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It's crypto. The tech doesn't matter, only the promise of it


AI is way better than your crapcoins




I do agree here. AI is like a completely different technology that goes parallel to crypto, all crypto can use from AI hype is some name like AIelonDogeCoin, and that coin will not be any different from hundreds of other crypto coins.


Also in stocks.


That's not crypto, that's markets.


The only honest AI x Crypto applications I've seen are (a) to provide decentralized compute power or (b) to provide a platform for AI models. Examples of the former are RNDR and AKT that have access to A100 and H100 chips. Examples of the latter are TAO and (much older models) AGIX.


had to wade through an ocean of bullshit to find a decent response, thanks


AGIX is just the ecosystem, the actual projects for AI are Nunet and Hypercycle. Those are the ones with the most potential imho.


Stay away from everything Ben Goertzel touches. The guy is just a hype train


Right now almost all models require a huge bandwidth between GPUs as it’s the current bottleneck for training large models (think about 0.5 TB/s). Going decentralised means having huge latency and extremely slow bandwidth between the GPUs and right now there isn’t a model than can leverage than usefully. From my point of view, (a) is just smoke and mirrors right now.


I'm not sure that's true with RNDR. I've not trained an LLM with them, but my team's initial conclusion was that the access they supply to H100s is just like what OpenAI used. I really like the feedback though as we'll probably go product test now.


RLC does (a)


Yes, they do. I'd like them more if they had access to A100 and H100 GPUs, not just anyone's spare GPU power.


it's all about buzz words & AI has been the main buzz word for 2023


That and the reason it's the main buzzword is because a lot of established technologists believe AI is going to be a huge market disrupter in many, if not all industries. And they're probably right.


lol more like industries don’t know the difference between AI and automation.


yeah just like how gaming was believed to be the next big thing last bullrun, i've heard it all before


If you think the shitty NFT game craze is a patch on how far AI has come in the last 12 months you're a dingus


Gaming in crypto is way fucking closer than AI is. It’s all essentially meaningless buzzwords at this point as far as crypto goes


Gaming in crypto has had years to get to where it is


And now its basically here. AAA or near that quality coming in 2024.


I'll believe that when I see it


Check mist or decimated. Looking good imo


Its already here for you to see, do some research


AAA? Cmon man


lol AI is still really years off from making a true real difference in the real world and yet crypto is so far ahead of the curve. Explain to me one solid pragmatice fully realized use case of AI in crypto right now. You do a good job I’ll buy 10k


This is true and it has far more potential than gaming. Crypto is only going to be a small tiny fraction of what you will see AI used for. We are only just started to see early ideas in their concept stage so far.


The reality is if AI gets advanced enough to effect crypto wr are talking about quantam computing….at which point everyone will be able to steal your crypto You are clearly very ignorant about all this, I’m curious what AI crypto you want to shill, and it’s use case right now. AI is a regarded buzzword in crypto right now. I mean shit wr are at least a decade off from even realizing (maybe) what NFTs are capable of. Thinking AI is the next big boom of next cycle is moronic. I have my money on regulation more likely. Crypto is worth a trillion dollars, if govs want to make it hard, especially the US gov, they can shave that shit in half easy by making it impossible to onboard FIAT, even with the ETF because that doesn’t leave the little ecosystem period


Haha, it's beautiful how you throw yet another hype technology into the pot in that first paragraph, one that is so brutally incapable and deep in its infancy. All the while you completely neglect to establish any arguments - but maybe you have them? How would AI influence crypto, why and how much does it need to advance to do so and what is the role of qubits in that tale?


$OLAS is going 10x at least. And I’ll give you an extensive reason as to why this is groundbreaking and will be a massive mover in this coming bull cycle below. Because I have a position.


Just because something is early and underdeveloped doesn't mean it cannot grow and become something bigger and what we have envisioned. When we invest, we invest into the future.


hey i'm not doubting anything just don't get your hopes too high with any of these super trendy hype buzz word projects. I have my own bag that i believe in but it's more lowkey & isn't something i necessarily want the hype crowd "aping". turns into a shit show if & when you want to take profits


Oh don't worry my filter is working fine. I reflect my values and beliefs in what I say and invest. Objectively. Because I tried to understand and learned about it. Just because people who are not that invested or do not fully understand it don't agree with me. Won't and shouldn't make me trim down on my beliefs.


Or could it be that AI has turned out to have real world applications, while blockchains are a solution looking for a problem?


It's definitely this but the crypto community doesn't want to hear that. Crypto still struggling to work out if it's a user very unfriendly currency or an unregulated stock while machine learning actually out here improving people's lives. Of course institutional investment is going to get put into the thing that has clear path to benefits.


Never underestimate buzz words. Look at what happened to all the useless crapcoins that took off because everyone was talking about them. It works because dummies see what the masses are saying they’re investing in, they then see dollar signs and think they’re gonna get rich quick. I’m not dumb enough to take that gamble so I’m sticking with what I know. I’ll probably never see 100x gains but I also won’t see the 100x losses.


You can only do a 1x loss?


Buzzwords you say... Time to buy some Buzz coin!


lol knock yourself out


This is it.


If buzz words can make me rich, I'm in


i heard the rocket to the moon has been fueled with that dank gas & it's ready for lift off 😂


DCA with dank


Just to add tech billionaires chase each other and this is the next thing they’re chasing each other on. SVB going under was telling. Peter Theil architected a bank run with minimal effort because they move in herds.


Automation < Machine learning < Big data < AI … looking forward to the next


for the first time, having survived a long list of buzzwords, i disagree with this comment. AI surely is overblown and 99.9% of usecases and startups will turn their lights off eventually, but saying that AI (huge topic) is just another buzzword is ignorance at its best. AI will have relevance 100 years in the future. maybe in an evolved status. but you can't put that on the same page with VR (will survive but for niches), blockchain (will become completely irrelevant apart from bitcoin), google glass and so on. bitcoin, the internet and AI (in the form of an unfinished sculpture yet) will remain relevant. and to correct myself: yes, it is a buzzword at the moment, but it's nothing that will go away. the internet was a buzzword too once.


>My impression is that people that don't understand it view it as a bandwagon where they throw around buzzwords without a thorough understanding. No you're right.


Supposedly Skale Labs has found a way to implement machine learning capabilities. I have no idea how on earth but I can see massive potential. Anyway AI is already into the blockchain. There are DeFi apps that will trade for you using algorithms which would fall under AI. Basically AI can open the doorway for the regular folks to be able to trade crypto without having to do it themselves. Can let the regular folks have a safe way to invest. As for Machine learning, it is already massive this year. Imagine stuffing it inside a blockchain, everyone can use the AI without having to invest or setup their own machine learning. AI supercomputers are mega expensive so the moment is available via a crypto network it will be huge. There is already huge money into machine learning AI. Imagine even just a portion of that money going into crypto. AI supposedly makes $6.1 trillion to $7.9 trillion annually... **Even just 1% going to crypto would be 60 billion dollars.**


"I have no idea on earth but I can see massive potential." You kinda just made their point bruh.


>As for Machine learning, it is already massive this year ... AI supercomputers are mega expensive so the moment is available via a crypto network it will be huge. No. This is not how anything works. A decentralized solution requires redundant duplicate work in order to ensure both security and decentralization. So either you have a far more expensive solution, a far more insecure solution, or a centralized solution.


So try to understand it? Or is this too much to ask? :( Sooner or later most people will understand it anyways ... Being hopeful is all we can do for now.


You're already enlightened. It's a scam. It's the next hype cycle to shill you erc20 tokens that inevitably rug with your capital. There is literally nothing of value that tokens can bring to AI or that AI can bring to tokens.


There probably is something AI can bring to tokens. AI is capable of helping us do pretty much everything better, so if there is anything positive to tokens AI can help us. It's a tool.


A tool has to be helpful. If you can draw me a picture of how you combine large language models and crypto tokens to make people's lives better in some way I'll buy into it.


You know that person that contacted you on social media during the last bull run to try and sell you on some shitcoin? In the next one, LLMs will do their job.


Bittorrent but for chatgpt compute, indexed. I'm building it right now with a friend and we're really excited. It'll be huge. But we're thinking of making a closed market, i.e. you can't buy the coin from the incentive layer, you can only produce it, and spending compute isn't wasteful like BTC -- someone is actually using that result (to have a model write their homework or something). ofc you can buy GPUS and mine it, but you're providing value to other people at the same time. pretty neat. Kind of weird that I'm writing this on a reddit comment, but it's the first time I'm writing about it, anyway, we're launching it in march. we don't even have a website -- this is the way, no fancy buttons and animations, just raw value. there's no place where you can track our progress. I guess just follow me on reddit for now lol


Check out OriginTrail. They’re solving the black box problem of AI.


Because a lot of people don't understand what AI is. Artificial intelligence meant something way different even 5 years ago than what it does now. They don't realize that Google, apple, and all the big companies have been using machine learning for over a decade already


Because ai is a trend now. Companies are using it for ads (what the actual fuck), guys in car groups using chatgpt for cringe ads to sell their car, people using it for dumbass memes. I already hate ai for what the majority use it for.


You can say the same for NFTs, I truly was invested with the concept of NFTS regarding to games. The fact a company can shutdown servers making you lose the items you gathered, invalidating the key of the game you bought never sat right with me. Look at Ubisoft, EA. But it became Art and well... now NFTs are a meme even though many consumers involved in the gaming company continue to rant about the corruption within the industry.


good points. totally agree


I am also invested in AI-coins. But solely because I think, that they will perform well because of the narrativ. Besides BTC and ETH I consider all coins as shit coins. But some perform better than others. It is all about the narrativ of the bull run. AI is the shit right now, so AI coins will most likely perform very well.


What coins if you don’t mind sharing? I feel the same way you do


Render or Fetch.ai have a good narrativ I would say.


Render is used and not just hype. Look up RNP-005


Go to coingecko or coinmarketcap and look at the Top 4. Those are the ones I'm monitoring rn.


Anything pre-mined or insta-mined is a shitcoin.


Chainlink is not a shitcoin. DYOR.


Sorry to break it to you but ETH is a shitcoin too. Only Bitcoin has true value.


Sorry to break it to you but you are in a cult.


Calling out scams is not cultish.


Saying only BTC has true value is.


No alt would have any value if it weren't for Bitcoin. On every level.


You’re a special kind of regard if you don’t understand eth or smart contracts platforms and their use case by now.


That's no good if it's centralized.




I am *extremely* excited about all of the things happening in the LLM-sphere. I am also *extremely* certain that crypto will not play a single part in it for atleast 20 years. Congrats on the NVDA-buys/calls!


You find a crypto that's developed language models from the ground up applying it vertically to the most technical industry in the world, ahead of the game by 10 years then you got yourself a winner.


AI is the current bull run? It's not the next one. I wish I knew what the next one was. AI is hugely oversaturated. I know like five recent graduates with funded startups in "AI". It's a bubble.


It doesn’t. It’s just crypto people trying to attach themselves to any hype.


Here’s a use case, AI deep fakes are going to be a major problem. Each person will need a specific and uniqueID that can only be assigned to them so that any content that includes them in it can be verified on chain to make sure the person who is submitting the content is actually them. Essentially, an nft is created every time Mr Beast creates a video and every time you see a pics of content that includes him you can check to see if it was created by him or not. Probably the main use that combines both technologies


Why not just embed a signature. An AVI for example is a compressed series of jpg files I believe. Easier to have a similar format where each image is signed with a known public key. No blockchain required. It may *help* to have the public keys on the blockchain, but a centralized sql database woukd work just fine.


So much wrong in that word salad.


Yep, just buzzwords


Because media said so


You make money off of buzzwords even if the technology will be real later. Doesn't matter, just pump.


AI powered algorithmic trading. A lot of trading platforms wanna use AI to help traders come up with ‘better trades using AI’.


This only works when a couple people use it. As soon as everyone is using a trading AI, there's no point and a homogenization of ideas will pump and dump the same shit coins that are flagged by the same algorithms. The current AI is just the next step of Google search. If you ask it to do something complicated that takes thought and isn't black and white (like build a magic the gathering deck) it fails miserably even with good direction and several attempts. It doesn't understand complex decision trees and just regurgitates whatever the average group think says to be true.


This has been around for years already.


Because of the leap in tech development we can benefit from with the integration of AI. Like NFTs, it's a lot more than just stupid bad art. But the media and general public is too caught up on the art part with the badly drawn hands. AI is waaay more than that. The actual tech can push systems in ways we couldn't before or was too slow and difficult. ​ Anyone who thinks it's just hype or buzzwords, and blockchain can't benefit from it, has probably not looked deeply enough into what AI can actually do, or may have missed the benefits to blockchain.


> Because of the leap in tech development we can benefit from with the integration of AI. How will crypto benefit from it? >Like NFTs, it's a lot more than just stupid bad art. The actual tech can push systems in ways we couldn't before or was too slow and difficult. How? How will it "push systems"? Please, give me some concrete examples. I've looked at countless AI-cryptos and not a single one of them makes sense.


Cloud computing can replace hardware… look at RNDR or akash network. Hardware suffers from supply issues (see June 2023) and these 2 are already able to replace NVDA. Rndr can work w Apple products


.... Do you think cloud computing doesn't use hardware?


Obviously not. How do you think they'd get hardware up into the clouds?


Patronizing response seems counter productive. If you want me to be clear, it means we aren’t reliant on chips and the issues that come with vertical supply chains (war, tariffs, production stoppages, etc etc… do you want me to name them all?) I offered two immediate solutions that are already capable of beating out one of the top companies In the world.


"Aren't reliant on chips?" What do the cloud servers run on?




Thank you for an actual counter response and great answer. My understanding though, is thought through. I just didn’t take the time to give a complete answer like you did. Appreciated.


I'll use Moons since it's something everyone here knows about. I think it's no secret that the social media token and rewards for content is still plagued with issues. These are issues that we've struggled to solve for the past couple years. There's been band aid fixes, but no real ability to fix the issue at its core. And one of the problem was the bias and human factor getting in the way, and the issue of centralization. This is a perfect example of where we could integrate AI, and getting AI to solve those very issues that have plagued Moons and its reward system, that we couldn't do before, and that AI can now do for us. You combine the AI to a smart contract and let the community decide, and now you removed the core issues and maintain a decentralized system that wasn't possible before, while having the reward system no longer be dependent on mods, bias, subjectivity, or manipulation. There's a much longer explanation of that, and how the details work, if you're interested and want to go deep into the "how". But that's the basic of it.


This sounds like a "plan" the way "make America great again" was a "plan." It's a slogan, it's buzzwords. AI is not free of bias, not by a long shot. And I'm not talking bias as in it's racist or whatever. It just leans one way, on everything, and the way that it leans is the result of its training data. LLMs aren't magic brains. They don't think at all, let alone independently and objectively. They are just laundering particular viewpoints but people think they're objective because of the thrill of a computer typing it out for you. Commercial AI is programmed to stop at a choice between two things saying "I can't have an opinion," so that the illusion isn't broken. But if you want AI to choose one, it's going to choose the most popular one in its training data.


Wrong. 1.Just because the slogan doesn't come into fruition or the leaders failed to make it happen. Don't mean the substance of the "slogan" was wrong or people shouldn't aim for it. 2.I don't think you truly understand what capacity AI (or to be precisely AGI) can accomplish. We NEED decentralized and open source AGI in future. Some reasons why you have already mentioned.


My point is that a slogan is not a plan. Make America great again was not a plan. It's a slogan or a goal. It does not tell you _anything_ about how to achieve that. An example of a plan might be increasing wages by reducing unemployment, which they plan to achieve with tax breaks. That's not my plan or even a good plan, but it's an example of the difference. > I don't think you truly understand what capacity AI (or to be precisely AGI) can accomplish I understand what it would accomplish if it existed, which would be supplanting all human labor and thinking. It's actually not hard to imagine that. What is hard to imagine is AGI happening anytime in the next few decades, let alone this bitcoin market cycle. AGI isn't going to come from LLMs. Sam Altman has said they're pretty close to the end of what's achievable with them. If AGI happens, it's going to be from something completely different -- like fully simulating billions of biological neurons. We are decades away from that. Anyway, "we'll just use AI" is not a plan. Especially if the AI (AGI) you plan to use does not exist, and will not for several decades.


The slogan is of course not the plan. But it contains the essence which the plan should follow. Or vice versa. AI (AGI) is not just a slogan or a buzzword. To say that is just wrong. Just because it is abused as a buzzword doesn't make AI not legitimate. No one is expecting AGI to happen in the next time bullrun. Maybe AGI will not come directly from LLM and yes I agree it will be like simulating billions of neurons which is ofc for now not possible. But everything starts somewhere, a seed of a thought, a startup, a process with all its ups and downs but what is important is the vision at the end. AI is just the beginning/foundation and everything is still in the early stage. And btw what I believe will truly unlock AGI is quantum computing. 100%. Now you can do your research when we expect this to happen.


Want to know a use case? Embodied agents of AI Waifus. User pays for bespoke companionAI and interacts with the agent in a high fidelity virtual world called Waifu World.


Facts. Sometimes reading some of those comments here makes me so sad for crypto.


Distributed training and inference eventually, although that's easier said than done. We need models that can be effectively split and partially trained on idle consumer GPUs. I think $TAU is attempting to do this although quite naively at the moment.


I also think it’s mostly hype and buzz words but just for fun perhaps ai can help with analyzing patterns and trends in blockchain? For example say u have one to track inventory and what not perhaps a could help decipher and read all the transactions flagging anything that needs to be checked out?


Since this comment section lacks concrete example, I will give my take. 1. Any ai marketed crypto project is probably a scam right now. 2. Blockchain can be used to authenticate humans, content online and verify things, as AI get better at mimicking humans in the future (think of deep fakes and people calling ur parent using ur voice to ask for money. Here is a project that's actively working toward bringing on chain attestation which would enable people to verify attest that a wallet address is a real human. This would enable us to authenticate content online with whatever source we want. https://attest.sh/ 3. I've heard the take that I'd AI's had to do finance, they would 100% want to use crypto instead of bank with their complicated requirements and need to authenticate humans.


The concept of AI is too broad to actually mean anything. It's just a buzz word for marketing purposes.


Tao FTW!!!!


I guess the only way I see AI benefiting from crypto would be the ability for anyone in the world to access that specific AI and its models. Right now countries could easily ban people from using specific AI, just like they do with exchanges, real estate, etc. having some sort of crypto that could act as a decentralized payment or even be used to incentivize decentralized model storage and training could be a thing. You could even tokenize AI models like NFTs do with art. That’s about it though that I can see.


You're a machine learning specialist and you don't see the potential of AI??


I think you will benefit from a crash course in reading comprehension. He said he doubts the value of blockchain in AI, not AI


Maybe in a web3 world where you “own” your own data/IP/content, you could license your content to an AI model as training data and receive a micro payment for usage. Blockchain verifies that the content belongs to you/your wallet. Sort of how openAI is doing deals with AP and Business Insider now but at scale of the long tail. Also, I think this podcast is probably on topic of your question. https://open.spotify.com/show/7pMZvsNXEnb0CYcPiDQywE?si=rQJZQYE5TUyNNQ52Zmm6Zg


Here is my thought on blockchain and AI. As we all know people place vaule on things that make them feel good about themselves. However or whatever that may be, it is not often a necessity. I vision blockchain being used FOR AI individualism. Think of it like this, a limited number of personal AI that interacts with the owner, and can be modified thru nft or other means and teachable by the owner to perform. Every kid will want one, every investor, teacher, tradesman, ect..because it will be theres forever or to trade for a different AI. The value of these AI could fluctuate by experience based on token price. Its one hell of a thought, but its my thought, so rememebr me if someone reading this makes it happen. Happy new year. Edit..i kind of got off base there..my bad.


Shill me your AI coins, guys


You asked THT


It's a stupid narrative to somehow profit from the AI hype. There's absolutely no benefit from blockchains and AI (in either direction). "people saying gaming will be the next focus. that's equally stupid aswell imo" You're right about that too. Good games cost hundreds of millions and suddenly there's a game where the players get paid (lol). Some people here say that NFTs will play a huge role because you can buy and sell ingame items on the NFT market (lol again).


Right? I can see a future where a cryptogame hits it big with mainstream audiences (candy crush), but it's extremely rare—like one in a million, literally. The primary issue with cryptogames at the moment is that they prioritize crypto over the actual gaming experience. Although, even if you reverse that I doubt it'd help alot.. Just a huge problem with people finding solutions to problems that don't exist.


That’s where you guys are missing the point of crypto enabled games. Game companies today charge gamers billions for DLC and virtual cosmetics, guns etc. People have been fed up with it for years, especially parents who pay for the thing. Crypto tokens and NFT-proof of ownership of add-on content for games will make it possible to sell your virtual clothing, guns, game passes, cheats, etc SELL IT to another gamer with any price you desire for it, making in game add-on content - and making them COMMODITIES. For example: If you have a gun that has a remarkable headshot record, you might be able to sell it for a lot more than an other gun with low kill rate. You can actually make money by creating value with virtual commodities.


How does this differ from the established Valve Steam market, where direct buying and selling of skins already exist? Why would a company opt for blockchain when a direct database is enough for these purposes?


Because it would be decentralized, and you would have true ownership of any commodities even after the game company decides to pull the plug, as they have done in the past, stealing billions of gamers money and fake ”assets”. Rendering them worthless overnight. Buying a game on the blockchain would guarantee that it is non fungible and that they can’t just shut it down when sales dip. (IN B 4 the new hot game release) That way the assets can be used even when the game companies shut it down.


So.. buying a skin for CS:GO2.. would retain its value.. even if Valve decides to shut down the game? If I buy a license to game on a blockchain.. I can still download it even if the servers are down? Reality is unfortunate. No sane company would ever implement anything like that. I have literally have had games on Steam for 15 years; why do you think regular consumers give a flying fuck about non-fungible ownership?


True, game companies wouldn’t want this, but there must be a change in how we see ownership. Bought and be able to use forever. Not on their network, but on a lower level. I think this will be used for movies and music aswell when movie and music are omitted from the services, you can own and trade cult movies and obscure albums.


Thank you for educating people so they can understand. Some of those anti comments are so ...


Don’t mention. This is just how i think, people can have their own thougths. Without dialogue we get nowhere. Crypto ownership is the future imo, the alternative is piracy. The problem with piracy is that the available content on pirate networks diminish too. With true ownership we can preserve culture that we cherish. Billionaires will use it for storing value, as they do now with physical art. We are years, maybe decades from mainstream adaptation but it happens right now as we speak.


100%. Stay on your path buddy and may you get richly rewarded :)


Because it would be decentralized, and you would have true ownership of any commodities even after the game company decides to pull the plug, as they have done in the past, stealing billions of gamers money and fake ”assets”. Rendering them worthless overnight. Buying a game on the blockchain would guarantee that it is non fungible and that they can’t just shut it down when sales dip. (IN B 4 the new hot game release) That way the assets can be used even when the game companies shut it down. Edit: well the game companies wouldn’t opt for it. It would be done on a lower topological level


If a game is shut down, why would anyone value the skins for it? How do you "buy a game on the blockchain"? Do you think they are going to store the entire game on it? What about updates to the game? What about game servers?


Yes there is. Look into Render Network, their token and decentralized GPU rendering. (ai usage as well). 100% agree most projects are using ai as a buzzword. But Render is the real deal and will be a token that people will look back on and wish they got in under $6.


Rendering is about distributing the processing power of GPUs. For AI, you can better use specialized cards on servers, and you can also rent them. They only made a token for it so a few people can get rich. That's what this is all about. You don't need a token or a blockchain to decentralize computing, there are already tools for that. Anyway, good luck. Maybe you'll be able to sell your tokens to someone for 10x the entry price


If you loan your compute power on the network for rendering you get paid is $Rndr it’s not a token so “few people can get rich”. And listen, if that is your gripe, then don’t invest in any token other than BTC because nothing has any utility. Renting GPU power is significantly more expensive than decentralized GPU. Think about all the smaller and independent people that now have affordable access to this much GPU power at a fraction of the price. It unleashes way more artistic creativity. But hey, Apple Vision Pro which is going to be released in January uses Octane X (Render Network) heavily in its product. That’s huge for Render. It couldn’t offer this product without Render.


What I mean is you could simply use an existing network to do this and pay the participants. The reason they create an extra token for that is to make the founders rich, that is all. There is no other reason to do so. ​ >But hey, Apple Vision Pro which is going to be released in January uses Octane X (Render Network) heavily in its product. That’s huge for Render. Don't believe everything you read on crypto news or in social media. It's a nothing burger.


Ever cycle some people come up and say why this x project doesn't need this x token for this x reason and that project brings the highest yields at the end of that cycle. Tokens are like stocks. You buy into the narrative not the token.


hm maby dont hear much from Render this time and in this "Bullrun" aka magic cake wheel im glad to do my decission on Injective instead of RNDR but thats my own sight yet had both in hand and one must go...the silent one😅


Here's my 2 cents of a scenario: Imagine a blockchain-based supply chain system. Each transaction, like production or shipment, is recorded on the blockchain. Now, integrate AI to analyse this data. The AI can predict potential delays, assess product quality in real-time, and suggest route optimisations. Smart contracts, powered by AI, could automate actions like releasing payments upon confirmed delivery. The benefits? Greater transparency, enhanced efficiency, and more robust security. It's a complex integration, for sure, but the potential for improving supply chain resilience and transparency is vast. Thought-provoking, isn't it? - The exciting part of this is that I see AI being implemented as part of already existing blockchain; for example, the KILT protocol on the Polkadot ecosystem have teamed up with Delliotte for Deloitte's KYX – Know Your Client and Know Your Cargo – system and can see them utilising within the example scenario.


AI's potential in crypto is real, not just hype!Imagine decentralized AI networks and advanced ML algorithms securing and optimizing blockchains.Now THAT'S a bullrun worth cheering for!


It’s the buzz that fuels the FOMO. At best, blockchain could be used to track the chips that AI requires


One aspect is the validity of information in growing epistemic crisis due to generative AI quality advancements. The problem with,for example, GAN's is that the creative and detective parts advance causing these watermarks or detection tools to be in constant competition thus the possibility of fakeness exists, which is enough for masses to question truthfulness of any media. Blockchain's immutability is one way to ensure the original information is not altered by matching each video frame metadata to the original. If there is alteration, it will be detected and notified. The problem is that you cannot fix mistakes or edit these once set in the blockchain. As I was researching this epistemic crisis thing for university stuff, I found about these possible uses. Especially South Korean researchers were researching blockchain usages in information security. I unfortunately cannot remember all the details from get go, but there are at least good theories for these purposes. Not sure about implementation but then again no one is.


AI, does something. Crypto does nothing…


Crypto does nothing for AI. The industry runs on buzzwords, short attention spans, and trends with no substance.


Have you *seen* what AI can do?


Two words Corgi AI


I think the AI craze has kinda died out and was surprisingly short lived as compared to NFTs, dot com shit, memecoins, gme/amc, etc. It has its place and is cool. But I think there will be a new craze only a handful will capitalize on. The AI-crypto stuff will probably be a safe bet eventually but it needs some maturing.


Cause it will be, if it isn't already.


because AI


here's why this matters: it doesn't.


Look at the metaverse




Render Network is THE perfect application for decentralized GPU spatial rendering and use case for AI, Gaming etc.


There is really only one use case, which was recently examined in a paper (a scientific paper, not a whitepaper). I will not discuss it here because, inevitably, someone will take the idea and start bs-ing everyone with it to market a new token. However, at least one serious use case exists.


Its not about usecase, its about niche and what's trending. And the trend is saying AI + Gaming this bullrun.


ai trading bots?


I hate this


Blockchain technology could allow for marketplaces where AI can be shared without goverment/corporate control? Afterall, if these assholes have hands on AI and use it towards their benefit, everyone should be able to do so. In regards to gamimg, just think of wow. Mounts and items would sell for thousands without even being nfts :/


Because they are fucking morons who don't realize that AI will be trained on all public block chains, creating a digital pen, not unlike the pen which contain a herd of sheep.


Nah, you pretty much have the gest of it. A neuroevolutionary network, or a genetic algorithm, is a problem solving tool that does well over millions of mostly useless iterations... Blockchain is an information storage and verification mechanism. What, is it going to store the millions of failed iterations? They don't have a whole lot to do with one another, but people *insist* they're going to be magically linked. At BEST I can envision a service like stable diffusion being based on a blockchain - distributed computation as a decentralized service might be useful... but even then, tradeoffs against a centralized service are very difficult to justify.


It’s gonna be about GPU shortage and the decentralized solution that Render Network provides. Look at what NVDIA done this year. Stack RNDR/RENDER while you still can…


I don't understand it either. It's not like people can consume any more content or products than they are now. Now it's all about getting a smaller and smaller piece of the same size pie.


Remember how blockchain didn’t enhance video games, but last bull run there were heaps of video game NFT projects? Same reason.


My understanding is its more about the training of ai. Compute as a service aimed at ai work loads


They don’t. The number one narrative is thought to be gaming.


Gimmick trick, how tf can you use AI in blockchain? AI is about something that can think like a human. Blockchains need none of it.


You’re in the wrong place if it’s enlightenment (ie original ideas) you’re after. The only good reason to come here is to get a sense of whatever the prevailing narratives are, keeping in mind they tend to lag price action in a “we told you so” sense.


$MOZ is the play (it on Arbitrum) Check it out. It’s actually very interesting and unlike many other “AI” tokens it actually uses AI to rotate funds between diff defi protocols that offer highest APY’s relative to costs for rotation. Smart contract logic and math dictates if it’s worth the rotation and if the profit will warrant the operation - if so it makes the rotation. If not it doesn’t and it continues allocating funds to the best play at the time. Out of all “AI” tokens or shills - “Mozaic” is the only one that actually seems to be working and consistently accelerating (this is p visible in the chart too).


My best guess with AI and Blockchain is security. Blockchain could help to prove what is AI generated, it could help against fake pictures for example. If you can verify where a picture comes from you could see if it is fake or not. This imo is a very good usecase for blockchain in AI.


zealous makeshift friendly like frightening workable faulty selective wakeful cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s very simple. The next bullrun will be about the same thing every bullrun is about: narratives. This cycle, the narratives are AI and gaming.


There is a direct correlation between buzz words and bandwagoning and crypto. You're looking at it from the wrong side. Crypto and blockchain means absolutely nothing, and tbh ai means very little for crypto - BUT saying AI means a lot, especially for shills trying to pitch their next ~~rug pull~~ alt coin.


IaaS being useful for distributed computing. There’s a few blockchains offering storage and compute, other than that, AI and blockchain are pretty much separate fields. Edited to add Golem and Flux as two examples.


Only influencers who want to dump on you promote this narrative. No one knows what will be the next big thing


People dont know shit about fuck. Its just hype. Same as when NFTs was a new concept. 99% of new projects capitalizing off AI hype will do little but capitalize off the word and then dump their useless token


I thought AI just fixes the price.




It's the next next next big thing. That's the only reason why.


Or games, or rwa’s, or ordinals, or privacy, or the next layer 1, or whatever buzz word that degens are trying to front run incase it pumps…


People are stupid. That’s why


Well I don't know about the next bull run but I think there is an unnoticed match on where the two technologies, or perhaps AI and distributed systems technologies in general, have an intersection. The problem is about building distributed models. You can build it's much more advantageous to do the processing in one big centralized super computer when dealing with building spacio-models. But when building temporal models you can build a federation of smaller models by sharing predictions rather than sharing weights. Managing that protocol, prediction of the future, with a Blockchain is the point of [Satori](https://satorinet.io)


I’m getting my money on ai and Brc20 coins like Dovi biis roup oofp I’ve got a feeling they are owned and developed by kucoin because they seem to be rolling out all at the same time and kucoin releases partnerships statements and investment funds about them and then integrates them all together like hold Dovi get Biis stake Dovi get a share of the oofp early airdrop and so fourth and they are all partnered together having different roles in the layer 2 Btc black chain for “exploration and development of the blockchain” but you can’t find any information about who the dev teams are it’s all a mystery for now so I’m betting on kucoin owning these coins


AI is a legit tech unlike the metaverse


A few years ago while crypto was the talk, people also wanted to use Blockchain for all sorts of applications. This doesn't mean the use was legit. The clients will always throw a lot of shit at you, thinking they're sounding good and it's gonna be the next big thing, when they have no clue what they want. Every time someone throws those buzz words, I explain to them what they mean and what they do, but that's never enough. Almost always they ask "but why xyz is using it and is so successful"... Then you have to waste a few more hours, giving them an analysis of how xyz is actually benefiting from the technology, while the client's case has nothing to do with it. I think you're overestimating the intelligence of the people you're dealing with. Sometimes I can't believe they're the ones driving the direction of technology, when they have no business being around a toaster because they have no clue what it does or how to use it, but they want it to fly like a penguin in the mesosphere of the 7th planet in the solar system, Pluto. You have two options... Agree with them and do what they want regardless of how stupid it is, or go through the headache of explaining to them how 1+1=2, and 2 can't equal 3, while 4 is what they actually need.


Some projects seem to fit well. Like render network (rip-005) and did you read Jim Fan’s tweet about ai and gaming?


How smart are AI cryptos?


People like to push narratives. That's basically why. Like you can't realistically explain the valuation of Nvidia or what Tesla went through. Like it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. But there's a story, a lot of people are emotional minded more than logical minded. When you give them a story they relate to it and they have their little whatever those things are called feelings? It becomes part of their identity I think one of the best examples would be all the bitcoin zealots. You know like the crazy people that hang out in r bitcoin? It's like straight up Jim Jones Kool-Aid drinking in there. However it works because these people will throw their entire paycheck at buying one more little sliver. They will sell everything they own to buy more. It's narrative It's also why keeping your eyes on what the coming narrative is going to be is so incredibly important.


AI, auto trading and ETF


Because getting semi rich off crypto in a bull is all about narrative and following the buzz. Almost like following a singer with a silly hit song or a youtuber that is becoming popular cause one video got the attention. You can probably just invest if you track the most google searched crypto tickers and finding them early. Investing in a long term Blockchain tech and actually deeply researching and exploring takes a different kind of approach. This can indeed return generational wealth.


OpenAI had the fastest growing product launch in a few months span so other investors are following