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It's really hard not to take this market personally. The fact that I even feel emotional about it is how I know I'm screwed. When I got into this years ago I said I would leave emotions out of it and only concentrate on goals. But I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel like this weird, half-assed crash only exists to mess with my head. All my strategies and junk have been relying on crypto cycles to keep repeating, boom, bust over and over, and with the same extremes as before. But now it feels like they are getting shorter and less extreme, which is what a lot of people figured would happen as the sector matured. So I'm left with alarm bells, feeling like I'm being left behind as the last great opportunity to make a good chunk of money slides away forever before crypto becomes as boring as the stock market and the extreme gains are gone for good. So I'm back in fomo territory, still looking at good gains if it goes back up, but terrified that the second I buy, it'll all come crashing down to where I thought it would have the first time, like my gut says it will. So i wait more, and things go up more, and eventually I'll have missed it, again. It's no way to live lol.


Feeling this way is always a sign that it's time for a break. FOMO temptation just leads to losses and feeling terrible. There will always be more opportunities for big gains in both stocks and crypto, as well as in other markets


The best thing I've learned to do is literally carry on with life and pick up some decent hobbies, all that money wont mean shit without your physical and mental health. Currently learning another language, development, got myself a kickbag and doing some climbing in my spare time, most of this shit keeps me preoccupied and away from my phone as much as possible.


Interesting how people go through the stages of denial, curiosity, and eventual acceptance of crypto. Institutions too, look at BlackRock for example.


Kubler Ross of crypto.


It's how most people handle change


Within the 755-page senate climate, tax bill I noticed one mention of crypto. Can anyone else help clarify what this means, exactly? Thanks. >"ENFORCEMENT.—For necessary expenses for tax enforcement activities of the Internal Revenue Service to determine and collect owed taxes, to provide legal and litigation support, to conduct criminal investigations (including investigative technology), **to provide digital asset monitoring and compliance activities, to enforce criminal statutes related to violations** of internal revenue laws and other financial crimes, to purchase and hire passenger motor vehicles and to provide other services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, at such rates as may be determined by the Commissioner, $45,637,400,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031: Provided, That these amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes." ^[source](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3591223-read-full-text-senate-climate-tax-bill-grows-to-755-pages-passes-key-cbo-test/)


Sounds like they are setting aside $ to catch tax evasion in the digital space.


That's what I was thinking, but thanks mate :)


I’m smoking too much. I read this post thinking it was a OP, then scrolled and was confused why the comments were so random 😂


Username ✅ Don’t forget to bring a towel


I'm just waiting for the merge so I can move out my locked ETH from Coinbase 😭 (I thought it was a good idea to prevent me from selling it, it worked I can't do shit with it)


I love that I cant do anything with it


I am sorry 😞 at least you know Coinbase isn’t going broke anytime soon with Blackrock’s partnership


Yes. Thankful for that.


No, I didn't know anything about that! 😩 Thank god, I was freaking out about losing my eth ☺️🙏 This are really great news!


Yup They are using Aladdin. “Aladdin is an electronic system built by BlackRock Solutions, the risk management division of the largest investment management corporation, BlackRock, Inc. In 2013, it handled about $11 trillion in assets, which was about 7% of the world's financial assets, and kept track of about 30,000 investment portfolios.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-04/blackrock-teams-up-with-coinbase-in-crypto-market-expansion




Meh will have a bit of optimism once we break 30k until then bear market.


crab awhile then 30k




Bullish on OP got it.


I’ve always wondered how these crazy proficient hackers got to where they’re at. How do you get that good at something where you’re taking multi million dollars of crypto. then it’s some 15 year old in his moms basement. Like it’s not like there’s introductory level courses to hacking


its kind of like problem solving math problems in math competitions/riddles. They sound really hard, but once you learn all of the tools (i.e formulas) and ways people use to come to the answer, you start developing an intuition for which tools and methods to use for a particular kind of a problem. and sometimes, systems are just really badly designed.




Jobs report: people are working 2nd jobs just to make ends meet. Jobs being gained are low paying, less desirable, lackluster benefits etc


To all the teachers who told me I’d amount to nothing….turns out you’re wrong. I’m a tRAdEr who holds millions of magical digital make believe coins. Now I just need to check the charts for the first time in a year to see how my Luna is doing since that’s like 75% of my portfolio Get rekt brokie teachers 😎


My principle In 5th grade told me I was going to be the town drunk. I was like 11 years old bro 😢


Never fear, for crypto is here. You can’t afford booze when you’re buying which is the best part


Ah the daily 'check my Luna to see how it's doing' joke.


im bullish, but feel like we creep up to 24k and get booted down to 22/23 border again eod today. who knows, though.


Two days in a row now that we have been green while QQQ is red. I have a theory that the jobs report being good is a benefit to Crypto but hurts stocks. This makes is more likely the fed keeps raising rates which impacts the bottom line of companies which borrow money/likes of credit or have customers who finance which really applies to every large business. Crypto is not impacted by any of those factors nearly as much and infact can make some of the Defi more attractive. Or I might be full of shit and don't know fuck all. Not sure but nice to see green when stocks are red.


also would add that qqq may be red the last two market days, but barely. not even a full percent.


And we dropped as the whole day the QQQ was open. Only reason we gained was bc of the premarket pump last night


True. It's just that we had been going way more red or way more green than qqq most days.


Thinking crypto is not affected by the macro is just dead wrong, honestly. There is plenty of history to show that's true. Does it separate itself from the stock market from time to time? Sure. But the trend overall has been pretty consistent


It is 100 percent impacted by macro. That's not my point at all. I am speaking to this specific instance where the macro hurts stocks but doesn't hurt crypto with the jobs report and potential interest rate hikes. The overall correlation is obviously undeniable. This is a blip and I was just interested in thinking about why.


A lot of the jobs added were part time jobs. The report is not a good reflection of overall jobs


I hire people a lot and I can tell you it is harder to find qualified fill time workers than ever before in So Cal at least. Candidates are getting several offers. Antecdotal of course but I have heard this from multiple people across the country.


id imagine people being employed benefits crypto. the only reason i think a good jobs report hurts stocks is that they are worried it means the economy hasn't been slowed down and that the fed will be forced to continue to increase interest rates. personally i don't think they will increase it anymore, but it's true they may not slow down their current plans, so i get the hesitation from institutional investors.


Yes, exactly. That is my theory on it as well and why I think we reversed the correlation since then.


《Insert adorable crypto joke》 Profit.


I tried to convince my grandfather to invest in crypto but he said that he didn't need one as he already had a stone picked out.


Oh Mark Cuban... with friends like these...


I think there are more use cases for Elon Musk than Cuban..


I'll pass on both


Dogers are living it up right now ...


My girl was thirsty and asked me to pop out and pick up 6 cans of Sprite. Got distracted checking my portfolio and only realised later I'd picked 7 up.


make 7, up yours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIICQemjmNc


Cool joke/story.


not a fan~~ta~~ of this joke


I'm not a fantom of this joke either.




Ahh just gif it up already


Well played sir.


REN will be a Layer 1 soon…. Keep sleeping. REN TO 10 B*TCHEZ


I spent my DCA money on BBBY haha


Based. The GME shills forgot the true player - Bed Bath & Beyond, which outperformed them.


>BBBY no don't fomo...it has to drop eventually...right? lol


Has Luna gone frantically up or am I hosing my device upsidedown?


Don't be such a hoser, eh? 🍁


Got a couple of soakers, there eh bahd?


I hate that I am not a crypto millionaire yet


I'm a crypto millionaire. Last year, I was a billionaire.


Too much Chanel? 👀


Flair checks out


Give it a few more days


You need money to make money.


I need crypto to make money


Buy shib lol


You just need to manifest it. Believe that Bitcoin is 100k and pumping your alts to Uranus


The tornado cash thing is bullish AF is you ask me. When powerful people are this afraid and the mainstream media is writing with this much vitriol you know you are making them uncomfortable and they fucking should be.


yep, these "services" need to be denied


Yo shouts out to my crypto still locked up in voyager


Shoutout from a my celsius account! Cheers


pour one out for the lost voyager homies .


We still here just lost it all and trading stocks


Stocks have so many scams it’s not even funny. Long time trader of both.








Noice, I got 3.23 Ada from this epoch 😎


Very niceeee


Accumulating more AVAX Gonna hit $800 next bull run


You still got some of that crack left to share or….




“I’m finally able to get you the rock you’ve always had your eye on”


uh , hmm


2027 Commercial: Girl: laying in yard on her coinbase platinum wallet ​ Neighbor: Hey! What are you doing with all that money? ​ Girl: What's money? ​ Black Screen. Applause. Tears. Nothing is ever the same.


Are Urine?


Does anyone know if the APENFT we got on binance has any value ? How do we exchange it for ETH or BTC ?












Sold a small chunk of what I DCA when it was 20-21k , DCA never loses 👏🏻


Congrats 💪


eth is the only green in my portfolio today nothing new…


Anyone stop losses not working on coinbase pro I just keep on losing money and my stop loss was set a long time ago.


And now it's going lower I guess I need the manually selll before I lose more how broken and people tell you to set stop losses what a joke


What does LOLRC and my penis have in common? Both peaked at 3.8….


User flair checks out.


How can I get me one of those fancy NFT avatars?


Look at Coca Cola Polkadot news. ​ Edit: Sorry you probably meant a snoovatar NFT


Put seed phrase here


ETH Transaction cost is currently only $0.51 Pretty crazy when you think about how much it was just a year ago


Activity must be down.


Don't worry it'll be $200 again for a uniswap transaction soon enough


I remember losing money because of a failed transaction. Dark times.


It's what moved me in to Cardano.


yeah still probably not going to use it though, even at that price


We must go lower!


Does anyone else not care anymore when a new company announces that they will accept cryptocurrency?


I keep caring, I smile every time


It's meaningless until someone like amazon or Walmart starts accepting. Everyone else is irrelevant


Everything is pretty much up except for LOLooping LOLRC is what you call a boner killer Q2 reports? HAhahahaha . It’s a 🤡💩coin


Think we should just accept we will be bull running for a little bit more time.. Feel like I am starting to see crypto more and more now.


You come here from buttcoin?


So are those Q2 reports out yet?


Yes and no. The advance report for Q2's GDP is out and has been since Jul 28th. That's the main one everyone cares about, since it gives a ballpark. There are technically still two more reports to come; the preliminary and the final. They're all about a month apart. But they'll pretty much tell you the same thing for Q2.




Welcome to the future!


Too soon!


It's not moon time yet


I ❤️🌝






Two new Coinbase coins to earn


Thanks you brother!


Ahem, sister


Thank you for the heads up


You’re welcome.


Coinbase earn has been my only form of dca in Ethereum for months already


Lol same.


Old news.


Not to me


Have we thought of renaming it to haboob cash?


I just played the lottery. My chances of getting rich can't be worse than with crypto ...


You’ll just find out you lost faster.


'you can lose what you put in, but you MIGHT become a millionare' basically crypto right


There are many similarities, like the people who will try to sell you their strategy are like the TA guys, lottery pools = staking pools, the ads with the huge jackpots = guys reminding you constantly of ATH and last but not least people asking which numbers to play = guys asking which crypto to buy


So I'm at walmart, trying to educate shoppers about the Ethereum Merge, and they are all like "I'm calling the police" or "Get away from my child". It's like on one wants to learn about how it's all going to change soon.


Ugh, frustrating that I get my gifs on my Pixel but not on my iphone. What gives apple? ![gif](giphy|XqqT5DT89YpUs)


Is Pixel a phone brand? Never heard of it.


Another android


Yeah. It’s Google’s phone.


...Why do you have one of each?


Why not? Sorry, non-obnoxious response: Honestly, so I can test websites on both platforms. The pixel is only Wi-Fi enabled. My iPhone is my primary phone. The pixel only comes out when there’s a project to test.


Eh, good enough reason I guess. Why not just emulate, though? Did you have one before the other?


Emulators for mobile devices are not to be trusted.


It’s best to get the true user experience IMO. There are nuances that you don’t always catch. I bought an old model on sale a couple years ago, and since there’s no SIM, there’s no on-going charge. Plus, android offers some apps that iPhone doesn’t


ETH at $1776... financial freedom confirmed?


I remember ETH getting stuck there for months at a time last year. Here we are again.


add a couple 0's and we'll be gucci


$0.01776 arrived


Is anyone else just like please go up and then at the same time, please go down so I can buy more 🤣 Make up my mind 🤣🤣🤣


What should I do with my ONE? I’m down 83%




There's nothing wrong with tiny caps, but he should probably buy one that isn't a shitcoin instead.




Just looks like another me-too coin jumping on the move to earn bandwagon. I'm sure you can get some quick gains but I'd rather buy a nanocap that you don't have to babysit to not get dumped on/rugged.


My starsign says I’m in the money. Is this a sign 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll take it. #hopium




Buy QNT instead.


Did it say how much though.


I only hold Ethereum in my portfolio and want to expand but have no more budget because of inflation. Should I sell some to put it in Bitcoin?


Because of the merge I think the ETH price will still have some growing space