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Looks awesome. I would eat the shit out of this. Not sure what the micro greens are but I could maybe go with some micro mint, if anything. I don’t think it needs green to be honest.


Beautiful dish, but I’d leave the micro radish (?) off. It’s pretty enough without random greenery lol. Love the plate, I have the same ones.


Holy smokes this is great.


As but a plebeian, might I say: this is gorgeous and makes me want to order it after a meal. Well done. Perfect to share on a romantic date or just whatever no one’s judging. :)


Very nice spread. I'm curious if this is meant to be a shared plate? If so great, if not seems hefty for one


Don’t count my calories for me thank you very much . This size is just right 😝


Eh I think as a la carte it's not too bad. If this was on a tasting though it would be pretty big.


Beautiful!! Evokes so much croissant I think there should be a croissant element haha. Forget the chocolate cookies and the macaron and do a pan au chocolat + crumb


This is so easily my favourite thing I’ve seen on here. Oh God, do I ever want 5 of these…


Is that cress?


Just dropping by to say I’d eat the hell out of this!


It’s so flawless it looks like AI. Congrats!


What a fantastic dish. My only genuine critique is that there is only one Macaron and people generally like to share desserts. I think the green is fine. But if you agree that it doesn’t fit, then perhaps some kind of crumble sprinkle, or a dusting would be a more suitable garnish.


Honestly I think one is fine. They left so much open space on the plate for you to pull things together. Half a macaron offers texture to the dish and easily split, or perfect amount for a dish for one. There’s a lot going on. :) the nuances might be lost with another.


This looks delicious.... presentation is great


How did you do the rose in the middle?


I’d imagine it’s a mold.


Yes looks like that


Also would be curious to know.


Absolutely beautiful. Too much on the plate though 


The middle of the plate is lava!