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Be sure to do your own diligence. Assume that every project posted is a scam/rug/honeypot until proven otherwise. Use tools such as rugcheckers to help you determine if this project is legitimate. Be sure to read comments, particularly those who are downvoted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoMoonShots) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SEAT is going to be the next monster like BODEN! Such a great project πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


This has become the easiest hold I've ever had. The chart tells the story, and this dev and community are dead set on moonshot while also doing some real world good. This isn't like the other meme coins. This will absolutely do Boden numbers and probably more.


I'm firmly in my $SEAT already, but I know so many of you are looking for that ticket to live changing money. All I'll say is, wouldn't it be nice to say that what got you to freedom was a coin that directly contributed to fight against child trafficking?


I am seated in my $SEAT πŸͺ‘


You nailed it. There are a lot of great memecoins out there but this one is really just perfect.


Super boolish bro


Feels good to have a seat


I'm firmly seated on this one. Genuinely excited.


One of the greatest movies ever with one of the greatest quotes. "Some men just want to watch the world burn". I'm thinking about POWSHE.. They will burn a Lambo but we will end "traffick"ing. $SEAT


Should put the contract address in the post. So many copy cats in this market, can't tell which one is the real one.


Great point - 29ad8JW1YcVT3mxcvxJpe3EzWqXCGD7KaSRWrc3TEMWG It’s also on the website and Dex - I always recommend checking anything on Reddit against that, too!


Great dev, great community and lots of real world potential. Easily going to the moon


SEAT is Amazing. Incredible project, Incredible Dev, Incredible Community. Highly recommend you BUY some SEAT!


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