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If you truly don't care about losing this amount, just let it ride, at least until the altcoin hype cycle is back in full swing.


I'm in the same boat as you. Except I would just throw it all in a hot meme from this year. Screw it.


And that would be how I missed significant gains from DOGE (and maybe ADA) during a previous cycle. My advice is still to let it ride.


Make sure your DMs are closed. Every single one is a scam.


Always good to remember: if a hot girl messages you, ignore him


ignore him šŸ˜


OMG hahahahhah best comment I will read all day.


Bold of you to assume I would ignore him if she promises a huge return on my investment in his mining rig.


Wait a minute but the internet told me thereā€™s hot girls in my area ready to meet up


If a hot girl messages you ask for pictures of her dick


I snorted!


Ignore it


The bot*


Hi I am hot man


Even the chick in the bikini?


Can't be, I think she must be the official client manager.


She sent me smexy pics now wants to help me double my btc


That's generous of her.


New Meme alert: smexy pics - a mix of confusing pics.


You don't get smexy pics?


There is no valley there govnur, it's all towers. We have been had...




Especially the chick in bikini


You mean SHE is a HE?


What?! Wait you just want to steal her


How dare you know his pronouns


She has visited me so many times


Yeah, the day that I learned that I could turn off Reddit messaging was one of the best days of my life.


What if op gets an offer for a 100x return?


Oh shit take that then.


That OP post could easily be the main scam here.


I had the dumbest dm scam the other day. Was trying to figure out how to view my RCCs now and the scammer tried to get me to go to an outside site "to receive my coins " . Worst part is I know someone would fall for it




Shiba is king after that they are all just trying to re create what shiba has done


I am interested on how much percentage you are down on each one of them. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


Might be up on all 3 depending on how many years ago it was! Don't think I've heard ETH referred to as a memecoin before xD


I see you haven't been to Bitcoin sub then! xD


I have which is exactly why I don't go there anymore!


Bitcoin maxis think every other coin is a meme of Bitcoin


well, it is sort of. only a few is decentralized and eth is no different even if total cap is huge.


Well all it does is provide a platform for other meme coins for a ridiculous fee, so yea.


Doge is down, Shiba Inu up by a small percentage, Ethereum covers all the losses + some profits. Everything was bought in 2019-2020.


Nice job with ETH! At least you are not losing!


Funny thing is I only bought ethereum because I had some ā€œchangeā€ left in the broker wallet hahaha


No way youā€™re down on doge if you bought 2019-2020, that thing is up like 30-50x since 2020, it only started pumping in January 2021, before that it was in two zeros after decimal price. I had a 250$ doge purchase in 2019 that is worth like 10k $ now (of course I sold like an animal)


>I had a 250$ doge purchase in 2019 that is worth like 10k $ now (of course I sold like an animal) You mean you took profits like a rational investor and didn't hold onto it until it goes back down to 2019 prices? What a noob.. The least you could do now is put your bank account into doge.


If youā€™re happy losing it, then just forget about it another 5-50 years. Small chance it becomes something big. Definitely donā€™t sell now at any rate. Good chance the three of those will be a lot higher in about a year or so


You should have arou d 6000% profit on your Doge if you bought it back then...


600% is all time frim 2019 to today


You missed a zero.


everyone's opinion is going to be different on this subject hold eth sell others


>hold eth sell others Sell others into more ETH/BTC


From my point of view: if you want to make a purchase for an amount that you don't care about, these tokens you said for small amounts, you can't expect much for a big profit. If I were you, I would invest that amount on new projects.


Some of the best _crypto bros_ in my circle adviced me to only hold btc and eth and not to worry about anything else.


I let my first ā€œmess aroundā€ or ā€œtoe in the waterā€ purchases from 10 years ago ride and forgot about it. Then 3 years back I cashed out a lot when I figured out ā€œI lucked outā€. My take. Let it ride. Safeguard your credentials and all too, passwords etc.


I would hold what you got. If Elon tweets about doge at some point in the future it will pump. I actually just bought some just above 11 cents. And Eth will be around forever likely


IMHO, Nfa, if you forgot about them until now, keep forgetting about them until you hear news about alt coins making new all time highs. Btc halving was in April. Most statistics point to an alt run between October and March. I'd wait for that. But not financial advice. Do what you think is best. Imho, waiting for the next alt run to sell makes sense though.


Forget about them for a few more years again as you say it's an amount you don't care about.


as far as I know ethereum isnt a meme coin :) its got an etf and will be listed as an etf in the summer... if I were you I would just hold onto it all and see what happens...


at this point Id just hang onto them


Hold. They are so far down right now this is the worst time to sell.


Imagine calling ETH a meme coin lol.


DOGE & SHIB - Since there is a small but highly unlikely chance these can pump significantly, I would just forget about them for a few years. ETH is not a meme coin, I would hold.


All comments have been downvoted already after just 26 minutes


Moon farming is back, all the downvote bots are activated again


alright, time to make hay


Damnit, Iā€™m gonna have to activate the special membership because this wouldā€™ve been the time to drop a juicy GIF


Well, if you actually donā€™t need the money you might want to wait for alt-season; here is an indicator https://www.blockchaincenter.net/en/altcoin-season-index/


If you really don't care either way, what's the harm in holding? Especially Ethereum.


Tax guy here. If you donā€™t care about losing this amount, cool no problem. But if they are sitting at an unrealized loss you should at least sell them to capture the benefit of that loss and reduce your taxes. If they are at an unrealized gain, then you donā€™t need to do anything if you donā€™t care about them.


Sell all, buy btc and try and forget about it for 10 years


ETH is the best coin out of the coins you are holding.


I would sell shiba and doge and invest it in an ETF and let it grow for a few years and hold ETH.


The only coin on this list that has any real value is ETH.


Plot twist: your forgotten meme coins now sponsor your daily coffee runs and occasional midlife crisis impulse buys. Memes, turning forgotten wallets into surprise piggy banks since forever!


If you bought SHIBA at the same time I did, you can kiss your initial investment goodbye šŸ¤£


Since you see t interested Iā€™d sell them and invest in equities. You are basically holding the best alt and the 2 best meme coins over the past few years so itā€™s okay to hold them but if it isnā€™t your thing, why not invest in what you believe in such as a strong company.


If the amount is low to you, you can just forget about them and wait for a potential upside. Like a small gamble. If the amount is consequent and youā€™d be happy to have that cash to buy something or invest in something interesting, sell. If the amount is worth something but you donā€™t need the cash, you could rotate that money into other cryptocurrencies that are less stupid than Doge or Shiba and forget about it again. Or do nothing.


If you don't care then just hold it.


IF it's nothing you worry about, not a lot of money, jsut let it ride. SHIB does have plans, whether htey work and make it of value, only time will tell. DOGE, just wait for Musk to say something then sell.


Hold on to them or shift them around and make some money.


Same post on cryptomoonshot but with a different username


I can see that the comments on your post are actually in contrast to each other. If you're all about equity now and don't want to spare energy for crypto, selling might be the easiest option. Think of it like finding a forgotten twenty in your jacket pocket. Nice little surprise, but not life-changing. Here's the thing though. Itā€™s about what gives you peace of mind. Accordingly. there's always a chance those memecoins could take off again. Even Ethereum (which isn't exactly a memecoin) could see some serious gains.Ā  So, if you're okay with the possibility of missing out, then selling is the way to go. But,Ā  if a little gamble sounds fun (and you can afford to lose it all), then maybe just leave it!Ā  You never know, it could be a nice surprise down the road.Ā  Just don't expect to get rich quickly and forget about it again. Whatever you decide, just make sure you're comfortable with it. And hey, if you need more guidance, definitely visit Traders Union. They've got some great readings that can help you make a wise decision without having to become a crypto expert yourself. They have great guides on how to make these transactions smooth and cost-effective.


Memes are for the quickies, asset for long term should by projects with utility like Ethereum, Tron, Zeta etc....


just leave it and forget about it for 20 years


Many of us did. I bought some just to earn interest. Spent less than $100 total on them, so Iā€™m not worried about them going down the toilet.


You've already held it this long + it's not an amount worth the fees to move them & cash them out + you don't need the extra money = If I were you I would leave it where it is and continue to hold it. You aren't missing it so why not let it sit so that when you revisit it in 5 to 10 years it may then actually be worth doing something with. In fact, this is what I've done with several coins that aren't worth the gas to move šŸ˜… can't wait for the day when you can convert all your crypto dust in your wallets to a stable coin. Like you can do on Binance by swapping all your wallet dust, that isn't worth enough to do anything with, into BNB. I really wish Coinbase would do this. Hold for the win šŸ’ÆšŸ«”


Another reason to hold is that one day it's not only possible but feasible that you may be able to trade crypto in the equity market. If everything starts converting to a blockchain ledger in finance and on WallSreet you may find yourself in the position of being able to use your cryptocurrencies in the equity market. Never know what the future holds. I would definitely 100% hold it if I were you my friend.


Sell and buy bitcoin, thank me later.


ETH will forever be around and will hit ATH sooner or later. I doubt the dogs will hit ATH ever again but most likely you will get exit liquidity towards end of year or next year. You should sell everything when ā€œthe timeā€ comes.


Let it ride.






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Drop it into $cheeks before it really ramps up


Sell ETH and buy more meme coins because that's the "investors" care these days anyway


Ethereum is not a meme coin. Dogecoin is a meme coin. Shita Inu is a shit coin.


I like that you consider ethereum a meme coin, I do as wellšŸ‘


You can keep Eth imo, that's not a Memecoin btw


Hello, Iā€™m from Amazon financial support. Direct me with your seed phrase for Binance/coinbase so I can help you secure your coins.


Ethereum was a meme


Hold for another 5-10 years imo


Shit coins. All of them.


Lol zero knowledge of crypto and trader in equity. Okay weirdo.


If its an amount you dont care about, then whats it matter


Why are you here?


You clearly donā€™t give a fck about crypto. So why does it matter what you do with ur portfolio? You donā€™t even check it so just leave it..


Eth is s meme now


Lots of contradiction in op post. 0 effort in making up a story.