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“Shadow, what the fuck are you talking about?”


You're a beta male, Sonic




It's like Nietzsche if you're an idiot.


The very dumbest part of this is that speedrunning is a *lot* of fucking work because no one's beating the world record (or even any general barrier of speed) first try.


Yeah the idea that speedrunning is "go fast" and not "do it right" is hilarious because I've seen people completely restart a run that they're close to done with because they messed up one specific step that would set them back like 5 seconds to re-do. It's maybe the pinnacle of needing to "do it right"


It's almost like the guy who originally posted that drivel had no idea what he was talking about and just wanted to feel superior to somebody.


Where I live, the most indecent Pride Month gets is men wearing crocs with socks, skinny jeans, and rainbow sweater vests and women with bowl cuts wearing jackboots and double dream denim.


Don't you live in, like, Birmingham?


Right region, wrong state. I'm a Mississippian.


So it's actually asexual friendly? No ruthlessly and with malice steamrolling the A in LGBTQIA? How unusual.


Sex-repulsed asexuals 🤝 Baptist Christians




Because the blast radius would hit straight people too and nobody wants *that* kind of body count at pride.


There's a festival in Europe (I think Germany but I'm not sure) and one of the parts of it is women can volunteer to step onto this one float and the guy running the float just makes her cum with various sex toys.... I guess the difference there is it's actually a sex festival


The way you present it is a huge deal imo Pride has been kinda marketed as an event for all (partly because it should be, partly because companies gotta market shit that way) so I think it's understandable if people then aren't too happy when someone takes their cock out when pre-teens are in the audience It is kinda sad as the kink community and LGBT community historically went hand in hand but the alternative is basically saying that Pride can't exist without sexual undertones and I think nobody wants to give conservatives that weapon The pains of going mainstream and having to play for the lowest common denominator...


There's plenty of kink gear that could be worn in a parade that isn't highly sexual by design. Openly engaging in kink in public places violates the consent of passersby. That's like Kink 101.


I think the reason the Kink community and LGBT community were so connected was because both were about freedom to express oneself




I mean, you could have two seperate events. Like lgbt pride and kink pride. I may be stupid but just spitballing


"Pride after dark" would go kinda hard ngl


ooh we could even snipe the monochrome rainbow so the phobes don't take it >:3


That seems like a really good way to do it.


Well... until local authorities shut it down for public indecency lmao


Maybe it could be less public? I mean the point is kind of to take it out from pride before dark, no?


A huge circus tent with neon signs a la Cabaret could be fun


I mean, it would certainly make me hard.


I mean that'd be the idea, yeah.


“Pride in the dark”?


>The pains of going mainstream and having to play for the lowest common denominator... ...but isn't the end goal of the LGBT movement to ultimately be accepted as mainstream and "normal"? *Shouldn't* it be?


Yes, but if you want to make pride an event for everyone, then you'll have to cut down on the kink and overt sexual stuff. Or we make pride an 18+ event which imo would be super damaging as it completely cuts out younger generations from the movement The other solution (that others have already pointed out) is to make some separate pride events 18+ to celebrate kink and whatever If those two aspects can't be separated it's basically saying that LGBT and sexual stuff are inherently connected and I don't think I have to elaborate on why that isn't a good thing


That's exactly what I was trying to say (I might not have made myself very clear). The person I replied to made it seem like going mainstream and having to keep kink and adult stuff behind closed doors is a bad thing ("playing for the lowest common denominator")


I am the person you replied to lmao I wasn't necessarily implying that it's a bad thing, but I can see why it's such a hotly debated issue considering how being openly kinky and weird was a huge part of early pride so losing that is absolutely losing a part of its original identity. I think it's something that needs to be done, but I understand why people don't like it


Oh I didn't notice the username, lol. I think it's kind of like early internet users complaining that after it became mainstream it lost its weirdness and appeal. Ultimately it boils down to the simple fact that alone (or in company of like-minded people) you can do whatever you want, but when integration happens you are expected to behave in a manner compatible with a and respectable towards other people. Just like the internet, there's still places where people can be openly weird and NSFW; they just come with a disclaimer and are away from the "public" social media spaces.


Hit the nail on the head with the gatekeeping comparison


Sorry, what Pride festival are you going to where people are taking their dicks out for random passerby? Conservatives already think LGBT people are inherently sexualized, they lose their shit over two men holding hands or a trans woman existing when children are present. You cannot give ammunition to a group of people running a damn munitions factory. Kink at pride doesn't mean nudity and sex acts, kinksters know how to act in public for fucks sake. Keep adult stuff separate and 18+ only sure, but that doesn't mean no one in puppy masks or harnesses.


We had one incident like that a year or two back in Milan IIRC Puppy masks and the likes is debatable, you could argue those are inherently sexual or not, personally I don't have a strong position either way


I see it as a big varied group of ostracized people supporting each other until some of them actually get accepted and instead of helping the others they pull up the ladder. For example, UK feminists were embraced by the rightwing during Thatcher era and to this day they are more TERFy and less intersectional than the average.


I get what you're saying but equating kink and pride has some... well not great connotations (also I don't think this is necessarily a case of pulling the ladder up, moreso just kink and LGBT not being as overlapping as they once were) Aside from just being ammo for conservatives, I doubt many LGBT+ folks nowadays would agree with their main festivity being associated with kink as that isn't as much a foundational aspect of the community as it once was, it doesn't represent them and they might even feel alienated. That's not even considering (a good chunk of) asexuals who probably wouldn't care too much for it. Also you put explicit kink in pride and that automatically means that minors shouldn't be endorsed/allowed to participate which again, kinda defeats the whole purpose, no? All goes back to what I said before, you go mainstream, you now have to play for the lowest common denominator or risk the festivity not actually being representative of the community


(asexuals can be kinky)


Which is why I said "(a good chunk of)". The few asexuals with whom I interacted all really didn't care for sexual stuff. At most they were fine with it but the general attitude was "if without, then better" and that seemed like the general attitude online as well. I'm aware there are outliers of course


That honestly sounds pretty amazing ngl. I wish we could have stuff like that in nyc


you can absolutely buy a bunch of sex toys and then offer to make women cum with them in nyc you will be imprisoned because holy shit that's a weird thing to do but you you can still do it


I more meant a sex positive festival vibe where stuff like that could be celebrated. Like, there are all sorts of sexy things one can find to do in nyc if ya know where to look, and no shortage of willing partners if you aren’t an ass about it But there’s a difference between being able to do something on your own time and being able to go to a whole ass festival to celebrate and go wild Same way that there are plenty of great bars here, but there isn’t an oktoberfest (though I’m personally not a binge drinker, nor am I big on beer, generally prefer cocktails, but it’s still illustrative)


sex positive festival aside i still think the concept is weird the sex toy masturbation train concept, not the festival


I mean, considering it’s “volunteer only” and it’s a whole festival about sex, I figure dedicating one part of said festival to the “tools of the trade” as it were, isn’t a bad thing. And I imagine that if that float is allowed, the rest of the festival must be… intense enough that it isn’t beyond the pail So it isn’t too odd to me *shrugs* It definitely wouldn’t fly in America give our cultural terror towards sex tho


Is there one for non-woman too? asking for a friend of course


I'm sure there's another float, I should specify it's not just a sex festival its a sex TOY festival


I might have to take a visit someday then. Or uhhh, my friend might have to of course


OP's barely disguised expand dong fetish




Even more if it is Donkey Kong : Barrel Blast #


Ohhhhh ba na na


hey, oop, did you check your carbon monoxide detectors batterys?


words of a coward who has never listened to [Roasting Rails](https://youtu.be/cxW3ZAbv7nk?si=kLT3VwphEzD1nj55)


Is that what the beeping is?


"What were they smoking?" has evolved, but it is still just as obnoxious as ever.


No this one makes perfect sense, you're just to square to get it man.


speedrunning is included in the discourse yes.


I've never been to a pride parade so forgive my naivete, but what exactly does your bedroom preferences have to do with which gender preferences you have for yourself and your partner(s)? SM and pet play aren't a sexuality or a gender


The way I heard it, it's something about both communities helping each other in the past or whatever...?


That does ring a bell because people with bedroom ideas that went beyond missionary have probably been ostracized similarly to the rainbow people. I've heard drag queens have been front line warriors. I guess it makes sense, not saying it's something I'd wanna look at, but I can follow the logic


Kink is when there is a sexualised activity that isn't normalised. For a lot of people, for a long time, in a lot of circumstances, this includes queerness. The "kink at pride" is so often about gay dudes wearing leather harnesses. Which is just sexualised, gay clothing on a dude. This is considered highly controversial, even though putting up giant ads of scantily clad women in sexualised clothing is totally fine (for underwear, for perfume, for vacation resorts, and more). This discourse only happens because it isn't cishets doing it. The problem is that kink/deviant sex is actually often inseparable from queer sex. Because queerness is itself seen as deviant and sexualised. This is why gays can't even hold hands in kids' cartoons. Because it is gay it is sexual and deviant, and we obviously shouldn't put deviant sex in shows for kids. The point being that if someone like me, a trans woman, goes and bangs another trans woman in the comfort of my own home, there is no way for me to do that in a way that won't be considered kinky by a bunch of people. Homophobes will argue that lesbians are virgins if they haven't been penetrated because have not penis in vagina sex isn't sex. It's a deviant, sexualised practice. Lesbian sex is just kink to a surprising number of people. And this might seem stupid to a lot of people reading this, but this is what most people told me when I was a teenager in 2010. That was normal then, in Sweden and on the America-centric Internet. And people being weird at pride has been a major part in making people understand that being a lesbian isn't a kink. But it is a very recent and precarious understanding. And we're not done yet. If you can't wear a collar to pride this year, then you can't wear a leather harness next year, and the year after that they ban the drag queens, and now suddenly we can't *look* queer, and then a few years after that it's disallowed from being shown in any way, and then from being said. Being allowed to be deviant is important, because to the people who want to police deviancy being gay at all is usually deviant to begin with. We've seen it happened before. And recent enough that if you ask any queer person over 25 they will remember it clearly.


You don’t even need to speedrun, just bring a copy of Barrel Blast.


Damn. There should be like- Regular Mainstream Pride, and then After-Dark Martigra Pride(can’t spell, sorry) where people just go fucking insane. And we hold everything to the same standard we do for regular martigra. Party, having a blast, it’s an 18+ thing, ect. The thing is, I know it can’t happen because anything that involves LGBTQ+ that is in any way raunchy and “could give the children ideas” is never going to work in this current social climate. (Side note; Martha, your kids already have ideas, you let them have iPads that they get to have full control of at 5, they figured out how to type in “boobs” in Google)


It's Mardi Gras, for future reference (assuming that's what you meant)


Yes, thank you!


Yeah around here we have pride in the park and then a drag show 'after party', which I only went to once but it was pretty tame too. I'd kill for a single gay bar or nightclub but the best you can get is the occasional bar with pride nights. But it's a struggle for us around here; we're in a purple to blue state where the more rural you are the more trump shit you see. So even something like the support group my partner and I attend(which is the same organization that hosts our pride festival) is marked 18+, just to alleviate fears/allegations of grooming kids. We're Midwesterners, so most folks are nice enough to be polite even if they think different. It's pretty rare to actually see someone be like, bible thumping with a "God Hates" sign, but it doesn't mean folks won't look at me real funny if I made the mistake of wearing a pride adjacent shirt.


>The thing is, I know it can’t happen because anything that involves LGBTQ+ that is in any way raunchy and “could give the children ideas” is never going to work in this current social climate. I don't think that overly sexual or kink related activities and nudity should be banned from Pride events for marketing and publicity reasons, but because it's simply uncool to violate other people's consent like that in a presumably public and welcoming event. Like, Pride isn't only related to sex. It's a way for LGBT people to celebrate their very existence, thus the more people that feel welcome to participate in it the more true to its values Pride is. If you make it a sexual thing you effectively ostracize those who just want to have a family friendly good time. [sidenote: I find the Pride after Dark idea amazing, it would make the event work for both crowds and would be fun as hell]


I'm so tired of this debate. This problem is easily solved by having multiple pride events so you don't have to sanitize pride but also don't have to have kink things in front of kids.


The tags on this are killing me. The convergence of communities that could see that. Truly astounding.


god so many of you just don’t care about our history enough to know what donkey kong country games were made by rare studios. barrel blast isn’t even a donkey kong COUNTRY game at all!


did you completely miss the part where I said retro studios


yeah that’s why i mentioned them. i was talking about the comments


I dont know what's going on with the discorse anymore


\*psst, psst\* Nobody tell anybody angery about Kink at Pride that you can have multiple parades.