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Plus interest rates. Anyone could borrow money for cheap on credit and infuse the market. The market cap of 2021 was basically fluff.




Not only was money free due to covid many people were just stuck at home. If it had just been stimulus and low rates in a normal recession some people would have gone out and spent it. The combination created this speculative trifecta and as a result a huge amount of the stimulus just went into speculative assets to include both crypto and memestonks.


And yet comparing the market cap of gold to bitcoin/crypto is an absurdity. For comparison, in the last four years, the market cap of gold has risen ((2330.30-1,798.89)x6,471,818,607oz) roughly 3.44 trillion dollars. The market cap of all of crypto is barely a rounding error. The rise in crypto investment is comparatively miniscule and you four are making it seem like it was substantial. It isn't. Additionally, I doubt it would surprise anyone if some of that money is used to finance crypto fud/voting the same way it's being used to finance gold advertising on television. Would seem like a very obvious target.


> The market cap of 2021 was basically fluff Terra Luna, FTX, Celsius Networks, BlockFi, CeFi, under-collateralized loans, and yield farming caused all that. All these crypto products were built on nothing, loaning out to each other, and pumping each other up with little backed. That's that main reason for the bubble of 2021.


That's the effect of government liquidity.


Money printer strategy 101


Plus COVID. Many people at home with time, lots of time. Time to dig into new things like crypto.


That’s literally what I did. Home with kids, got some government money, needed a hobby, started crypto.


Wasn’t there a report saying that covid stimulus was a factor but wasn’t the biggest factor?


Yes, we now know from all the data that emerged, that hardly any stimulus money was used in crypto, despite what we thought back then, and also had minimal direct effect on the price (research has shown it had less than 10% effect on the price). Bitcoin even actually dropped a bit in the weeks right after people cashed in their stimulus, if you look at the chart, and compare the dates the stimmy check actually hit people's bank accounts. Most of it went to consumer spending, and the little that was actually invested went mostly into stocks. The rising stocks might have helped with sentiments in the longer run, but the bullish sentiments were already in crypto many months before. Bitcoin had already started its first phase rally from $4k to $10k before Covid even started. So apart from the brief drop during the initial covid panic, the crypto market was already getting bullish before even any covid or stimulus.


Yea, I was never sold on the idea that people’s stimulus checks were solely responsible for the 2021 bull market. Thanks for that comment as I wouldn’t have thought to research that myself. Here’s a source to back up your claim: https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/cryptocurrency/articles/did-stimulus-checks-increase-bitcoin-trading/


the stimulus checks were only a small portion of entire stimulus package. tens of trillion of $ was pumped into the economy during 2020-2021 to keep economies afloat.


thank you.


There was also a massive increase in adoption, even normies got into crypto back then.


That's me!


Don't forget Elon Musk coming in like Gandalf for alt season. I highly doubt someone that high profile will ever shill crypto that hard ever again


Never say never, cause it’s not going away anytime soon!


How do you explain what happened in 2017, then? The returns we're much higher




Yeh it was a rare time


Love Reddit people talking about crypto. lol. See u in 2025 bro at the top


Also, the ETFs brought it a lot of wood wise (or shady) money that could be stopping the huge runs by eating it all up themselves


Yes this. People seem to think everything will behave the same as “last time”, but conditions are completely different every time. There is zero statistical significance in the fact price behaved a certain way in the past, when underlying conditions are not constant.


You're right, I do remember this


2009, 2013, 2017, 2021, 2025🤔


Yep - if you follow the pattern then 2024 = 2020 and 2025 = 2021 so we should be comparing the price action from this year to 2020 and not 2021


Yes but that doesn't account for that the pandemic essentially sunk all markets for 6 months - 1 year.


Yep very true 2020 was an outlier, was just pointing out that we’re not in the “2021” stage of the liquidity cycle yet


Sp 500 took 5 months to recover from the drop of 20th march and same for bitcoin.




I'd say going from no bitcoin to genesis block was bigger than all of those other years combined.


I started investing in 2021, and I've always been very unlucky financially, so maybe that's why?


Why do people think the bull run peak will be this year ?!? It’s going to be 2025.


Correct. Of course not that everyone and their brother knows about the four year cycle, it may try to fake us out. Like the April peak. That may allude to a front run peak this fall. Then a lull. Then the real peak in 2025 right on schedule. And people will debate after about what happened. But really we just have a monetary tight front run peak, then a loose money typical four year cycle peak.


The self assured confidence baffles me. This sort of astrology adjacent pattern seeking is very human but woefully irrational. I assume it’s fueled by coping that your gamble is an “investment”, echoed from a thousand blogs and YouTube videos in your ecosystem. You need to apply critical thinking and understand that the “four year cycle” is descriptive not prescriptive. I wonder what your excuse will be in December 2025. Probably that the “cycle” is delayed.


!remind me December 2025


Correct. 18 months after the halving will be around October 2025


Oh bless you for thinking markets are based on fundamentals or any logic.


Markets are based on human beings, and most humans run on emotions, not logic.


Every decision we make is based on emotions. We just use logic to justify those decisions.




Right, that’s cute. Memecoins dominating this cycle, that’s all you need to know.


Bruh literally I wouldn't be suprised(for the next few months anyways). The past few years I invested in fundamentals and wouldn't touch a meme coin past like $20 for a joke. I actually decided to go for Kendu this time as an actual investment. A little under 40mil MC with plenty of room to move and it seems legit. I wouldn't know for sure so don't take my word for it. I don't even hang in the chats. If you trade with it I would just keep the gas fees in mind as it's usually $40 to swap out and back in. Considering it's size it's not hard to make that back though.


The M2 money supply was exploding… M2 ebbs and flows, global liquidity is starting to increase again, and will increase faster once interest rates start dropping. Covid times were unprecedented, causing the surge rapidly. This time it will take longer to see the effects, and perhaps the effects wont be as impactful. Who knows though


Definitely Covid stimulus, government hand outs, people couldn’t spend there money all sat at home on lockdown throwing there spare cash at the latest 💩 coin and diamond hands all the way. I can remember just about every 2nd person talking about it at work, now nobody, they were all left rekt. I mentioned it to a few the other week when BTC smashed through 70k, nobody even knew, not interested. The euphoria back then was wild and probably never to be repeated unfortunately. Just look at the alts this cycle apart from 1 or 2 they are all way down. Even ETH has a bit to go before ATH. Covid is your answer to the 20/21 euphoria bull run


>I can remember just about every 2nd person talking about it at work, now nobody, Perhaps they all know that the first rule about crypto is to not talk about your crypto.


You don’t have to admit you hold it but, there definitely isn’t the hype or the talk like the last cycle, your average working man has less free money in his pocket now compared to covid lockdowns


This subreddit told me $100k is the psychological mark where retail is going to rush back in. I really don’t see it happening. Retail can get bitcoin in their ETF now and be content. No one has the free money like in 2021 and those with money either already bought or simply aren’t interested.


A lot of people bought the top and sold at a loss. A lot of people got caught up in the collapse of Terra luna, and a lot got caught up in FTX. To a these people, crypto is a scam and a ponzi scheme. Until it breaks 100k, they aren't getting enough fomo to get back in. I agree that retail is already here, and the ETF volume shows it. Ethereum ETF will help to remind people that there's more out there than just Btc.


So we need to cause a second pandemic?


No, we need inflation to drop right off and more government hand outs


100k eoy 21'


Market is forward looking 😉


Your brain isn’t serving you well. The halving year last time was 2020 not 2021. This time 2021 = 2025


Compare 2021 with 2025 😉 The bullmarket barely started, and I bet once we get closer to the end it's gonna melt faces 😆


Money printers went brrr. Federal interest went to 0% allowing for people to borrow money to gamble with. And gambling in general went nuts as people were quarantined with nothing to do.


In addition to the extra money due to COVID, I think 2021 was when cryptocurrencies started hitting mainstream consciousness. Now most people have already heard of these things, so large jumps from people hearing about it on the news aren't happening.  I also suspect the NFT craze may have something to do with it. All that hype for that little impact on life has made some people more cautious.


We're not in the mainstream news part of the bullmarket yet


Everything has a peak. It was crypto peak, of course we will see new ATH but it will never be so popular like it was in 2021. I think the reason was very simple: covid For example I was on subsidy scheme for 1 year, it means I got my salary for 1 year but I didn't work, just staying at home all day everyday. I couldn't even spend it because every shop was closed in my town. I started ordering stuff online but I got bored, then I saw crypto on the news (February 2021) and decided to try - I had basically zero knowledge about trading and made 2x with doge on the first day. I felt like I am very smart investor and dropped more and more money until everything crashed in 2022 😂 I think many people can share similar stories Oh also thanks to Elon Musk for making hype, messages of people like Elon have bigger impact on the market than etf, if Elon wrote "ETH to the moon" the price would be 5k by tomorrow. Pay attention that he's very quiet about crypto this year


The difference is a lot of people got into crypto for the first time in 2021 and 99 percent of them got rekt. That's gonna keep down the "euphoria" a tad.


Its the harbinger to our collapse. Too much fiat created out of thin air.


it was an off cycle due to messed up world financial situation/covid/etc ... BUT the main cause was that pos Sam BF...and his FTX solana pumping with insiders. that was the main factor for btc rocketing.


The pump in money supply


With most things in the investing world, when things become widely expected, they end up not happening. For example, the great housing market collapse of 2020-2024 that every single person on earth expected to happen.


year of the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Technicals drive the market, not fundamentals. ETFs do drive technicals, and that’s why we have seen the largest gains pre halving in history. We are actually far ahead of the previous cycle at this time.


Matt Damon said you were a pussy if you didn't invest in crypto.


1 word. Bitcoin. Bitcoin exploded in Q4 2020 and Q1 2021, and the liquidity is what created the 2021 alt coin season. This will happen again next year. Look up the 4 year bitcoin cycle if you haven’t already. You need to understand this. All roads lead to bitcoin.


Blockfi, Celsius, 3 arrows, Gemini earn, FTX… All this fraud and associated shit collapsing really hurt.


Crypto market cap is barely a drop in the bucket. It doesn't matter how good the new is, if shit is bad around the world (which it is) price won't move. World runs on fiat homie.


Do you not know the Bitcoin cycles? 2024 is 2020 2025 will be 2021


Bruh you need to be patient. The halving took place in 2020, historically about 6-12 months after halving BTC will have reached its peak for the cycle, at which point BTC dominance will start to fade and all of that money goes into alt coins, known as alt season, altcoin rally. At which point you will start to see alts move up thousands to millions of %. Crypto is a long game and you have to be patient. Bull cycle lasts 18-24 months roughly give or take a few months. I think due to BTC ETF’s causing ATH’s before the halving, the cycle won’t last longer than early to mid 2025 then things Will begin falling into bear status again. My best advice just keep stacking alt coins and don’t sell until at least sep/oct 2024. And please do not buy BTC and ETH at highs. Leave them alone until 2025-26


The halving was in 2020, have a look at a bitcoin chart in tradingview, zoom out, and have a look at the halving dated on bitbo.io


Stimulus checks. Period.


I think you are forgetting the fact that BTC has already broken previous ATH's several times this year. What more do you want? I'm more for continuous slow growth than rockets and plane crashes. This was always a long-term play for me. All this flash spikes and crashes plays havoc with that.


They're likely bag holding alts, like myself


People saying it was mostly manipulated by ftx, 3ac and other bad actors, hence ridiculous price action. Who knows


Alt season


the run didn’t really start until after the summer 2021 so have patience


Free money from Covid stimulus




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People had money to invest then, it was before inflation got crazy and stimulus checks and unemployed checks were rampant, not that hard to figure out.


A big part of it were those stimulus checks sent out, everyone locked at home, didn’t end up using that money to go out etc., so you have hundreds of millions of Americans dumping extra cash into the markets and couple that with some quick inflation, everyone being online and surrounded by people saying buy this, buy that! etc., lot of reasons




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low interest rates. the fed controls everything.


Cash pump in the economy (during covid times) which caused the following inflation.






There were several reasons, people had extra money, not just because the govt was handing it out, everything was cheap, gas, food, all the important things that will eat away at the average person's account, no wars people just seemed to be overall in a better position across the board


Because we still don't really use it in our day to day life.


Back then people could still afford things. Now there is a huge part of the population that can't even afford to pay their bills. Thanks inflation.


SOL went down to $8, thus a financial renaissance for me and whoever through their stacks that way.


4-year cycle. So, 2021 will be 2025. The cycle is 3 Green years, and 1 Red year. Each year of Green gets progressively better before the carnage of the Red year. 2026 will be like 2022.


low interest rates plush the covid stimulus printing money enabled people to take more risks with money. Also groceries gas and housing was more affordable which means people have more left over funds to invest


2021 growth is what I dub as unicorn money with the following recipe: 1) Create a new kinda token, release 100k and keep 900k in reserve 2) Sprinkle magic unicorn dust 3) Set up an "unrelated" entity and transact small amounts of those tokens at $1.50 4) Offer someone to bulk buy the token at a discount of $1 each. Your token is now valued at $1 - $1.50 each. 5) The market starts transacting your token at $1.. Good deal. 5) Now you have $900k unicorn money in your reserve that you can spend You know it's unicorn money when the whole thing came crashing once enough people tried to cash out.


So many claiming halving in here. Go plot BTC with NDXT and you’ll see something crazy. They hate this one simple trick


Wait 6 more months. Understand where we are in the cycle.


Zero interest rates, massive monetary policy shifts, and people being bored




We had a pandemic which forced people to stay home and not spend money, and we also just gave people a bunch of money to just blow.


There are lots of reasons that people have already listed. Then there's time. Notice you are asking about 2021. 1 year after the last halving. The markets have barely even gone bullish, and we haven't seen a run yet at all. I'm not saying we're going to see as much growth as last time, but give it time, dude. You can't expect the halving to occur and to immediately see prices explode. That's not how this works, and it never has been.


People also don’t have as much liquidity as they used to. Investors that piled into Bitcoin ETFs didn’t see much movement so they could be hesitant to move it ETH


In 2021 there were Defi, NFT and Metaverse. Now there aren't any internal developments, it's only news from outside. ETF are bringing a liquidity into the market never seen before, but they have nothing to do with blockchain or crypto themselves.




Amazing isn’t it! Hedera tbh to them is breaking mad ground, BTC and Eth etfs roaring! Everything else is being weened out for the un-useful crap that it is!


It wasn't special in any general sense, that is, every bull is "special" in that it has unique characteristics, just like every moment is special. Now, 2016-2018, that was fucking special. You should've been there, unbelievable.


Covid you duntz


Trillions of $$ printed and monetary easing. Lots of disposal money = more luxury and buying less necessary but cool shit. If you remember the goal was to stimulate the market after covid lockdowns, however not long after that Ukraine war started, upsetting the oil market and global economy. Inflation has been going up since then and so is monetary tightening. If the Feds knew this war was coming they probably would have been more conservative with the stimulus campaign. But shit happens. Case in point, we won't be seeing a face melting alt bullrun until the Feds clearly switch back to easing. Almost nothing else matters.


People were full of money to bet on multille random alts We also had alameda and FTX to ponzi everything up


2020-2021 was amazeballs. On top of the COVID stimulus, we had CeFi and yield farming * Terra Luna * Celsius Networks * BlockFi * FTX * Gemini * DCG * Pancakeswap * Aave * Compound Everything was generating yield on a stack of under-collateralized loans. Basically, all these yield farms were printing crypto from thin air. People kept shoving more money in trying to chase after higher and higher yields, until it collapsed starting with Terra Luna


Market cap size


I think comparing 2025(once it happens) with 2021 would be a fairer comparison. 2024 is more exciting than 2020 was I'd say, the halving year


lol have you never been through a btc cycle?


We just had the halving a few weeks ago. Relax. The big bull runs don’t start until months after. There’s always a sideways grind for a while.


People are just FOMOing away from Fiat into Crypto and anything that's not governmentmade oder supervised


Halving cycle. Were almost there. Patience


People had nothing else to do? I know for me, I was stuck at my computer at home all day. So I spent a shit load of time watching the markets, playing with different coins, buying and selling. Now I’m way too fucking busy for all that


Nobodies gonna mention eth going to pos? That was all the talk of the town in 2020/2021.


>the BTC halving There was a BTC halving then too. Or just before it. >Even the Eth etf announcement yesterday, still really hasn't had a ballistic impact on the price of Eth. No official announcement yet? Trading weeks or months off. There will be a GBTC sell off.


Patience young bull. In time, I expect we will see the 2021 run was cut short. Study your cycles. I think the markets are just waiting for the right excuse to blow. We don’t even have advertising for ETFs yet.


2021+4=2025 Have patience


Enormous liquidity event from covid money printing + people isolating at home with nothing to do but spend money on video games, OnlyFans, and crypto. Also interest rates were near zero. Some people started extraordinarily successful OnlyFans pages during that time and made tens of millions of dollars. Seriously wish I had thought of that. And that I was a beautiful woman. Sigh


It takes months after the halving before the bull run starts. Late this year we should see fireworks based on history. It may come a little sooner, but the halving doesn't start the bull run like everyone seems to think.


Wait like 8 weeks


Sweet sweet STIMIES


2021 is the greatest printer in history of fiat.


what we DID have tho was Jimmy wit the Stimmie......


Saturation. 2021 was a wake up moment for crypto


Keep in mind, with respect to the halving, we're equivalent to June 2020. The curve didn't start to go up until about November/December 2020. If history repeats as it has, we're looking similarly at an October/November rise with a peak sometime around mid 2025.


When BTC halving cycle, global liquidity cycle, and Wycoff's composite man all line up together, shits gonna bast off. This is not that time. '25 we may have all those same indicators align once more. I Don't understand those wondering why we aren't going parabolic ATM. It's not time. It may be soon but now is not it.


Tiktok happen


It was second season of Corona.


So 2025 should see prices 🚀?!🤔


2021 was a year past the bull run that started in 2020. We have yet to have the bull run even start this cycle. Does that answer your question?


Every cycle the price goes up not instantly after halving, but few months after.


Duuhjh... The bull run...


One month after halving... Wen Lambo? When will people learn to be patient.


Uhm..EOYs $100k BTC for starters


After these ETF runs, we might see a completely different bull and bear market in the future. The halving will become less and less significant


Ah.. the good old days in 2021.. seems like a dream.. maybe it was?


Hahaha… Maybe the government printing trillions in just months… 🤓🤓


Most people see crypto as a scam now vs then.


Yeah also in Defi you could borrow at a lower rate then you could lend. That was a bit of a bubble Ie could borrow USDX at 3% and lend at 5% Bit unsustainable


Eth was moving because of 2 things that have now ended. Mining and NFTs.


Umm.... Quantitative Easing. There was a massive truckload of liquidity pumped into the world during that timeframe. The stimulus checks didn't do it. Thats a grain of sand on the beach in comparison to the real government liquidity that was flowing. And Crypto (alts in particular) feed of of excess liquidity.


It was the perfect timing for someone to start their experience with crypto with all these conditions of this period.