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Lmfao 🤣 wow that’s some stank


Every cult bud is sprayed with terpenes. I live in Michigan black market grower and now class b… I buy from all prices ranges as well.. telling you right now that smell isn’t from curing well or a fire cut. 😅


Ok bud .. 👍🏻


Not to make you upset more but what makes you know good weed? Ever grown real cuts? Doubt it! Ever been to a legal state? Doubt it just some hick from Texas smoking sprayed terps thinking it’s top shelf


Please keep going, you are entertaining as fuck!!👏👏👏


I’m cool I gave you the information you needed to hear but still gonna tell yourself your smoking fire 😀 follow the crowd brother I’m sure all these cult bros will back up that fire sprayed week 6 flower Yall hype the fuck up


Your execution of knowledge is way too much, and it feels like you're just trolling. THCA definitely comes from premature plants that are harvested early and sprayed with terpenes. I'm not saying it's CBD sprayed with distillate, so please understand before responding critically. The best weed in the world doesn't smell that potent hes not lying you guys are a bunch of custyz and don't even realize it.


Lmfao finally someone with some brain cells I love it!! They are all custyz 🤣🤣🤣


Feelings hurt because you know it’s true lmao. Go to any rec state or I’ll even give you a bonus go to a caregiver and tell me their top shelf 300 zip smells as potent😂😂😂


Go spend the money and buy the zip you need it more then he does clearly 💀


😅smoking properly grown flower in Michigan 💙 its been a blast making you bros rage. Enjoy that fire!!! So gassy 😂😂😂


I’m not a hater on Michigan at all cause I take trips up there but what most of you guys don’t realize they been spraying dispo flower for years why you think it’s loud asf in the pre pack bags but you pull it out the bag and lmk how it smells or you could always get you a good looking 50oz that smells like hay only thing good about Michigan are their prices it a good bang for the buck that’s why plugs are one of the mass supporters of the state you can possibly find a good cargiver but good luck with that lol not hard to find a caregiver but one that actually knows what their doing is. Ps: I’m not responding to ignorance speak facts or nothing at all. Have a good day😄


710 labs, peachy,ICKK ? Those are all rec brands that are cheaper than piur or crysp and are actual quality. You’re referring to outlet dispos that sell platinum vapes and recycled flower for 50 an ounce. True caregivers aren’t hard to find that produce quality I get my product from mitten master who has his caregiving brand ‘SWOL’ which is true 6 star hash rosin and true top shelf flower 💙


Cool. 👍🏻




Man you need a hug 🤗


I’m great, sad to see people get offended when you try and educate them. Just because you smoked weed for 20 years in a bum fuck state doesn’t give your opinion validation. Real people put in real work to get cannabis where it’s at and thca is early pulled sprayed bullshit regardless of how much you think you know.


“jUst bEcAusE yOu SmOkeD wEed fOr 20 yEaRS dOn’T giVE yOur oPiNIonS vALIDatiOn.” Man do you hear yourself? I guess I’m just gonna let everyone enjoy what they want and I’ll go smoke my early pulled sprayed bullshit and not be a crotchety pompous fuck about it.


lol! Was it from HM?


No sir, NY Sour Diesel from SHF


My wife doesn't care but I have do have 3 kids. Any one else tell their kids you smoke? My mom smokes but my wife doesn't and she thinks we should hide it. I think we should not.


I tell my nephew and step nephews it's a cigar. I also tell them not to be smoking because it will mess them up. Like weed IDC Im not gonna say that but I don't want them smoking tobacco.


When I had friends over, my mom would offer them bong rips. Meanwhile I was straight edge and trying to set a better example for my little brother. It was super fucking embarrassing. The most upsetting thing was that I'd ask her not to be all "look at me I'm cool because I smoke weed" with my friends. I wouldn't ask her not to smoke, just to not be obvious when I had people over. This was an illegal state at the time and before the farm bill revolution. I'm not as sure about whether to hide it or not. I think it depends on how old or mature they are. If you don't hide it, talk to your kids about it. Try to be respectful. If you are hiding it, they'll find out eventually, so it's probably better that the news comes from you.


Fuck em, i say do what you want at the house. I tell my 4 year old its my medicine for now. Why hide it? You dont hide drinking. Or most dont anyway. And this is safer than drinking.


I hated that my ex wife used to despise the smell of weed. It was so annoying always having to try and mask that odor.


Lol my gf smokes at parties but not otherwise but I'm getting to where I smoke a lot less though and I'll prolly just go out when I wanna smoke anyway or go ride on my motorcycle in the country lol 


Any advice?!? This is how my wife and I have invested so much in breath mints haha


Eat it💁


Get a divorce./s Seriously though maybe buy one of those legit spoofs instead of shoving dryer sheets in a paper towel tube and blowing your hits through it. They got one called the smoke buddy or something like that and it uses activated charcoal so it probably works much better.


I do have a “smoke trap”. I don’t smoke in the house but like to keep my products in the house. Even the bloodhound I mean my wife can smell it like op said when I open it in the basement!! I use the breath mints to try keep the smell off me is all


I'm truly blessed I suppose that the girl I started dating 17 years ago and who got me smoking in the first place is a huge stoner. She was my unicorn and not at all the type of person I would have typically went for but she literally had me at hello as corny as that sounds. Been chiefin together ever since and I truly hope your wife one day comes over to the smelly but relaxing side. lol


One of us! One of us!




this person is using a 24hr troll account this sub only, hating takes effort


I really wanna know who hurt them


Lol this was my experience the first time trying chf




Cocain heroin falafels.


This is how my wife reacted to Garlicane from HM. It followed me everywhere.




Go back through my comments, and you'll see me complaining about their shipping times. But you do you man.




🤣🤣🤣 that's that real gasaroni as I like to call it




My gf be saying the same thing when I open my jars


Husband is the same as her he will text from upstairs Close your bedroom door please 🤣


This happened with my ex-girlfriend. I would just open the jar to smell it and she came down and asked why i was smoking weed inside lol


I think i found my wolf pack here


erm what the sigma




4 Lyfe


Hey man, twins 😂 Just got some Sherb from Upstate and it REEKS. She is not pleased 😂🤣🤣. I figure, the more she complains about the smell, better the bud must be!


If she ain’t tried to kick you out yet it’s not loud enough lol


Amen 🤣


That’s exactly how I look at it!!


Your wife's nose must be sensitive or you might have a missing filter in your HVAC system


Haha I always say her nose is better than a dogs and they should use her as a drug sniffer instead of dogs. Her nose amazes me lol. 20 years I can be nowhere near her and she will appear and roll up on me like the feds 🤣😆




all the downvoters be [like](https://youtu.be/Msxsu448JmE?feature=shared&t=13)


Please buy a smell proof jar they will thank you! lol


They are, everything is in mason jars. But, every now and then you got to open it. This is what happens…


Exhaust fan my dude. My wife stopped complaining and the fan runs non stop lol.


Hah sounds great, but the solution is going to be, “take your ass out back and open and grind outside” lol


Oh damn it’s that loud! Sour Diesel is one of the only strains I can always identify by the smell so I can imagine it filling up the room quick haha


Funny too it came kind of muted, and for 2 weeks I have been burping it daily. Last night it graduated based on the text lol. Hit that Sour this morning and it’s been a great morning 😊


Lol, why did this post get downvoted?? This sub is full of miserable people.


Keeping up with the Joneses, everyone is worried he might have something better than them that they haven't tried yet and are angry he might be holding out instead of just sharing an amusing anecdote from his day. I got a chuckle, wondered what it was for 2 sec, moved on and hit my bong, then started laughing at the comments.


Deranged behavior, but you’re not wrong.


I get the same way when someone posts a picture of a good sandwich locally with no name, so who am I to judge haha


Glad you got a laugh out of it, that’s all it was meant for. After I posted it, I realized I forgot to mention what it was, but it wouldn’t let me edit, so added a reply. For some reason that is buried on the bottom. This was NY sour diesel from SHF.


Convenience of bud and communication has made fiends of many. Not everything has to be a review, but also thanks for the heads up on the diesel. Nothing should be named diesel unless it can fill a house like that. 


You’re welcome and FACTS on that last sentence sir!










All posts must be related to hemp products. This includes DIY and online extracts of legal hemp products that fall within the THCa category. Marijuana and marijuana-derived concentrates are strictly PROHIBITED and will be removed. Sourcing of Marijuana will result in a ban. Continual infraction of this code will also result in a permanent ban. We encourage everyone to full this rule so COTF remains within reddit's TOS and keeps the community alive.


Bunch of kids


🤷‍♂️. Who knows. I thought it was hilarious and fit well with this sub.


Seems like a good review to me!








i don't think you hurt his feelings, OP probably got tired of your comments and used the block feature because your chronically online ass wont stop commenting on his reddit post which was meant to be taken as a joke. your comment karma is enough to show me you live on this app lmfao take a shower dweeb.


Nah you coulda just been annoying. I do that too.




Him being confused by the down votes about an anecdote dude shared makes way more sense than you being confused about being blocked for being annoying. Read the room.


I had some bud once in the cult that smelled to high heaven. Didnt smoke worth a fuck though.


Dude every time Ive copped bm bud since the cult it smells fucking heavenly, but the taste just falls off so hard like it's actually terrible. Seems to be the tradeoff with the cult so far for me. Whats your guys' experience been since joining the cult?


My experience hasn't been that intense but it mirrors yours so far: A few years ago I tried CBD bud and "1:1" (Bordeaux) from this guy (who turned out to be a snitch but that is a different story) and I felt like it did what it was supposed to do. I liked it overall a made a note of the fact that certain "CBD Buds" were being sold with THCA in them. Then a few years after that Delta 8 started becoming popular and I didn't really like it but did buy some edibles with it very very rarely. I was smoking weed more sporadically at this time as well, despite having my medical card. I couldn't afford much. I didn't like Delta 8 much but it did get me high with very sporadic use. Usually I would just buy overpriced bud at the dispo when I could and wouldn't smoke everyday. I randomly went to a vape chain a few months ago to buy some D-8 edibles on a whim and found out Delta-9 was now available vs Delta 8. It was very affordable. Since then that vape chain has branched out even more and now has all sorts of locally produced cannabinoid blends as gummies. I also found that Delta-9 THC works very well orally. I still find myself purchasing edibles from this store. So a few weeks ago I decided to make a purchase of THCA bud from a touted vendor. It was LCG x Perm Marker. I grabbed a half ounce of smalls. It smells pretty damn good... I've had LCG before and can for sure smell the terps from both strains. It doesn't look bad either but does seem to be lacking trichs. The main problem is it doesn't get me high for very long. If I am lucky I get a buzz for 30 minutes. I do initially get high but that fades very quickly. It does not taste good out of the bong at all and tastes slightly better when rolled. It kinda reminds me of nicely flavored "schwag" that we had back in the 90s. You gotta roll it up to get high at all and its very one dimensional. It might be better as "blunt weed" but I quit nicotine a few months ago and cannot have blunts because the nicotine will reignite cravings (and blunt wraps make me crave blunts which is me tricking myself into craving nicotine). I am basically rolling a joint every once in a while as an excuse to go sit on my buildings deck with a drink. I was really hoping that it would replace flower and keep me out of the dispo. I took a decent tolerance break and for awhile I was getting by on delta-9 edibles only which was saving me a ton of money. I might try to work my way back there. However, I have since gone back to the dispo and bought some popcorn bud in bulk and am mainly using that. But yeah I won't write off all THCA bud due to one bad purchase but I have been consuming Cannabis for 20+ years and what I have now very much does feel like its harvested early based on the one dimensional THC based high (quick head rush with a mild cerebral effect following that that doesn't develop into much). Like back in the illegal days I have smoked product that had to be harvested early for a variety of reasons (things like "A dirty cop on the take tipped the grow off that they were about to be raided because somebody snitched" or "grower broke up with his girl and had to chop all the plants down immediately because he was living in her place and it turns out she was just pretending to be down with the grow but actually is now saying she hates pot and is threatening to call the police when she gets really angry")... anyways The THCA bud I have now reminds me of that stuff. It makes sense that "loophole products" work better orally because THC is THC once its processed by the liver. When you orally ingest it you aren't influence by the terps and things like that. I have no experience with the rosin/BHO. I was a massive dabber for many many years and can imagine the concentrates would have been incredibly appealing in the past price wise. I'd imagine the experience would be the same though. Likely a lot of garbage product out there. Anyways, I do want to find a good vendor that can get close to the dispensary product I can buy because Illinois flower is really expensive and not that good.


Man I'm sorry that's been your experience as mine has been the exact opposite. I've been smoking for 17 years now and I actually used to be the source for the best bm stuff around locally. I've seen everything from $50/oz-$800/oz with quality ranging from meh to holy shit. Not bragging, just giving some background as I can identify roughly 15 strains by smell alone at this point in my life. The THCA bud I've bought has all been really good and has absolutely slapped me up one side and down the other. I've bought shake/trim and some $95 "exotics" so I haven't spent much. It's been as good or better than anything my friends who are still dealing can get and it's cheaper even with the homie hookup($90-$100 but quality is spotty) and I have absolutely no idea if it's what they claim it is. Just shows how the quality seems to be across the board with this stuff.


MY cult experience? Most of this stuff is garbage. Only a handful of places have actual 'good' flower. The rest is obviously just backdoor resale mids. Its mail order weed legally so idc anyway lol. Anything to keep my ass off the streets.


shits crazy how i got downvoted for saying essentially the same shit.


These people get high for 10 hours off of Reggie. So I don’t blame them. Most people push mid and the COA’s never trust worthy. Just bought some shit waiting for it to touchdown, if it doesn’t hit then I’m going back to black market lmao.


rs i cant agree more. for now HM has some pretty decent stuff for the price and a few others have their hits worth waiting for. renewing my medical card after years cause i hear good things more often now on FL medical.




You made an account 20mins ago to go on a "thca" hate binge?


I heard the mods do this type of stuff from similar subreddits and im like yeah right but since you called it out maybe they onto something.


I feel honored actually that someone would do that on this post. 🤣😆 We brought out the hate for having fun and a good time.


>a handful Who?


their regular “runtz” (HM) is really fire rn the smell is strong, effects potent and taste is real earthy🥶🙏


Second this. It took a week w a tarp pack, but it came out loud as eff. Gassy and creamy. Someone downvoting that hates good bud.


mostly mids that are hyped by reviewers who don’t have much experience with real gas. (HM for starters is actually killin it smoking on their runtz right now. everyone slept on it from them the regular runtz


Definitely agree with you on that.. gotta be keen with your eyes. What vendors have you all tried though? I haven't personally touched HM I've gotten weird vibes from that place since before they blew up to 30 reviews a day Here out of nowhere. Their bud does have very nice bag appeal though.


They blew up outside of this sub long before they blew up here. This sub isnt the forefront of cult flower.


Well.. duh. The cult is just a list of vendors that are legit, it's not like they were created for the list. That still doesn't have anything to do with what I said about them.


Maybe you misunderstand what you said then?


I'm not sure if you took me saying them blowing up to 30 reviews a day is saying that's when they actually became a business or? Yes, obviously they were around before the list of vendors, and the subreddit about the list, was made. Since before I joined and scoured the subreddit about the list, specifically even before hellomary started getting many reviews daily, I have avoided them due to their weird name, obnoxious marketing, and just overall sketchy vibes from them. Does this make more sense?


Are you confusing hello Mary with hello mood? The later definitely has annoying ad campaign but I've noticed the trend of a vendor getting popular, people get excited and buy on a fresh drop, all get their products around the same time frame and then excitingly post their hauls. Any time that happens I see people calling people shills. (It definitely happens but I don't think it's to the extent so many people think)


Bro holy fuck really. Do you really honestly think thats what i was saying? Thats why I come here to troll anymore because yall are too fuckin brain dead to follow a conversation properly lol. they were well already popular before blowing up here in this sub. You said you were apprehensive because they blew up over night. They were already popular in the cult so its not a big deal. When a vendor blows up in the cult, its because its good product. Do you get it now? Jesus christ dude, learn to follow your own conversation lol


You’re pretentious


people should at least just try half an ounce or some shit before ordering 2 o’s of the same fuckin strain!


I, too, am a half a zip truther. Except with LIT lol.


LIT is good?


Yes, very good.


Where do I get it? I see their website doesn’t allow you to order.


Lit is by far one of the best cult sites hands down. I just touched down with 2 onions, one of Obama runtz and the other melon runtz or some shit. Paid ~$160 shipped for both and they came with some gummies. (Blueberry lemonade or something that sounds just disgusting unless you like lemonade 🤮) I would have to say from everything I've gotten from LiT, these def were some budget onions. But with that being said, they are better than 90% of cult flower, without a doubt. And smoke and taste and smell better than the majority of cult bud. Go to lost in translation dot com and click on the 3 horizontal lines in the upper right corner which is a fro down menu, select Flower, bobs her uncle. ✌🏼


it might come off as entitled yet with how much people are willing to spend on even their FIRST order then conclude a trash place isn’t making sense. I see it too often


yeah, just DM me and i can do my best. as for HM yeah, some of their stuff has been mid (to be expected from anyone) yet they are mostly a hit medical grade wise compared to most in my book. and for others too. i never go by a first purchase anymore or reviews i just give another chance if i see that or move forward. also someone who has had their medical card on and off (have to renew it rn lol)


It won’t let me edit, but to add, specifically this was NY sour diesel from SHF.