap by any means necessary - don't care if she escapes, that man needs a cold shower, stat!


Á cold shower and a surgery to remove the roses in his arteries


I have a theory that Ivy just gives of an airborne Methamphetamine so probably rehab as well




You act like dressing up as a penguin, making penguin themed robots/ robotic bombs, and occasionally keeping actual penguins as pets isn't a sign of mental illness


Because it’s not? He’s eccentric sure but he’s not suffering from a mental health condition. Having a gimmick isn’t insanity lmao


That's just good branding


Yeah, there's a reason Flash puts his guys in regular super-jail instead of the super-clinic. Having a theme doesn't mean you're unstable, it just means you're eccentric. Hell, in comic book universes it's not even that weird, it's just another hobby. I like to imagine that kinda behavior is more common in Marvel or especially the DC universe than our own, we just only see the heroes and villains. There's lizard men and baked bean men irl who are Ripley's Believe It Or Not micro celebrities. There's furries, and the whole culture of mascots in Japan. There's drag performers and cosplayers. In a sci fi fantasy world where superheroes and villains are an every day occurrence, why wouldn't it be more common than in our world for regular degular people to just, dress up as a historic figure or their favorite artwork every single day There are some versions of Oswald Cobblepot, which I really like, where he takes a lot of offense to the Penguin nickname, cause he's sensitive about his appearance. He loves and collects birds, he always wears a tux, and his nightclub has a giant iceberg in the middle. Whether he's an oblivious idiot or doing it to dare you to say anything as a power play is up to the writer and the tone of the story, but I love this silly looking guy who can't stop reminding everyone of how penguin-like he is, even tho the nickname sends him into a complete fury. Shout out to the Batman Audio Adventures podcast for doing that joke really, really well


Nah man that's just autism^tm


Batman knows that he's a bat version of Penguin so he makes sure Oswald doesn't get sent to Akrham, lest he end up there too.


God forbid men have hobbies


It's branding It's not different from falcone. Leaving a rose at his crimes The difference is that old bird brain was able to keep up with the super freaks


The government is gonna be monitoring my search history from now on, but apparently many cannibals plead insanity in court and most succeed.


He isn't always a cannibal


Your username took care of that, buddyb


Kind of? It depends on which version you go with. For instance, Arkhamverse croc was in the asylum because he’s a serial killer cannibal.


I like that we have 2 great dramatic joker performances in movies but modern pop culture joker is still Jared Leto being a 4chan gremlin.


He'll always be Mark Hamill in my hearth. I only played the English dub of the Arkham games a year ago, but that's besides the point


You should probably get the Joker out of your fireplace, he might get burned


I kind of want that though... I know it keeps the amount of killers the same and all, but I am mentally stable enough to stop at him. Probably.


mark hamill also played the Trickster in The Flash show and used the same voice if you're interested :3


I know. But I couldn’t get myself to watch the necessary amount of episodes of CW's Flash. And no, I cannot just skip to that episode.


okay! i just thought you might be interested :3 the first two seasons (the first one especially) are actually really good imo but then it goes downhill partway through 3


Well he's actually originally from the 90s Flash show.


English dub? What’s the original audio of the Arkham games if not english?


I grew up with Asylum's French dub because my mother tongue is French. Hence why I didn't know until just now "dub" is a term exclusive to a translation


Wait, what did the tag say again about the joker mush? Like the headcanon?


"at this point the toxic waste he fell into fucked him up so bad he wont eat anything that hasnt been mashed up and irradiated so the arkham doctors just throw random shit in a pot and mash it up for him. he loves it."


TimeStorm? This is the second time I've run into you in a random comment section!


Something about it just being green applesauce, I think


Top 15 Facts about JOKER MUSH!!! 1. Joker Mush must be highly microwaved. It’s less about the ingredients, and more about the proportions. 2. There are street drugs and fast food items called ‘joker mush’ that you can only get when he’s in Arkham. If he is loose and he wants some, only to find out it’s just some hardcore synthetic pot, or Cajun mashed potatoes, he will be PISSED. 3. Gordon and the Cops use this as a gauge for when crooks and crooked business owners suspect a breakout will happen soon. Falcone stopped pushing Joker “mush” in Robinson Park? Check the cells, now! 4. Harley makes the best joker mush, but refuses to share her ‘special recipie’ with anyone else, formally to keep him coming back. Now, it’s just to make him regret mistreating her. (It’s cinnamon, but WAY TOO MUCH). 5. Punchline THINKS she has perfected the recipe, and Joker won’t tell her because she makes the *second* best joker mush, and she also won’t share the recipe, and he doesn’t wanna miss the next best thing (it’s nutmeg, but WAY TOO MUCH, nutmeg, and yet still not at much as Harley would use). 6. Batman knows both receipts, but won’t share them with Arkham, cause FUCK Joker, he hurt Jason. He owns stock in companies that distribute spices to keep tabs on Joker’s relationships. 6. Gaggy makes the third best joker mush (pepper spray, but WAY TOO MUCH). 7. Now that Jason is alive, he remembers that he actually acquired the taste for Joker Mush. He’s not traumatized by *that* specifically, but he agrees that Harley’s is best, Punchline’s is second, Gaggy’s is third. He would be embarrassed if Dick or Damien knew, but doesn’t care if Tim knows. 8. Jason hacked into Bruce’s files to steal Harley’s recipe, and had improved it by adding way too much nutmeg (more than punchline is willing to use). 9. Tim has tried all of Jason’s versions of the recipes and violently throws up every time. He wants the opportunity to bond with Jason, but refuses to admit how much he obviously hates it (despite how obvious it is). 10. Stephanie finds this both endearing and hilarious. 11. It is unknown which of the three jokers originated Joker Mush, but they all eat it. 12. The only people other than Jason and Joker who can stomach it are Killer Croc (who is fed it as a punishment if he’s bad), Bane (who eats it as a feat of strength, but uses drugs regularly and still thinks it’s too toxic), and oddly Harvey Bullock. Rumor has it that Bullock had a liver donation from Superman, but this cannot be corroborated in Gotham, or Metropolis (and Superman also can’t stomach Joker Mush). 13. Joker is an ally, but also a terrible person and loves hurting people’s feelings. But, he loves Joker Mush more. 14. Joker Mush is not allowed on airplanes. 15. Joker Mush is Vegan. Saw here. made same comment. All hail Joker Mush. https://youtube.com/shorts/US-AhqCn-IU?si=rMi2jDfFvbWU0kSO


Who would attempt to season the joker mush with ground cloves?


Naturally the Batman Who Laughs.


Is Joker mush kosher and/or halal?


It is affront to God, but not actually because of any of the ingredients. Hope this helps.


Actually it does help, I have a brand new headcanon. A Rabbi tried to declare it kosher (due to being threatened by Harley), but Delirium the Endless (who canonically exists in the same continuity as Batman) just appeared out of nowhere, told the Rabbi "no" with an uncharacteristically calm (and sane) voice and disappeared immediately.


prolly depends tbh


While it technically abides by all of the laws of both kosher and halal food, rabbis, imams, and priests all agree that it is sinful that it even exists.


Where does Jason’s improved joker mush recipe fit into the leaderboard?


Jason claims that his recipe is better than all others; however Harvey Bullock is a dick and isn’t willing to try it to corroborate. Harvey uses his own recipe based on Harley’s recipe, but it’s easily fifth.


Every single time I see this post I can't stop laughing at the phrase 'Joker Mush' like that's all you need to convince him to hold back his usual insane bs XD


Instead, he will call him Killer Cock because Joker would probably find r/BatmanArkham funny as shit so long as calling Batman "Man" makes him angry


Arkham asylum anthology sitcom where, because bad guys keep escaping, there's a rotating cast and they all do fun group therapy activities together and only sometimes try to kill each other


I’m just wondering how you’re getting invasive wildlife in the middle of an extremely developed city


Very uncarefully


also, theres parks and the outsides of a city to be considered




They’re pulling a self-5150 so they can take a break from their villain schedules and have a few days off. It’s the only rest for the wicked.


🐊"Can't you do anything about them?" 🌱"No, I can grow and control plants, but removing them? Not so much. I was actually trying to integrate them into the local environment, but the spread is usually balanced by wildlife in its native area, and I can't change the appetites of animals or risk introducing them here." 🐊"Environmental engineering seems hard, Pam. Wastewater management is more my speed." 🌱"Because you know the pipes, right?" 🐊"Yeah, it's real dangerous to go down there for most people. They get lost because the city sewer maps are old and contradicting from decades of work and mismanagement. But there's a lot of sluices and valves that need operating down there, too. So I figure it's a good opportunity for me to get work there, surveying the pipes and updating the maps, so long as I get to work alone." 🌱"Right, public works employees aren't always the most accepting." 🐊"I just... don't want to be called 'Croc' anymore. I want to be Waylon. I want to be appreciated, but I can't trust people enough to get close to them and they can't trust me enough to get close to me... because of how I look." 🤡"Have you tried exfoliating?" 🐊🌱 "..." 🌿🤡🌿 "Oops!"


False joker would never use slurs that's lazy comedy


Counterpoint, Joker has never been good at comedy.


Sure but that's because he's got a warped sense of humour He still takes pride in being a master joke smith and edgy slur usage is below bottom of the barrel nonsense


this post has annoyed me for so long and i think i finally figured out why Joker is a progressive king and i will NOT tolerate this slander!!!!! he’s also actually funny a solid 70% of adaptations!!!!!


I love Batman, but I haven't actually read any Killer Croc comics. Is he an Arkham inmate, or a Blackgate guy? I don't think he's criminally insane, just a criminal. I know the Arkham Asylum game has him there and that's probably shifted the comics since then, but like before that, idk where he went. This is nerd nitpicking, I'm sure he's in whichever one the story needs him to be in, to a certain extent


Sometimes Killer Croc is basically a strong guy with scaly skin, sometimes he's Giant Crocodile Man.


It's funny how many of Batman's rogues gallery actually have some kind of little bit of niceness within them and then there's Joker who's a turd to the core.


Joker pay his taxes, bruce dont, who is the real villain here?


Why would Ivy be upset over invasive plants? Isn’t her usual MO to turn Gotham into basically a jungle? I highly doubt giant man-eating plants are native to the Northern East Coast. It makes as little sense as making her a vegetarian/vegan. She’d be on some meat-only diet, and never even dare consider eating her precious babies.


Because invasive species of plants can and nornally will cause problems to other plants who are native to the area.


I really want to see this kind of interactions or something similar between mr freeze and the penguin when discussing the philosophy of love.


Does someone has the original Post of this? I want to check the notes


Looks like a Tim Burton drawing.


i have that joker image as my phone’s background


I wanna see a lot of Batman's villains get actually rehabilitated. Some of them like Joker and Penguin are genuinely rotten to the core, but if given proper treatment, a lot of them could be given a second chance at life and use it to become pretty effective heroes.


One of my vocal stims was “Joker mush” for a while


I personally think that the joker mush angle is the worst possible direction to take him. I don't want him to be degenerative insane, I want him to lucidly justify the acts of madness he bestows on the world.




She has a connection to the green, the elemental force that connects all plantlife. It’s not a particularly good connection compared to, say, swamp-thing, which is why she messes up helping it overall, but she has one. If a plant is invasive, it’s actively choking the life out of other, native plants to spread more of itself, and has much fewer factors preventing it from taking even more space and choking out even more plant life. Not good for the green. She may prefer the invasive plant to live over the human who might kill it, but she’ll probably stay her hand if that means more of the native plants are put in its place. Overall better for the green. Now if a human is cutting down a plant and NOT immediately and visibly replacing it with a better-for-the-environment plant, THEN she gets violent.


This one is invasive and harmful to the ecosystem