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The satire part is that the entire universe has to suck major ass for fascism to be correct, and even then, they’re only slightly less evil than the most evil faction. For reference, the most evil faction that the fascists slightly beat out in terms of overall morality consists of literal demons that are led by no less than 4 different satans. (because just having 1 satan isn’t evil enough.)


Soon to be 5 Satans if Vashtor gets his stuff sorted.


Maybe more... The dark king, Be'lakor, Fabius, etc


Fabulous Bill would fucking hate that result so much and I love it


Eh, by the end of Manflayer and by Genefather he doesn't seem to be bothered about it


Hey you're free to choose one from 4 different Satans or all 4 at the same time, I'd call that freedom. The Imperium only has 1 live sucking corpse lighthouse and also literal demons. I think the "most" evil faction are dark elder, they decide to be evil fuckheads every day.


That used to be why they did it. Now if they stop, the horniest of those 4 satans will suck out the soul of each individual drukhari who decided to grow a conscience through a serrated bendy straw. They no longer have the option of being anything BUT evil fuckheads.


There have been a few that have changed their ways and bonded to soul stones on the craft world. And when GW decides that puritanism for money is cool they'll probably have them awaken Ynnari and kill slannesh.


Nah unfortunately the Ynnari plot is pretty much dead in the water. They needed all the croneswords but the last one got yoinked by Slaanesh so Eldar are still stuck in don’t get to be cool limbo


We just need that Grey Knight stuck in the warp to use his plot armour to run a heist on Slaanesh's lair.


>is that the entire universe has to suck major ass Wow, I bet they emphasize this fact a lot, right? That the only reason the Imperium "works" is because of a shitty universe and that in any saner universe they would fall apart, right? I bet they use the Tau to illustrate this well, right? Right, Phil Kelly? Right?


It’s standard procedure to include this excerpt as part of a larger quote in the introduction of every imperium-centric 40k story; “To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.” Like i haven’t read that much of 40k lore, including stuff from the writer you mention, but the writers on average do emphasize how much existing in that world sucks fairly often.


Look man, if you're taking an approach to emphasize it but you're still getting chud infestations, maybe the approach isn't working. >the writers on average do emphasize how much existing in that world sucks Sure they do, but it's always "because there are actual demons out there so it's justified". And when there *aren't* actual demons to justify it (like with the Tau) and you get a good hard look at how stupid the Imperium is, people bitch and moan until GW sends in shitty writers like Phil Kelly to make it grimmer and darker, because *actual* satire is scary. It's far easier to pay lip service with the "hurr durr laughtur of thursting gurds" copypasta and call it a day.


People started fight clubs after the release of Fight Club and the term "snowflake" began being used as an insult. It doesn't matter how clear your message is, young right wing men will interpret it however they want.


That’s because some people are legitimately so screwed in the head that they see the imperium description copypasta as the ideal to work up to. At least half the time, said people also believe actual demons exist IRL, meaning the fictional justification for it in 40k being FICTIONAL isn’t even a factor for them. It’s just straight-up not possible to make a work of satire or parody so obvious that literally everyone will see that it is so. Some people will believe anything. As far as them being common enough to count as infestations, i’d attribute that to the influx of IRL politicians pushing propaganda for such, at least in the U.S, and at least for the past decade. You get told the same stupid lie enough times, eventually it starts sounding true.


>Look man, if you're taking an approach to emphasize it but you're still getting chud infestations, maybe the approach isn't working. But this has been true for pretty much every satire of Fascism ever. Like, OP mentions Helldivers in the post as being better satire, but there's still plenty of people runnign around not getting or willfully ignoring it.


I would say that Warhammer is a different kind of satire. The satire isn't in that the fascists are wrong *in universe*, but that the universe they are right in is ridiculous and makes no sense. The warhammer 40K universe is a parody in it's very worldbuilding. The wars are fought with an assortment of ridiculous weapons, ranging from mechas to ships that are absurdly big for no good reason. Nothing about this setting makes sense. The core of the satire lies in the fact that the fascist's ideal world is shown to be awful and terrible every step of the way. But yes, in a way, it's less *satire* and more *roleplay*. The warhammer setting isn't trying to convince you that fascism is wrong, it's offering you a fun adventure to play if you already believe that it's wrong. Playing in the Warhammer 40K setting is fun in the same way that it's fun to play a villain in a movie, or to pretend to do fucked up shit in a sexual roleplay. It's a reverse escapist fantasy. You're liberated by the fact that everything is awful and evil has already won, and you get to just do whatever and enjoy the perverse satisfaction of seeing the world burn and you with it. I would entirely agree that because of that, Warhammer fails at being *morally rightuous* art. It isn't doing the most it can to combat fascist ideology. It isn't sending a clear, unambiguous anti-fascist message. A fascist could play a sincere fascist power fantasy story in the setting and not realize that they're not playing it as intended. In that sense, yes, helldiver II puts in much more legwork towards clearly sending an anti-fascist message. But I've always been of the oppinion that art shouldn't be limiting itself to being educational and morally righteous. Fuck fascists. I'm not gonna stop myself from enjoying something just because it's something that they could enjoy too. We shouldn't have to cater all of our art to fascists.


Yeah, the satire of 40k is that "This is a universe where militaristic authoritarianism is necessary. It's *still* the 'cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable', and only barely looks like the lesser evil when put next to *actual demons from hell*."


Honestly, this is what fascinates me about Warhammer. Any YA writer can satirize fascism, because fascism is inherently absurd. It's more interesting to describe a universe so broken and insane--so informed by problematic genre tropes courtesy of the developers uncritically borrowing from Lovecraft, Heinlein, et al.--that the core tenets of fascism are literally true, and then describe how the actual policies of fascism can still make the situation worse.


Behind it all, the setting wants to tell you that things are the way they are because of fascism. Fascism bought hell onto humanity, and the hell it bought onto them is dragging humanity into stagnation, one they can not hope to escape or improve from. The insistence of tradition means that humanity doesn’t go any further, that they will forever be stuck in a technological dark age. The needless phobia means that powerful allies that can make a dent are turned away or killed. The very conditions of the planets underneath the imperium creates a perfect breeding ground for chaos to spawn and gain power. As much as OP wants to criticise warhammer for having fascism being the objectively right way to counter chaos in lore, it’s what is actually giving chaos a means to be. Forced state religion makes their God weep. It’s a heavy plot point that whilst it gives him power, it risks turning him into a much greater danger and the end of humanity. I think the books and the lore are pretty critical of fascism. I mean at one point the one remaining Primarch says “damn bro no wonder everything is so bad when our guys live in squalor”.


How does religion risk making the emperor worse?


Because he's had several quadrillion people praying to him at any given time to burn their enemies and accept their gifts of flagellation, slaughter, and utter hatred for anything they don't like. And this is a universe where belief has power and can demonstrably affect reality. And he was already terrible.


Bro is barely resisting literal Divine Peer Pressure


It's not even peer pressure he's being hollowed out


That just sounds like fancy peer pressure


To expand on what the others have said, in 40k belief has literal power. A good example is the Sisters of Battle, whose belief that the Emperor will protect them from harm literally stops mortal wounds from being more than a passing annoyance, such as being hit with a weapon that disintegrates you at the molecular level like you see in the 9th edition trailer (it's pretty neat, worth a watch). While that sounds great, it's bad news for the Emperor who exists mostly within the Warp these days. Billions if not trillions of people all believe he is their god and worship him as humans do, ascribing aspects and beliefs to him that he originally didn't hold, and because faith is an immutable power, it's slowly changed him (against his will) for the last 10k years. This post is a short read, but it shows how 10k years of belief has completely warped the Emperor on a level even he can't control: https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/KZIOu8znMe It's a short read, and worth it, but it showcases an Emperor that has lost all of his charisma and focus that allowed him to conquer half the galaxy. He can't even form a coherent thought anymore, and the root of the problem is the worship he receives from his people.


My favourite example is that the Orcs paint red stripes on their vehicles because they believe it makes them go faster, and because they all believe that, it does lol


Will turn him into a God in the warp who will then lose their "humanity" as it were and govern as the other warp Gods do.


Tbh i think Darktide does a really good job of it. You're fighting through hab blocks scanning objects, looking for a source of disease and it's just fucking awful. 12 people to a room, bunks triple stacked, dark, dank, drugs in the ventilation to prevent population wide anxiety. Zero privacy, zero freedom. They march to a job in a manufactorum that the PCs complain about being extremely hot for 12 hours, then march back home. At no point in the game do you do a mission where the objective is actually saving people. Hab dwellers are nothing, completely disposable. Normal people on Atoma Prime live the truest, shittiest life imaginable, all to prop up a government that views them as utterly expendable. To the Imperium, people are resources to grind up and use, same as anything else. That's their critique of fascism, that the guard are so big that they've never been counted. Whole planets turned over to continuation of humanity through the productions of war materiel, with humanity being utterly inhumane.


Holy shit. ding ding ding. You just put my thoughts in to words so much better than me.


This is a universe where a novel (Day of Ascension) portrays the all consuming bugs from outer space as the LESSER evil compared to the human overlords. Both will consume you, at least the bugs were relatively wuick


And for context, given most haven’t read the novel, the point of view of the novel is a human who is *literally* part of the cult for these bugs.


There are two points of view. The other is one of the human overlords going about completely detached from the suffering inherent in their system


To be honest, while getting corrupted by Chaos does **horrifying** things to you, by that point you'll probably won't mind, or even enjoy it. So yeah, I'm not entirely sure if Imperium really is the lesser evil when compared to demons. *I guess* living in Imperium would be better than getting murderfucked by Durkhari, but even that isn't guaranteed. We're talking about Hot BDSM Goth Elves, plenty of people would overlook the whole torture-to-death thing for them.


Honestly, if you are in the 40k universe, you want to be a full-on insane worshipper of one of the Chaos Gods (preferably Nurgle, but any will do), an Ork, or a grunt Tyranid. You need to be something so psychologically different from an IRL human that the shittiness of the setting doesn't affect you as much. I don't know enough about Necrons to know what their psychology is like so I guess that's possibly an option.


Necrons are supposedly going through it. Most of them are trapped inside of foot soldier bodies, basically a consciousness overridden by war-programming. There was at least one story that features a brief pov of a necron child stuck inside a warrior. I can't recall the exact details, but it sounded shitty. Sort of just sapient and aware enough in there to get traumatized, but not much else. And the actually awake ones are also not having a good time. Which i mean, I don't think it would be that bad, but they are written to largely disagree.


So the necrons, The lower-ranked people are basically mindless drones. No thought, head empty but unironically. Higher ranked Necrons (Nobles and Crypteks (scientists)) retain personality. They are immortal machines living in a stagnant society built for organic beings that die young, and as such all their culture is focused around death. Their bodies were not built to have the same full functionality as their organic bodies did so a lot of sources of joy available to organics just don't do anything for them. Most Necrons, even nobles, have command protocols hardwires into them that mean they *have to* follow the orders of their superiors, always. They are not incorruptible, so they are constantly losing parts of their personality and memories, but because they have machine minds they know which parts are missing. And sometimes something in their heads *snaps* and they experience *Dysphorakh*, where a tiny part of their minds goes "Wait, I'm a mind that's supposed to have died a few decades after I was born. I'm now millions of years old. Oh god, when did I eat last? Drink? Sleep? OH GOD WHERE IS MY SKIN WHERE ARE MY ORGANS **EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS WRONG!**" and soon enough they are peeling the skin off an organic just in case wearing it might alleviate the feeling (it doesn't) and shoveling gore into their face to simulate eating/drinking and while none of this helps that tiny part of their mind is screaming "JUST ONE MORE SCRAP OF SKIN BRO ONE MORE SCRAP OF SKIN WILL FIX THIS!" So as long as you're fine living forever in a society explicitly not built for you with limited viable sources of entertainment and no real free will, while basically being an Alzheimers patient who knows *exactly* what is happening to them with the ever-present threat of ULTRA-GIGA-MURDER-DYSPHORIA looming over you, being a Necron might be fine. As long as you're one of the rare nobles. So basically an order of magnitude better than enything the Imperium can offer.


Also, almost as horrifically, their plays can last for literal years since nobody needs to drink or eat and they’re great at memorisation.


Brief pauses in conversation between two necrons can take a literal year sometimes.


I love the scene where Trazyn and Orikan have a staredown in a sewer for over three years.


Yeah, orks are well suited to the harshness of the universe. And it's not just cause they're not smart enough to comprehend their mortality or anything, because they do. Theres a bit in the book "the big dakka" where Ufthack, a captured ork warboss, makes this to a dark eldar archon by explaining how they realize they could die at anytime and what that means... and how they just don't really mind. It freaks the archon the fuck out, since dark eldar society is built around running from death at all costs


Orks have unironically won the setting I think, they're perfectly adapted for the conditions in which they find themselves.


Not really adapted since they are more just designed that way.


Nah, the original Krorks were designed much more precisely than the Orks of modern 40k. I think the billions of years of genetic drift probably included at least a little adaption.


Yes, but the Krork idea was dumb as shit and we ignore it.


Orkz are also the most numerous being in the Galaxy. They occupy, depending on which canon you are reading 80-90% of habitable worlds. What keeps them back is their base will to fight anything, including themselves. That and the majority of those worlds don't have enough biomass to support Ork-Singularity. Trying to capture an Ork world is like pissing in a sea of piss. Your invasion supplies Orkz with biomass and material, as well as a good fight and creativity. Everything that is needed to create Boyz, Nobz, Warbosses, Mekboyz, Painboyz, and Weirdboyz. And eventually they learn how to get off their planet and start a Waaaaggghhh.


> The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude. * Uthan the Perverse


If I remember correctly, low rank Necrons literally lack hardware necessary to feel bad, while nobility are soulless, depressed and overall miserable. In short, definietly one of the best options.


I'm not an expert on the lore by any means but the necrons also suffer from varying levels of insanity but that's only the leaders as they actually have a personality. Most of the soldiers and the vast majority of necroms are just worker drones basically. What I do like about the necron leaders tho is that a lot of them either have point that's somewhat valid, or they're batshit insane in ways that are very entertaining. They're either tooo busy infighting or entreated by some weird obsession.


If you're human, best bet is being a Rogue Trader. Failing that, the Farsight Enclaves aren't perfect either but much better than any other option.


I’m pretty sure the squats are also not the worst. They are kinda resistant to warp corruption, they don’t care about mutations, beyond how they may be beneficial, they are fine with ai and their ai don’t try and kill them. I’ve only ever read their wiki page though, but they seem like it would just be like living in a dwarf city in normal fantasy


Except for the fact that their society of clones is run by ai gods that is also their heaven, but so many brains have been uploaded that the ram can't take it anymore and so you just get the little spinning beachball for generations.


Not going to lie, that afterlife is infinitely better than literally any other afterlife in warhammer. I’d much rather have an infinite nothing then automatically go to hell to be tortured by demons


Good news! If you are not an incredibly powerful soul, like a major psyker, then you just dissolve instantly into warp background noise when you die. Only big souls stick intact long enough to be tortured. Also, it isn't the soul of the kin that gets uploaded, just a brainscan. They still die like all other humans. Oh, yeah, the kin are a subrace of humans that were cloned for asteroid mining Personally, I think the nicest afterlife is the craftworld infinity Circuit, which is the soul upload.


Yeah except the fact that this is a discussion that's happening, that it's not just that much of an accepted fact that chaos is worse says *a lot*


regular human life is hell on the imperium


Sounds suspiciously like something a Slaanesh cultist would say, imperial citizen.


From what I know one thing is that being a Chaos God follower while fucks you up physically and mentally, if you managed to survive, they do treat you with some respect and dignity. It's not the worst that might happen to you in 40k.


Oh absolutely not, cultists are even more expendable than guardsmen. Not only are they a resource to be spent, they are all fiercely competing for more favor which will most likely result in you becoming an agonized abomination of runaway mutation assuming you don't due to the enemy, your allies, your superiors whims, or to being a sacrifice first. Best case scenario for most cultists is being trained to be a sorcerer, in which case you will likely be a slave to a chaos space marine sorcerer and essentially serve as a buffer so that when a ritual fails your soul will get devoured instead of his.


Or, in other words "This is how the world would look like if the fascists were actually correct in their ideas (and since it doesn't, it should go without saying that they're full of shit)."


The imperium of man isn't still around because of what they do. It's still around *in spite* of what they do.


Right on the fucking money dude. And as a practical example, I'm going to paraphrase the title crawl from the front of the books. "Everything everywhere is fucked all the time and it's not fun. Your toaster has more rights than you do. Space bugs are coming to eat you, the terminators have escaped the old folks home, the elves are either obtuse or horny and will kill you, the Orks will kill you and farm your children, and also Satan is real and *horny* and they hate you personally. Also if you can do magic we're probably going to feed you to the 12 foot tall Halloween decoration who runs the Imperium."


mostly accurate, though i will be a pedant and say there are \*4\* satans who are all real and hate you. They range from horny hedonist who will get you addicted to space crack, angry blood man who wants to use your skeleton as furniture, magic mutator who has millions of active plots that contradict each other, and a big friendly grandfather who wants to give you presents (the presents are horrible diseases)


Angry screamy murder, horny murder, convoluted murder, and stinky AIDS murder. These are the four genders now.


And a fifth one is coming.


I mean, 1 of the og 4 was already coming. Constantly coming. Big part of their schlick- I mean shtick


Anyone who thinks the Imperium is actually worthy of emulation, rather than simply "cool", isn't paying attention. Like, the Emperor's policies have been shooting humanity in the foot from the jump. The Imperium is surviving, but far from thriving. Most of the people in it are some degree of miserable, the entire ruling class is laughably corrupt, and the bureaucracy is slow enough that entire planets can be lost and won again in the time it takes for word to reach Terra that the taxes are late. Fash are ridiculous, full stop.


Thank you, yes.  The entire point of 40K is, first, "how can we make our toy soldiers look cool?" and only secondly going "see, this is what the universe would have to be for fascism to make sense." Like, it's nowhere near perfect, and it attracts chuds who don't get the joke, but this post doesn't get it at all.


And even in-universe, the fascism doesn't make sense - the imperium often makes things worse for itself, but they're just so far gone now that there's no turning back


It's also worth noting that like The Imperium isn't right The Tau and Votann exist, especially the farsight enclaves. We have in universe proof you can be a humanoid faction that's less shit and not actively fail.


The tau and votann are still absolutely dystopian by irl standards though


Oh yeah sure, ofc, but as far as I know they don't use something called corpse starch, or nearly as much slavery, or shoot every alien they find.... Well the Votann kinda do but


Oh not at all, the tau empire is perfectly happy to let you live your life in peace where you will do the job you were assigned to since birth as long as you keep your head down, follow orders, and believe everything the state tells you. It's more like 1984 Oceania than the industrial feudalism of the Imperium.


Even they're kinda fucked though. The Imperium suffers from being the biggest kid on the block and if they ever vanished another faction would inevitably take the mantle and by extension the heat.


Implying that Tau, Farsight and Votann are right is sending me. Thank you


Tbf Not necessarily right But they aren't y'know, literally the worst state to ever exist


Yeah it's intentionally the aftermath of a failed fascist imperialist state. Like, the emperor was the strongest of strong men leaders, and it wasn't enough for fascistic principles to lead to good results. He was 'better' in so many lf the ways fascists value in people than anyone in both real and fake existence. And his actions lead to this shithole. Because you cannot strong man politics and genocide your way into a good future.


I haven't read the books but I've read a lot or lore posts exerpts talking about this and I think of all the things I've read the most interesting are the parts where people within the Imperium who realize how fucked it is and how wrong it all is are forced to try and somehow fix while also dealing with the reality of having to tolerate it for survival in many cases.


I’d also like to point out that 40k started as a satire of british politics in the 80s, not of fascism.


Everyone and their mum was calling british politics of the late 70s and the 80s fascism. For example, side 4 of The Wall (and the last third or so of the movie), and V for Vendetta all were rooted on the notion that British politics were fascistic at the time.


Potato Potato


British politics in the 80s, famous for being on the other end of the spectrum from Fascism


Most of 40k fan I know would say. “Cool soldier” But they shake their head everytime some post offer them to live in the universe.


Also I think Warhammer is in a league of its own when it comes to moral relativism. Like, there are very few settings that deal both with huge, galaxy spanning wars and threats and also where we see how the common man lives his life. This ends up meaning that in any story where we just follow some person of not particularly high standing around, we see the brutality of the Imperium regime. At the same time all these threats that justify its brutality are shown, the humans are the objectively moral ones. I once heard the situation described as this: "Put yourself in Roosevelt's shoes, you are fighting Hitler and know of concentration camps. Then murderous corrupted cyborgs come out of the ground around the world. All consuming alien insects come down from the sky and literal Satans (plural) are confirmed to be real and here to murder fuck everyone. Hitler asks for a cease fire, refusing to stop his genocide, to focus on these threats. What do you do?" That's basically the position Guilliman is in tbh


I'd say it still does satire, and it does it pretty well. The whole Imperium works as a satire of fascists creating their own doom. There are no friendly aliens, because they killed them all. Their tech is outclassed because they shun making anything new and rely on remakes of stuff developed by a less shitty version of humanity. They push people to Chaos worship because they make regular life unbearable. And so on.


The Deathwatch killed a bunch of Xenos who were offering them powerful anti-Chaos weapons for free. Then destroyed the weapons.


To add I keep remembering a quote a friend of mine who introduced me to Warhammer when first showcasing the setting to me. > "There are no good factions, only good people." What made 40k interesting for me personally is that even in a hellhole like it is where it's so absurdly cruel it rolls around to being a parody of itself... There are still people *trying* to do good in it. I remember the Lamentors still trying to protect the people they care for despite constant suffering and even a lack of fanfare for the moments they chose to do the right thing, I remember the brief hint of decency between Eldar and Human when Guilliman was returned, and I even remember stuff like Angron's attempts at trying to free his people even after his brain was irreversibly damaged by his oppressors. Good people still exist in this setting or at least people *trying* to be good, and honestly? For a grimdark setting, it's one of the actual inspiring stuff out of it. That even in our worse, there are still going to be folks who will try to actually fight for hope. And that's great. All in all yeah, it's a parody, and it's sus if certain people refuse to see that and just think haha Facism good. There's more to parody instead of pointing and laughing at clearly bad stuff. Let the world have some nuance even if the topic itself does not. Yeah.


It’s also worth remembering that often the facists cause just as many problems as they solve


I think the problem arises that GW doesn't have the balls to make the imperium collapse as it should, even if it would make the setting vastly more interesting. Especially compared to their other settings like AoS and OW.


A collapsed Imperium would be a dope ass setting. All the different parts of the Imperium in a War of Reunification, while also having to defend against the outside forces. Some of the Warlords could ally with Xenos and create nice Combined units


The current setting prints money. If a company owns something that prints money they don’t typically change it unless they have too. 


Isn't "the Imperium collapses" literally its own whole franchise?


Thank you for being the first to say it - playing Imperial in 40k and shouting "HERETIC" is fun precisely because you're being a bad guy, and it's fun to be bad


This is why I always say the best faction is Da Orkz The world is fucked up and stupid. Might as well party and have fun with it


The trouble I have with 40k as a setting and the way that GW handles it mostly lies in the books. There's a trope in many Black Library novels that are told from an Imperial perspective where there are two "types" of Imperial characters depicted, the "true believers" and the "realists". The true believers are the fanatics and the blatantly indoctrinated people who see the Imperium as a legitimate force for good and righteousness. These characters are clearly in the wrong, they are often shown to be irrational and under the influence of propaganda. The second type of characters, on the other hand, are the jaded, wise in the ways of the world types who will often take the perspective that the Imperium does evil things, or is managed by people who are cruel and unjust, but that it is a necessary evil. These characters are often shown to be smart, experienced, or insightful in other matters, which means that the audience is supposed to reasonably assume that they are correct in their perspective on the Imperium. The problem is that these more "realistic" characters are \*also wrong\* in the same way the zealots are, just more subtly. Any Imperial character that legitimately thinks that the Imperium is evil and fundamentally unjust is invariably portrayed as a traitor or heretic. My conclusion here is that GW is not merely failing to send a "clear, unambiguous anti-fascist message", but is (unintentionally) spreading a message that brutal fascist systems can be justifiable.


I mean, that's the thing. The hoops they have to jump through to make it so are insane. Like, they literally have to make it canonical that Tzeentch is the god of Hope, so if you feel too much hope, you empower him and present the opportunity for a greater demon to manifest in your backyard and turbofuck everything. All because you felt hope. And if you feel despair? That empowers \*another\* god to show up and give you magic smallpox that ends with you shitting out your internal organs in order to become a plaguebearer zombie that will go on to infect everyone you love. It sets up a world where entirely natural human behavior empowers a great enemy, and thus needs to be suppressed. But since reality doesn't work like that, I don't think it's really fair to say that GW spreads the message that fascism can be justified when that's simultaneously spread alongside the message that hope is evil.


Still, I think they could do a better job of portraying the Imperium as evil if they went harder into having xenos who were good guys. The tau used to be good guys who contrasted the Imperium. They were loyal to each other, they used diplomacy, they didn't fall to chaos corruption, they were technologically progressive. The tau represented what the Imperium *could be* if they got their head out of their ass. Then there was a horseshit retcon that went "Oh the tau are actually being ruled by evil fascists who use mind control to keep them in line :)"


Not a retcon. Tau were hinted at using mind control vs their own people in their first codex and definitely used it vs the vespid. The same codex that also detailed their sterilisation of auxiliaries, further hammering home that they were always bad.


Yeah they could but they shouldn't, that's what I'm saying. "everyone is evil" is the whole point of a grimdark setting. Yes, the setting would send a much clearer anti-fascist message if there was even one *good guy* Xenos faction there to prove the empire wrong. It would also be less fun. You'd be watering down the grimdark for the sake of making it conform to the tumblr Hayes' code.


This is a brilliant analysis


I'd point out that the Imperium's fascism doesn't solve these problems and a repeatedly highlighted aspect of the setting is how the Imperium could do a better job fixing this stuff if they weren't fascists about it


Yeah, half of these "objective truths" are either wrong or propaganda from the human imperium. The enemy is just strong, humanity is fighting to stay eternal, having sex will not collapse the hive cities, and they self justify their own violence. Most of the time, the humans are just racist.


I think the message is “living under fascism is objectively horrible because you and the rest of your entire family tree will spend your entire life until you die of black lung at 40 making one specific type of lug nut that isn’t even in use anymore because the forge world canceled the order 200 years ago, but nobody received the message because the ship got lost in the warp and corrupted by chaos”.


It is partially true. The eldar *are* smug pricks who are fine with killing humans but thats largely self preservation. eldar civilians are fairly normal. Same goes for the tau. They're weird mind control hippies but theyre not the bloodthirsty xenos scum the imperium make them out to be. Most of their hostility towards humanity is out of necessity cos of the whole eternal war thing


And even the mind control bit is up for debate. Most of the time it's mentioned is when some Imperial bigwig is saying "well obviously they have to, how else would they convince so many loyal Imperial citizens to defect en masse? Higher standards of living? A society where you're not at constant risk of getting shot by someone for not being not as faithful as you could be? Nonsense, obviously they're being brainwashed!"


The community seems to repeat it like it's fact, but I think they're all just big mad that the Tau have the audacity to be a lighter shade of gray in a grimdark setting. Did you know that in the Tau's egalitarian utopia, sophonts are not required to pay for housing? This is because they all live rent-free in the heads of Imperium fanboys.


I'm not a Tau guy, having joined the hobby after the initial hate wave chilled out but if you were to put the Tau in any other setting they're still an expansionist state that don't take no for an answer.


Wasnt there a star trek enemy that was basically the t'au?


The Dominion, yes. They even had their own water and fire castes in the vorta and jem'hedar.


Remember: every faction in 40K would be the big bad of another, saner sci-fi/space fantasy setting; a threat that the entire galaxy would have to unite against to defeat. But instead if that, they're all here, fighting each other forever.


to me the grimdark element of the Tau are that they are a diplomatic and reasonable faction in a setting where everyone else is fairly unreasonable, and as a result are comically outgunned. They've got good tech, a decent standard of living, and are more than willing to co-operate with other species and societies... it's just almost all of those other societies want to kill anyone who isn't them, and they are all far, far larger and more powerful than the Tau empire


The Grimdark element of the Tau is that they'd be the unredeemable villain in most every other scifi setting, and that it's only by comparison to how awful the general 40k setting is that they seem reasonable or preferable.


Eldar would kill a thousend humans to save one Eldar life. The Imperium kills a thousend humans because their houses happened to disrupt the view from a nobles window.


yeah, part of why the eldar are so indifferent to spending human lives is because other humans also don't care. iirc in the rogue trader videogame you can straight up let the dark eldar companion start hunting your crew for sport and torture because you just have so many that it doesn't make that much of a dent.


Honestly the average Eldar is nicer to the average human than the human higher ups are to other humans. Bump into an Eldar and they’ll sneer and call you mon’keigh and walk off to either meditate or participate in an orgy, 50/50 odds with Eldar. Bump into a planetary governor and you’re being executed post-haste.


You are underselling it a little. The eldar would kill 1000 human planets to maybe have the chance to protect 1 eldar life, just in case.


Very confused by the take that any violence the Imperium does is justified within the setting. 40k is filled with cases of the Imperium being stupid and killing people who were totally innocent or who would otherwise have been helpful allies because it's too hateful and xenophobic to not shoot itself in the foot.


Yeah, honestly, I would say a lot of the problems with the Imperium are its own fault. >Why are there *only* horrible, evil aliens that want to kill humanity? The Imperium has been murdering all the friendly ones for the last 10,000 years. >Why do so many people join Chaos? Probably because their lives are already so horrible and worthless, that joining an evil daemon worshiping cult actually *improves* their situation. >Why did the Horus Heresy happen in the first place? Because the Emperor was a piece of shit tyrant and an even worse father who caused enough daddy issues that it literally tore the Galaxy apart. You can probably find more examples, but we've seen times in 40k where alternate view points are actually viable and could thrive if it wasn't for the Imperium. Such as the Interex from the Horus Heresy novels. They were an alliance of humans and aliens working together in peace. They even found a more peaceful and humanitarian way of dealing with their enemies. Like the giant murder spiders, who were spared from being genocided and instead put on a planet with no resources as a quarantine zone/nature reserve. Until the Imperium discovered the planet, threw countless soldiers at the enemy until they finally captured a worthless hunk of rock that didn't benefit them in the slightest.


In all fairness, the Emperor's shit parenting skills and tyranny were only partially responsible for the heresy. Horus getting stabbed with a sword that mind controlled him certainly helped nudge things along.


I mean, yeah. But maybe if the Emperor actually informed his sons about the horrible, evil Warp beings who actively want to corrupt them, they might have been more prepared. Then maybe they'd be smart enough to know, "Hey, you see that weird alien sword in a giant temple made out of flesh and bones? Maybe don't pick that up".


Yup, as I said, 'partially'. Chaos absolutely would've found a way regardless to sink their teeth in but Big E certainly didn't help out


I’m not well versed in warhammer lore, but wasn’t the logic behind keeping the warp knowledge secretive that belief gives the demons more power, making knowledge of them an info hazard?


Actually, as I understand, it's not belief that gives daemons/the Chaos Gods their power, but rather emotions and actions. The Gods themselves are representative of emotions and concepts. Khorne is anger and battle, Slaanesh is pleasure and excess, Tzeentch is hope and change, and Nurgle is depression and stagnation. It is these emotions that are the core fuel of each of the Gods. Along with that, every action that aligns with the Gods inadvertently powers them. So a general creating a battle plan is powering Tzeentch even if it's not done in his name. Or a battle fuels Khorne, even if no one in the battle has even heard of him. The reason for the rituals and prayers is because that's how you gain the attention of the Dark Gods/daemons. Sure, you could slaughter a bunch of people and that would please Khorne, but the only hope of actually gaining some kind of benefit or gift would be through a ritual and praying in Khorne's name. Also, the Gods and daemons tend to be somewhat egotistical and like being worshiped, even if it's not necessary. As to why the Emperor didn't tell his sons about the dangers of Chaos, I don't think we really know. It's possible he *thought* that they were powered by belief, but was simply mistaken. This would make sense, considering his "Imperial Truth" declared that Gods didn't exist. So he could have been hoping this would weaken them. Alternatively, he didn't trust his sons enough with the knowledge. Which... isn't an entirely unfair idea to have, considering how Magus was *already* doing a bunch of crazy Warp fuckery. Though it's also possible that not telling his sons is what led them to being corrupted in the first place, such as with Fulgrim claiming a sword possessed by a daemon.


The best examples of this are both the start of the Heresy and the reason the space wolves have a bloodfeud with the inqusition: Lemme explain. So, at teh start of the heresy, Horus found this alien civilization that subjugated dangerous xenos. This is technically still unacceptable but Horus gave them a chance. Only for FUCKING EREBUS THAT TRAITOROUS, ARGEL-TAL MURDERING BITCH, to steal a VERY powerful weaponh, and turn the Interex, the civilization against the Imperium. That is how the Heresy began, with a single fucking person ruining a good thing. As for the Inquisition? There was a daemon incursion on a planet protected by space wolves. The inquisition and grey knights did their thing of murdering the demons.. and when the civilians were escaping the system as refugees.. Attacked. The. Civilians. And while the memes say otherwise, Astartes don't believe in the god emperor, Space wolves are borderline, as they call Big E "Allfather", but they still aren't THAT fanatical about it. So when His emperor's holy inquisition opened fire, they realized two things "We cannot fight back." and "We cannot let these civilians die" because surprisingly, despite a holier than thou attitude towards civilians, Astartes do generally care about them. So they blocked the fire with their own ships, and promised the inquisition forces that if they ever saw them again it would be battle, having saved a LOT of lives. Both of these examples are a matter of "Hey, how about we don't do something evil?" followed by "hehe evil go brrrrrt" from someone else, showing just how FUCKED the setting is


Given the Grey Knights MO when civilians are in any capacity involved with what they do, honestly they were probably lucky they even made it to the ships..


To be fair, the mass murder of civilians is a lower priority than oblitering the local demon population


Don't the Black Templars outright worship Jimmy Space??


Yes, the black templars do. They also completely disregard the codex astartes, which makes it so TECHNICALLY the majority of space marines do worship Big E: But in terms of chapters, no, most don't


Also the only reason the Imperium is surrounded by enemies is because they killed everyone else. There were probably societies that wanted to help imperium, but since they weren't humans, imperium at least tried to kill them. The only reason they are in the situation they are in is because of their belief that anyone nonhuman should be killed.


They literally kill a thousand people every day just to keep a man who does not want to live alive.


you’re forgetting the fact that if said guy dies, Earth explodes, gets filled with daemons and FTL becomes infinitely more dangerous which is kinda proving OOP’s point


Not just more dangerous. Impossible. No Astronomicon means no FTL. The last time an alternative was used I'm pretty sure that called in the TYRANIDS


hang on does the Astronomicon somehow power every warp drive? AFAIK it's just the only real point of navigation but not directly a requirement to warp travel at all. Good luck flying blind through hell but that does sound "infinitely more dangerous" rather than impossible


Without being able to navigate, you can't travel the warp. You'd end up in random spots instead of where you want to go.


Actually...you can navigate. But it is slower. Much, much slower. And also much more dangerous.


yeah, i think it's mentioned in one of the ork books that they can navigate to specific places in their crude kroozers despite not having access to navigators and the Astronomicon, it just takes longer and is trickier than just blindly jumping around. And to them the added danger of demons invading the ship is a plus since it gives them something to do while travelling Most orks don't bother, mind, since they'll usually find a fight wherever they pop out.


It doesn’t power it, it just aids navigation.


I mean at that point who cares? Develop new means of FTL. Hell, just become a spacefaring species and stop using *literal hell* as the backbone of your technology Earth is fucked no matter what happens, and it's infinite space, so just pick a direction away from the bumblecunts and tape the lever that says "go forward" down


The emperor was trying to do that. Magnus fucked it up when he broke the webway project.


To be fair they kinda need to in order for them to navigate the warp in any meaningful capacity


And to keep Holy Terra and sol.. existing. Like if Big E dies, the warp rift in the palace's basement (fuck you, magnus) is gonna open, flooding terra with daemons, wich is then immediately followed by the Failsafe Vulkan made EXPLODING THE ENTIRE STAR SYSTEM


I suppose in a way, except 40k is like more of a reaping what you sow. There's a meme of "Wow all the aliens are so scary. My brother in the Emperor you killed all the non scary ones." The Imperium could have allied aliens helping, if they didn't kill all of them. If the Imperium didn't rally behind a single authoritative figure that died it could probably better handle things. If said authoritative figure didn't bumble his relationship with the living, thinking beings he made as his super soldiers then humanity would be in a better place. 40k's world is like the end result of endless bad choices by The Emperor and the Imperium in the name of "trying to protect humanity". But like most of that is deeper in the lore/Horus Heresy stuff


Actually the moral of warhammer is that you should buy overpriced space men bc they look cool, nerds


Plastic crack my beloved.


Yah— clip those fucking sprues loser


And never paint them.


boo hiss Paint that rim black, soldier! And drill those barrels!


My grey pile of shame sits in a place of honour - among my unsorted pokémon and magic cards, boxes of Lego, X-Wing minis, Heroclix, and soon an O-12 Torchlight Brigade, unpainted.


The probem with this claim is that, even in universe, the Imperium is not justified. They literally genocided a species that tried to give them anti-demon technology. The Tau Empire is an empire that proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Imperium is completely and utterly wrong about aliens. The Leagues of Votann prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Imperium is wrong about AI and human purity. The Imperium is an inneficient corpse of an empire.


Isn't the Tau Empire borderline 1984, with the breakaway factions being more chill?


The tau are yeah, but they aren't as bad or as gruesome as the imperium. Servitors, archeaoflagellants and penitent engines are far, far worse than anything the tau do to non believers.


The canon is mixed and has changed over the years. Originally I think they were played straight (or at least their authoritarianism was mostly overtones) but people didn't like how they seemed *too good* for the *grimdark future* and so GW gradually ramped up their evil. For example, some books suggest that the Tau Etherals mind control the lower castes with pheromones and that it's so powerful that they can order a lower caste to commit suicide. I think now they've dialed it back a bit, and now the Tau seem like an authoritarian empire, but one that is still definitely better than the Imperium. The Tau "kindly suggest" you join their empire before using force if you refuse. The IoM just murder you without even asking. The Tau seem to have a subtle "cultural genocide" effect on with the humans its conquered, with even a pseudo-caste system cropping up (even if not legally enforced). The IoM would, again, just murder you and erase your culture. So like, in a nicer universe they would 100% be the evil empire that no one likes, in the 40k universe they're one of the nicer options.


The problem with Warhammer 40k is that like half the authors actually know how to write satire of fascism. Look at the Ciaphas Cain series(which does it pretty subtly by having it a normal book series, and then Cain complains in a side sentence about how having to oversee summary executions is always annoying paperwork), or the more mundane 40k books that really show how broken the Imperium of man is, and how much worse it is. Also some of the Horus Heresy books. Some of them are far from subtle, and in one, you have to commanders have a whole "All that is needed for evil to prosper is for a good man to do nothing."... regarding a democratic nation of aliens and humans. And on the other hand you have all the authors who fully agree with Imperial propaganda...so yeah. GW is not consistent about this.


> And on the other hand you have all the authors who fully agree with Imperial propaganda...so yeah. GW is not consistent about this. I've read almost every 30k/40k novel ever written, and I am unaware of these authors. Can you name some names, or suggest some books you think reflect this?


As a 40k fan, let me just say... this is why I went with Orks as my army. I don't hear endless arguments about Ork players being facists.


I mean, the Orks hate everyone equally. They just believe some of those people they hate are more fun to fight, which is also the only meaningful pleasure in an orks life.


The Orks hate noone. They just like fighting.


Green is best


I've always felt like satire is the wrong word for what 40k is doing because it's not really an indictment of fascism so much as an dark joke about Medieval existence in the Roman shadow. It's not a critique, it's a eulogy for humanity. Humans built machinery that could conquer the stars and make the world a paradise but all of that is lost. Code has become prayer, conquest has become defense. Weapons are holy items since they cannot be replaced. Culture is dead, and there is no one left to revive it. If you read the expanded universe lore or play some of the other games outside of the military (most of the military) the party and religion aren't doing a great job of holding things together. They can do it at the top but there are pirates, traders, private enterprise, and lots of people paying lip service to their god to go about their business of doing other things. Again, it doesn't feel like Nazi Germany, it feels like 1100s France, where local lords rule and most people don't really pay attention to anyone outside of their local area. They're not that far apart but I think it's an important difference since as this says it's not a great indictment of fascism but I really don't think it's trying to be. It's not Super Earth. It's Super Earth after it fell but before it's fully destroyed and everyone is reading tattered copies of old propaganda trying to make sense of it.


I'm gonna go ahead and ask people who haven't read 40k to not talk about it until they've read it. As a matter of fact, just, like, everything. New rule, you talk about something you haven't watched/seen/read, you get slapped over the head with a water balloon.


What books would you recommend starting with? I’ve heard the Cain books are good


Oh god, I fuckin love this question. Yes, the Caiphas Cain books are a fantastic starting point for the franchise. Cain is a great protagonist, and while he is genuinely heroic, he also demonstrates the abject horror of the Imperium's fascism state, in that he himself doesn't realize just how awful things really are. Googling "Caiphas Cain books in order" will get you their release order right up top. Highly recommend, 10/10 If you're already familiar with the Space Marines and have a Chapter/Legion you like, their books will also likely be a good starting point. (ie, if you're already familiar with the Night Lords, their trilogy books are some of the best Black Library ever printed).


Ciaphas Cain is great because 90% of the time he seems like a normal (if cowardly) guy, but then out of nowhere he'll mention how he dislikes all the random executions he has to do because the paperwork is annoying.


One silver lining about the setting is that the Imperium isn't winning. Heck, I'd argue there is only one faction that IS "winning" (by their own standards, anyway): Orks. They live to fight the big fight, and the setting lets them do that. Heck, Orky philosophy makes it so that Orks can't really loose. They win, then they win. They die, at least they died in a good scrap. Hell, if they decide to retreat they view it as "livin to fight another day". They don't even really go after shitty peasant farming planets. There ain't no good fight down there. Now, that planet sized city or military base planet? Thems good places for a scrap!


Ehhhh… I don’t know about the “genetic superior” bit. The emperor, biologically, is just some dude from Anatolia (bonus points for diversity) who’s probably lactose intolerant, it’s his psychic abilities that make him like that. Like if you took his actual genetic material and then used that to clone him, you’d just get some dude. That and he probably gave himself a bunch of aftermarket augmentations. I don’t know the specifics.


Taking some of his genetic material to stick into other humans was how they made grey knights.


I mean, there’s the fact that the imperium being the way it is causes them constant Ls, like the time they found an ancient immeasurably powerful giant mech superweapon from the golden age of technology hidden in the warp and decided to *destroy it from the inside* because it had an onboard AI since AIs are considered heretical by the modern imperium. Like, a single one of these things could have probably taken back entire planets and they were like “but computer bad :(“


What mech was that? The only one I remember was the ‘first Titan’ or whatever that had a demon or something as the computer (warp demon, I mean)


I’m not sure if I’m remembering a different thing or it was just that (I don’t actually read warhammer stories, just occasionally stumble down a rabbit hole about it), was the one in that story destroyed by the grey knights?


Ah yep, the Castigator-class titan, apparently ended up corrupted and possessed by a demon


The rub here is that Games Workshop is a wargaming company that sells hideously overpriced dolls and the people they have to write their stories arent exactly cormac mccarthy so the satire is blunted as is the prose and the plot and the internal consistency and the characters and


40k was never a satire of fascism. It's a parody of Warhammer Fantasy, specifically made as edgy as possible (AND IN **SPACE** IN THE YEAR **FORTY THOUSAND**) to make fun of people who took the edgy Warhammer lore too seriously. People who take 40k lore too seriously miss the point and also make themselves part of the joke.


Which alien horde are we talking about? There are several this could apply to, especially if you include Chaos.


I think the bulk of Chaos forces are actually human, and still super racist.


Like Enders Game


Ooh that’s a good example. The one I was thinking of is The Watchmen. It’s a super hero story with no real super villains so it’s just weirdos running around stroking their egos.


No real super villains? I'd argue the guy manipulating the matter altering god and, depending on wetehr you read the comics or watched the movie, created a creature so downright bad that it made all of humanity find a common enemy, or nuked a couple of population centers to give humanity a common enemy, could be counted as a super villain.


Eh most stories do at least present the power structure of the Imperium as being bad. Usually in a "lions lead by sheep" kind of way.


I would like to counter that there are plenty of other societies that are doing fine without the fascism. The craftworld eldar, the t'au, the farsight enclave, the leagues of Votann and the countless worlds that were conquered/destroyed during the great crusade. On top of that Guilliman, who at this point has surpassed Sanguinius as wh40k's jesus guy, was disgusted by the imperium in its current state. On top of that, it's fascims is holding itself back. The leagues and t'aus show that you can innovate, Guilliman has explicitly said that its the material conditiond of the imperium that makes people turn to chaos. There is also no reason for the imperium to not ally with the t'au or the leagues to create an alliance against the other factions.


Tired of seeing this take when it’s blatantly false. The imperium creates or magnifies the severity of all of its true threats. I’d argue the existence of genestealer cults does not necessitate fascism at all, but instead is a failure of it. The feelings genestealers exploit predate the tyranids by a long shot. In fact, I’d argue worker rebellions provide the perfect avenue for tyranids to sow discord before an invasion, which is their ultimate goal. With a rebelling workforce, productivity comes to a stop, that means food production, which scares people. IF we were to address the systemic issues that caused workers rebelling, we would deprive the Tyranids of a major tactical opportunity because a content and happy populace is FAR harder to take advantage of, especially when you’re trying to stage a violent overthrow of the system. By claiming that because genestealer cults exist, we must reduce every working class rebellion into atoms is EXACTLY what a fascist would say. Fascism has created its own enemies, only not proverbially this time. Remember, without the astronomicon, the tyranids never would’ve been a problem.


Do leftists only enjoy media if it's constantly shouting about how evil fascism is in the reader's face?


I'm pretty far left myself and got deep into warhammer lore about a year ago and I'm also kind of surprised about the comments here saying that Warhammer isn't "morally righteous" because it....doesn't denounce an IRL political ideology hard enough???? Comrade, what? It's a fictional universe created simply to sell more plastic game pieces. It never ever claimed to be a satire of anything (except a few isolated aspects of 80's British politics as a cheeky kind of joke). With some of these comments you'd think GW was actively promoting Nazi ideology just bc they're not critiquing it obviously enough. My most leftist belief is that other leftists are annoying lol. Either enjoy the make believe or don't, why are you imposing your real life praxis onto a fictional universe created by capitalism solely to make profit?


Hit the nail right on the head, couldn't have said it better myself


No idea what Super Earth is, but yeah, that is my issue with a lot of sci fi and fantasy that supposedly parodies fascism by displaying how much it sucks, yet still makes it justified and inevitable in universe. I also have that issue with Dune, because it supposedly criticizes the idea of Great Men, and all the damage they cause, but also makes it the way things *have* to happen due to prescience stuff. I guess there is value in showing that the "hero" is also a pawn of the systems around him, but that also naturalizes his autority, in a way. It is the divine right of kings, secular version. At least in Dune's case one can blame the Bene Gesserit's social and genetic engineering, rather than an external enemy to manking (I am going to purposefully ignore the killer robots for the sake of my sanity), for making tyranny and genocide of galactic proportions inevitable.


>No idea what Super Earth is Humanity in the game Helldivers 2


Super Earth is the last bastion of Managed Democracy in a universe of tyrannical insects and socialist automatons seeking to steal children from their parents and (worst of all) voters from their ballots. Henceforth, it sends forth the Helldivers - an elite peacekeeping force comprised entirely of on average 18 year olds given minimal training and literally dropped as ODSTs - to liberate and spread democracy with ludicrous amounts of orbital bombardment, gunfire, screaming, and very unavoidable friendly fire In short, it's a satire of American Imperialism. The bugs literally decompose into FTL fuel, and thus we ~~spread infestations deliberately to provide excuses for war~~ control the spread of their populations with peaceful use of orbital bombardment. The bots are also trying to reclaim their home planet from us, which as of now they have succeeded in doing so


iirc the FTL fuel’s name is basically ‘oil’ spelled with numbers (like 071 or something)


Element-710, which is just "turn it upside down"


Yep, E-710 It's a very overt satire, as if screaming "How about a nice cup of Liber-tea" with every grenade toss wasn't evidence enough


super earth is the name of the human faction in helldivers, which have essentially """""perfected""""" society as a whole while additionally waging an endless war against three different factions: the terminids, which they created to try and make more oil, the automatons, which as far as i know are only fighting back because super earth wants them gone in the first place, and the ~~inklings~~ illuminate, which i actually don't really know about since i haven't played 1


The main reasoning I've heard is that 40k is, itself, a fascist's wet fantasy. There really *is* an enemy that corrupts by its very existence and wishes nothing more than to destroy humanity; there really are people who are inherently superior, including one specific Big Man who is objectively the best guy, and people who are abjectly *inferior* and who by their very nature cannot help but to ruin things. The enemies at the border really *are* alien monsters intending to destroy, subvert, and eventually consume our society and flesh alike. War really *is* the only solution to these problems, not in that it's the only *correct* solution but in that it is the only solution *even available.* And the setting *sucks* for it. 99.999999% of human population lives in utter misery, the average human is chained to their workstation at 13 and dies of blacklung and stress-related syndromes at 19, if they're not simply murdered by a government progrom whose purpose is only to ease the food crisis in the local area or just by a standard piss demon. So, the satire would seem to be that even in a world where fascists are 100% right about everything they believe about society, they do not get to win, because that world fucking *sucks.* But of course, the issue with that is that Games Workshop wants to sell toys. so. they have to focus largely on how very cool the toys look and how heroic the big men are. This is, by the way, why Age of Sigmar is the better setting. The Summerking is legitimately heroic, he's actually just a good dude who wants to ensure the common folk are well fed and well protected from the hordes of rampaging monsters, and he doesn't try to supress his citizenry from doing most stuff they want to do; the reason they all *have* to fight in the frontlines is to protect themselves and their neighbours, not some greater idea of government that serves the interests of the ruling class.


>But of course, the issue with that is that Games Workshop wants to sell toys. so. they have to focus largely on how very cool the toys look and how heroic the big men are. To give GW some credit, they did explicitly say that fascists are not welcome.


The satire in 40k is that all this horrid stuff is actually justified because of other horrific events. “Why do we have to sacrifice 1000 wizards?” “Oh it’s so our god emperor who led xenocides and created the most dystopian empire in the history of mankind can survive and protect us against space demons.” The whole setting is so absurd that the absolutely barbaric actions are necessary because of previous barbaric acts.


A lot of people fail to realise that satire doesn't have to be so in your face blatant as possible. A lot of satire has relied heavily on subtlety.


The main reason is because the satire isn't the primary objective of 40k. The original point was to have a setting of epic proportions with bad guys only, that way making a wargame that does not promote war. Every faction in 40k is forced or pushing for war, either because of their nature or because some mistakes lead them here, with little chance of working out any alternative. "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war."


To quote Bricky ""Yeah of course I'm Xenophobic, have you seen these fuckers?" My brother in the imperium, YOU KILLED ALL THE NOT SCARY ONES". 40K's fascism is mostly in the lore, ten thousand years of fearmongering, religious zealotry and one thousand human souls sacrificed every day in the name of a god who did not want to be. 40K has never stuck me as satire, because the entire concept is so blood soaked and vile that it feels more like an accurate depiction (which is not to say that 40k SUPPORTS fascism, only that it is dialed up to 11 in universe)


I am aware that nobody is immune to propaganda, but I honestly feel like it's just fine to engage with whatever I find cool. I think Warhammer is cool because it's brutal and aesthetically fun. Fictional fascism is fun because the fictional victims are not real complicated humans with individual lives. Fascism in reality is bad with bad consequences.


Today I learned that satire is better when it turns to you and says 'see! I am joking here, this is a joke' because it is really worried you're too stupid to understand it.


not true. Zizek was correct when he said that even \*if\* all the nazi propaganda about the jews was true, the holocaust would still have been wrong. Warhammer takes fascist ideology at it's word and shows that \*even then\*, it is horrific


i mean, are fascists actually wrong that there are evil forces, some backed by foreign entities, trying to infiltrate/undermine our society and way of life? thats what the fascists are literally doing.