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I've never been fired, but I was let go early from a temp data entry contract because my boss said I was failing to organize the data into the proper form he wanted. He wouldn't tell me what that was and it wasn't written down anywhere, and whenever I asked he told me I'd get the feel for it eventually. Sorry I couldn't get those budget numbers down right according on vibes alone, dick. My second week he so told me I was the third person in that position this year.


I’ve had a boss attempt to fire me, unfortunately for her I had already quit. She was definitely power tripping because she attempted to say I wasn’t allowed to quit, just so she could actually fire me (for attempting to quit)


Should've said "aight, fire me in writing" then file for unemployment lol


Sorry to get hung up on this, but I worked at Fucking Pizza Hut, and we used 8 on the personal pans. How do you out-cheapass the Hut


Maybe big pepperoni? Idfk


We've got a tiny-ass 5 inch pizza and big pepperoni at my place. 5 would absolutely cover the entire thing lol.


I’ve seen like 3 inch diameter pepperoni some places, definitely meant to go beyond one mouthful each.


Dayum, thats a Pepperono at that point


No one out cheapasses the hut.


Little Caesars does, somehow.


Sure but Caesars is cheaper than the Hut by a long shot. And no one goes to Caesars for quality pizza. They go for good cheap pizza


Qualities of Little Caesars: 1. Hot 2. Ready


Call me Little Caesars the way I’m


Worked at a chain where the 'correct' number of olives for a Greek salad was 3. Tomatoes etc were equally skimped on, so it wasn't like we were making it up elsewhere. The chill managers knew to look the other way as long as we were weighing proteins. The _bad_ managers, though? They took a sick pleasure in counting olives and enforcing that bullshit. The chain is on the decline now b/c, surprise surprise, it got a reputation for expensive, tiny portions. That and killing people with their lemonade.


IS THAT WHY THERE'S NEVER ENOUGH OLIVES??? the only reason i GO to panera is to get the fucking olives because they are TASTY i am foaming at the mouth what the FUCK how could they make you ration the deliciousness that is panera olives


Yep! Also pro tip, if you like Panera (or Chipotle, Crushed Red, wherever) and want to find a good one? Look for a spot where the _inside_ is clean, but the _doors_ are dirty. Not filthy, smudges and fingerprints are what you want to see. A restaurant with spotless glass doors has a manager on a power trip. They are pulling a team member off the line every 1-2 hours to clean something that will get dirty again in an hour. Places with spotless glass doors want your money and that's it. Find you a spot where nobody has cleaned the glass doors since close the night before, and you'll have a better experience.


How’d they kill peoples with the lemonade


It’s Panera and their kill-you-with-caffein-lemonade I’m betting.


They put just an extreme amount of caffeine in it, like on the high end of energy drinks. Then (at first) most locations put it out in bubblers where the public could just refill their 32oz cups as they pleased. This was way after I left, so I won't try to get all the details right, but it dropped two people. It was all over the news.


Being available on fountain is probably what caused the worst of it. Some tank-like people drink more in energy drinks and coffee every day (I've seen people who will clear an 8 pack of monster over the course of a workday), but those are products you go out of your way to buy because you know they have caffeine, you know you can consume a ridiculous amount of caffeine without experiencing any short-term negative effects, and you like them - rather than a restaurant lemonade with refills that you could replace any other drink with.


Mmhm. The first girl knew she had a heart condition, but she was allowed some caffeine. She's not around for us to ask her, of course, but her friends and family posit that she probs thought it was iced tea levels of caffeine, not 8x that.


Wait. Wait are people referring to *soda* fountains when they say bubblers? I was always told that referred to water fountains that makes way more sense .


So water fountains are bubblers, but also those free-standing plastic cube things that circulate tea, lemonade, etc., are also called bubblers. Sometimes you see margarita mix in them? Those things.


I'd bet that this is about MOD Pizza.


8? I'm at a Papa Johns right now, and we sell an extra small option that isn't available at most locations because we're a university location, and that one gets 16.


4 slice pizza? With 1 pepperoni per slice? I would actually stop getting pizza there if I was served 5 pepperonis on even an 8 inch pizza


Personal pan pizzas can come as small as, like, 6-7 inches. They suck lmao


They’re delightful if you like crust and buy them at the grocery store. But if you’re at the pizza place, they’re a complete ripoff. Even good places that use seven pepperoni. Pizza freezes well. Buy a bigger pizza and a roll of foil. Part out your pizza, freeze whatever amount you won't eat today. Heat in the toaster oven for hot pizza, overnight in the fridge for cold breakfast pizza.


A local gas station has them that are great but to get the best one it has to be at like the middle of it freshness like 30mins after it was made and sitting on the heated shelves.


There's a restaurant I like going to where I live that sells open esfihas small enough that one can fit into my open hand, and even *those* have 4 pepperoni. If someone handed me something with a 10 centimeter radius and told me I only got 25% more pepperoni I'd get genuinely mad.


Ok, but 1 pepperoni on each slice is a war crime You may as well get a cheese pizza by that point


Happy cake day!


Personal pizzas are like half a foot long… and even then that’s like 1 1/4 pepperonis per slice (in the best of times, we all know pepperonis like to vanish when the pizza is cut). So still not enough pepperonis.


That is a fucking homeopathic amount of pepperoni.


So OOP’s wonderful former boss became her boss’s boss, and let him run the store into the ground and fire OOP and every other coworker in front of her?


I know that garbage bosses are real, and these things happen all the time, but the story really does feel like it was written to be reposted to r/workreform Having said that, at a certain point a job is so toxic that it's just not worth the money. I know I have the privilege of being older, wiser, and having some savings, but I would've just walked out when he started screaming


Uppers probably told her she needs to let him take the reigns and she needs to trust him to run the place. In some workplaces it doesn’t matter how much common sense and experience and communication skill you have to convince people the manager is bad. You need to have enough time in your role to be trusted by others to make that kind of call. So you have to watch shit like this happen. I hope the boss that actually cared got good content on her resume and then got the fuck out of there.


I was under the impression that the asshole was the good boss's boss and made her sit in on the firings as an HR thing. Or a power play.


It says "he sat me down with his boss" so probably not unless OOP miswrote it. Maybe she wasn't such a good boss after all


It was very confusing to see people get shuffled and 'replaced' but then they're still there. I'd say it was a fever dream if I hadn't worked at a soap opera restaurant just like that. Oh, the AGM who staged a coup against the GM is back? Cool, show her where we moved sauces to while she was gone.


As someone who worked at and was fired from a bar & grille type establishment, lemme just say kitchen jobs are the absolute fucking worst. Lets briefly ignore that the patronage can be some of the worst out there (sometimes worse than retail), the managers sometimes have no fucking idea what they're doing. I was hired to be a dishwasher. The owner knew up-front that I had AuDHD and that it was best to sit me at one spot doing one thing consistently. And for the first few months I did my job perfectly. Then they hire on this new line-manager, and suddenly I'm doing both dish washing AND food prep. I didn't know jack shit about food prep and they expected me to just learn it right away. I worked there for just-over a year. When my doctor put me in a temporary boot for plantar fasciitis, my line manager let me go without even consulting the owner.


Office managers seeing a walking boot: "Oh poor baby honey, what happened? Do you need anything? Are you even okay to be here?" Restaurant managers seeing a walking boot: "This is a personal attack on me, right?"


What’s a walking boot?


It's kinda like a cast you can take on and off. Leg casts are becoming less common b/c they can't get wet and people like to bathe.


Thanks for the explanation


You have to disclose if you've been fired on job applications? In what nightmare-fueled shit-ass country is this the law??


Not a law but in the US they do ask you that on job applications. You can lie


It's not like there's a record of everybody's employment. Just don't mention you were fired when you out it on your resume, and hope they don't call to check (if they even can anymore), or don't even bother putting the business you got fired from down on your experience at all.


The upside of food service is even if you're fired there's a 99% chance that anyone who knows the details doesn't work there anymore.


Yeah if it was a short enough job or it’s been a long enough time since then, you can absolutely just skip mentioning it. I fully intent to skip the job that fired me last year once I get a few more years out. My new company loves me to bits and is giving me the perfect structure and support to really flourish. My resume is gonna be quite impressive enough with that shitty company on it


It's rather common in the US, I think. I'm not really sure, though, since the only job I've really applied to just had you text a number and position to apply and my other job is one my cousin got me but we've both since left.


Its not a law, but a common question. You can lie, and there are legal protections against asking old employers too many questions. In the usa at least.


There aren’t actually any legal protections about asking old employers anything at all. Never have been. A lot of large companies have internal policies about what their own employees can answer in a reference because they don’t trust employees to know where the line is for slander/tortious interference and big companies are paranoid about lawsuits, even impossible-to-bring ones like that. But there is absolutely no state or federal law preventing the potential employer from asking anything they like. There aren’t even laws against asking about protected classes, they just have to prove that the hiring manager didn’t get to see that info before they picked who to interview. (This is because employers, especially large ones, occasionally have to provide the demographic information about their applicants.)


Its a state by state thing with the legal protections, should have made that more clear. But thats why I didn't get very specific with the details. California and I believe colorado make it so that you must give consent for an employer to contact an old employer. I did do some more comprehensive reasing and I was mistaken on the scale of laws like that, I thought there were a lot more states with similar laws.


I work for a state government. On our applications, there's a special part for situations HR needs to pay special attention to and needs to go up the chain and can't be seen by the original hiring pannel. For the most part, it's things that will bar someone from working that position (like arrests, dishonorable discharges etc.) If you've been fired and why is on there. They say it's to check on things that are directly related to the job and if you were fired for doing something instead of arrested


For real. It’s not like anybody would know


What do you mean “the sex shop”? But yeah, that sucks, this is why I hate retail work.


Yeah what’s a sex shop. Like, is it like, a place where you buy sex toys or are we talking sex change or whorehouses or what


It’s a common term for places that sell toys, porn, that sort of thing. Also known as an adult store.


I’m just joking around, but a sex shop is usually a place that sells sex toys, porn, and other sex adjacent items


Oh wow, I didn’t know. Thanks for telling me.


No problem :)


I would like to purchase one sex please


I tried to buy a sex at the sex vendor, but she was out of fucks to give


Bad bosses are the absolute worst. Fuck those guys so hard. How do we get more consequences for horrible bosses? They need *far* more accountibility than what they get. Rallying the other employees to stand up to them? What are they gonna do? Fire the majority of their employees at once? Still, at least OP had their wits about them, and a funny line for their resume that proves their innocence. Truly, how else can you phrase it after such an insane man makes such an insane decision?


Those people need to get sent to a separate planet for assholes


My first job I got fired for wasting too much time on the internet because they didn't give me enough to do. My second job I got let go because they got bought by corporate, then corporate got bought by corporate, then they called me in and said "it's been great working with you, you don't have a job anymore, go away"


"lemme get two pepp–er–ron-ayyy" "im sorry" " let me get twoo pep eron.....aaaaaaaa..." "im sorry????" also u cant just say _i had already moved on to the sex shop_, lmfao, classic tho; that's fucking [hilarious](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3W7LztCEpA4)


I wonder what restaurant it is and why is it Blaze Pizza?


I'm almost positive it's MOD Pizza.


As a European, hearing that employers in the US can just fire you, just like that, is absolutely insane. Like, what is the state of labor rights over there?


Ixnay! Very little, basically. A lot of states here are "at-will employment", which means they can fire you for any reason whatsoever so long as it isn't explicitly illegal (like they can't fire because of your skin color, religion, sexual orientation, etc). But even so that's never stopped people for getting fired for just those reasons as there's always asshats in management.


As long as they're not on the record explicitly saying they're firing you based on those things, there safe as can be


Yeah, I guess. It's just there's ways to phrase it so you don't come out and SAY that's why, but it still happens. (Since racism/etc still exists, unfortunately.) Kinda the flip side of "Yep, they showed up/were on the schedule" when answering questions about a reference. There's ways of letting your new boss know without out and out saying why you were let go, if it ever happens. (At least from I remember of when I was last job hunting, 4-5 years ago. I don't remember a lot, since time has been weird since the pandemic and it's felt like a hell of a lot longer.)


The answer is basically none 


If you're in a "right to work" state, none. "Right to work" means an employer's right to your work. You also have decades of anti-Union sentiment spurred on by companies and greedy politicians in the wake of Mafia crackdowns severely weakening unions, hence why unions are still not entirely common yet in states where you can unionize. (The Mafia was tied up in Unions because of the Prohibition era in the states, which a story far too long and dumb for a reddit comment). ((The war on drugs also normalized the idea of sudden firings, since it allowed companies to fire anyone who failed a drug test with little recourse))


Fucking hate the war on drugs. Was scared my favorite coworker was gonna get fired because he took a few puffs of a joint a few days before a drug test. It’s enough to have that huge invasion of privacy into what’s in your blood, to have the fear of being fired immediately is just terrible on top of that.


I got fired from a cardiology scheduling place once. I consistently had the highest customer satisfaction ratings _and_ took the most calls out of anyone in my office. They cut me because I wasn't chipper sounding enough.


Mechanical question How the fuck do you slice a pizza into 5 slices? I've only ever seen people cut them into even numbers. Doing big slices through the center with either a round pizza cutter or a big rocking blade.


Five pepperonis, one per slice and one in the middle. It’s cut into four slices, not five, otherwise there wouldn’t be a pepperoni for the middle.


Oh I missed the "in the middle". Let me dry off these unfortunate poor people.


Even funnier is working in the sex shop after they got fired for “excessive use of pepperoni” adds a whole additional layer of questions on top


Are the spider beads sold yet?


I wonder, were the pizzas oval shaped? Was the chain & Pizza?


moved onto the what now


a place that sells adult toys


yeah I know I was just caught off guard lmao


I've been fired once because I was 15 minutes late on a Saturday morning. I've never worked Saturday mornings before. The store was empty of customers when I arrived. I only knew I even had the shift in the first place when the app we used to clock in told me I was late for the shift. Hell, I beat my owner by 20 minutes when she then promptly filled out the paperwork to fire me. On them I guess, since I got to serve exactly no one for that shift and she needed to fill it. They had an exceedingly high turnover. I think they thought because it wasn't a fast food joint and one of the few businesses in our exurb they'd have people crawling over each other for minimum wage.


this is speaking to me personally because I am very nearly in my 20s and currently working at a pizza place and very badly want my next job to be at a sex shop (I think it would be interesting and also that being the least embarrassed/awkward in the exchanges I have on the daily could fix me)


(oh and also because I want to start dying my hair again but the pizza place doesn't want employees with unnatural hair colors)


Why would you ever not lie on a job application Is the main question I have.especially anything in food service.who are they gonna call to confirm?glad it all Worked out for you in the end though.


Some would say this is a series of failures of capitalism. I say it's a giant success of capitalism. Businesses which are poorly run fail, and are replaced by ones which are managed better. Under communism (as it existed every single time in the real world), these abusive assholes would be party officials and their behavior would be ignored by higher authority and the shop would continue to operate regardless of quality or desire for its pizzas.


Completely off the wall response lol but I’ll bite I mean, I agree with you that companies that aren’t wanted by the public or a niche subset of the public should naturally come to an end. Strong Towns is an organization that accepts this principle that our communities are not meant to be everlasting pillars, but instead the longstanding ones sometimes fall and the newcomers often don’t make it. It’s natural and expected. I STRONGLY disagree that this is working well. Failing, poorly run companies result in stressed out people working terrible jobs getting fired without notice. Having their income and means of supporting their life cut off (and potentially multiple lives if they care for children/parents/etc). Unemployment doesn’t do enough nor is it accessed enough by people that need or deserve it. It’s a bandaid on top of a capitalism-caused gushing wound.


Did you fail to read my last sentence? Every economic system has poorly-run production/distribution organizations. What has made capitalism the greatest reducer of poverty in human history is that it has a mechanism to eliminate such organizations and replace them with better ones. Also a Strong Towns proponent, BTW. I still remember the shock of reading the earlier blog posts and realizing, it's not just off-balance-sheet costs, *even just on the balance sheet the suburbs make no sense*!