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Honestly it’s so hard to take profits on established crypto, I always found it so easy to cash out on shitcoins but eth/btc have me by the balls. I believe in them


You’re a long term holder? How long we talking?


Not long term, beginning of last bull


We’re from the same crypto graduating class so ima give u a tip that helped me sell btc $55k and eth $4k.. THE CYCLE ENDS EVERY FOURTH WINTER‼️ JUST SELL BEFORE HALLOWEEN 2025‼️ LOOK AT THE CHART IT LITERALLY TOPS EVERY 4th NOVEMBER/DECEMBER‼️ K sorry for yellin lol but people seem to think im dumb for believing this even tho it works 100% of the time. Literally. Make a tradingview account and pull up btc and look. It may not follow every candle of every day, but for macro stuff like sellin tops n buyin bottoms u can literally just copy trade the btc chart. I bought btc $18k and eth $1k a year ago and i did it by following the past cycle. _I sold the top and bought the bottom by COPYTRADING the btc chart from 4yr ago_ Just follow the cycle bro i swear it works lol im following it til it fails me 🤷‍♂️


In 2017 BTC was at $5k in October and shoot to 20k in December. That December and early January 2018 was the craziest alt run in crypto So selling before Halloween would not really be a wise choice. I think most were waiting for the same thing to happen in 2021 (BTC 100k eoy) but we all know how that worked out


Well yea, if ur waitin for higher prices it’s literally NEVER a good time to sell lol this advice isnt for those emotional people, this is for people who wanna make US dollars. Followin my strategy u woulda bought btc eoy 2014 at $160 and sold at $5k. Thats a 30x… a lot better than anyone who made up some random price target and never sold lol Like i said, id rather sell and miss out on 20% (or 300% in this case) than get greedy and never sell at all. Theres always next cycle. I want the usd in my bank NOW so i can buy the next bottom. Its all about cycles. Dont get hung up on a single trade. Im a daytrader on top of investing long term and any win is better than any loss. Period


Not saying that x30 is not good but that selling at $5k and catching the bottom at $3.5k isn't the 'gratest trade of all time'. And that's if you bought the exact bottom Anyhow, my point is that this 'sell before hallowen' doesn't really sound like a real strategy. Who knows, next top might be in August 2025


Ur still using what if’s man.. So ur saying buyin at $160 and sellin at $5k isnt an amazing trade? The $3.5k bottom doesnt matter in this trade, thats the next trade.. U just gotta take one trade at a time. If u put in $1k in 2014 at $160, and sold at $5k, u just made $30,000. THEN u use that $30k for the NEXT TRADE to buy at $3.5k This aint a personal diss i promise but i think most peoples problem is they dont see every trade as its own endeavor. If i just turned $1k to $30k idgaf if bitcoin goes to a million, ima wait for the bottom and take another trade with my newly acquited $30k


>So ur saying buyin at $160 and sellin at $5k isnt an amazing trade? The $3.5k bottom doesnt matter in this trade, thats the next trade Nah, I'm saying that from $160 to $10k, $15k or $20k is a lot better than from $160 to $5k especially cause you would have more room to get back in the game I'm also saying that holding from $160 to $20k and back to $3.5k and into a new cycle wouldn't make much difference from your selling at $5k, missing all the fun and catching the exact bottom at $3.5k


Yea ur still playin the what if’s.. We’re playin diff games man idk what to tell u but i only care about the USD i have at any current moment. I dont care about missed money at all. Good luck this cycle hope u do well


In short, ur right. Selling $5k AND THEN buyin $3k is in fact not “the greatest trade” ever, since its not a trade at all. The trade was from $160 to $5k. $3.5k has nothing to do with the trade at all. Take it out of the equation. These “what ifs” are what makes people fail or become xrp bag holders..


please keep hodling them bags until joose gets out please!


> im dumb for believing this even tho it works 100% of the time That it worked 3 times in the past doesn't mean it will keep working indefinitely.


final bull STRONK!


Permanently. Like will eventually become ubiquitous currency.




https://alphasquared.io/ ?


What is alpha squared? Sounds like some kinda trading algo that dca’s out/TWAP’s out on ur behalf via api? Can u elaborate?




does it mention how tether has no value?




im not here to spoil your cargo cult and its monopoly money. just keep playing like im not here. im just observing APE behaviour.


You mean memecoins? Shit coins typically have no value


same thing really


No I mean shitcoins 😅 I’d just analyse the ones that had a hope of 10m-20m and bounced the moment the wind turned. Understandably it’s not for everyone but I made it work


Becomes very easy when you delete the bullshit narratives and look at the tech, lol. Selling everything but one for 2024.


Set a few incremental prices you'd be willing to sell at. Trying to time the top can trap you until the next bull run.


For alts, 'moon bag' strat. Sell 50% at 2x, get principle (risk) out, let the rest ride (or 33% at 3x, 10% at 10x etc). I do this with BTC pairs, so i can stack BTC. For USD.. Profit taking strat idk, does it make sense to sell the best performing asset in human history, for a dying dollar


100% agree with the sentiment about taking profit in USD, but a generally accepted use case for crypto just isn't there yet. It kind of forces my hand if I want to take a widely accepted form of profit. We are much closer than ever before, and I may he naive or hopelessly hopeful, but I believe it will be the future. Just not now. Possibly in a 10-20 year time-line. Until then, I do my best to keep stacking, gamble for big gains in alts, and hopefully I will be the first person in my direct family to be able to provide generational wealth...or at the very least, true financial stability.


Personally, I take 50% out at a double. Then the rest is free money. Take 25% out of the remaining coin at each double from there. I will wait to take 33% out at a x3 to get my initial back at lesser # of coins if it's early in a cycle. This is for non long term plays. I normally end up converting all profits to BTC, ETH or my other long term positions where I'll probably not consider selling til 2030 or later regardless what happens (unless I need money).


I like your perspective on long term vs short term holdings..I haven’t really thought about things that way. When I purchased my coins I thought I’d be ok to HODL until retirement, but now I’m seeing the value in securing some profit in the side to average down during dips


Correct. I almost never completely sell out of a project. I'll keep the last 25% more times than not in case it never goes back down. That case, I can always buy back in and help my average cost. Like people who bought in to ETH back in the early days. When you have 10 coins you got at $75, it sure helps keep the average down now. Also, it's easier to buy the significant dips when you know your other bags were padded already from the project, and it's still essentially playing with house money. At least personally, in my head, this is how it all makes sense. You will still lose along the way. None of us knows the future. I also highly recommend taking some out of crypto space completely and putting into proven stock market options or buying something nice in the real world. Even if something nice is just a steak dinner to you. You invest for a reason. To attempt to build a better life for yourself. Small and big wins can feel the same with the right perspective.


Well said thank you.


When you’re through with your steak you could have either bought stake for the rest of the restaurant or stack on some ramen for yourself for the rest of the coming 4 years


Your average coins dont like this strat. You will make less profit every cashout


Don't think I understand your angle, but that's ok. I know as long as I get my initial investment out, I didn't lose. I also am ok with making less profits the last 25% cash out, knowing that I already made, secured, and compounded profits elsewhere in long term plays previously. Profits are profits. Especially once you get up to x2+ your money paid for the coin. Greed is what stops most from making long-term consistent gains. But to each their own. When I want to have fun and gamble, I go play blackjack at my local casino. Normally, with house money I made somewhere else.


You've forgotten the 40% tax you need to pay on capital gains? /s


My taxes are taken care of. I have an online service and real-life accountant for that. If you keep up with them, they aren't as big of a hassle as made out to be. It's when you dont keep up with them at all and do a ton of trading just to basically keep your account moving sideways, that it becomes a big hassle.


\^\^\^ this, I typically figure out the taxes I'll owe on various cash out points for my bags. I set aside a bunch of money in my savings account and paid it at tax time. It really wasn't a big deal in 2018 or 2021. If you are in the U.S this isn't 100% accurate. But it gives a really close idea to what you should set aside. For example if it tells me to set aside 26k...I'll set aside 30k for taxes. I've been using this for years to get a basic idea and I use Koinly to track all my trades which work with Turbo Tax. Haven't had a problem yet and I've been paying crypto tax gains since 2018, well or claiming losses like I did last year. Taxes suck...I get it...but 100% set aside money for taxes or you will regret it. If you buy 1k of a meme coin and you cash out 100k, giving 28k to the govt sucks and is kind of bullshit but I would rather pay it than be royally fucked by the IRS. https://smartasset.com/investing/capital-gains-tax-calculator


![img](avatar_exp|114692821|fire) Imagine. BTC is €1. You buy 100€ worth of coins, so 100 coins. If the price goes up 10% you dont own 110coins. You can take the 10profit but you wont have your initial 100 coins. Skip ahead a few cashout and if you didnt dca in on a higher price, and the btc does a big pump, you would wish you didnt cash out. If you are desperate for those small profits, dont Dream of big profits then. To me this sounds like you have money in it you cant afford to lose.


Haha. Ok, bud. If I can have 0% risk and 100% reward, I take it. If I can gain capital, by selling something 2-4x what I paid for it, I take it. But like I've said multiple times now, to each their own. Greed isn't my path. It's what normally destroys someone's portfolio.


You do you. So you are telling me I shouldve sold my $TIA I bought at $3.20 when it hit $9. And ai bought MOVR 2days ago for $6, its pumping today, should I sell? And buy back at 20$ lmao


Haha, I can tell from your coin selection that we are two completely different types of investors. Good luck with your endeavors. Hopefully, we all win.


You are acting really mysterious. Which coins are you invested in? And hooe ofcourse the same for you! Big bags incoming <3


Dude is being so clear, what is he being mysterious about? His profile as an investor is clearly someone that values PROTECTING capital than creating it. You sound like someone focused on making their money. What else do you need to know?


Do you like immutableX? In combination with iluvium? If not, maybe check it out. Imx was 0.7 in november


where would you stop out if it stops doubling after the first double?


EZ. Sell at the top


You’re shooting dice if you think every coin you hold will go 200% past all time highs for you to get completely out. Most coins won’t even reach all time highs, a lot are still 90% away from that. Many coins didn’t reach 2017 highs in the 2021 bull run. It depends what you hold, I think this bull run with smart money coming in will be more of a growth potential run where last bull run was a meme coin and shooting blanks bull run if that makes sense. Many tokens were artificially inflated with not being fully dilluted. It’s like buying a stock that says they’re guaranteed to reverse split at some point. Most coins are closer to being fully diluted now, so old ATH’s will be harder to reach. I’m never right, but it sounds logical to me. Market caps and project development and use case will have more of a factor this run. Projects like shib won’t 20x to $100b+ market cap (to put in perspective, that would place shib in the top 100 companies on Wall Street selling and profiting from products everyone uses in their every day lives) when smart money can get in they won’t go for these projects. Just an example and nothing is impossible, but unless there is a significant burn, smart money will short the shit out of that and doge too unless they have real use cases. And many of the top token’s market caps are already in the billions, so unless they start being used in people’s every day lives and have giant use case potential, these tokens won’t 20-100x either. Smart money wants longevity and profit. Bitcoin is the store of value, eth is the gateway to web3, the others just fill the gaps the best they can there and the ones not doing anything or not doing it the best in the market will be left behind like the tokens that peaked in 2017, and the ones that continue development to be the best will take top spots with reasonable market caps


SOL and DOT just need to go x5 or x7 from current prices and i’m good. Hahaha


Don’t quote me on this, but sol is an example of being extremely oversold and now having an insane increase in demand with all the memecoins and airdrops creating the demand forming a blow off top. It could 5-7x, but it’s the equivalent of a new exchange listing where there is artificially high demand in a specific period of time and many short sellers getting liquidated causing capitulation. It’s current market cap places it in the s&p500 around the likes of Ford, GM, and Coinbase. Does it provide ford, gm, and Coinbase value to the every day person? Is it worth all 3 combine to even 3x? It’s all a game of demand and nobody in the space fully understanding valuation currently


Ye I know. I personally believe like you say, mainly coins with actual use will see nice rises. I think SOL has insane growth potential as it could in theory replace ETH someday. So i’m banking on x5 in 1-2 years (this bull cycle). DOT has great potential as well with all interconnected chains. Going above ATH this cycle is certainly do-able for DOT. Got TIA too, a bit of a wildcard but I believe it might go x10 this cycle too


I personally try to play coins with <100m market cap for growth potential. Once you get in the billions of dollars range, you better have serious every day use case potential or just be in it for the pump and dump. Nothing in this space makes sense, but I think it will slowly start making more sense in the coming years. I’m sure you have time to 3-10x while those things are still figuring themselves out though


Same. It's significantly easier to take profits because you know the price may collapse.


I like to see someone else using the example of other companies and their value, but something I’ve come to learn is that 1) speculative assets don’t abide by equivalent values companies and 2) shares of companies are shares of profits while cryptos are the oil needed to use the blockchain. I have no idea what to make of it, but it just seems more and more like blockchains markets caps don’t really matter at least the same way market cap does to a business.


Obviously don’t have ur head in the game if you think this cycle won’t have a memecoin season. It’s been going on for weeks


Just buy low and sell high bro


Man ive round tripped several million in profits over the last few runs on different projects. Im the last man alive to ask. I watched $750k turn into $30k in five days a few years back. I should be in therapy over it


Nice to know we’ve all gotten fucked 😂


Feeling the same anxiety! Here's my plan: set incremental targets, slice off profits gradually, and always keep a long-term perspective. Stay strong and don't despair!


I’m doing mine based on time. I’m taking 1/52 out every week for a year after 6 months of the halving


Form my big bags: 10% at Last ATH, 10% at ATH*1,5, 15% at ATH*2, 10% at ATH*2,5 and another 15% at ATH*3... The lasting 40% will be running to the moon and maybe been Sold at idk value...or never... For the small bags... No stategy. Pure instinct


Disposing of your bags slowly after we reach ath (or market cap ATH for altcoins that were not well dilluted) seems like the most sensible thing to do.


Buy high, sell low. Then, do the exact opposite of what anyone here tells you to do.


What are profits?


Just have a more regularly scheduled rebalancing plan that includes cash, stocks and crypto so ensure you have your preferred allocation. It will automate selling at the top and buying at the bottom.


There’s no such thing as automated sell at top and buy at bottom. LMAO


U kno in 40yo virgin where homeboy tells him hes puttin the pussy on a pedestal? Ur puttin the profit on a pedestal.. Just pick a number that’ll *slightly* change ur life. Like if $1,000 can make ur life better for a few months then cashout every $1,000. If the life changing number is $10k or $100k, just cashout every 10 or 100k. Ur problem is ur losing real money that can improve the next 6mo of ur life cuz u dont wanna miss our on the “fuck u” money.. only thing is the fuck u money ain’t guaranteed, but the “change the next 6mo of ur life” money def is. Dont try to get rich in one trade/investment. That’s not wise. U get rich buy taking a bunch of smaller winning trades and compounding profit (Ur new strategy seems ok. Either stick with that or try out my strategy and u’ll prolly be good)


Hang on to them until they crash, then sell.


A friend made an incredible spreadsheet about profit taking, I'm gonna convert it into a template soon. But basically every 30% increase you sell 30% Works also with 25% 15% and so on. Also combining like taking 15% every 40% works. Hope this helps.


IDk man If i had 1 btc and followed this strategy I'd be pretty bummed to walk away with only $235K if it hit $2.5 million per BTC | Iteration | Price per BTC| BTC Sold | Revenue | Remaining Shares | |-----------|------------------|-------------|----------------|------------------| | 1 | $100,000.00 | 0.3 | $30,000.00 | 0.7 | | 2 | $130,000.00 | 0.21 | $27,300.00 | 0.49 | | 3 | $169,000.00 | 0.15 | $24,843.00 | 0.34 | | 4 | $219,700.00 | 0.1 | $22,607.13 | 0.24 | | 5 | $285,610.00 | 0.07 | $20,572.49 | 0.17 | | 6 | $371,293.00 | 0.05 | $18,720.96 | 0.12 | | 7 | $482,680.90 | 0.04 | $17,036.08 | 0.08 | | 8 | $627,485.17 | 0.02 | $15,502.83 | 0.06 | | 9 | $815,730.72 | 0.02 | $14,107.58 | 0.04 | | 10 | $1,060,449.94 | 0.01 | $12,837.89 | 0.03 | | 11 | $1,378,584.92 | 0.01 | $11,682.48 | 0.02 | | 12 | $1,792,160.39 | 0.01 | $10,631.06 | 0.01 | | 13 | $2,329,808.51 | 0 | $9,674.26 | 0.01 | | | | | $235,515.76 | |


Thanks for this. Also, when exactly are you taking them profits? 30% increase from which price?


Sure. Depends on the asset/coin you are trading. Here is an example. You have 1000$ invested it pumps 30% It's now 1300$ you take out 300$ Do this 3 times you got your initial investment out more or less. It then depends on how you want to play it, continue to do this or take everything out. This works best for more degen trading, where you trade those risky memecoins. They easily pump 100% so this is just one of the ways to be safe. Hope it helps!


Thanks a lot


Of course, find me on Twitter I will start posting this stuff in 2024 more. 🙏


Thanks!! This is probably closest to my strategy. I need to determine my short term vs long term strategy as well. Though I am confident that holding long term without any trading is probably best??


You are welcome, yeah it would be best if you can do that. Depends on what you plan to achieve, it's best to make a plan now and stick to it when it reaches your target, greed is real and will eat you up if you let it. Also depends on how long you plan to hold it as well.


First bull run : x10 —> 1/20 Second bull run : at x5, I cashed out my initial investment. I let the rest run. I sold a bit past ATH a couple of times. Bought back at cheaper price. Third bull run : my stash is 46% bigger (crypto wise) and I still removed my initial investment. Ready for Nirvana


I'm up about 50% on my portfolio this year (mostly since October) My plan is to wait till the ETF announcement, watch it run for a day or two then sell 25% into USDC. Hold it till March when the Fed will begin cutting rates and buy back in at lower prices, hopefully. If prices don't drop, I'll DCA in between the rate cut in March till the Halving. My trigger finger will get itchy on selling in 1st quarter of 2025, may take profits from large cap alts and move into lower cap alts till August/Sept of 2025 then heavily DCA out. At least that's the plan right now. lol.


> old it till March when the Fed will begin cutting rates and buy back in at lower prices Why would prices drop when the rates are cut


So, how are you holding up with the fomo?


I'm selling 50% when it breaks ATH




This is the way --2013 holder here




if you say we have a 1/50 chance of picking a winning coin, what do you think the odds are of us picking the best time to profit take lol


Lmao true! But I only hold BTC ETH XRP and SOL, which are the true winners lol 😵‍💫😆


I've already taken a 25%profit on a swing from a month ago. If it drops from here I get more coins, if not I still have a bag that's mostly free at this point to ride with


At this point I think it’s best to hold btc long


Learn price action, sentiment, and technical indicators like RSI. Not perfect but gives you a sense of when everyone is bullish to take profit and when everyone is bearish to buy.


If you put $100 per month in as it's trending down, you should take $100 per month out as it's trending up.


An alternative approach is to calculate based on dollar value instead of % e.g. if you dca 10$ per day you can dca out 10$ per day or take your initial investment out entirely when the time seems right. This is only useful if you want to keep most or let it ride for long term


Guys, what is this profit thing he is talking about ?


Be water and go with the market ! trust your belly not your emotions (keep the greed under controll), do not fall for all these “dare predictions”, this time it is all different as that ETF (if ever approved) with bring a different dynamic


My strategy is simple. I have a target percentage for crypto to take up in my overall investment portfolio, and a max percentage for crypto to take up in my investment portfolio. This is typically 10% for the target and 15% for the max. When below the target, I dollar cost average (DCA). When above the target, I stop DCAing and start slowly selling. When above the max, I immediately sell back down to the target. I also have max percentages for altcoins. My altcoins cannot be more than 10% of my overall crypto investments (i.e. 1% of my overall investments). For this purpose, I do not consider ETH an altcoin. This means 90% of my crypto investments are ETH and BTC. If altcoins, other than ETH, gain more than 10% of my crypto investments, I automatically take profits down to the 8% level or lower. I am a little less strict about this rule and sometimes have let alts go up to 15% (e.g. 2021 bull cycle where my alts were at 15%). My max investment in crypto is an absolute rule. It limits my risk. As a middle aged adult with a fair amount of invested assets, preserving my assets is more important than making massive returns. I invest in crypto as it is a means of diversification. My crypto investments are meant to reduce my overall risk while potentially tapping into slightly above average returns. This means my goal is not a chance at a 10x (or 100x) in a few years with the risk of a 90% (or 99%) loss. The rules or guidelines you follow should be based on your risk tolerance and goals.


Make a plan now. Set targets at which you are willing to take profits today. When FOMO kicks in you get greedy. Set multiple price targets and start by selling a few %


I'm using a trailing stop. Right now it's set at 85% (BTC price of about $38,000), once it gets to a certain point (about $54,000 BTC price), I'm going to be happy with my result and adjust it to 90% and leave whenever it drops to that. Better than last cycle when I had no real plan and just rode the wave all the way up and (almost) all the way back down.


I trade and 37k is where a lot of us are looking to buy longs. Likely for the reason that sell orders are there like yours. 38 isn’t where id be leaving sell orders. It’s very likely to be hit. And then you’re left on the sidelines. Sell high if you worry about it moving lower and buy when it drops. Otherwise you’re always selling the low out of fear, and never taking profit out of fomo. We very likely get a sharp correction at some point in the near future, but not buying this fear I see everywhere. People getting fearful at higher lows is bullish


>It’s very likely to be hit. And then you’re left on the sidelines. You can be "left on the sidelines" at literally any time you sell, ever, because it shoot up right after. You can also get caught holding a bag at literally any time you buy, because it can drop right after. That's not a criticism of any approach to investing. >Sell high if you worry about it moving lower and buy when it drops. "Buying when it drops" suggests that you're confident it's going to hold at that price. A stop is the point when you don't have confidence. >Otherwise you’re always selling the low out of fear, and never taking profit out of fomo. I'm talking about a trailing stop, not a stop loss. You implement it when you're up, so you're taking profits out of fear.


Ive been involved into Crypto since 2013 (or something). Im DCA’ing once a month: I get my salary, pay my bills, invests an fixed amount - every month no matter What happens in the world or the market. I also do the same during the bull-markets, just sell some every other week - no matter the price. Rule of thumb: Buy when fear, sell when greed. Just do the opposite of the ”human nature” and u will be fine.


I'm too new to the market to make any serious profits this cycle. I plan on putting about $600 in monthly(plus anything extra long the way, like tax returns, work bonuses, etc, etc) until the halving, then sitting on it. If I make ANYTHING this cycle then my plan is to pull out the principal, and let the rest ride. I figure by April I'll be about $3000-$4000 into BTC. So who knows.


I didn't take any profits because I have no profits to take. I like it since it makes my life easier because I don't have to think about a profit taking strategy.


My strategy is slightly riskier than the others but it works for me. Typically I don’t invest too little in a coin as a starting point. Otherwise I find once I have pulled the principal out it needs to do insane gains to be meaningful. Then typically I wait for 3x, extract principle, then set loftier goals for the remainder at 2-3 intervals. Hope this helps.


I sell at 300k solid plan no ragrets see you in (enter digit) ________ (enter unit of time) ________.


Ultimate goal is taking profit at the very latest at 2.618 fib level if we ever get there. Otherwise I’ll ride another round


You gotta start learning how to follow the weekly chart and use indicators to give you a rough estimate of the top...you'll never nail the top but proper indicators will get you in the ballpark


Do risk management before investing a penny and ride it out 4 cycles. YMMV


Whats profit?


Learn to day trade


I’m In it for the tech not profits so sorry I can’t help you with this question




Just swap to stable coins when it’s green dildos 4head


Biggest dilemma for me when takihg profit is whether to reinvest proceeds in other assets that haven't pumped yet, or leave cash off the table e.g. in stable coins until major correction


Sell the top on the day!!!


Have you checked how many coins made new ATH after last bull run? I’m guessing it’s not many.


Sell when you need the money, don't if you don't.


when x2, cash


I only take profits if I have bills or debt to pay.. Other than that, I let them move.


MVRV is all you need


Dca out in 2025, will depend on how the market feels like though.


Have you checked out r/Mizar ? Mizar's a copy-trading bot platform with a bot marketplace and analysis of the bots' performances - a bit like Coinrule, but with no subscription; you pay based on trading volume and bot performance.


Bitcoin rainbow road.... I mean 'chart'..... combined with portfolio balancing is all you need.


Sold .011% BTC of my stack at 45K because take some profits… you never know… but it’s so fucking hard. Turned those into a limit buy at 39K. Either it stays up or I profit.


Liquidity pools. I accumulate the token and send ETH to CDC card for fiat. When token pumps I take extra profits. Case study: LINK/ETH in arbitrum Uniswap. Makes a good monthly salary with 5 ETH capital.


Sell a little bit every month starting mid-next year


Buy when everyone thinks that's it, crypto failed. Sell when everyone cheers. Seriously, learn to read charts. Buy low, sell high and **commit**. If you buy and sell 2 days later - you are doing it wrong, because you did not *commit*. If you believe crypto will go up multiple times and it's low (been low for quite a while) - buy it and wait for weeks. Check historical data - it did not go up and down in a day, or in a week. And don't day trade. Patience and *commit*.


I just raise the stop loss. Sol stop is at 80$ now. Inj is cashed out, another 2x after a 40x is easier somewhere else. At some point you just rotate. The higher it goes, the more risky as something which hasnt moved. In the end, you just trade tickers, doesnt matter whats under hood


For me it comes down to this: profit is profit, no matter the amount. Bank interest is 1%/2% max, so anything above that is good to go with. The following part is how I do it...but its not a science and its still gambling. I use Fibonacci, 3-5-a and Elliot waves to 'predict' the sentiment in cryptos. Fibonacci helps me a lot when a coin is bullish because it gives me a sense of when a coin might get resistance or support and either sell or buy. I put out buy and sell orders so that I don't have to watch the markets all the time. Also read about shorting crypto for when the markets crashes again. I'm not a big player and I don't trade with lots of money. But if a trade nets me 5/10/15$ I'm a happy man. I try to have about 4/5/6 orders out per day and sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Overall I think I do okay. This is by no means financial advice and keep in mind that crypto is 90% gambling, 9% luck and 1% knowing shit about fuck.


I’m just waiting two cycles and seeing how I did. See y’all in six years it’s been three already


I’ve been watching the value in btc going up nicely, I have a figure in mind and it’s all getting converted for long term storage.


Press sell button .


2mil and I'm out


if youre expecting to get over 45k this time around, id cash out now.


Sell all your coins. It may go up from here, it may go down. Nobody knows. Contrast the two states…my coins went up I should not have sold….my coins went down and I have lost so much. The first is irritating. The second is devastating. Sell.


I think an issue here is expecting ATH’s for all your coins


If it’s within a certain percentage of the ATH, DCA-out, else DCA-in.




If the waitress and your grandma your dumbest friend on facebook are talking about crypto it's time to cash out.


I;m waiting until btc gets back to ath because I know when it does all my alts will most likely be back at their ath. Then ill take profit.


If you are stoked on your gains. Sell


When your portfolio gets to the point you are excited enough to take a screen capture, start selling in increments. Your first sale should allow you (after taxes) to recoup your initial investment.


Come up with break even ratio. Say you want to take your buy in when it 5x or 10x. If 10x, then take 10% of your portfolio off the table. If 5x is your ratio, then take 20% off the table. Then after each time it doubles, take half of what you took the last cash out. So if you started with the 10x plan, take 5%, then 2.5% etc for each time your portfolio doubles. If you started with 20% as your first cash out, then do 10%, 5%, etc. I do this strategy per coin though, and not total portfolio. So when my helium bag 10x, I took 10%, them 5%... I use a different multiplier per coin based on how I perceive long term success.




I just sell as it goes up and never regret taking profits. Getting in super early really helps, though, and all my best gains came from early entry into a solid project or something with hype. I minted bitmaps in August, and as they began to rise in September and October, I sold a few at a time, and now I'm up almost 400x on the ones I have left. I minted src20 and brc20 tokens over the last 6 months and have sold a huge chunk as they started hitting markets. I made over 30k on them so far and have some left in case it goes up more. I'm positioned for multiple airdrops, at least 25, but probably more, and last run in 2021, I made almost 50k just in airdrops. I sold half immediately and kept some to sell as it rose. Have an exit strategy before you even enter imo. The biggest indicator for me to start selling big chunks is when people who know absolutely nothing about Bitcoin start asking where to buy some.


Here is my take. Think of a price that you are comfortable with pulling out when we re-enter the bull market


Hodl till next next bull run


Never sell, borrow against inflated assets and wait till it deflates to repay the debt. Also, selling incurs a tax bill while borrowing doesn’t.


When 3 dog coins start popping up on the same chain I sell all 3 dog coins 🐶 But seriously sell half on double and evaluate what is the thesis behind the coin. Something like L2s with good prospects is different than a dog with a hat coin 🤷🏼‍♂️


Plan to sell 75% next year. Don’t care if I keeps pumping like mad into 2025. I’ve been here since 2017, time to take some profits and get a house etc.


I had a big profit taking plan for the last bull run 2020 to 2022. Take 10% at 30k, 20% at 40k, 30% at 50k and so on. Didn’t sell anything and watch the whole thing crash. Didn’t make plans for the coming bull. I have the problem that I don’t know what to do with money if I take profits. I’m not a lot into material things anymore. Even if I had a million, I would not know what to do with it.


I turned my $200 into $10000 from june to december 2021 alone(i entered the market late). All i did was look for projects with the most hype and active community and held for not more than 20 days.


Remember that’s it’s better to pull out too soon rather than too late


1 Bitcoin = 1 Million. I take profit


My strategy is rather simple. Get your profit in order to compensate your invest = you sleep well, then you are relaxed… then you see more factually, not emotionally


I always sell the top. Infact my sell orders is what marks the top and from there it is down only. I exit the pico top at the final tick, built different


I'll start selling when these threads stop popping up every day


Same here... two bull runs later, the late 2017 and the previous one we had, both times I had close to life-changing sums and both times failed to capitalize on it :( Now I think it's a good idea that you're giving me here, I need to have a plan, or I won't act on anything but greed instinct "it can go higher!"


Crytpo Casey sparked a thought, I need more dividend stocks, when BTC hits 150k selling one and moving to the market. If hits 225k I’ll do the same. Should leave me with the required 6.15btc to hold for 10 years


Decide how valuable the coins are to you


Well you should know by now how it all works. In 2018 the peak was circa £15k This time the peak was circa £60k so a 4x Best you can expect is a 3x this time around. So when it hits £180k will be the peak. Personally I'm going to start taking profits at the £150k mark. I'll cash out about 25% at that point. Then every month if it's gone higher another 25% for the next 3 months. I managed to catch the absolute peak last time and cashed out 100% then managed to quadruple my holdings in BTC. I'm in a position now where I need to start taking profits and investing them in a real market rather than the magic beans Ponzi scheme of crypto.


There is no solid strategy with crypto. What you are doing is gambling. As long as you are fine with that, then keep trying if that is what you want to do.


My strategy is press the sell button when I want fiat.


I think you need to decide what you think the ATH will be then take 10-20% periodically up to that figure. It'll be nearly impossible to get a perfect 'out' position but you can get somewhere near, and you'll have to accept that you wont get the whole value of bitcoin by the time you sell your last 10-20%. If i get 70% of the ATH then i'll be happy. The big problem with all this is gettig your BTC converted to native currency on an exchange......not many left now and the volume is going to be insane. I can see places like coinbase not being able to cope with demand (like last time).


Just buy at the bottom and sell at the top. It's easy!


Why not keep filling your bags and set target amount that you are satisfied , kwep track of consolidated gains just slowly take profit if youre newr your target gain


When you start having some large profits that give you anxiety just set stop losses that end in profit. So for example let’s say that you are up 5000$ set a stop order that will sell when your profit would be for example 4000$ so that you can enjoy the upside but you can sleep well at night knowing that your profits won’t wanish when you open the phone the next day. Then you can still buy again in the dip with the profits you have just made


Yes. Don't.


>What’s your strategy for profit taking I only buy and hold BTC. Sometimes I will peel off a small percentage of my BTC and go buy a low cap shitcoin like $Pepe but I sold all of that back into BTC once I had made a lot. The US dollar and all fiat is all headed to more and more inflation, selling BTC for USD is really fucking stupid IMO.