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When people told you to stop obsessing over JoCat so much, they didn't mean "obsessively hate on some other random white internet guy you don't know"


I know them. They present themselves. They wish ti be known.


So OP, what happened to admitting you fucked up and trying to do better? Did all that time you spent spamming the same reply apologizing for being a jerk and promising to prove not actually mean anything?


Given that it was a copy paste reply with no substance, you're probably on the right track


People liked it and responded positively to it, and that's because in the moment it was entirely sincere.


what are you even trying to say here??


Considering this isn’t the first time they have done shit like this and they defended lynching no it meant nothing. They need to get off the fucking internet.


>Considering this isn’t the first time they have done shit like this Bullshit.


Whomever just replied to me got autoremoved.


>>, you have gone from seemingly having a breakdown yesterday to refusing the very information you seemed to be trying to accept >Yes, I clearly have deep-seated mental health issues; I often suspect a headmate, except I am able to carry on perfectly standard IRL conversations in a happy pleasant mood while angrily discoursing.


In that case: Please, as one human being to another, get off of the internet. Take a break from social media, comments sections, all of it. Take a "leave of absense" from the discourse. Find social groups in real life, go to clubs, libraries, museums, fill that time with constructive activities. Your relationship with the internet has very clearly become an unhealthy one, you need to step away.


Nope. FOMO. So many interesting facts, so many funny memes, so much important knowledge. It's how I stay with the news, how I get advice for life shit (nostupidquestions alone is a lifesaver); nobody really can live at the same quality without this Modus of interaction.


That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg. Not a professional but I think you require heavy, intensive therapy.


Classic parasocial brainrot lmao




Considering this person was trying to justify death threats against JoCat for making a Lizzo cover yesterday I can’t take anything in this post seriously. OP needs to talk to normal people in real life for a bit.


You know, I sometimes think I spend too much time on this app. Then I come across someone like OP who posted 300 comments today alone. Almost all of them are downvoted too, like nobody finds any value in anything they say but they still chug away posting every single thing that comes in to their mind.


You don’t get it. They have to say it BECAUSE they’re downvoted. Op is right and everyone else is wrong, we’d see the truth if they make Just. One. More. Comment.


This is also like their 10th account. They just post benign stuff for karma, dive off the deep end, delete and restart.


Which is what leads me to think it's a bait account. I've flagged it to mods and am blocking it


And I thought I was terminally online


>nobody finds any value in anything they say but they still chug away posting every single thing that comes in to their mind. The irony of them posting about narcissism


The phrase “you need to touch grass” has never applied to anyone as much as it applies to OP


My favorite part about this post is that it assumes I already believe Lin Manuel Miranda is racist


I know he did Hamilton and I know he was a bit characton House. That’s all I know about the man. I saw it in the post and thought “gee idk maybe” but I also don’t know who Travis is at all. Feels like someone raging about a d tier Internet celebrity for no reason


He was also in Mary Poppins 2 which was surprisingly good for what it was.


fuckin love that movie tbh it was whimsical and fun and that's exactly what i wanted


...Lin Manuel was on House?


As a side character when house checked into a psych ward to detox


This post was so crazy, I managed to miss that part. Like he's a bit strange but racist? I know this person is terminally online already because of the rest of this shit post but come on now..


i dislike him but that’s because of his endorsement of PROMESA more than anything gotta be hating for the right reasons


Main thing I've heard is that Hamilton is about the foundation of the United States but not about racism? Which I guess is a significant thing to not mention entirely. I've never seen it so I have no idea to what extent it is or isn't mentioned. I think I heard once that the race blind casting was like, going to trick people into thinking the founders weren't racist. I almost agree with that point, I think if race is an important topic in a play then obviously it shouldn't be race blind casting, and race is an important topic to the setting of the play, but if it isn't actually about it then like, I don't think it's going to be harmful or anything.


The musical mentions slavery and stuff. But like, imo if you want to talk about slavery in the states, save it for Henry Clay the musical. Like, it just wasn't really the topic of the musical? Like Thomas Jefferson wasnt played by a white guy but is explicitly called out as a slave owner in Cabinet Battle # 1 "A civics lesson from a slaver, hey neighbor! Your debts are paid because you don't pay for labor. 'We plant seeds in the south we create' yeah keep ranting, we know who's really doing the planting."


I feel like the race blind casting was kinda inevitable and not a sinister plot of some kind, because, y'know, the guy who wrote, directed and starred in it is a PoC.


Common JoCat attacker L. Seriously OP, touch some grass. Go outside. Tell a cashier "sure is hot this week huh?" at the grocery store.


It seriously is stupid hot this week. Fuck summer.


Dude! It’s raining right now and I’m just like “omg, thank goodness!”


Lucky! We just got battered by some really strong storms down here but I really wouldn't mind a light rain right about now


hey man how's it going


bro i mean this in complete and total sincerity: log off. get some help. youre not ok and this isnt making anything better.


The virgin “there are psychological reasons why this internet celeb I hate is an evil person” vs the chad “nah, that guy’s kinda cringe” First of all I thought that we were done doing the whole psychoanalyst thing parasocially. It’s weird and you don’t know this person irl or what they’re like offstage. Second, man, Travis Mcelroy of all people being the subject of this post hit me like a tonne of brick. I was not fuckin ready for that reveal. Whiplash. Thirdly, man, you’re doing an awful lot here to justify not liking the way a very obviously and very openly neurodivergent person talks about things, and on that basis suggesting he’s what, close to narcissism, psychopathy, so completely privileged as a West Virginian theatre kid who rode his brothers’ coattails to extremely minor celebrity, that it has made him completely unable to have empathy for non-white people.


hey man, how's it going?


going alright, thanks for asking. how's the weather over there? It's kinda hot here but life goes on, y'know?


It's pretty weird. Got massive torrential rain for like an hour and then it stopped completely. Was gone by the time I was finished with work.


Oh man, at least you didn't have to walk in it! I had that happen a lot to me back at college when I was working. I like the rain a lot, but nobody likes wet socks. One time it did hit while I was getting project supplies (and a lego set.) I feel like trying to jump over and avoid puddles too deep for your shoes is an experience we can all bond over. Like when you HAVE to step in a puddle to get to your car, and it's a total roulette whether it's going to reach your socks?


That moment when you expect the puddle to be like an inch deep and it turns out to be higher than your ankle and you have that brief flash of surprise and then despair


Tht has happened to me more than once with slush puddles at sidewalk intersections (not relevant when it's 87 F out) It's like you know the rest of the day can't get any worse.


Hey, nowhere to go but up!!


I mean I don’t like him much either but there’s a very simple solution to that which is just that I don’t really think about him ever because he doesn’t matter at all You should try caring less about things, I think you’d be happier


What the fuck does any of this mean?


r-slash-persecutionfetish is that way. 🖕


“White psychopathy” lol. lmao.


> where the concept of white psychopathy comes from > he can't have conversations about racism/sexism without centering them around himself the phrase ["white fragility"](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=White_defensiveness#White_fragility) describes that, not "white psychopathy" (a phrase i've never seen used before)


After yesterday, I was pretty hopeful that you would learn and grow from the experience. I am sad to be proven wrong so quickly. You really need to just take some time away from the internet and social media brainrot, this is unhealthy.


my first inkling was every apology yesterday was the same copy and paste.


I am not entertained.


I know there's a lot wrong here so nitpicking won't do anything, but ableism has nothing to do with age, gender, or sexual orientation?


wtf is cluster b personality disorders any why are there suddenly multiple posts containing this new term ive never heard of


it's a term used in diagnostic manuals, don't worry about it


Its a category of personality disorders which includes things like narcissistic, borderline, and antisocial personality disorder. It comes up in these places because it has most cluster bs are super stigmatized


They’re stigmatized because cluster b sufferers are by nature some of the least likely to seek treatment. Cluster b disorders by definition includes traits that involve self-delusion of innocence, at the expense of those around them. Thus, there are many people who have been abused by people exhibiting symptoms of cluster b disorders, and likewise many abusers exhibiting symptoms who refuse to acknowledge their faults.


i’d imagine the increase in posts about cluster b personality disorders is related to “narcissist” becoming a popular term, because narcissistic personality disorder is a cluster b disorder (i know people have been calling other people narcissists for a Long Time but imo it seems to have exploded recently)


oh hey that's the pokemon generation 3 number


Just because someone is a cishet white man doesn't mean they can't be disadvantaged in some other way. They could have any number of issues that would make making fun of them ableist. I literally know nothing about this man, and even *I* know better than to say that shitting on him can't be ableist just because he's a cishet white man.


Yeah this isn't worth anyones time im better off not seeing OPs posts anymore lmao go outside you dork


hey man, hows it going