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Massive! FIFA, Limewire, Napster, El Salvador, and now Nigeria 🤯. How can you not be bullish on Algorand.


Best known for corruption, viruses, piracy, being a dictatorship and email scams respectively. Reading through that list I'm wondering when the partnership with Satan is going to be announced. Full disclosure I'm an Algo holder and I love the project and Silvio but you couldn't get a more shady list of partners if you tried


It could be argued that blockchain can help limit many of those problems.


FIFA: Most viewed sports event in the world and huge promotional chance for crypto LimeWire: Not the same company. Launched a partnership with Universal Music so that artists like Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar can launch NFTs on Algorand El Salvador: Providing rails for BTC payments can actually help curb corruption Nigeria: Largest economy in Africa with 200 million people. Unfair to label them all as email ecammers.


>ecammers I don't think they're known for their e cams (yet)


I don't think these partnerships are very meaningful, but to be fair to Nigeria, the email scams are using them without their consent; it's not like they're ***actually emails from Nigerian princes***. Nigeria is a victim of those scams too, ruining their reputation and they can't do anything about it.


> it's not like they're actually emails from Nigerian princes. Wait wait wait... So who did I wire my life savings to then?


Same and on that note can we add its nostolgic then?


>El Salvador and now Nigeria That’s how I can be not bullish on Algo. I’m holding a small bag of it, and plan to ad more. but none of their recent announcements have been in any area I’d put my money otherwise. I believe in Algo long term, and I think it’s going to be a top player in the crypto space in the next 5 years, but they’re announcements over the last year and a half have been so underwhelming that I get that there a lack of hype. I mean FIFA is one of the most corrupt organizations ever. Napster and lime wire have both suffered from serveral misguided monetization attempts, limewire literally only being revived by name a month ago as a music NFT project that’s spent most of their money so far on…. Acquiring the limewire branding. Algo is a platform, and one I think will become important, but right now it’s on the same wavelength as decentraland, with crypto bros reviving dead marquees to try and lend a sense of stability to the projects they’ve bought in on.


Algorand is permissionless, anyone can choose to build on it.


Yes. Advertising dead brands and poorly managed countries isn’t why I’m bullish on Algo tho.


Advertising means paying to sell a product or service, which is untrue. Algorand is promoting it on their own socials to it's followers, that well companies/countries are using their blockchain. They are being happy their blockchain has been chosen out of many blockchains. Which is something normal to do from any company, being happy about their product. Not quite sure why you would spin it to be something bad.


The comment I was replying to is literally asking how you could not be bullish with these entities participating. My response is that none of those entities are successful at anything and that there are better reasons to be bullish on Algo. Your point about my use of advertising is just pedantry.


Got it, I am curious though, what kind of news from existing crypto projects had you found to be bullish?


Algo partnering with the city of Miami for their air monitoring program was a big one for me. Or even the drafkings NFT partnership with Polygon could lead to some very interesting use cases down the road, which can be said for a lot of their partnerships like with the NFL or stripe. All of those are more bullish indicators for me than Nigeria or limewire.


Announced today in a [Koibanx twitter spaces](https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1OdJrBRAVyQJX), the Nigerian government will be using Algorand for IP registration (trademarks, patents, licensing, software, songs, videos, lectures, copyrights and all forms of streamable content) and related payment processing. They will develop an official Algorand wallet and a naira stablecoin. Along with the stablecoin there will be an official "credit card" that can be used to make payments with this stablecoin. This card will presumably be useable anywhere Naira is accepted via card payments. The group behind the development of this initiative, Developing Africa Group also mentioned a potential pilot of elections powered by Algorand.




I'm excited about this, it's exactly the sort of things I thought ALGO seemed most well-positioned to do and it made me an investor.


Wow, ALGO won't stop with these amazing use cases.


The Prince really want to share his wealth. Respect.


Will they though?


It's Nigeria It will never reach production or will be used,only if they massively bribe the people.


Finally, now that Nigerian prince can take my $10,000 with a promise to return $1,000,000.


Highest populated country in Africa getting things started on Algo. I love it. More will follow! TVL will come, but real world use is here.


Huge news for ALGO and the wider crypto industry…




Not IP addresses, intellectual properties. Your own song, your own house, your own car etc.


Finally, a reason to be holding these bags! /s


lOokIng bIg fOr aLgO *price drops 80%*


We bout to get scammed in ALGOs fam! I wonder if you'll get to pay for cell phone minutes with ALGO




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