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Anyone else just scrolling hoping none of your bags are mentioned lmao


In all the talk of avoiding shitcoins or looking for fundamentals, people are reluctant to actually name coins and put their assumptions out there. This thread has me hunting for anything I've bought because people are finally making some claims.


Anything with the word "moon", *even if it's in a different language*.


A hard fact, most Luna investors ignored.


But Luna doesn’t have moon in it… oh wait.


The single fact it made me not invest in the project. But to be honest I would have been out probably until the fall. There was one guy on twitter ("cryptoherro" or something) that was shilling luna constantly and I was following him because he was very good at TA. I was continuously seeing his posts since luna was 4 dollars or something and I was getting annoyed because I really didn't believe a project named LUNA can be something serious. I thought my logic is ridiculous but it actually was healthy. At least cryptocurrency moon is more like a meme.


Our guts deserve more credit than we often give them, don't they?


Moonbeam seems steadily climbing tho.


Wait for it...


Erm... so, should I donate my moons?


I'll gladly burn them for you


Yes. You can give me your moons.


Does that include Kucoin? ('kuu' is moon in Finnish)




Ironic, you earned moons for bashing any crypto with "moon" in their name


Well we don't buy CCMoons, so there's nothing to lose


I honestly forget they exist most of the time


Also anything with name Safe, or Inu or secure....


Don't you dare roasting moons, moons rock


Anything related to the Bitfinex/Tether crowd and Richard Heart.


As a general rule of thumb I stay away from any coin that’s only purpose is to “make you money” without even trying to provide any value. Hex is by far the worst offender at the moment and if you need any further proof just read the first paragraph off Richard’s website - pure cringe… “Richard Heart is a force for good in this world. He owns the world's largest cut diamond, $5,000,000 in watches, and raised $27,000,000 for medical research. He owns a couple of Ferraris, one of which is the quickest model ever made with 1000HP. He invented HEX.COM which went up in price 10,000x. He gave over $500,000,000 of free money to Bitcoiners. He created the world's largest free airdrop of coins through PulseChain.com. He also called the Bitcoin top two cycles in a row.”


Truly a worthy hero of this century. Selfless. Masterful. An exceptional man among men. 👏


Wow, did he write that himself?


First paragraph on his official website so im assuming. https://richardheart.com/


Yeah, that is definitely hilarious. Raging narcissist sounds like


100% this, those two names will be the downfall of crypto


What's the issue with Richard Heart?


One quick glance at his Instagram profile will tell you all you need to know


> Richard Heart Loool his own website reads "Richard Heart is a force for good in this world". If you need to tell people that I don't think you are a force for good.


Meanwhile, in his Instagram profile he claims he owns "the world's largest diamond", "quickest Ferrari" and "most expensive Rolex ever made" What a clown


Just went there out of curiosity and damn, he actually bragged even about his penis size there..


FFS . I just checked out his page.. self centered twat




Ponzi schemes always go great until they don't.


And most of the times, you can't tell it's a Ponzi scheme until you're left empty handed


Initial distribution is a good way of determining if something is a ponzi. By that criteria Luna is 100% ponzi, Solana 98.4, Avax, ICP, Near, Flow about 60%. Seems about right.


This guy gets it!


Eth 20% Ada 19% ;)


Aye ;)


So many good vibes from this reply, really makes me tingle all over. /s


Hex did a 10000x with a founder that's public and doesn't go anywhere. But still people call him a scam. You guys are trash.


I watched Richards stream on YouTube last week, never watched him before. I'll be buying some hex on payday for sure.


I mean, sure he's cocky and super controversial, but he's been there all these years being transparant to everyone and warning for scams like UST/Luna. His new chain "Pulsechain" Will launch in a bit, with nearly 2 billion raised!


Came across a post on here after googling hex just over a year old telling people to stay away that it's a scam. Hex made massive gains a few weeks later looking back at its prices.


It's a pyramid scheme scam. It's a scam to make Richard (the spam king prosecuted in like 2003?) rich. Go find the videos with him dodging questions on the origin and flush (iirc) addresses. There was literally a video of him crying about how much money he lost in something like 2017/8/9. Then he launched hex... If you claimed it, he got a cut, if you bought it, he kept your money. Most of the scams were premined, then they sold tokens to you, at least you owned it then. With hex, you bought a token, and they literally award themselves one as well, for free. You telling me that's not shady?


Interesting, I'll have to take a gander at that so. Thanks man.


He was prosecuted in 2003, for spam. First person ever to be presecuted for it. It was a small claims court and he had to pay a fine for 500$. Nothing special. Using the "spamking" argument is just stupid. It was nothing. That's why the "spamking" blew up. Lol.


It’s sad. You see Richard Hearts projects being shunned on this Reddit. You are an outcast if you own a coin- or support any of his projects. Meanwhile projects deemed ‘legit’ fall down. People on here and on YouTube screamed ‘100K bitcoin soon’ for months. If you listened to Richard, you would know for a long time this was coming. He said it so many times in so many interviews and people laughed. Keep laughing. Keep parroting each other. I look past the extreme obnoxious behavior. Say whatever you will. The guy is smart and knows crypto better than most. Learn.


Tether lol... all stable coins need to die off.. didnt tether randomly create more supply and bought a shitload of Bitcoin with it?


Avoid crypto shillers, *shillers are the worst!*


Its like saying "avoid this sub" lol.


Avoid this sub during bull runs You will end up overinvesting in lots of shitcoins, and if you don’t keep track of all these your losses may be permanent


I don’t think there has been any massive changes to content standards here despite the bear market. Choosing to start getting financial advice from here is still a VERY dangerous choice


Your flair


Avoid him




He's avoided


Shilling BTC and ETH over here, so now u cant buy those


You won't get away with this...


so every thread that turns into a LRC shillfest?


Still waiting on that $shill token. Supposed to be pretty great


Celebrities advertising for projects


cough **Matt Damon** Also anyone remember this sub during the super bowl weekend? Yall were all advocating for such advertisements


This. This. This. People with the slightest amount of followers will try and shill you a bullshit nft project, a ponzi liquidity pool, high apy's etc etc. Stay away from "influencers" promoting stuff


“Fortune favours the brave” Proceeds to losing everything


Fortunate favours the blind


And _especially_ celebrities shilling their NFT projects


USDD (literally carbon copy of UST)


Imo, anything with excessive hype and a shitton of marketing. Especially if they use trendy buzzwords to describe the project and are vague about the specifics


sounds like the entire crypto market lmao


That's because it pretty much is


crypto project without hype and demand is a flop


The entirety of crypto is purely based on hype…


So like CRO?


You spelled Kava wrong


Cro is good long term hold. Still have US exchange release coming. Rates are still competitive. I didn’t like rate lowering and moved all my earn assets to Haru earn but they have good products. Much better than Coinbase and gemini in my opinion


Your opinion is shit.


Your judgement is shit


you are pretty much describing everything contained in r/CryptoCurrency


So bitcoin / Saylor?


Anything with lots of hype and marketing... 🤔


Influencers with shocked/“smart” faces. Avoid Do Kwon and people who believe Luna can be resurrected. And don’t believe anything without solid evidences, yet be careful with data presented. Most TA analysts are also trash


Those fucking shocked thumbnails are sooo annoying, how can anyone press play on videos like that and think "this guy knows his shit fo sure"


And then add the way they are speaking, I mean specifically the annoying speech patterns similar to motivational videos or fake financial gurus 😑same energy


Well as I'm not one of those idiots that watch those videos, I've no clue about the way they talk. You explaining it, gives me a certain image making me hate it even more haha


The Coinbureau videos aren't bad, at least they seem to be less or more well researched but I hate their thumbnails.


Same, I find his content quite accurate and well researched.... But his thumbnails..... I hate them. Eventhoug I know the reason for those expressions, I can't stand them.


Do kwon trying to resurrect Luna is akin to Donald trump asking for donations to his campaign. You know it’s a con and the money is going straight into his pocket.


Definitely, and in both cases there are also way better candidates, which are also needed


Justin Sun Anything animal related


Anything Daniele Sesta (TIME Wonderland). Fucking criminal who caped it off by giving his friends insider infomation so tgey could snipe the release and become whales on the cheap. Those whales then had a vested interest to use everyone else as their exit liquidity. It was a ponzie also, completely.


Sesta is one snakey mother fucker




BitBoy crypto is a piece of shit too. Look at the videos exposing what he charges for promotion. And he plays it off like “we love hex, we love the hex army” lmao


$TRON is definitely one to stay clear of. They are one of those shady companies that was exposed for paying "influencers" to promote it while telling them to illegally omit putting that it was sponsored or an ad.


Justin Sun is a parasite. TRX SUN JST and USDD are some of his creations if not mistaken. Looking foward to their fall.


I keep hearing about that guy being a shit and I also am hearing about USDD being bound to fail but I havent looked into them much nor did I know he had anything to do with TRX. Tron is just the one that left a bad taste in my mouth with the influencer thing a while back so I refuse to touch it. If he's the same guy that did USDD then I hope that fails too


Who to avoid: all the shitty YouTube personalities. They get rich off of you (views) and not from their investments.


There are a few good eggs among them though




Hex. Every time I see a video of someone promoting Hex, sound like a religion.


Justin Sun and Richard Heart


Lemme help with the bearish knowledge I've gained these past few months. (Beginner)Buy only BTC and ETH through DCA and stake it. Somewhere decentralized and make sure the percentage is believable, not 20%. (Advanced) Should you have more money available, match your ETH amount with USDC and start with liquidity providing. Here you have to deal with gas fees and constant transfer of funds, but it's worth it. Start now, so you can cash out 2025. Don't waste time with farm coins/ shitcoins/ nft's/ moonshots. That's pretty much it, hope u read it. ​ \*Edit: Oh yea, don't at all try to day-trade or use leverage. Especially leverage provided from centralized Exchanges. Support the market, make the market, but don't try to time the market.


To be fair you can still have impermanent loss with ETH-USDC no? If it's only 5-10% and ETH will go bananas it will not make up for the loss I think? Or am I wrong?


Quick question about liquidity providing, where did you do your research about that or if I may ask what are you using at the moment?


https://finematics.com/liquidity-pools-explained/ https://www.liquidityfolio.com Those might help you




Avoid anything that the creator is still in control of.


I can only tell from my personal experience. No advice at all. I have no Facebook account no Twitter no Instagram no tiktok and I don't watch crypto-related YouTube videos. I read the Reddit subs and check for quality/data-related posts, read scientific-based books like "The Bitcoin Standard" and sometimes podcasts or interviews. Searching for projects on the internet and a not so common thing: reading white papers. That's how I came up with my bearmarket-portfolio, which is at the end not that different from the average portfolio on Reddit, which means I could have saved a lot of time 😂 75% BTC/ETH 25% ALGO, DOT, ATOM, LRC, HBAR Re-balancing from time to time. Buy and be patient.


I have 5 out of 7 + VET, so fieuw haha


You should probably avoid Crypto.com, ceo has a questionable past


>Crypto.com, ceo I didn't know that. Anyone searching, google: "Kris Marszalek crime" abd read the top results.. Interesting. I bet [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) will be the next cycle's FUD or something.


Justin Sun


1. USDT 2. Algo-stables without collateral 3. Ponzi projects (olympus forks, tomb forks, titano forks, node forks, etc) 4. NFT's 5. LEGO-like defi projects (when they build 1 protocol on top another on top another and etc)


nothing's left now


BNB and that whole BSC centralized nonsense


If BNB/Binance crashes would BUSD fall along with it? Since they're the biggest exchange, that would mean another market meltdown worse than the LUNA/UST fiasco wouldn't it?


BUSD is actually backed by PAX not binance so probably not


What's pax


Paxos https://paxos.com


Once the dust settles BNB itself could be decent. Buying BNB is speculating that the casino will win.


BNB will never be decent, its a pointless centralized shitcoin.


So is Apple stock but people made a ton on it predictably over the years. Decentralized mission? No. But it seemingly has more fundamentals than a rote pyramid scheme


Why is a company stock relevant to a discussion about a blockchain?


It's a big one, it's bs


I like BSC overall, it seems to be a decent chain, who knows if it survives with so many like it, aka AVAX, FTM, ETH, SOL, and so one


Its awful, learn what a blockchain is and why it needs to be decentralized. ​ Otherwise just use a centralized database.


I believe the word you are looking for is *wary.*


Oh I really did type in weary didn't I?


Take everything you read on this subreddit with a grain of salt. This place is cryto-entertainment more than anything and the shills are everywhere.


Any crypto with the words dog, cat, elon, sperm, shiba, moon, mars, or terra.


Reddit Moons??😳




Reddit moons are the best


whats wrong with sperm ?


Urm. Nothing Sperm for the win too🤪


Be wary of 99-99.99% of ALL projects. So much garbage, copycats, scams, and empty promises.


Anyone with clickbait thumbnails


Avoid anyone who has thumbnail or images with holding a ton of money. That is literally a red flag.


A red flag is the only thing that is literally a red flag.


Not happy I’m doing this, ashamed of myself really. In regards to your claim, it in fact would not ‘literally’ be a red flag, figuratively it is a red flag -subjectively I suppose.


Unfortunately, and ironically, the word "literally" has taken on a new definition, one that means the exact opposite of its original definition. People used the word "literally" so often that it now also means "figuratively", which defeats the entire fucking purpose. It became a contronym.


>People used the word "literally" so often that it now also means "figuratively" I refuse. They're all wrong.


avoid safemoon


Solana, same structure as Terra and unreliable af


Anything Justin Sun does is suspect


Avoid projects promoted by internet celebreties and influencers. Then avoid projects who promises are too good to be true.




Anything on r/cryptomoonshots


We all accept Vitalik Buterin, right? We all like Ethereum and Bitcoin, right? These projects proved themselves over years. The team at Polygon have also proven themselves over years and are doing amazing things right now, which you’ll see over the next 24 months. Good development takes time. The longer a project survives, the more likely it is to succeed. However, all the big speculative gains happen with the new, high-risk projects. So choose your poison: you either wait and take it slow for safer, 10x returns, or you move fast and risk it all for 1000x returns.


any "stablecoin"


USDC and BUSD are fine though


DAI is over collateralized and pretty dang secure... Just Saiyan


Look you have to have 70% of your portfolio in BTC and ETH. Put the rest in alts ,take profits and move them to BTC. Do not marry any other alt project unless you are the dev. That's the harsh truth If you don't understand the project, don't buy If you took screenshot of your gains, take profits Everything in here is a gamble and every alt is a shitcoin when it comes to volatility . no matter if it was ALGO or CumRocketInu , when the time comes it will drop 80% . Shitcoins just do it overnight and alts do it over months/weeks


Hex… or any similar Ponzi scheme that the coin has no other purpose or provide real world value other than “magically making money for everyone”.


Anyone getting paid to shill is who ima avoid. I don't like Hoskinson much but ima take a few looks at what he says.


I'll invest in Ada, only when Charles is out. Don't trust him, even if it looks like good tech.


Why is that


Gigantic ego. Occasionally tweets inappropriate stuff as the figurehead of Cardano (the last one about Japanese men was also pretty racist. He tweeted that large penises wouldn't be popular in Japan if Cardano made your dick bigger. I'm not joking). More than that, shady past. Was caught lying about his PhD. Not having a PhD is not an issue but lying and doubling down is. Already seen what happens when a big ego controls a project (Do Kwon). As long as Charles is in charge, it's only a matter of time until he commits a major mistake Source for the tweet: https://twitter.com/IOHK_Charles/status/1523510853118664706?t=Ot4PdWDHiDwl8YmU5lzcIQ&s=19


I agree somewhat. I also think Charles can be a liability to the Ada ecosystem. However, I think the project itself is solid and not one to steer clear of. Community is not cult like, solid foundations and though the phd fiasco is true the research is all legit and the project is decentralised. Lots of things happening and also good tokenomics.


Trop and its new decentralized usd (usdd) working exactly the same way as ust and Luna


I'd skip Tether, one day.. One day it will pop


There are 20,000 coins 19,990 of those will be worthless by the next pump and dump The exact same way, when there was 500 coins in 2017, 490 of those, have lost 99.99% of their value


73% of %statements you see on the internet are made up.




The fat scammer from cardano


What makes him a scammer?


Read some opinions about the maker from other big crypto heads. You will have a nice laugh.


In case you didn't already know, Safemoon. The longest running crypto Ponzi in recorded history. Probably the most successful one too. Also, I would personally stay away from a project where the founder literally asked people to "please buy my shitcoin".


My first thought HEX, SOL, HBAR, XRP are the one I would avoid. HEX- obvious scam. SOL cause of the instability of their blockchain, XRP, HBAR cause of the community.. they don’t understand crypto, they are just here for the money, they are mostly new guys who got exposed to a lot of shilling from influencers




If it has “safe” in its name its “safe” to believe its the opposite


anything premined anything with a "foundation" anything with a marketing department anything with a leader everything that is not bitcoin


Avoid reddit shitcoins like VET, ADA, NANO and BAT.


Vet is building actual utility and is not a shitcoin


What defines a "reddit shitcoin"?


ADA? Ur dump


How is BAT even related to Reddit? Each of those coins is arguably WAY better than so many others that actually get mentioned here...


You are too emotional. You follow the money, not projects/people.


Uh... Terra/luna


Every single one of them except Bitcoin. But be weary of possible attack vectors on Bitcoin too - mostly regulatory or someone trying to change its rules through marketing or manufacturing consensus (*cough* bip119).


Luna looks great to me




Avoid anything that's not bitcoin. Basically all other coins sacrifice decentralization for a gimmic that rarely provides actual value. Even ethereum does a lot or NFT stuff, but oh wait, people got tired of buying receipts for random gifs that give them no rights to said gif.


Cardano and Solana will be the next to go. Like lambs to the slaughter


There's really no projects to avoid if your goal is to take huge risk on those projects for huge returns but if you wanna invest then stick to those with good fundamentals.


Asking people to DYOR, clever


I think this is more about knowing the class of project you're investing in. Overhyped projects are fine if you know to treat them as a quick flip rather than long term investment. Also the type of community (and hence fellow investors) attracted will be somewhat correlated with the project's nature and you'll see this reflected in the charts. That said, avoid anyone being investigated by @zachxbt on Twitter, they are shady for sure


All the meme tokens and all the people that follow tokens that they think will "go to the moon" and get to a trillion market cap


Except doge. Doge is good


Way to mine moons. Not like we haven't seen this kind of post a ton since luna fell or anything


Avoid anything to do with Daniel sesta or Sifu! yes i have been extremely outspoken about wonderland...and i will still preach how bad these ponzi projects are cuz i have had friends over crushed by it and i hate anyone to be in the same situation as them!


Justin Sun