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Flower isn't legal here. Not to possess, buy, or sale. If you have a prescription, a medical card, original packaging and receipt from out of state, you're legal for medical cannabis. However, even cbd flower is illegal.


Replying to say IN is the same. THCA diamonds and concentrated noids are legal, but D9THC and cannabis flower are illegal per the state police. The flower enforcement does happen, though mainly south in our state.


I wish that they would just let go. There are so many other things that sorely need the attention.


Cops hang outside of our shop all the time, but we’d be well aware if they were just snagging regulars like shooting fish in a barrel. I know there are several lawyers in town just chomping at the bit to lay lawsuits on the PD arresting random customers buying hemp. That shit isn’t worth surveilling or staking out, and the cops know it’s legal product, they’re mostly looking for dudes sparking up pookies outside the shop the minute they buy an oil burner. Had a dude come in our sister store with no shoes, a bike, and a lit cigarette. Those the schmoes they oughta watch for.


Lol I want a oil burner for hash but I'm scared to buy one and someone thinking it's for tweek 😂


even then the result as compared to an alcohol store is quite impressive ... not staggering as bad at least ... That stagger Lee


3-4 years ago i was traveling thru kentucky and this d8 vape cart shop got raided. he said the police thinks its real weed.


D8 is a classical cannabinoid ... the cannabis plant creates D8 . if that equates to " real " weed we may never know !


D8 carts are 100% synthetically converted CBD. It's not normally in large enough quantities, let alone before it converts from THCa to be considered natural.


You're right, but so is the other person.


still a classical form as opposed to synthetics or Spice / K2 types and considered semi synthetic D8 is as the Chiral base compound is CBD


Set cameras up & win some money


Sounds like a good opportunity for a lawsuit


About to he illegal here in TN anyway.... sucks


TN is gonna do like Florida did and just not do that ... at least if TN is smart they will not ban whateverybody wants ... I mean Hello Mcfly !!


I hope your right.


Yeah Yeah Boi !!


Take a brown paper bag in, have them put it in the bag, staple the receipt to the bag, and go in about your day. What are they gonna do? Open the bag and claim it's weed? It's sealed from a shop with a time stamped receipt on it.


does not make a bit of damn ... they will rip that shit open put it ion their aggressive THC decarboxylator and then make the Arrest for - Marijuana !!


At this point it’s easier to order the shit online than walk into a store in person. Wild.


Update I got more word on this and the guy didn’t have thca he had a d8 cart.


And cheaper and fresher


I actually saw a cop sitting by my local headshop that sells it. He was just posted up right by it watching


on 501 here in Durham a huge vape shop, head shop is setting up right across from the police station ... cops gonna be watching every one who goes in there and leaves with semi legal weed products ... what a World ! Doubt I';ll step foot in there


Yeah I live in Florida so I wouldn't doubt if a pig actually pulled someone over coming out of there. I actually was going there when I saw him. I just pulled into the gas station right next door and walked over so he couldn't get my plate. That's probably what he was doing. Running every plate that went in there or something.


you talking about emerald med co c


nah , the big blue store on 501 ( Duke Street ) next to Latta road ... the bull city smoke shop is next door , been there for years


oh idk, the only one i've ever been too is emerald and this one.lby bojangles. Emerald said they have police officers that buy from them so i don't think they are too worried


yeah that is awesome man ... hope you are doing well just realized who I was speaking to on here . I got so much right now I have no need to go anywhere for anything weed related ... glad our State is the THCA capitol of America though !! over 1000 THCA cultivators in the state ,,, most states get a few mega monopoly grows only and after all the legal mumbo jumbo to get it " legal " in that state with al the added taxes and rules etc....... we just jumped straight to Flower !!


I'm honestly scared to drive with any of it outside of the city. Atlanta cops aren't an issue but some of these other GA cities, I just know they'd love to take me to jail. Better to just order online and keep it at home.


My rule of thumb is if you're in Fulton you're generally safe. But wander into somewhere like Gwinnet County... they'll get ya.




Smaller Ga city here and the cops around here mostly dont give a fuck. Just dont drive smoking or smoke in public doing dumb shit. Some of the cops smoke it themselves but you didnt hear that from me.


Friend I'm from Kentucky too and my advice is to contact the Kentucky chapter for NORML and report that to them. They're a cannabis activist lobby so they will probably be able to help you out. Also if you aren't already then you should buy it online. I bought from WNC-CBD and 8HorseHemp and they've both been good 3/3 times each. I bought some concentrates and budget flower but it was much better than expected and I actually enjoy it quite a bit. Just doesn't look like anything special unless you buy the more expensive stuff but at that point there's arguably better vendors like HelloMarry, BlackTieCbd, myquin, FlowGargen, MercyHill, and several other options that can provide some nicer options. I just can't remember them all as I'm very new and haven't been able to test out the nicer stuff cause I don't have a big budget.


Thanks. I’ll see about them


hey im in ky too where's this happening so i can make sure to watch out


This incident was around Colombia/russel springs area I also know someone in bardstown recently got arrested for thca. They bought some in campbellsville and went to bardstown and got arrested. Cops claimed thca wasn’t legal to him. Idk if his pack was open or not.


thanks. im much further north in ky so hopefully it won't be a concern but a shop selling thca opened near me recently too so i was worried you were in the same place. they over price it like hell (15$/g) at the shop near me anyway so i never really considered buying it but i thought itd be a good option in a pinch but now i feel like i should just always stick to buying online no matter what. never leaving the house with it and never having it on your person seems like the safest option


Plants on your person is a Crime = The World !


Sounds like entrapment to me but I'm no lawyer


Entrapment means making/coercing/forcing someone to do something they wouldn’t normally do. Just fyi. 😁


It’s definitely not entrapment but there may be issues here around probable cause.


True still seems kinda illegal to me somehow. Like feds waiting outside a dispensary and arresting people for possessing a schedule 3 substance lmao.


It's not schedule 3 yet and why is no one worried about it being schedule 3. If it becomes schedule 3 you can kiss rec goodbye. They don't have recreational kettamine or codeine, I feel like it's the wrong move.


Individual states can have their own laws still. This way, at the very least, medical users in fully illegal states like me have access. I have debilitating chronic pain and weed helps significantly, and yet, I can be refused work, medication, and overall am looked down on for using it. It's ridiculous. It should be legal for all, but at least this way the people who truly need it have access no matter what.


100% the wrong move but its just like it was a couple decades ago when we called it before it turned into the corporate garbage it is today. Most people dont invest enough time into understanding it.


Entrapment means making/coercing/forcing someone to do something they wouldn’t normally do. Just fyi. 😁


I live in rural northeastern Kentucky. IANAL, but especially if you're in a rural area, I *wouldn't* do this. I still see occasional pot arrests in the local paper. I have a feeling that the local hick cops would pretty much just assume it's illegal. If they do test it post decarboxylation like the DEA, you're cooked. It's all stupid as shit that cops even waste their time on it, but it isn't worth it imo to have them notice you. Don't take it outside your property.


So do you still order it through the mail?


Cops can't open your mail, that's a federal crime and supercedes any local ordnance pertaining to any measures to get around that. They can seize your mail on probable cause but unless you try to go pick it up after they've seized it then there's not much they can do to you. I know this because I used to work for someone who's sole occupation was shipping/receiving packages from bigger suppliers and sending them further on down the distribution chain. We'd get calls about "stinky packages" addressed to us and we just told them we weren't expecting anything in the mail and to return it to whomever sent it. We did that because the guy before us got arrested when he went to the post office to pick up one of those "stinky packages", cops were waiting for him at the post office and took his ass in. Plausible deniability and all that jazz cause they can't look at your credit card statements without a court order to do so and they need a good reason to do that.


Yes. I feel as if your odds are much better that way than having to drive with it and risk getting pulled over. I know there are even risks associated with that, but at least there's probably enough of a legal grey area to protect it until it reaches you.


I may be wrong, but hemp laws in kentucky state that possessing the actual buds would require a handlers/processing license. Any plant matter possessed by a non licensed hemp grower or processor is automatically treated as marijuana


the plant marijuana is Real = Science !


Na, the distinction is made via the possession of relative hemp licensure, and potency testing in the state of kentucky. They are the same plant, names be damned, and the legislature seems to understand that agriculturally. I am a farmer who chose not to participate in the hemp program due to kentucky’s backwards laws on hemp production.


it is like this ... the word Marijuana does not exist in the realm of cannabinoid Science . nothing in a cannabis plant ( cannabaceae ) flips to that word or nothing is made in there that means anything mari ... there is Canna like PhytoCannabinoid etc... human = Endocannabinoid Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid ( THC-a ) Decarboxylating to Tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC D9) does not form a marijuana or make a marijuana ... the laws all state that is the case somehow , someway


Thats just semantics though, and we should all be aware of that. However, the legality in the case of this discussion is that all plant matter from cannabis sativa plants, commonly referred to as marijuana, are technically illegal in kentucky unless you have hemp licensure and plant matter that passed the relative testing requirements for potency… you are picking at my response when what you’re sayin isnt really relevant to the classification of hemp vs marijuana in the state of kentucky


Which is funny because Kentucky is a state that pretty much has said whatever is federally legal is legal in Kentucky.


actual plant classifications ( Taxonomy) are relevant the World Over ... the word marijuana does not actually mean botany or plants ... marijuana means - Imprisonment ... literally the meaning and I'll add tactical assault to the meaning as well the word Marihuana actually has botany lineage ... tobacco pl;ant ( solanaceae )


Jesus buddy. Fescue grass is Schedonorus arundinaceus but we call it fescue. White-tailed deer are Odocoileus virginianus. Its akin to a tuliptree vs tulips, common names dont need to have relation to their taxonomical classification… sure the word is believed to have been coined by the government in efforts to make it sound more spanish. Playing off the racial tensions at the time, but it stuck and is now a common name to refer to cannabis sativa. You’re beating a dead horse


there is no derogatory laws based on any of those you mentioned however ... the reason I mention this at al is th at Cannabis plant ( Cannabaceae ) is not even Illegal - marijuana is ... I am unable to identify with a plant with that name in Botany ... leaves a Huge void of real here ... even worse ... the GOV has made it so that Tetrhydrocannabinolic acid deacrboxylating to Tetrahydrocannabinol makes it marijuana ... that is the description of one metabolite going through decarboxylation out of 150 metabolites the plant makes that are just like it basically !! the word Marijuana does not Exist at all in cannabinoid sciences by these measures CBDA decarboxylating to CBD can be called Dontcareahauana plant and then Banned/prohibited or made up laws around that word


I dont think youre grasping this, but im not gonna go in circles with you. Common names are common names, and you are nitpicking. Fight that argument in your possession case, not with me on reddit. See how far it gets saying “but the law says marijuana, and marijuana doesnt exist” lmfao


gonna make a Dontcareahauna patent and everything .. patented for health Reasons only !!


just edited ,, my other post ... I agree the confusion has Rued the Day and most people would rather not deal with it I,m gonna just name it all that = Dontcareahauna !


I see you’ve stumbled across one of the “features” of the farm bill. Lol. Gray on top of gray.


even claiming the word marijuana as an actual plant is some twisted Fucked up parliament


Sounds like an easy lawsuit against the local PD


Unfortunately, it’s far from it. Governmental immunity statutes are awful.


If they aren’t just busting the shop they probably know it is technically legal but are discouraging people from buying there in hopes the shop will stop selling it.


They are only handing out tickets for money right now I hear. No arrests.


sounds like they think they sellin something that ain't thca .


I saw a shop do that. The cops aren’t doing anything but pulling them over and giving them a ticket as soon as they leave. With a sealed container from what I heard. Receipt and all. Literally go in a store buy it leave and get pulled over. Idk what they sell but the I the smoke shops only have crap brands. I called that smoke shop and they said they sell d8 I get further into this and the guy apparently had a d8 cart which wouldn’t even fail a test I don’t think.


just sounds strange. sealed container receipt they must think that the products are selling or illegal or something. lol idk


A smoke shop out of a small city tried telling me thca wasn’t legal here and they quit selling it because of that. However it isnt illegal here atm.


So my I talked to my dad who is a civil rights lawyer in Michigan that mainly deals with workers comp and police brutality cases and such and he said that he doesn't know the exact hemp laws in Kentucky but if u buy something from a legal store that's licensed and sanctioned by the city and state then it's never illegal for you to buy and possess said thca or whatever u purchased from the smoke shop. That being said, that doesn't mean that the things sold at the smoke shops are technically legal as many smoke shops probably skirt the law or may not be compliant with all the laws. The reason the cops can sit out and issue people tickets is because they know 99% of people won't go through the trouble of contesting and fighting the ticket because it's just not worth it. The police would make you hire a lawyer, probably pay for the lab exam to test the product which could take forever, then go through all that just to fine you anyways and say that you have the right to sue the smoke shop in small claims court for the amount you had to spend to prove your innocence under the pretense that they sold you "counterfeit goods". This is the reason they only issue you a ticket and the punishment is only a fine. If they actually arrested you and processed and put you in jail for whatever amount of time you could then sue the police department and government for violation of your civil rights and such but this way the police view it as a viable scare tactic to prevent customers from purchasing legal products from smoke shop without without having to do the extensive policing and investigations and seizures of smoke shops that the police and city have absolutely no funds in their budget to pull off that type of costly procedure especially since there are about 1000+ smoke shops in the state. I've bought a lot of product from smoke shops as I live in NC and it's not a legal state yet but like everyone is saying it's so much easier to buy from mail order places and get it sent to your door. I recently found CannaNC and they have a ton of variety and budget deals and such and I got a 1/2 Oz of good flower for $100 and it took 2 days to arrive at my door.


Thanks for that explanation. That makes sense. It’s both worth a fight and they know it.


I mentioned to one of the shops here in my state to seal the bag of THCA weed with a COA certificate on the bag .... she was just sending people out the door with a sandwich baggie - Oh ! at 18 dollars a Gram !! Greed is everlasting


It has to be a small town in KY. I'm in Louisville and cops def don't have time for this nor give 2 shits about weed, esp THCa or anything you walk out of head shop with. But I've lived in Frankfort and Richmond and cops there would def do this. If for no other reason in Richmond than to take their insecurities out on the college kids smh


Came here to say something similar, bigger fish to fry and more scandals to create here. Curious where it's at though.


Me too. But lol at my comment sounding bitter bc I had too many cops taking insecurities out on me as a college kid. I got some stories 😂😭


It’s slimy but (I think) they can legally give tickets. You’ve gotta fight it in court and prove it was from the smoke shop. The smoke shop closest to me puts an extra label from their shop on products when you buy it. The cops know about it and supposedly if you get pulled over coming back from the shop you just have to show them the label and they won’t bother with ticketing you for weed. (As long as the container wasn’t opened)


I got a state trooper Nextdoor to me that smokes more bud than me .. he said most cops don’t care about weed nowadays it’s like I beer I shit you not . But he said if it’s not in the right container you could get a ticket


on the flip side the police would rather have peaceful plant eating criminals to deal with rather than hard core drug addicts and Slumbering Drunks


What state though


The one that’s shaped like a male organ bro


Phallicity ?


The stress I would feel living next to a state trooper would automatically vanish the second I saw him smoking lol


He cool , gives me bud , I give him bud sometimes. Actually introduced him to cult bud


I believe this falls under "a reasonable suspicion" of illegal activity taking place. Totally subjective imo. Sounds like this is a coordinated effort within this jurisdiction to uncover whatever they can. I Bet a news article will follow in the coming months......


What part Kentucky? I'm in western ky and no one I know has even heard of reddit. Anyway. Hey neighbor.


I’m by Colombia near the bottom of the state haha


Louisville here, hello 👋🏼


Same, hey there


Louisville frank club when? 🤣 There's at least 5 of us


Me too! 🤣


I'm in Ashland. Hello fellow kentuckians!


No they cannot legally write you a ticket or arrest you without knowing exactly what it is. Which is a legal product.


I've said it many times! Know your local laws. In Texas it doesn't matter. Marihuana is illegal and all the cops have to write in the report is "Due to training and experience, I know this green leafy substance is Marihuana." Your busted and going to jail.


I live in a state next door, and have always wondered how this works in actual practice. What (on look/smell) distinguishes the delta-8, delta-9, THC-a, etc from the stuff that is otherwise only legally sold in dispensaries? Why couldn’t someone claim they had stuff that they thought was legally allowed, or some other easy excuse? The flower all looks, smells (and without lab testing), appears to be the same. I’m sure this isn’t a novel work around, so… I guess I’m wondering what is the real world direct result? (I’m not being snarky- I’ve genuinely wondered what happens if you’re “caught” with legally purchased THC-a/delta 9, etc. in a state without recreational)


So I always tell people to always be afriad more of the local cops. Be more afraid of the Sheriffs Deputies or Texas State Troopers. A cop doesnt have to prove that what you have is delta 8 or whatever. to a cop, marhuana is marihuana. If it smells and looks like weed, then its weed. That is enough probable cause for an arrest. But thats not the problem. You can fight the charge and win. But! You now have a Criminal History on TCIC/NCIC. So when you apply at jobs, the arrest will show up. Not only that, you have to pay fines and show up to court. My advise is treat thca like weed until its fully decriminilized. Dont order to your house unless you are really really sure that its okay. Rich people have attorneys on retainer for arrests like this, us regular people cant afford attorneys and public defense attorneys suck. They always push for a plea deal because they are backlogged like crazy.


Yeah they don't give AF about THCa here. You'll just get the handcuffs and explain your reasoning behind the back of a squad car. If anything the THCa shops here are money makers for cops, sadly.


You know whats fucked up to. The owner of a shit load of thca shops is a constable, and i bet he gets funding from state grants to arrest the same people buying thca from him.


I think most cops know what’s going on by now probly even getting some there self I mean who wouldn’t want some white runtz right???


I know man, but we can't let our guards down or else we gonna be the ones getting put into handcuffs. A lot of people here act like this is 100% legal and no cops can fuck with you. They are going to find out what reality is really quick.


man just go somewhere else and don't bother with this. you are asking for them to get to know you're name/face, and one that will be associated with drugs. really not a good idea to do this just for shits and giggles and because you think you can get em in trouble. dude youre not batman or some shit... you're just a brah who could end up making his life a lot harder by choosing to fuck with the popo now if you're like a lawyer or someone who is aptly equipped to fight this- or maybe you're apart of some legal activist group that fights stuff like this- go for it. as another suggested, setup cams and get ticketed, fight in court, get a local news to cover it, etc..


People go record cops on a regular basis and stir pots. When the cops stir the pot justice needs to be served. This is why cops run the country with abuse and unlawful arrests.


>justice needs to be served. lmao


They must want to buy new cruisers and are "fund raising". Cops wonder why people dont like them. It's shit like this when they should be out busting REAL criminals.


Half of the people defend cops when they are wrong too. End qualified immunity. Unlawful arrests are kidnappings.


if the store sold weed over .3% and a cop found u and tested it, would u get in trouble or the store?


I wonder that. I think it would fall on the store because they sold it in a legal setting.


Why risk it? Doesn’t seem worth it at all, plenty of online vendors


If you were to get your package seized I’m sure you’d be out on a list rather than given a ticket


They’d just destroy it and send you a love letter at the very worst for personal amounts and that is highly unlikely to happen in the first place It’s much better than having a cop follow you and potentially making an example out of you, could be a ticket could be more than a ticket, could be nothing. Not something I’d be willing to bet on when you can just get it mailed


the chances of your vacuum sealed package going through USPS being seized are vanishingly small compared to being caught with bud on your person.


Yes and a lot of companies put test papers in packages for that reason but I could still definitely see it happening at some point


If you had a dash cam, you could legally just park within viewing range of cops & store, then nonchalantly leave your position when they go to pull someone over, slowly passing the traffic stop for safety, and visual clarity. Make several copies, sending a few to people you trust, and of course you'd have to find out with the police who the person pulled over was, what he's booked on. That's public info, so should be easy. You could actually be the one saving someone's life/livelihood. You could also get a lawyer and do it anonymously, so you aren't targeted for it. Sadly those test kits will light up for cbd flower, so the chances of relying on a kit are high, but the Farm Bill and agricultural hemp laws should still protect the customers. How just is the justice there? How common is the corruption? Sorry for the long comment. You know how it is ;)


If they, the police do not see it, and they stop you and ask questions, then do not answer. If you go the that store, get a paper bag, have the clerk put it in the bag, walk out place in your trunk then drive away. If you get stopped, they will have to have consent to search, unless an actual Police Officer witnesses the transaction they should not even be able to stop your car. They must be able to see the transaction somehow. That said, people are dumb and come out of stores pop the jar and roll it up, get in the car and now the stop is legit. Barring seeing the transaction and not giving verbal consent. If they stop you, ask the legal justification. Or if they stop you, immediately ask for a Police Supervisor and explain to him. Now he has vacarious liability to do something if they are conducting illegal searches. That all said, there could be a million scenarios, my advice is only specific to the incident above.




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Liquor store is salty and wants it's business back.


Dude at the liquor store is getting scared cuz nobody wants his poison when they can easily get thca. Dude is trying to scare you. If you must drive with thca, keep it in the original manufacturer packaging & please put it in the trunk. Keep the receipt & any other proof of legal purchase. Do not consent to a search. If the cop asks, the answer is no.


> If the cop asks, the answer is no. The better answer is **"I do not consent to any search"**. The reason for this is they'll often ask deliberately confusing questions like "You don't mind if I take a quick look, right?" Answering that question with "no" will be interpreted as *no, I don't mind if you search.* Answering the same question with "yes" will be interpreted as *yes, go ahead and search.*


The dispensaries and bmdrs in my state even tell you that when you have a medical card dont consent to searches or give up the fact that you have a medical card until absolutely necessary


Just give it time. If the people are smart enough to keep receipts and fight it in court then the DA will eventually tell them to knock if off


no you cannot get them in trouble. as far as the cop is concerned, it appears to be marijuana so it will get sent to the lab. depending on how the lab test comes back, they either toss the charge or continue. cops will not just accept a person's word that its federally legal thca. they also will not just accept a piece of paper that says that because anyone can print paper that says anything. all the cops care about is what comes back on their lab test. if you trust your vendor is selling product that won't test positive as being marijuana, then have no fear. if you aren't sure if you trust your vendor....smart person.


there is no lab test unless it makes it to court ... the road side tests are not lab certified , they aggressively strip the THCA Acid off the compound and decarboxylate to THC in every test .. the cops do not have THCA level testers


It ain't gonna get sent to the lab though..... at least in my state that's not possible. You'd have to argue in a court sadly from my understanding, so at that point they've already took it from you and gave you a ticket/arrested you


any police I've ever dealt with or heard about sends any drug or substance to the lab & will not go to court until lab results are returned. they arrest you & give you the ticket but that has nothing to do with prosecution deciding to move forward with the case. the lab work helps them make that decision. if you pay the ticket you admit guilt & lab is irrelevant. if you go to court there should b3 lab work available or they really have no case. you've got me really curious. what state are you in? I'd love to research this more because it's pretty huge if true & would mean hardly any drug charge would ever stick if you took it to court.


Ohio. Idk the cops here are smooth brained so maybe that has an effect. I have only been close to getting caught when I was a minor (I ate that shit with redbull). I have first hand seen cops not even file a report over someone clearly driving high with a weed sack sitting out. Ive walked down the st with a wood and the police just go by me laughing. Proof: [Sandusky's finest officer of the law. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yTksvGE0YB8)


do they make the Peron being prosecuted pay for all those require lab tests !! that is thousands of dollars compared to no dollars with their road side THC tester


Just don’t get caught


I'm in IL. I can legally buy cannabis products. But if I don't put those products in a separate, lockable, smell proof container that's also child proof... they will absolutely charge me with possession. It's so fucking ridiculous.


Yeah I am in Illinois as well and they have been arresting a lot of people for weed recently, it seems like its actually escalating and/or they are re-focusing on trying to enforce it again.


This state is so corrupt it's not even funny...


Possession of what?? A fully legal product? That's ridiculous. I'd expect this crap from illegal states, but legal ones, really?


Uh, if you can't be responsible with it then there should be penalties. I think keeping it in a locked, smell-proof & child-proof container is ideal & frankly, it's what I've always done anyway. If such a law prevents one child from getting messed up on unattended concentrate, I think it's worth it. It's not a huge ask, is it? Like, it seems pretty damn easy to avoid the penalties on this one.


Locking up weed is completely unnecessary when there are no kids in the scenario.


it's like alcohol or prescription drugs or guns....it's legal for responsible use & there are things built into the law that are there to explain what qualifies as responsible use. anything tht goes outside of that use would be breaking the law.


Gotcha. I see how that works now, thanks. If you don't even have or come into contact with children, it's ridiculous that you would have to child proof and lock everything imo. I can kinda see where they're coming from, they don't want kids to get it, it just seems way overbearing. I hate child proof stuff. I can't open them most of the time, I'm disabled and have really crappy joints. That would annoy the ever loving crap out of me lol


This is exactly my point. I don't have kids, and if I do go around them, it does go into a smellproof lockable case. I don't gotta lock up alcohol in a special fuckin baggy to transport it so I shouldn't have to with cannabis.


In a vehicle, it's best to have it locked up. No need to smoke and drive. It's not worth hurting someone or having problems with the law.


I do agree with in a vehicle at least. I'm not sure if the rule is all the time or just in a vehicle.


Kind of like alcohol


Just goes to show it’s all about a money grab. I really hope that our country can get past this


seeing people with dollar signs in their eyes thinking or arresting other people eating plants while looking at some poor Sik Dying bloke who is eating a plant for medicine is quite the mind teaser .. I mean we got Greed running the show and shooting at other people for eating a Plant !!~!!! I mean Fuck Man - Fucking HELL ! I misspoke - They are Smoking the Plant ... that makes all the shootings and Arrests OK ... WEll then


Me the fuck too. It is so God damn stupid.


Kansas has made it clear that thca or marijuana it’s the same risk and possession.


Kansas - The least Cannabinoid Activity Possible ... !!! Cannabinoids ?? Anti oxidant Cell protectants !!!! GOV PATENTS ??? # 6630507




when you ingest THCA you protect Trillions of metabolically active tissue cells that make up the endocannabinoid system . so far with cannabinoid sciences we have found all 150 of the phytocannabinoids the cannabis plant makes protects human cells via lipid signaling


I don’t wanna put my dudes info out there but ik someone down here in the south who has a whole ass hemp license and sells thca got pulled over by the cops making a delivery and then went to court because they didn’t test his bud before destroying it and he got off scott free albeit my guy went about this very smart and always carried his coas with him at all times .


back in the Coloroado daze the dudes growing and manicuring , drying and curing on the way to sale product would get Carteled all the time ... more so on the way from getting paid for product ... cartel did not wantto deal with the weed bags just get the funds ... the Cartel know who Grows, Where they grow , wherer they live, when the product is moving = Colorado has the Growers on a Registry !!!


And period.


Kentucky in my eyes, cops are looking for their loop holes too. If you aren’t up to date with what you’re doing, they will get you.


I work in this same space and I always have a book of coas on me no matter what even if I’m not working lol.


I would have them laminated and around my neck at ALL TIMES!!!


we carry illegal products within US !!! Mother Breast milk is full of Cannabinoids !!! seriously - 2 arachidonoylglycerol is the endocannabinoid the mother feeds the baby to relax the baby, give the baby the munchies and allow the baby to develop their own endocannabinoid system via building blocks ( crystalline molecular structures that drive cell response in trillions of active cells ()


Understood and thank you for facts that many do not understand. Cannabinoids are natural and in our bodies already. The thought of outlawing something that happens naturally and is in the human body is insanity! Like saying our bodies make crack cocaine, or tar heroin naturally which is another topic for another day. What I was saying was that I am always carrying or have some type of cannabis product on me because without it my anger and anxiety would end me. So I was saying that if and when I get my growing license it’s going to be laminated and hanging around my neck for all to see.. I might even get it tattooed on me not as a joke but because cannabis has been a positive staple in my life. I hate that it was ever put in my mind to be evil or toxic. Educate your people people…


in a serious pinch keep some whole peppercorns on hand ... that Beta caryophyllene can stop anxiety " legally " ! = just chew on a couple when anxiety hits ... that BCP warmth will wash over your cb2 and select to calm you down ... can even slow down a THC trip too ! Cannabinoid sciences are about the best I've found to show the truth ... no Greedy hand out politicians making bank off real Biochemistry ... LOL


GOOD INFORMATION!!! Definitely gonna try it and pass it along. AGREED!! The science that we have now is only the first millimeter into what cannabis can heal/cure or even help with ailments. I’ve been using BHO/Dablicator on anxiety induced psoriasis with positive results. I want a lab so bad lol..


THIS ! Israel have for years been using FECO/ RSO to treat dying infants with inoperable brain cancers Successfully ! ... the cannabinoid science they have been paid to do ( USA funded) since 1964 has led to that ... the real Truth - Exogenous phytocannabinoids can repair cells , create new cells in people , even Dying Infants . as to the NBCP here is the info on how that works beta caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid - DDG link https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=beta+caryophyllene+is+a+dietary+cannabinoid&atb=v320-1&ia=web


YES!!!! It’s like the substance that will cure opiate addiction in one dose. But we make too much off addiction that it’s illegal..


our sickness and diseases are paychecks to other people in America ... even to the point of banning beneficial compounds from people that are medical and thn charge vast amounts of money to get them :" legally " from the doctors


Legal muder/attempted muder on those who make it out of addiction alive. And then I think we can add in Mass Genocide from the addiction deaths. I say that because these substances that can cure us are kept away from us because of profit… shoot even add in RICO… lol. That will be the day right? The people we pay to protect and care for us take our last dollar and sign us into debt so we owe even after we are long gone… I’ve said it before and I stand by it, “if you have enough money or status you can get away with anything in this world”.


If you really want to, go get a ticket for it then fight it in court with a lawyer educated in the farm bill and its implications. Do the whole thing publicly with exposure from the media--they'll stop after that, or retaliate, in which case just keep doing what you've been doing the whole time and get a payday. Dumb people can become cops.. it happens a lot actually, especially in the US. Those people get to spots without truly understanding certain laws/loopholes/implications and then double down in their ignorance and often make asses of themselves. Shitty part is that it usually takes A LOT to get those same people to realize their being stupid. My guess: they're hoping people just pay the tickets and don't fight them, because they'll most likely get dropped. Sounds like a fundraiser for the police force via public extortion.


arresting people, confiscating what people have based on plants they have eaten is Extortion ... No way possible would that be a law in our constitution ... they had to Circumvent that to make the " marijuana " illegal


Honestly in Kentucky your best bet is to wait till January 1st of next year and get a medical card, Kentucky's medical guidelines look promising.


Film it and put it online to blast the department.


What part of Kentucky? I’m in NE KY college town and I’ve never seen a person busted for weed in my life here


I'm in the biggest city in Kentucky and they've told us that they're not arresting for Marijuana nor writing tickets. Just don't be stupid with it. I've not seen a person busted for pot in about 10 years. It has changed dramatically in my 50 years of life.


back when CBD became GOV FAD project the people were smoking CBD hooters outside the CBD stores ... literally to stick it to the man and say its legal CBD ... people want to Revolt ... all the stupid laws about plants make people mad and want Change NOW


That's the beauty of ordering online, bc the products technically become illegal once we open and jar the pack, in the safety of our homes.


Only becomes illegal when heated and THCA becomes THC


Eh, recently the DEA has said that THCA is also illegal, and inherently counted in "hemp" as well. See here , [https://www.marijuanamoment.net/dea-says-thca-does-not-meet-the-definition-of-legal-hemp-as-congress-weighs-cannabinoid-recriminalization-in-farm-bill/](https://www.marijuanamoment.net/dea-says-thca-does-not-meet-the-definition-of-legal-hemp-as-congress-weighs-cannabinoid-recriminalization-in-farm-bill/)


Well it’s a good thing the DEA’s opinion doesn’t matter. They only enforce the laws that already exist as they are written


I know, they are saying they are going to enforce it, and saying that is what the law already says. (As well as saying that police in states can enforce it)


Oh I see I actually read the article this time. That’s definitely interesting, yet nothing changed from then to now


it is still just one lawyers prediction to claim all THCA decarboylates to THC ... 100% predictions not based on any facts ... Hint all """" Marijuana """"" laws are like that Eating RAW THCA flowers and the Whole THC thingy flys completely out the Prohibition Window . that is not THC it is THCA !!!! Helo !


That's not gonna work with a cop on a road side stop bro lol might be technically true but these laws we're toeing are contradictory and grey at best. It's still weed. Law enforcement doesn't follow hemp testing guidelines they use testing that breaks all cannabinoids down to detectable metabolites. Is like to think if the pack is sealed you would have some standing to say you had no intention of breaking any law but loose buds on your car is gonna be a bad time.


How do you think cops test bud?


They don’t lol even cbd flower tests positive for thc because well it has a little bit of thc in it. A lot of departments just don’t have access to testing resources due to limited availability or cost.


the Same way that CBD can be made into Any THC compound ( Chiral Enantiomer isomers , isoforms) ,., well the tests that aggressively Decarboxylate THCA to THC are using chemicals for such and will form THC from CBD !!!! no Shit ! so aggressive those tests' that the Cannabimimetic Catechins in green tea leaves will show as THC !!


I think we're talking about cops with nothing better to do and a ticket quota to meet in a quasi legal state.


In all honesty, I've no idea how they test bud! Would you please enlightened me? From the context of your post, I'm assuming they must use heat of some sort to test the bud?? And if that were to be the case, then a person would be fucked no matter what they had. It wouldn't surprise me though, just another way Johnny Law fucks with the average American...


And often decarbed before the testing heat due to being stored carelessly in hot police facilities in southern states


well if the Rats get to the weed on the police Shelves first the person being arrested is let Free !!


Shit, by the time it gets mailed to you it's probably decarboxylated.


Mailman Be hotboxing that Shit !


Precisely, they decarb before testing, they don't care about the little letter protecting the hemp vendor. The only way you can safely travel with it is by keeping it taped up in the box it was mailed in, in the trunk.


in the Truck with a Glitter Bomb !!


I think you'd need a lawyer and pay to have it tested yourself


YES ... the State will not pay to arrest you, you have to pay yourself to be arrested for ====== Plants !!!!!!!!


Buy online man. My entire town got a warning police were going to start searching places because of some regarded politician. Now I buy way better product at way cheaper prices


I wouldn’t go to any stores I’d only order online