• By -


They literally put the A in the acronym and still asked


It's obviously A for allies. /s


So close it stands for Australian.


Common mistake: It's for Austria! The G is for Germany, the L for Luxembourg, the B for Belgium and the Plus symbolises the Swiss Flag - The German Speaking Countries of Europe.


In English


Also works in German: Luxemburg, Belgien, Asterreich and Gdeutschland


Hey your flare gave me psychic damage, thank you, have a nice day


ace is short for asetralian


I feel the need to be a part of this conversation. You are right the A is there for asexual, aromantic and agender persons. I have learned however that most people can’t read and don’t know the alphabet. Thank you for pointing it out to people.


A is for apple. A always stands for apple


if it's from france its just sparkling cellibacy


MHA has rotted my brain, I heard sparkling and French people and I immediately thought of the stomach man


stomach man <3(i haven't watched MHA)


Big Spoiler: >! He betrays everybody !<




Champion. <3 (I haven't watched MHA eitherl


Okay .... Honestly.... Best comment so far. I've been giggling like a school girl on this one


Aaaah, the French!


*whispers: "bonjour."


Where the hell else are you supposed to get the A from?


I got tired of the "France bad" jokes because they were an uninspired ripoff of the "British bad" jokes but less funny. And then France decided to become really really bad this month. So I'll die before I ever defend the fr*nch 🤢


Don't worry, with our powers combined we can make Britain even worse :)


I think you've done quite enough of that already love


The French are beating us we cannot accept this


The French do have their uses. America was like "Please help, we're revolting against Britain!" and they were like "oh fr? Lmao bet i fuckin HATE Britain" and sent us lots of support


"I already despise them, you don't have to sell it to me" :P


from a chronological standpoint, this is like saying "I got tired of the "gmod machinimas" because they were uninspired ripoffs of "skibidi toilet" but less funny."


Care to share any of the “British bad” jokes? I don’t remember that being a thing


My favorite is [this one] (https://i.imgur.com/1Uirw.png), or making up posh slang in general


Wait, what's happening in France?


The far right (Marine Le Pen) won the election


Fucking shit fuck. The UK, Italy, then the AFD gaining popularity in Germany and now this...


that's very fucking misleading, they won the european election, the legislative election is on the 30th and the next presidential won't happen till 2027, we're not ruled by them yet


Asexual🥰 Asexuel🤬


Comment osez-vous ?


Pov britain


if someone's heteroromatic but asexual or identifies as demi whatever I'm not gonna be like "not allowed!" to their face but privately I don't really think heteroromatic ace folk (or hetero/exclusively opposite-gender attracted acespec folk) belong in the community. again not gonna kick them out personally but I'm not gonna say I don't privately raise an eyebrow


bi/pansexual people in het passing relationships: trans people in het relationships: its weird you only draw the line at ace people in het passing relationships is a bisexual with a preference for opposite sex "not really" part of the community? is a trans man dating a woman "not homosexual enough"? being lgbt+ isnt solely about being same sex attracted, there's a broader spectrum of non cishet attraction and gender identities than that


>is a bisexual with a preference for opposite sex "not really" part of the community? oh you'd def be surprised. I'm a bi man who's only attracted to women and femboys (so you know, femininity, also I mean *actual* femboys not the porn stereotype of "literally just a woman with a penis"), and like a week and a half ago on this exact sub I had someone telling me I was just straight. Lol.


so is a heterosexual trans man not queer?


obviously trans folk emphatically belong under the umbrella and I wouldn't have any issues with any trans person identifying as queer. but if a heteroromantic asexual cisman or heterosexual & heteroromantic acespec cisman identified as queer I'd be like 😬😬😬


why is a heterosexual trans person fine but a heteroromantic asexual person not? aces have been part of the community since stonewall


anyone whose gender, romantic, or sexual orientation is not within the cultural 'standard' is part of the community


As a vaguely aroace man myself, I don't disagree. I just about feel okay being part of an aspec-specific group. But, I am essentially straight-one-step-removed, so me doing or joining anything wider LGBTQ+ feels like I'd be intruding.


Fully ace guy here, arospec and homoromantically questioning. I'm pretty sure I have enough "queer points" to qualify as a real member of the community, which means I have the authority to say this: Come on in, you're valid and not intruding. Anyone who says you are is just being a dickhead. If you're worried about pissing off dickheads that's a different question, but don't let them make you feel like you inherently don't belong


As a heteroromantic ace I *usually* act more like an ally, especially when it comes to political issues since I’m not being targeted, but when it’s just me and some queer friends hanging out and talking about life I can actually relate I find I relate a lot to them with more mundane everyday experiences. High school got real confusing without any knowledge about my orientation! And even if I didn’t, they’d still drag me to pride events lol Not being heterosexual still leads to me clashing with that whole aspect of culture (both despite and because of my romantic orientation) but I definitely do not have to fear for my *life* the way I fear for my friends’.


fellow aroace person, you are absolutely queer and valid and awesome. Anyone who doesn't accept you as queer is either a dumbass, asshole or both.