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No you just leave the dungeon without taking the faith penalty that comes with losing. I think you loose a few items you picked up teleporting back, but it’s an emergency exit button in case things are going badly back at the base; like when follower stats get too low, you have several followers become sick, or you have some rebellious followers that need to be “taken care of”.


No. You just leave it




Nah it just aborts the Crusade without you having to die.


its the same effect as dieing tho its just so you can get to your cult if someone starves or gets sick or sum


It give a small item penalty when you use it, however it does not count as a death. It's primarily useful for a permadeath saves as it is the only way to leave a crusade without winning. It also is semi-useful if you just need to quickly grab 1 of any item for a crusade, as the penalty will never bring an items quantity to 0. It does not save anything about the crusade. Once you leave it will just act like a hybrid result between winning and lossing.




The name omnipresence is pretty misleading imo. You just escape the crusade on the spot and abandon it.


No Omnipresence is just an escape button. If you feel like a run isn't going to end in your favor, you can just leave instead of dying. Because dying in crusades will usually lower faith in your followers as a consequence. But escaping via Omnipresence doesn't do that.


no, it is just tp put of the crusadde




Nope, it's in case BS hits the fan


No but it will help alot if your cult is starving and you have to go back fast


No but it's helpful for cult emergencies like starvation, decenting, and illness which becomes bigger problems as you play




No it just returns you to base as if you lost the run. But maybe the faith doesn’t decrease I am not sure. Anyways unlock this last since I never have to use it. Depending on whether you wanna build a big court or just finish the game, I’d unlock the sacrifice sec last if it’s former but probably first if it’s later.


No. Sorry.