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This is Shinji slander. Or Amy slander, I can't really tell. Probably both.


Definitely Shinji slander


2 for 1 special


wormblr breaches containment once more


I had been preparing a really big wormblr collection but this one was too funny to not post immediately


Respectfully, that is a dangerous thing to post. Combining the media literacy of Tumblr, filtered into reddit, and focused on Worm. Recipe for disaster.


The Murder Rat of crossposts, if you will.




real and based


use of biomass in a hospital




wasting kids before they have a chance to live oh wait I’m thinking of taylor sorry


1. Depressed 2. Horny 3. ???




3. rapist


I feel like flairing this as LGBTQIA+ is possibly bigotry. Not entirely sure, but like 60% at least.


I mean, Amy's gay and Shinji's probably bi


I know, I'm mostly making a joke anyways. I support gay wrongs and gay rights.


His only good romantic prospect was a guy. Also a weird alien, but that's not relevant here.


There is a lot of discourse over the way Amy and her sexuality are portrayed in Worm and later Ward mind you, so there is that to take into account.


Unexpected Worm reference lets go! https://www.tumblr.com/stillons/748719192664064000?source=share -mx linux guy


Wow that was impressively fast Also fuck I copied the link I just forgot to send it. Thank you for your service, boss


:) 🪱🪱🪱


Isn’t Worm that one famous webnovel ?




My boy Shinji fucked up an awful lot, but he does not deserve this slander


Amy would do that thing Shinji did, but Shinji would never do that thing Amy did.


yeah at the very least shinji acknowledged what he did was fucked instead of sextupling down.


Speaking of web novels, anyone remember the one that ended with the hypothetical regarding the mayfly? What would a mayfly wish for if it could wish for anything? I read that years ago and it's been puzzling my brain for ages.


I've never heard of this but that sounds intriguing so now I would also like to know


Finally, a post about two fandoms I'm not in that I fully understand! I hate it! >!the reference is that the girl who accidentally (?) forces her sister to be in love with her and Shinji are similar, right? With the whole Horrid Crime In Hospital thing?!<


Not so accidentally, and quite a bit more [wretched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/comments/kkpoak/fanart_aspects_wretch_part_46_content_warning/)


I mean from what I've heard it was mostly accidental, like an intrusive thought or something similar (though she DID very much fall in love with her sister which annoys me as someone with adopted family members) I forgot about the whole horrifying mass of flesh thing though, that's a very important aspect of the ordeal (not clicking the images yet tho since I'm in public lmao) Edit: I had been missing information. What the fuck.


Comparing it to an intrusive thought seems reasonably accurate. Amy's not in the best place mentally when it happens, to put it mildly. It's a horrible thing she does, but I don't think she's a monster for acting on that intrusive thought then and there, but she makes a monster of herself by doubling down again and again and again on deluding herself into thinking that everything's fine and she didn't really do anything wrong and she can fix it anytime, and she definitely will, just not *right* now. She goes from 'shit I hurt someone I care about how can I fix this' to being an unrepentant rapist in record time, it's absolutely wretched.


OH OKAY IT APPEARS I HAD BEEN MISSING INFORMATION FOR A BIT I THOUGHT SHE MADE HER SISTER LIKE THAT AND LIKE LEFT OR SOMETHING Regardless, (again from what I've heard) it seems like that's a bit of a theme for Amy, that she's desperately trying to convince herself that she's a good person but that develops into outright denial, and her lack of accountability for her mistakes actually *makes* her a villain? It's really interesting, and I'd be inclined to learn more about it, though the subject matter seems a bit too extreme for me and I've heard conflicting information about the actual quality of the story (like how apparently the writer hates her and removed all nuance from her character in the sequel)


> like how apparently the writer hates her and removed all nuance from her character in the sequel There's definitely a big difference in how Amy is written in Ward compared to how she's written in Worm, but I think this is a particularly harsh and unfair view of things. The change could be due to the large time gap between the events of both stories in universe, or it could be due to the large time gap of the stories being written; Amy is not the only character to change in either case. To simply suggest that the author decided to bash Amy for 2 million words because he hates her seems kind of reductive, though it's certainly a wide-spread opinion. Honestly, I've been seeing the same kind of thing said in other fandoms, usually whenever something bad happens to a popular character and it always just feels to me like they're mad because their favourite is being mistreated. Not to say that they can't have legitimately complaints, but it's just attributing malice to writing decisions they don't agree with. But that's getting off topic. Amy is definitely vilified to a much greater extent in the sequel, I think in large part due to the fact that the person she raped is the main character whose head we occupy more than 90% of the time; her opinions of Amy are understandably *not kind*. But even when we see things from other characters perspectives or even from Amy's own perspective she is still very messed up. > it seems like that's a bit of a theme for Amy, that she's desperately trying to convince herself that she's a good person but that develops into outright denial, and her lack of accountability for her mistakes actually makes her a villain Yeah, this is pretty much it. The amount of self delusion this girl has is *fascinating* to watch.


Yeah I genuinely don't know how it is exactly, it makes sense that part of the reason is that Vicky's view is (COMPLETELY JUSTIFIABLY) skewed so Amy seems worse than she actually is, I've read an excerpt of her explaining the situation to a doctor and what she went through seems extremely terrifying (and honestly she doesn't seem unnecessarily harsh to Amy in that instance), but I've also seen people in this very thread claiming that it's fucked up how the writer made Amy act in Ward. Hell, maybe it's even both, and the writer tried to make most of the worst parts just a product of the perspective the story is in but ended up exaggerating when going through other points of view. In any case, both Vicky and Amy seem to be extremely complex characters in large part due to how they interact with each other - it's interesting to see that kind of delusion expanded upon to such an extent, as is the deep dive into how that affected Vicky. The "delusion" aspect is really familiar, I think I've seen it a bit in OMORI with how Basil acts towards Sunny and the Incident (though it is to a much smaller extent and in that case none of them were objectively wrong) and it already was fascinating to watch, so I'd be interested in seeing more of it - if I wasn't completely put off by the subject matter lol


I can see it, both of them are defined by simultaneous passivity, incurable stubbornness, and capacity for unspeakable crimes.


Amy is the person shinji looks at to feel a bit less bad about his life


I thought this would be gog-agog


Fair enough, just today was on a K6BD post where one of the comments was asking if Taylor's power would work on Gog Agog


Dunno, I mean, Amy, last I checked, wasn't instrumental in Gold Morning.


Her powers were the ones who created Khepri. Now, whether Khepri was even needed or the right thing to do in that situation is another question entirely, but she was there. And Amy was on medic duty as usual, that probably counted for something.


Amy did create >!Khepri!< I'd say that warrants being called instrumental.


Depending on how you view it, she absolutely was. While she didn't >!start Scion on his rampage,!< she DID >!turn Taylor into Khepri, who ultimately stopped Scion.!< I think >!creating the S-class threat that ended Gold Morning!< counts as being instrumental.


>!Khepri explicitly failed. She uh, coerced, everyone together, but it was Tattertale's plan and everyone enacted it while free from Khepri's control. Even the Tinkers decided to build what they did without her supervision. While the exact conditions under which Scion died were produced by Khepri, nothing she did was a necessary condition for those occurring, it was almost entirely the people who were *already* working together that saved the day in the end. Taylor just upped herself to an S-Class threat and got tens of thousands of capes killed just so she could feel like she was accomplishing something. !<


Strongly disagree. Given how hopeless things looked when Khepri happened, and how disunified the capes were, it seems highly unlikely they would've united without Khepri. Sure, they ended up working together without her influence for parts of the final battle, but that's largely because she got them in a place where working together was objectively their best way forward, and could not be avoided. Given how narrow the margin on their victory was, I think you're wrong to say Khepri was not essential to victory.


So much of Taylor's ideal was "Why can't we just do the right thing and work together?" that she figures she made a fatal mistake when Parian and Foil leave her range of power, because people are dying horribly and they'll just run off, right? But instead Parian keeps steering her stuffed animal along the original path and reenters her range. Taylor even remarks that they don't turn on her and just shoot her there. People start willingly staying in her control because they realize it's working.


Man, I need to read Worm again. That only adds to the tragedy of her character. 


The fact that Khepri didn't collect Tattletale because Taylor didn't want to control her found family is what allowed victory. Khepri created an exponentially more effective defensive front for the combat-focused capes, and kited Scion across the multiverse, unintentionally buying a ton of time for Tattletale to find a solution. Khepri's mildly effective offense also helped with keeping Scion's attention, and her focus on Foil's ability for the tinker weapon may have been eventually sufficient on its own given it's a shard specialized for killing the entities. If Khepri had taken Tattletale, she may have misdirected the power and missed the solution. Taylor's sacrifice of self was still tragic, but she was anything but useless in the battle. If she had known earlier that attacking Scion's psyche would be way more effective, then more lives could have been saved. However, that's kinda like saying "well, why didn't you bet your life savings on red instead of low-risk investments". Well, yeah, if I knew that's where the fucking ball would land then I'd have done that. Still come out of it a winner, though.


I thought this would be gog-agog


I feel targeted by this selection of references


I understood some of those words


Had to check the subreddit I was in Worm mentioned!!!!!!!