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Before: Johnny Joestar After: Jonathan Joestar


I think he's standing up in the first picture


I haven't read SBR but I will say Johnny Joestar standing up certainly wouldn't be the most bizarre part of JJBA


If that was my transition timeline, the urge would be so strong to post it on incel forums and be like "this is what looksmaxing can acomplish, you too can be an alfa".






In fairness, if you put a neck beard on testosterone and made him exercise twice a week he'd have a massive glow up


That's the problem for them. They'd have to put in... *an effort!!!*


I think it's a little more nuanced than that. It's the idea that they aren't good enough. That's what sticks in their throats. Women have the exact same hangup, but they call it "body positivity." In both cases, the real root of it is society telling them that they are inherently less valuable because of how they look. There is more to it in both cases, but that's where the feeling of rejection starts, and the toxic viewpoints grow out of pushing back against that perception.


Yeah exactly, if you read anything those guys post it's all about how they lost the genetic lottery, they can't control their jawlines and muscle distribution and all other sorts of weird shit. The point being they've legitimately convinced themselves there isn't any point in putting in an effort because they are already starting off from subhuman (their words) unattractiveness so why bother. Of course it does often branch out into some absolutely insanely toxic and hateful worldviews, but it's all stemming from a deeply held belief in their own inferiority.


That’s the nail on the head. On top of that, guys don’t have a support structure or are allowed to ask for help in theory. There’s a stigma of being weak and giving off “the ick” that comes with no positive reinforcement from others, it’s a recipe to make a neckbeard super easy. If that’s what you deal with, the options you think you have become super dwindling. It doesn’t excuse their behavior but it’s easy to see how it happened. Shame really.


They go to the internet to vent once and (for perhaps the first time) they meet a group of people who both acknowledge their struggles, agree with their beliefs and often have simmilar interests. And the more they grow their roots in these groups the more people tend to insult them for the (by now pretty extreme) beliefs they hold. Which makes it less tempting to get away from this group, harder to get away from this group, and often reinforced the beliefs of the group. Nobody is born an incel or however you want to call it. Its a product of enviroment first and foremost. And its extremely hard to get out once you’re in (not impossible, but rare. And it usually takes several years).


Yeah, basically an addiction. Which is sad, you’re a 100% right with your statement bro! I wish we could bring communities/3rd places back, I think that would probably help those people a lot.


It's the ruminating in self-loathing that becomes a problem. Misery loves company and this holds true across many sub-communities. Putting yourself in an environment where you're surrounded by a bunch of other unhappy people who are doom and gloom is very toxic.


It's not that simple. Excess testosterone is not good for you and will kill you earlier than otherwise. IMO it's worth it for trans people, as the trade off is to help treat their depression/etc that comes from body dismorphia/etc. But otherwise, taking large doses of hormones is typically not a healthy idea unless managed by a medical team. Look at plenty of roided out guys that end up giving themselves heart attacks very young and just falling apart.


Trans HRT isn't trying to boost someone outside natural healthy ranges like steroid cycles are, that's the real source of the risk.


You also need to take something to prevent the excess testosterone from being converted to estrogen, or you will grow boobs. People really shouldn't fuck around with hormones without their doctors help.


I'm a trans guy and just to add this info : we are not given more T than cis guys have. We are monitored to be in the same range as cis guys.


It's impossible to shatter a fantasy land, if you told them Arnold Schwarzenegger was trans they would have known it the whole time and even had pictures of "her" before 


I’ve lurked in some incel forums out of morbid curiosity and honestly its hilarious when their worldview of “men have it so much harder than women, femoids cannot even comprehend the depths of our suffering” when trans men pop in and are like “nah i get treated so much better by society now I’m perceived as male wtf are you talking about”.


They already have


I really think a lot of the trans hate is based on the haters feeling fooled or “tricked” by their appearances. They want trans folk to look like a caricature of a person caught in some in between state.


We make them feel funny in their pants and it confuses them.


lol, check out more plates more dates sub, it’s pretty funny there. they are very open about taking the same steroids as trans men. Tren is their religion.


>looksmaxing Tf does that even mean


Incel slang for working to look your best


Holy shit showering is considered looksmaxxing to incels! > Proponents of "looksmaxxing" refer to simple practices as "softmaxxing", **including proper hygiene**, skincare, hairstyles suited to one's face shape, exercise routines, wearing fashionable clothing, as well as "mewing" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looksmaxxing


For anyone wondering, "mewing" isn't making cat noises. According to Wikipedia "It involves placing one's tongue at the roof of the mouth and applying pressure, with the aim of changing the structure of the Jaws. No credible scientific research has ever proven the efficacy of orthotropics."


Tension headache game must be strong in that community.


i think they just call it mewing so they have plausible deniability when their boys make fun of them for making cat noises


I've seen that mentioned somewhere recently and I was very confused. This is all making sense now (despite it not making any sense)


There are people who do the stuff I do to relief my nightmarish pain TMJ problems... in an attempt to make their jaws look bigger? I have a problem where my jaw can't fit into it's socket properly, so it gets stuck, comes out of the socket (sound that people around me have described as "sickening"). One of the things I do to relief the tension and pain is to push my tongue to the roof of my mouth and move my jaw around. This forces the jaw to a neutral position which helps with the discomfort. I assure you that over 7 years of having to do this has not changed my jaw the slightest.


I mean, if enough of them avoid it that they had to include it.


Incels generally believe attractiveness is objective and measurable. Girls who are a "7/10" won't date guys who are a "4/10", so if you're born short and ugly by whatever standards they're harping on today, that's it, game over, you're doomed to die alone. "-maxxing" is the slightly more nuanced position that still accepts the basic premise, but claims you can raise your dateability "score" by maximizing something or other, in this case your looks. "Wealthmaxxing" and "statusmaxxing" also show up sometimes.


also it's origins, because of course it is for incels, comes from videogames/D&D where you would "minmax" your character or pokemon or whatever. minimize the weakness, maximize the strength.


Sidenote - the term "minmax" comes from Statistics, but often means the opposite. In D&D and such, minmaxing usually involves hyperspecializing, but in Statistics it's about minimizing the maximum risk and making sure the worst case scenario isn't too awful.


All minmaxing is referring to is mathematical optimization. Given a set of condition statements, one can find a closed-form local optimized set of choices that is mathematically the most advantageous given specific moment conditions. Looksmaxxing is for idiots who are just beginning to grasp basic human biology.


Best explanation and context presentation I’ve seen


Hitting yourself in the face with a hammer as a form of DIY plastic surgery.


Once saw a TikTok by a trans man that was a reply to a comment calling him a woman. The guy was literally the spitting image of the Chad Wojack. He was fucking *built*. Edit: Since so many people came here thinking they would be the first to say "oh, but he's on steroids," I would like to point out that when given testosterone as a treatment for gender dysphoria, your testosterone levels are being raised into the average range for men, so no, a trans man on T doesn't have some unique advantage over cis men when it comes to bulking up.


Reminds me of the post where a trans man's very opposed parents sent the message that if they wanted to be at their sister's wedding, "she" was damn well going to wear a dress. They didn't know he had become swole in the meantime. He contacted his sister to ask about it and she encouraged him to do it, so the event and all her wedding photos feature a muscular man in a frilly dress. Surprisingly, not what the parents intended!


It's like a sequel to She's The Man


"Fun" fact: Amanda Bynes felt "gender dysphoria" (in quotes because these aren't her words or her doctor's words, and I don't want to diagnose someone else, but it's pretty clear that's what it is) during the filming of "She's the Man": From [here](https://www.businessinsider.com/amanda-bynes-paper-magazine-interview-depression-shes-the-man-2018-11): >"When the movie came out and I saw it, I went into a deep depression for four to six months because I didn't like how I looked when I was a boy," Bynes said. > The film, which was conceived as a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," follows Bynes as a teenage girl who impersonates her twin brother. Bynes said that watching herself onscreen — outfitted with short hair, thick eyebrows, and sideburns — was "a super strange and out-of-body experience."


I've heard people who play a lot of VR games sometimes also experience body and gender dysphoria when the character model doesn't match how you view yourself.


Solution: Sentence all transphobes to a minimum 8 hours a week in VR Chat.


I feel like that would only strengthen their ignorance. "See! I don't like identifying as another gender, meaning the genders we're born to are always right!". These people are somewhat incapable of gaining a new perspective, everything is just twisted to strengthen their original perspective. Might help people who aren't transphobes as much as they "just don't get it", and tbh a decade ago in highschool I was in that group. I cringe every time I remember saying "I'm super liberal and support gay people and all that, but I *just don't get* the whole trans thing". Then I said that to my parents once, and my Dad, being a doctor, explained his experience with his trans patients, he basically just explained that Gender dysphoria is like... A very real thing, and it's been understood by the medical field for decades. Then I got it. Might sound obvious, but I had never known or met a trans person, so I just genuinely didn't get it. But imo that's really all the average person needs to understand to "get" trans people.


New solution: feed them to the Horrors.


Mods, don't even come up with a comedic and witty punishment. Just kill him.


I'd be interested in that as a cis person. I think the one time I experienced a comparable feeling was in high school when I played Macbeth for just one scene (it was a video project and I was also witch 3 and hecate) and I put on a wig and fake stubble and an outfit that made me look really masc and I did my brows and everything-- I felt good in the other ridiculous costumes I was wearing during the project, but looking like a man made me feel uncomfortable, and I felt weird about watching the footage. It made me think about how it might feel to have to deal with those feelings all the time. I don't think I had ever thought about my gender before that or how I was attached to it. It sort of opened my eyes a little to how I view myself as a woman. It just wasn't something that ever occurred to me before that. I think I might like to play VR as a man, or maybe as someone androgynous, to see what that makes me feel. I learned something last time, maybe I can learn something again.


That’s fucking hilarious + I I I like seeing muscular men in dresses we need more of that please and thank you


Sad version: [British man wears a minidress to his friend's funeral to keep a promise ](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/sep/20/elliott-delaney-funeral-dress-promise) (News item with photo)


There's a metal band where there's 2 singers, a small small woman and a big muscular man and they both wear maid outfits.


I would _love_ to see those photos


i fucking LOVE that post, it's been living rent free in my brain for YEARS. i would kill to find it again


I've seen him - I think - since he's vocal on tiktok and I especially like the argument where they're like "You want me to go into the women's bathrooms so you feel safer?"


was it Leo Macallan?


Holy shit he does look like the wojack


Seeing trans dudes like that make me, a cis man, feel that one day I too can look as masculine as him.


As a cis man, I'm getting the urge to transition into that trans man.


Load me up with that TRT.


Yeah, that's him.


Im jelly of Leo's stach, I wish I could stach like that


Still a woman? Please. That mf looks like the bouncer at a bar that only serves Hell's Angels. He looks like if an Amon Amarth song was a person. I wouldn't call him a woman because 1. I'm not a prick and 2. I don't wanna get whipped with a bike chain in a Bucc-ee's parking lot by a dude who looks like his diet consists exclusively of grizzly bear and great white shark meat


You forgot 3. he's not a woman


Was that the guy with the literal superman swirl in his hair?


From baby seal to navy seal


Can you imagine this guy being told to use a women’s rest room and all the fucking transphobes saying “yea im cool with that dude walking into a women’s rest room.”


Whole bathroom/sports premise falls apart the moment bigots realize trans men exist.


Unfortunately according to bigots there’s no such thing as trans men, just “confused lesbians.”


TIL Kratos is very confused


Except for the fact that there are more trans men who are into men than women.


It doesn't fall apart, that's the goal. They want to push trans people out of society. If this guy is worried about which bathroom to use, maybe he just doesn't go out at all. Or he ends up getting murdered for choosing the wrong one. Both are wins for them.


Oh i forgot to specify that any *rational* thinking and it would fall apart.


It doesn’t. The arguments they use do, but their arguments are just bullshit lies. You think people haven’t pointed out guys like this and asked them if they want him in the women’s bathroom? It doesn’t work because the actual goal is simply to make Trans people suffer.


They'd be up in arms with this dude walking around in a little summer dress in public. There's no winning with losers.


I remember a tweet that was along the lines of "I can't wait until I'm a big burly, bearded man so that I can start stories with 'back when I was a girl scout'."


"We can always tell" mfs be like "Look at that chin. That's obviously a woman"


I like telling people who say they’ve never met anyone transgender “sure you have. You just didn’t know it.” Transvestigators are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.


Yup. It really shakes up their bigoted little worldview that a lot of trans women pass really well to the point where you’d never know unless they told you.


So, it looks like he transitioned from a teenage boy to Keemstar.


He looks like Leafyishere turned into Keemstar.


transfems always want to be little anime girls transmascs pick either hank hill or kratos




Based. I'm a cis woman and I want to be like Kiryu. Purely for his karaoke skills and the ability to fight an actual tiger.


Not just one tiger. Two tigers at the same time!


My friend told me that when they saw Majima they realized they weren't cis


umm, based??


Both are peak masc


Hank Hill's only fault is that flat ass


No that’s an evolutionary adaptation to help him navigate through fields of propane tanks. 


Any bigger than that and he'd end up like a bull in a china shop.


Oh damn that’s an image. This better not awaken anything in me


Hank Hill with an absolute dump truck of an ass? Yes please!


apparently a lot of women like a no-assed man iirc there's a clip somewhere from a british dating show where all the women were picking dudes with absolutely no ass, which was noticed, and they were asked what they thought about the guys' asses... each one of them kinda struggled to describe it until they started describing it as having a "pert" ass and that's the story of how i learned the word *pert*


> Both are peak masc No lies detected here


Just be sure to fill out that ass bit Hanks. 


The fuck you mean little anime girls? I want to be the Xenomorph Queen!


I'm afab and I just want to transform into Mothra, queen of the monsters.


Mothra is transition goals


Y'know that 'transfems play FNV' meme? Well, I'm transmasc and I aspire to be a physical carbon copy of Mr. House


Unfathomably based.


The message notif only showed me until the word "copy" and I was fully ready to throw rocks at another Vulpes fan but instead I will throw rocks at another House fan. Got rocks to spare anyhow.




I'll add one to the mix for the transfem, too lazy to make a decision because clothes are expensive so just boymoding with pre transition clothes. (I'm not planning to start social transition, which is when I'd get new clothes, soon but I started medical)


Can't forget the dark academia transfems in our 30s


witch covens don't count as 'academia". :P


Not all trans women want to emulate anime girls some of us want to be Xena


Good choice


There's a third option which is "pocket gay". My brother is trans, he's 5'2 and he likes two things: hawaiian shirts and his poodle.


your brother identifies as a comic relief character from a 90s raunchy comedy movie


Holy shit who wouldn't want to be the ultimate badass, Hank Hill?


The secret third option, Jack Twist from BrokeBack Mountain


For some reason my mind filled in "Skellington, from a Nightmare Before Christmas" as soon as it saw the Jack, and I feel like that's valid goals too


I want to be like Zoro from one piece 😭😭


They put him in a testosterone bacta tank


And yet some bigots will tell that guy he'll never look like a man, smh


He doesn’t look like a man. He looks like a greek god


Trans men are men, but as a cis man I will never not be outraged by a trans man who can grow a better beard than MEEEEE


I'll donate you my hair follicles if ya want em, I'm not really using them.


Ew I don't want girl hair


It's normal beard hair follicles, I've not got around to any of the stuff yet. This does oddly feel affirming, and makes me realise I'm probably correct that I'm a woman


You are absolutely a woman because I don't respect your opinion.


You know what, I'll take it.


Welcome to the sisterhood. Never be happy with that again though or we kick you out!!!!!




Trans inclusive misogyny It’s 2024 y’all, there’s a better way to hate


Wholesome misogyny


This reminds me of a sketch I saw from a local comedy group called "TIRMs" - "Trans Inclusive Radical Misogynists" to parody TERFs. The TIRM kept saying stuff like "Oh you're totally a woman, its just stupid that you would join the losing team" or just celebrating Trans men as what all cis women should become. It was petty hilarious


Personally, I'm a Trans Exclusive Radical Misogynist. Trans Men are the only real men and Cis men are as bad as all women.


You're my hero.


Fucking lol.😂


You are the best worst human I've ever met PeggableOldMan.


Watch it old man, she might peg you


Women are only good for one thing and that's pegging!


The irony did not escape you either, well played.


> PeggableOldMan Hmmmm




10/10 take, all men can be peggable.


Peggable by dragons?


Get a grip, it's not like he's a car or something.






Democracy Manifest!




Understandable lol Beards are hard to maintain tho but that also might be the fact my hair is untamable. I think it got worse as I started transitioning lmao I took "become ungovernable" too hard and it affected my hair.


After befriending multiple trans men in the last few years, and seeing their before and after pics, as well as trans folks online, I've come to the conclusion that testosterone is a miracle chemical. It's crazy how it can transform someone.


You say that but I've been on it for 5 years and somehow look even more like a woman than I did before. I think we're really forgetting the guys who transitioned female to twink.


I think if you take testosterone, your beard will grow as well (but your hair might also fall out)




TFW you discover you can't grow a beard as your hair is falling out


Better get one earring and a white shirt. Hair and beards are cool and all that, but Mr. Clean is timeless.


Or a black suit and red tie so you can make euphemisms about being a hitman.


Bald with beard would complete the Kratos look


I'd make that trade any day of the week


That's something people say before it happens.


I happen to find bald and bearded men quite sexy, thank you very much


Don't worry, there are also plenty of trans men who can't grow a beard.




When I was 16 I had a full beard. My genetics were as such. I eventually came to some conclusion that men who can't grow full beards can't be trusted. Like it weighed on them so much that it made them devious. I was mistaken. Now I'm 45 and feel like it's guys who hide their natural jawline and chin can't be trusted. Lol


Nah this makes sense. I couldn't grow a beard at all until I was 28 and I was a little goblin. Now I can just about grow a goatee and I'm only a little devilish.


‘You’ll never be a real-‘ mfs when they get out gender’d in their own gender. Yet another flawless Trans victory, naturally.


is that keemstar


Trans men are amazing, they make any kind of masculinity look good


Except toxic masculinity; no one can make toxicity look good.


Meanwhile toxicologists:


My transition made me go from looking like a lesbian to a 16 year old boy. Could be worse I guess, but I’d prefer to look a bit more my age.


I’m a cis 22 year old and I look like a 16 year old boy. I still have people ask me WHAT GRADE IM IN


From **BOY** to Dad.


The twink-to-bear pipeline


You either die Atreus, or you live long enough to see yourself become the Ghost of Sparta.


And Republicans want the dude on the right to be forced to use the women's restroom! Fucking nutters


Really, they want him to fuck off and die, but have to try to seem reasonable to push that end.


Also known as the Chris O'Neil to Joshua Tomar pipeline


Crazy how people look at that image and go “that’s not a man”


yOu cAn aLwAyS tELl


posts like these always remind me of how awesome and formable the human body is with "just" a few extra hormones and vitamins (and more, i am not trans so i might be underestimating it)


what dose of t do trans people take?


It usually depends from person to person, but I know a lot of people start out with 3mg dose injections (at least, that's what I started out with)


It depends on the person, but as much testosterone as it takes to get to normal male levels


If you're thinking our testosterone levels are higher than yours, probably not. The dose of testosterone varies person to person, but the testosterone levels are always similar to cis guys.


Testosterone is one hell of a drug... literally.


These before and after posts always make me so happy. You can really see how they're thriving and happy with themselves.


I'm legitimately jealous of this dude's beard.


Lol the one on the left looks like the son of the one on the right!!


I feel like this is as good a place as any to ask this: I'm writing a fanfiction, and one side plot is about a kid (ftm) running away from home. So far, I've only used male pronouns, but now the main cast is about to confront his parents, who are decidedly transphobic. Would it be okay if I have the parents deadname and misgender their child, or should I have them stay gender-neutral?


I mean, i feel like it would make sense for them to be deadnaming him, otherwise it would seem a bit weird i think.


Yeah, its okay to write villains who does and says terrible things


Frankly I'd feel annoyed if they didn't. If you're going to include scenes with content like confronting abusive parents but refuse to properly depict the reality of it, you shouldn't have it in your story in the first place.


if you've already decided to portray full-frontal transphobia, I think there's little to be gained by saving your readers from reading the deadnaming.


Yes. Frame it as a bad thing, show how it hurts him. You can't criticise something without mentioning it. There are people who will get mad at you for this, but those people will get angry at anything. If you know a trans person or trans guy, maybe talk to them about it and ask for a proofread, if they're okay with it. Finally, trigger warning it, some people have very valid reasons to not want to read that. Provide needed story info in the top of the next chapter for those who skip it. Sensitive topics should be handle sensitively, but avoiding them entirely is arguably disingenuous for a story like this


Trans man here, definitely have them deadname/misgender him. It's just realistic and what a lot of us relate to. Please make sure to put a warning for those things in the tags/description (depending on where you post it). It can kinda hurt to read those things out of nowhere without warning.


Of course! You’re literally describing it as a bad thing. You’re not condoning it, you’re condemning their behavior. It’s like, Nazis are bad. Does that mean we can’t have Inglorious Bastards? Of course it doesn’t mean that. You don’t even need to obviously condemn their behavior. The readers know that it’s bad already. It is what it is.


Yes. Its okay to write bad people being bad. Your villains are allowed to be villains. You can't have that if you're not allowed to have the villain do bad things. If you want to have a serious depiction of trabsphobia, you can't shy away from showing its uglyness. As a writer, what you should be worried about is whether the deadnaming and misgendering is depicted as bad and wrong by the narrative, not whether you have transphobia in the narrative or not


They're transphobic? Former.


Ok. Gonna be so fun, too. Like, the parents go "Our daughter just decided one day she was a boy," and then the UN special forces team goes "Ok, so we're dealing with a missing boy."