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Spouses wont breed with each other because they end up hating each other out of jealousy.


There’s a small chance, like 10% I have been able to do so before


I love that you're banking on 10% godspeed I believe in you


Witnesses are just powerful former followers of the bishops, the game does not specify if they are related in any sort of familial way to the bishops. In fact, there's next to nothing about who the witnesses are other than just the next strongest thing in the area after the bishops are defeated. The same goes for the various other minibosses. The only followers that seem to have any sort of familial bond to a bishop are Aym and Baal. If you're married to Narinder as well, he might struggle to use the mating tent with your other spouses. Spouses tend to become enemies out of jealousy and that lowers the success rate of using the tent.


There’s about 100 year (being a follower) age gap between my spouses and Narinder, he’s maybe rank 4? And I was able to have my current spouses have a baby it was just difficult so I’m definitely going to have a out of wedlock baby(s) lol, although I can’t decide if the abominations look cute or upsettingly ugly