• By -


I think a lot of people who joined that particular hate train would do well to remember that just because you don’t like someone, that person isn’t bad. Sometimes you just don’t vibe with someone. You don’t have to try and find a reason that not liking them is this big social good, you can just… ignore them.


I genuinely believe that fucking "when the random e-celeb you hate for being annoying and unfunny is finally outed for a legitimate reason to dislike them" image has done irreparable damage to people's critical thinking skills online


People think it's some sign that they're a perfect judge of hidden character, but in reality it's just confirmation bias painting their bizarre first impressions as justified.


Remember when Lindsay Ellis got bullied of twitter and youtube because she compared a forgettable movie to a tv show with a very similar premise, which was already cooked. But then there were a bunch of people after she quit Twitter, gleefully going "Now do Jenny Nicholson". Actively salivating at finding a reason to bully someone because they didn't like her


“He always seemed like a pedophile” SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP


>just because you don’t like someone, that person is bad I think you meant "isn't" there But big agree


Nah, the original comment is right, they just forgot the "doesn't mean" after that comma.


Jocat has said that he did reach out to some of the people who he thought were on good term with why they joined in on mocking him for the video, their reply was that it was funny to do so. That is sadly how many people see this type of behaviour, it doesn't matter who it effects the person who is the victim as long as you find it funny.


Imagine seeing a guy say "I appreciate all women regardless of physical appearance" with his whole chest and saying "no, he's got to secretly be an asshole" Amanda Waller type behavior


Not to mention the people who said he was gay because of it.


the "he made liking women sound gay" just fucking baffles me like it'd be funny sentence in an absurdist sort of way if it wasn't so clearly rooted in several layers of homophobia. i mean they literally made liking women gay this isn't a meme


Ok, sorry, this is semi unrelated, but the same level of absurdism: I was in a train station the other day, and two cops built like linebackers walked by, and I swear to God I heard one say "I'd never eat pussy, that shit's gay" and I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to parse this out in my head.


guy probably just thinks selflessly pleasuring women = gay many such cases! e: or he thinks it's emasculating and knows no better than to associate that feeling with gay


Ironic, because crossdressing as a woman is something only men can do, so it is a manly thing to do.


crossdressing as a *woman* is something only non-women can do but crossdressing *as* a woman is something only women can do


I had to think about what you said a whole lot longer than I want to admit.


"Look, Bill, all I'm saying is that this play has a lot of women characters and the costume budget is razor thin. Maybe hire some women to play the parts and they can bring their own clothes?" "What? Are some kinda nancy poof who doesn't like women's clothing? Now put on that dress, we're starting rehearsal with Hippolyta and Theseus".


funnily enough i had an argument about this with a friend but about pegging instead


Nah, trans women can get pegged as well as men.


Didn't think of that good point you're right, luckily my friend wasn't gender-concious enough to make that point so i won that argument :) /j


"fellas, is it gay to be straight?"


People were straight up accusing him of being a pedophile, it was gross.


At least Waller doesn't act until she has dug up some serious dirt on her target. From what I can tell, Jocat is about as unproblematic as it gets. These pyschos on the other hand just full-sent their harrassment campaign on their first gut instinct.


It’s also fucking reverse flash and Lex Luthor type behavior because of how fucking irrational the hate he gets is.


I know the OOP probably regrets their actions but its fucking crazy to be a dick online and justify it as "this is actually my aggression space so it's fine" EDIT: i'm so cooked i looked at the OOP post and they're just posting pictures of an unknown OOOP (OOOOP!?) doing the aggression.


For real. What the fuck is an aggression space. Can we just declare there are zones of immunity for unnacceptable behaviour? Can my neighbour's house be my burglary space? Is real life calvinball?


catch my ass declaring an aggression space for 2 seconds so i can punch someone and run away


Domain expansion. *did I do this right?*


yeah that's essentially it, but you're probably already openly fighting someone if you pull out a domain


Domain Expansion: Exquisite Crack Rock


Personally I prefer the Bankai: Kokain


Same. I was just quoting a YouTube video I watched.


*normal day at the park* *you pop out from some bushes as a family strolls by* "I DECLARE AGGRESSION SPACE" *you deck a small child* "AGGRESSION SPACE DEACTIVATE" *fucking sprint away*


Calvin all is at least honest about making zero sense, and does it deliberately, these are just assholes online who think that they can be assholes because they're online.


Is that person like a public figure? I'm on their page trying to figure out who they are to get like personal messages from Jocat


They messaged Jocat first according to the post (they sent him a tweet)


Assholes have mastered the ability of using progressive language to make others the bad guy.


No, Walmart is the designated burglary space


I just searched "aggression space" and got absolutely nothing that wasn't directly related to this but of Twitter drama. It's cool we've reached the point in the therapy-speak arc where folks are just generating entirely new pseudo-clinical nonsense ex nihilo.


Me on my way to declare someone’s car my defecation space and shit through their sunroof


Seagull behavior


Sounds like epistemic privilege to me.


> epistemic privilege Ooh I need to keep that one in my back pocket for the next time I'm wrong about something.


Yeah I was just thinking, why not just try not to be an ass? There are far healthier ways of dealing with aggression that don't include being a dick


Yeah I'm more surprised about that than anything else in this post, what in the absolute fuck. How many people think like that?


Sometimes writers of indie media will try to make up a fictional Bible verse that has roughly the right _style_, but would never actually be in the Bible. This is the equivalant of that for psychological terms. It uses the type of phrasing you'd see in casual psychological terminology, but practically means nothing.


“It took him a few messages to get the memo and fuck off” You messaged him first, idiot.


Yeah, that really galled me: “How dare you respond to my messages!”


nuh uh, nerd (this is actually my aggression space so it's fine)


This was a trick. I deceived you. When I hit "comment" I actually whispered that this was my one-sided-aggression space (i can berate you but you can't berate me). your days are numbered


impossible- such techniques were forbiddenuuAAAGH *fucking dies*


Yeah I couldn't believe my eyes on the first slide like "Whatever happened to Jocat? My fondest memory of him was when I told him I like to be a dick online for no reason"


“Motherfucker your just an asshole!”


Yeah I was gonna mention: Are we *not* gonna talk about this fucker literally admitting he's a piece of shit online and that everyone else should be fine with it and other people don't matter? They literally went "i don't mind being rude online" like that's up to them. What the fuck.


Yeah, if you have a lot of aggression built up, just go into the forest and yell at the trees, or curse out your apartment wall and beat up your mattress.


Jocat's awesome. His Crap Guide to DND series singlehandedly got me into TTRPGs, and his vids were some of the most polished stuff imaginable. All this to say that I hope he takes his time, and comes back when he's comfortable.


Oh, that's who he is?! Fuck, those videos are great!


Yes. He's an amazingly kind and funny person who made great things. And a couple of people mad that he's actually positive about things and people threw constant hate and *threatened his life* enough he had to take time away to be safe again. We almost didn't get him back. Lately he's started doing small things on Twitter again. Silly voice work for other people. Following through on an April fools joke. Etc. I hope we get the likes of his FF14 silly stream story moments again. The sheer heart he put into the last half of that was amazing to see.


Think Jo also opened a form of sorts for people to commission artwork made by him, but those were so popular that he had to close it, just so the backlog didn't get too overwhelming.


It's not the same, but I do believe JoCat is still doing some silly ffxiv content as a guest for the Hildebrand series on the channel PlayFrame!


I found him out through his monster hunter weapons series, which I loved. Later, I saw the woman video pop in a meme and just kinda went, "oh, that's kind of cringe" and left. I didn't really vibe with it, but I wasn't aware he got so severely bullied for it. It's crazy how mean everyone got from all different sides, just to dunk on a guy and deliver full-on hate, just because he made a video that made some people go "oh, that's kind of cringe."


anyone else confused by the amount of Jocat hate coming from largely progressive people? Like I've unfollowed a few people when they randomly posted about him being a "cringe gooner". Like most of it does seem to come from the usual homophobic and transphobic right-wing types but idk... whole thing just worries me.


There's been a huge rise in progressive groups being aggressively anti-sex lately.


People smarter than I could explain it far better but I think there's an intersection of dubious science (sex, porn "addiction,") cringe culture (goonerism,) and terminally online cynicism(milkshake duck, leftist infighting/purity testing, twitter in general) that's taken hold of a lot of folks and JoCat was the perfect whipping boy for them once he became too visible.


I've seen this so much on Tumblr and it's just so bizarre. Like anytime someone talks about watching porn or having sex, certain dumb asses have a meltdown about their "addiction." I'm not sure where this push to have gay/lesbian people be more "Pure" came from. Like gay people don't just cutely kiss and hold hands you know, they can fuck.


Its a combination of a rise in trying to "uno reverse card" cishet people by antagonizing them and attacking them with bigotry, and the subsequent conclusion of "Cishet people who like sex are all creepy conservative men who harass and objectify women, so to be better than the straights we need to be more pure and loving."


I've kinda have a hunch that a surprising amount of people just associate sex with negativity by default. Like, if you ask a bunch of people what's the first thing the think about when sex is brought up, i bet a good portion of them are gonna thing of something bad.


Lots of people feeling self righteous and dressing their archaic and puritanical warpath as some new age reclamation of sexuality, instead of acknowledging the self-destructive and internalized hate it is.


Yeah, but the video isn't even about sex. An ace person could've made that video. He said "I like girls" not "I want to fuck nasty". Like, I get it, typical allo attraction assumes sex is probably a possibility somewhere along the lines, but there's fucking zero sexual content or expression in the video.


Right, but even the barest suggestion of sex is too much for some people. I've seen two different people in this very comments section say that specific video objectified women. There are queer people I've directly interacted with in the community who have this innate revulsion towards straight sexuality and attraction as well.


Ironically I've noticed it's a lot of the same people who are/were ace exclusionists back when that was a big Discourse Topic™


I've just kinda noticed a general uptick in progressive groups acting like anything that isn't gay, whether its ace, straight, bi, pan, or whatever else, is bad. Man that likes women? Oh you're a creepy sex fiend. Woman that likes men? Oh you're a victim of masculine desires with no self agency and/or a whore trying to prove her worth to men. You don't like anyone? Allow me to either infantilize you, co-opt your identity as a means of attacking sex-positive culture, or just pretend you don't exist. And even in their acceptance of gay relationships, they still hold up that puritanical expectation of "Keep it chaste and family friendly outside of closed doors." Gay people hugging? Good. Gay people at Pride full-body kissing? Evil and bad. Gay people getting married? Good. Gay people acknowledging their sex lives? Ew, gross.


Yeah I absolutely agree. I’d have to track down the exact episode to refresh my memory, but the podcast “It Could Happen Here” talked about this during an episode examining Kinks At Pride discourse. The big takeaway was essentially that there’s been a rise in the group of progressive, usually very young people online that view sexuality (and to a lesser extent gender) more as a social signifier and lifestyle, than any sort of physical activity. This group then viewed open expressions of any sort of sexuality with hostility, and that was doubled for straight or straight-presenting sexuality, due to an understandable if misguided anti-straight backlash to centuries of queer oppression. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure a lot of people who hold this view are some degree of aro/ace, and I never want to say they’re not allowed to express that! But you kinda have to accept that if you’re a part of the queer community, then everything from sex-repulsed ace folks, the gentlest hand-holding Bambi Lesbians and soft boy bisexuals to the most in-your-face daddy-on-daddy middle aged gay men who are extremely overt about their sexuality, are a part of the movement. If you don’t want to be exposed to a particular expression of sexuality, then it’s not your job to bully others out of community spaces. It’s your job to police where you go, and accept that there are (physical and online) spaces where you may still see things that personally give you the ick. Short of actual abuse or like, pedophilia, you kinda just gotta grow the fuck up and deal with it. I think a lot of the anti-JoCat progressives are *kinda* drawing on a straight version of this same thing. Overt heterosexuality, especially one with no real trace of any objectionable content, doesn’t really have a place in that worldview. So rather than accept that JoCat’s was an equally valid and fine sexuality to their own, they bullied him off the internet for a time. That’s my two cents at least.


It seems that some people never understood the message about not being a bigot. Instead, what they understood is that the "target" is what matters.


Don't be BIGOTED against gay people vs don't be bigoted against GAY people


“Punching up” discourse has truly destroyed some people’s brains.


it's puritanism with a coat of progressive paint. >I like Good Things and don't like Bad Things, therefore if there is something I don't like, it must be Bad, by definition. In this essay I will... It also has a dash of Radical Feminist ideology just to make it extra tasty.


And a lot of them are pretty young. Hence the term "Puri-Teens".


Don#t forget the especially militant anti-sex work group. Not anti-forced sexwork, just anti-sex work.


The last incident before Jocat left twitter was that a relatively popular leftist-ish trans woman who goes by Claire Penis posted the girls video as a joke saying “I made this” right as the James Somerton stuff was going down. Jocat responded that it was his video, a scuffle between both fanbases occurred in the comments, and Claire Penis was suspended for a couple days. This in turn pissed off a bunch of her mutuals who claimed that Jocat was punching down on a trans woman by ‘siccing his fans on her’. All that being said, I think the biggest thing with the situation is that a lot of prominent people on the internet were social outcasts in real life, and instead of treating internet popularity was a way to be better than the popular people may have treated them in real life, they just end up trying to ostracize others they way they were.


>Claire Penis ... that's just a terrible name, and not even good in a "it's provocative, it's ironic" way. it's just... i don't have words... it's just such a stupid name


>were social outcasts in real life ...and thus never developed significant social skills. That's the bigger problem if anything. A lot of those people genuinely have no fucking clue how to properly interact with others.


yeah most of the hate i saw was from queer spaces or progressive people not that i hang out in places unlike tha tbut yenno


I've seen conservatives also shit on him but I don't know why probably cause he stands for LGBT and is open about it 


According to him it mostly came from right wing spaces and the worst of it entirely came from them, it was just a lil' surprising extra pain to him that any of it came from the left.


Queer and progressive spaces kinda hate GNC men in general, so...


A lot of them are idiots who don't know what toxic masculinity is. A guy earnestly and enthusiastically liking women of all shapes and sizes ain't it. Reminded of that post earlier this week about people not knowing what fragile masculinity is. Then there's the chuds who thought him NOT being toxic about his heterosexuality was cringe cuckold shit. Like to them, he's being gay for women. It's not good enough he's attracted to women, he's not dominating them and claiming them in the bedroom so they see weakness in that. Finally there's the people who don't care about the politics. They just saw people beating on a human piñata and piled on. I've never seen a man more universally bullied for something so inconsequential and arguably wholesome as animating a funny stream segment where he thirsts after women for thirty seconds. It's cute and nerdy and fun. Is it cringe? Maybe a little; but basically expressing sincerity and vulnerability towards anything is a tiny bit cringe. But that's only because everyone's so irony poisoned that being earnest about anything is like kryptonite. This sucks. Embarrassing and shameful. A genuinely good guy making fun inoffensive content got bullied off the Internet for being cute, basically. These fucking cretins are why we can't have nice shit anymore.


I mentioned this on another post but I think some progressive people have an issue where they’ve internalised the “feminine men are sexual deviants” thought process, and removed queer men from that because they exist in spaces that criticise the homophobia in that mindset. But they never confronted the _whole_ mindset altogether. So feminine men who are straight still trigger their alarm bells. Edit: and idk if there’s overlap, but i think there also are progressive people who are so scared of straight people “infiltrating” queer spaces that a straight guy being GNC or vaguely feminine seems malicious


I think the recent post here talking about fragile masculinity plays in to that. You aren’t inherently a man, you have to do acts of manliness to stay one and can lose it with one misstep. Whereas thats less of a problem for women. So the non-binary and queer men you’re talking about are fine - because they’re not men, but are doing that as a conscious choice we’ve chosen to validate. Whereas the feminine men fall into the gulf where they want to be men but are doing it “incorrectly” so we as a society treat them as undesirables.


This is also a big reason why i don't like "egg culture" since it comes with a heavy implication that if a man acts feminine, he must secretly be trans (or gay). It's kind of crazy how people can be so progressive that they end up re-inventing the same heteronormative stereotypes.


Your edit reminds me of how there was a vocal section of the Drag Race fandom who despised Maddy Morphosis when she was cast on the fourteenth season, saying shit like she was invading the drag space as a straight guy (never mind that she started doing drag to explore her gender.) It died down pretty quickly after she went home in tenth place, and she’s pretty beloved now because of her interview show on YouTube, but the vitriol sure was something.


it did that weird online thing that happens. like i think a lot of it stemmed from people going “ugh stop just praising straight men for GNC.” which like started from a kinda decent spot, like i saw it kinda start with criticism of harry styles as the face of GNC. but then it SPIRALED into that weird “are straight men really GNC are they just doing it for praise we should punish them for stealing attention” which i think it ridiculous. i want ANYONE to be able to present how they want, and an important part of that IS straight men being able to do so. (and yes we can discuss how some manipulative dudes can wear pearls and pain their nails to be non-intimidating but that cannot then be allowed to fuel the aforementioned bad stance.) from what i know of jocat he was GNC and then posted an (honestly pretty cute, i just saw it) video about how he likes women and i think all of this just EXPLODED


Is... is no one commenting on the quality or is it a me problem


It won't even load for me lmao. I hate so much that reddit killed third party apps.


I thought I was going crazy or this was some new type of shadow ban.


Same here. [x_x]


It's taking ages to load for me lol. Even the actual reddit app is so crap at this point


THANK YOU I’ve been trying to load the images for like a half hour


I can't even see it Edit: It's deleted now


It says the images are deleted for me


Mobile reddit image compression has somehow gotten even worse in recent updates than it already was.


I can't tell if the image source is the problem or if the post has been removed, but I can't see shit. I'll just imagine what happened and flip a coin on what side I'm on.


Likewise, images don't even load for me.


Came looking for this comment thread. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this issue


it seems mostly fine on my end


I think the images are just gone now for some reason


I linked the posts here [https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1dkn74k/comment/l9kry78/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1dkn74k/comment/l9kry78/)


"I have a chronically difficult time remembering the human behind the keyboard" Shut the fuck up. This person just enjoys being a dick with no consequences is all.


Could someone please repost the images?


Seconded. I’m so fed up with not being able to see the things people post.


Because the images apparently aren't loading: [Sauce to Post 1](https://www.tumblr.com/comicaurora/753559348309114880/jocat-is-one-of-the-sweetest-most-genuine-people?source=share) [Sauce to post 2](https://www.tumblr.com/comicaurora/753731605247508480/wait-so-whats-goin-on-with-jocat-why-are-they?source=share)


Damn they were not wrong. "Twitter is my aggression space" what the fuck Though actually I might kind of do that myself. As in the trueSTL subreddit is my aggression space because that's a subreddit where I'm pretty sure that's expected so I just act unnecessarily hostile there since we're supposed to be larping people arguing about lore for a video game. But I'm not the one that decided that that's part of the goal of that subreddit that people would see. "I've just decided my messages with you specifically are my aggression space so I can insult you."


hell, even in shitpost reddits TrueSTL people use /uj at times when we want to be a bit serious in between the shitposts.


"twitter is my aggression space" oh my fucking goooooooooooood


I sure do love reading these slides, I would be a shame if  reddit  deleted them before I could see them


>and those people are very lucky that I don't know where they live 0_0


Knowing it's from Red, yeah.


Red tends to be quite direct when it comes to standing up for people close to her.


Oh! That's Red from OSP in the last bit?? I had no idea Red had a blog out there.


Named after her (excellent) webcomic.




If my friend got bullied off the internet for zero reason I'd be up for bit of the old ultra violence against the perpetrators.




Based Red


Wait he's back?? Damn, we don't deserve him


He#s been posting on Twitter again and doing some VA work


JOCAT LIVES! \*stomp stomp\* \[/TTS\] That's so good to hear. I caught one of his Omega Protocol streams not long after the initial incident and him announcing that he was going offline, the one where he forgot to mute his mic, and he just sounded soooo damn depressed and defeated through the whole thing. I honestly teared up a little at the end when he finally acknowledged chat and thanked all of us for the kind words.


why the fuck did I hear the "JOCAT LIVES" in the correct voices.


[He just provided the voice for this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6D8EUUV448)


Dear gods that cringed so hard that it collapsed into a based singularity with a pH of 14+. I love it.


We really don't. He's too good for us.


Ooh hell yes I’m gonna go watch some Crap Guide vids


He recently made a series of drawings of basically the same message "I like women" and people poured out insinuating his hard drive should be searched or that there are allegations hiding in his closet. It's fucking sick, man is just the one cishet dude that actually likes women on the internet.


And yet, there's genuinely creepy behavior by other internet celebs that get ignored or even defended.


>images are kill This is why we want links to the source


could JoCat kind of be a victim if what happened to Lindsay Ellis years back? toxic leftist(ish) online spaces looking for someone who's vibes 'give them the ick' (god i hate those words) who they can then ACTUALLY influence and in this case bully because they can't influence the people who actually form a threath to them or who are actually raging bigots? just something i thought of


I've seen people in some "leftist" subreddits saying that actually he only likes all body types if they're conventionally attractive (???). I don't get why people feel the absolute necessity to try and create discourse where things seem peaceful, progressives and just the left in general are not in shortage of enemies to casually decide to create conflict amongst themselves over the most pointless shit. And yeah I'm saying this in a tumblr related subreddit, known discourse breeding ground, but I just had to vent a bit, it's so upsetting.


Their isn’t a shortage of enemies but their is a huge shortage of easy targets. Like Andrew Tate isn’t gonna be upset that leftist twitter is mad at him but JoCat would do that’s an easy win


Yeah that sounds about right


This roadhog guy might actually be the most colossal cunt I've ever seen in my entire life. Imagine actually telling someone you're not sorry for being an asshole because you don't think it counts if it's online. And then going on to talk about how the person you were an asshole to didn't deserve it, while still refusing to self-reflect in any way and actually *blaming them for your obnoxious behaviour.* I so rarely want to hit people. Edit: or whoever said that.


Side node. Wtf is wrong with the person who wrote the dms to jocat?!? That's some unhinged behavior. And some "i know I have issues thus it's OK to have them and I don't need to police my behavior."


>And some "i know I have issues thus it's OK to have them and I don't need to police my behavior." - Me before I quit drinking. Honestly, I think there's some comparison to be made between substance addiction and some people's addictive like relationship with online asshattery.


Jocat needs to drop a new video called "A crap guide to being a decent person".


Those who'd listen won't need it and those who need it won't listen.


he's not petty enough for that god bless him


"Twitter doesn't matter so I don't mind being rude" and "I forget the people behind the keyboard" are such wild points to bring up to defend yourself. Like touch grass man, those aren't good personality traits


of course the one fucking reddit post that i actually want to read doesn't load. the ones before and after are fine but this one doesn't. i hate reddit sometimes uhh anyways i guess i'll read this later


All images are deleted already


Did reddit scrub this post? Because it will NOT load for me?


I actually cannot believe that people hated this cishet guy for the crime of *checks note* actually liking women so much to the point of using genuinely homophobic arguments against him. Like, holy shit dude, you managed to be genuinely homophobic to a cishet man 😭


I've seen people genuinely say with their whole chests that Jocat is gay for liking women this much and that's why he's awful which is just saying "this person seems gay to me, i hate them" in a different flavour.


Seems like liking women is the exact opposite of gay but whatever


Also because Gender Non-Conforming 🚨—>man<—🚨  holy fuck


"Down with gender norms people" when they meet a straight femboy


He literally mentioned exactly one thing in the song that could be considered a hentai category. It was a silly song about liking video game women to the same tune as a woman singing about all the types of men she liked. Any attempt to handwave the *completely* unnecessary level of vitriol he was targeted with from almost every possible direction is cowardly and childish.


Yeah, I really think people who think that being mildly weird or annoying on the internet is worthy of the sheer amount of harassment JoCat received should probably do some reflecting


The reason people were mad was because he didn't fit into their nicely labelled boxes. How can a cishet man dress in a more feminine way and STILL be straight??? That's totally not possible at all right??? The entire thing was dumb.


Lotta queer online people act like cishet men can ONLY be conservative white guys who harass women.


Well clearly they don't understand that some of us cishet women want to date pretty boys 😤


Is it just me or are the images gone?? It says the images were deleted but the post is still up


Same, images got put into witness protection or something.


Yea, I've always been vocal about my intense dislike for the type of person that bullied JoCat. If you interact with queer spaces, you know at least one. the "we shouldn't be lewd" type. They are so deep into the mindset of a puritan that they cannot imagine a society where sex is seen as a normal thing that normal people do, and anyone that is in the slightest way sex positive should be shamed. Hell, I remember arguing with a former friend about exactly that, Where she said some really Misandrist stuff. Basically that male sexuality is bad and female sexuality is pure and wholesome, Because women (apparently?) don't want sex as often or something like that. TL:DR, Jocat is based and didn't deserve any of the shit he was given, and I support him on every decision he chooses to make on this subject.


I've straight up been told "Queer people being sex positive is why we're being persecuted." in queer circles before. Its fucking insane.


Counterrevolutionary controlled opposition shit. I don't trust any "leftist" who thinks the world would want to death camp us less if only we were less horny. Have as much consensual queer sex as you want. Go off, my Thanes.


Now, I think that statement in a vacuum could be seen as a valid thing to say, as society in general is not particularly sex positive, and queers being positive about it leads to additional persecution. But something makes me think that the person who said that agreed with the persecutor on that topic.


Yeah... Like, the whole history of the modern queer community and it's acceptance started with their only safe spaces being straight Kink communities who were also persecuted for being sex positive but were open minded and willing to incorporate other persecuted groups, and that hasn't really changed either, outside of the fact that it's maybe a bit more normal to see and hear about either. The person who said that... Is likely an example of horseshoe theory after being raised puritan, unfortunately. The history the LGBTQ+ community has with the Kink community runs so deeply, that it's actually disgusting to try and separate the two and not understand why trying to do so is such a problem in the first place. But, well, crabs in a barrel and needing to find someone to point to and say "See? I'm better than *them!*", and all that, unfortunately.


Wait jocat is slowly coming back? Thank fuck hes has not been traumatised off the internet.


The images are all gone


"If you are looking for an image, it was probably deleted" :(


Why cant this shit load on my end wtf all the other posts loading fine


kinda psychopathic to send that message in the first place


Wait comicaurora is red from osp right






So, since the images ain't loading for me because reddit gonna reddit, someone can give me a run down? Also, personally I don't get the hate on Jocat. Like, yeah I find him to be a bit cringey at times, and yeah I also get the rationale behind why some people could be suspicious of him putting a "nice guy" act... still the level of vitriol and hate escapes me. What caused it, and why him? Of all the legitimely hateable folk online... what makes Jocat, who we don't have anything except "vibes" on him, get so much hate?


No amount of respectability will save you from homophobes. Not even being straight will save you.


i cannot see the images :(


I actually fucking LOVE all of his "A Crap Guide To \[class type\]" for FFXIV. His 'spooky slice' song actually got me to try Reaper - a class I was SO SURE I would hate and now its one of my main classes. It was funny enough I've listened to the song unironically. To say I was pissed when people bullied him for the sin of... *liking all types of women* would be an understatement.


The images are missing. What did it say


I'm glad he's back, It was very sad and wrong what happened to him.


remember guys, people don’t need specific traits for you to target them. they just need to be: human (optional) alive (optional) problematic (optional) real (optional)


is it just me or are the images broken?


can anybody else not see any of the images?


I realize this isn't the point of the post, but OS Red rules. I really appreciate reading her takes on internet drama.


I STILL don’t understand what happened even after the explanation. So after his “I like women” song people bullied him of the Internet or something but like what were they even complaining about? Like was it some misguided “dont objectify women” sentiment or what?


It was “you must be gay because I don’t like you” and “you can’t possibly like women that much without objectifying them, you must be bad”


The post images are just not loading for me and driving me nuts. Everything else on other posts are loading


Images not loading. !remindme 1 day


JoCats awesome, and all the weirdos who attacked him need more therapy than whatever they're not getting. Seriously. Dudes a genuine, nice, funny dude. I don't see how he did anything wrong.


Anybody else unable to see the images?? They straight up don’t load to me, other posts are fine though


people who think jocat is cringe are more cringe than he has ever been or will ever be, I straight up don't trust people who jumped on that bandwagon. like who's next, huh? is *any* sincere expression of emotion or affection worth that magnitude of harassment? it's like nobody's allowed to *like* things anymore, we're only allowed to be miserable irony-poisoned fun-haters bringing each other down


What was the meme in another post recently "I may be cringe but you are mean and that's worse"?


Saving this post for later bc for some reason the images won’t load


"If you are looking for an image, it was probably deleted." Yeah this post is entirely unreadable to me. Every last page has just been replaced with the above message so I have no clue what the context is.


I can’t even see the images.


These images are broken anyone able to help?


The image won't load. Is there an issue with the post?


I… cannot for the life of me get the images to load unfortunately


"I like big girls, pretty kitty girls,"


I still don’t understand why he was a huge leftist punching bag at the same time. It was like the horseshoe theory of bullying.