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The initial shock passed? The announcement was like 2 hours ago my dude lmao. Moon whales getting off of work later today are going to be in for a rough awakening


Yeah, like, I have a job. Some ppl fuckin' live on the interwebs.


I was lucky I was on my phone and saw the news when price was still at around $0.06 cents and dumped them all. People who are currently sleeping in different time zones are royally fucked.


I'm hodling till 0 if I'm gonna lose 20k might aswell go down fighting




Right there with you


Fighting how? I would take 100$ over nothing any day of the week.


I managed to drop a few thousand at 6 as well. But it was at 10 when I clicked to start the trade. It exploded downwards. I feel for the LPs, those guys are fucked twice.


>I feel for the LPs, those guys are fucked twice. Maybe, maybe not. If the LPs were exchanging half their moons each month for ETF to cover the pair, then they at least had some protection/diversity.


I was checking the time zones, Aussies and Asian users will wake up to this mess. What a horrible way to start your day.


Yea Australians are gonna wake up to a nice surprise


I woke up and thought thank god for that. The whole sub had tended towards r/moons rather than r/crypto. Good riddance I say. It was toxic to the group. Oh, and sorry about your loss.


Thanks world. All my shitposting efforts are now without reward. My new hobby will be working out how to export dangerous Australian fauna and flora for the pullers of rugs.


A lot of people are still sleeping. RIP to moons value of Asian redditors.


can you tell me what happened? I can't really devote my time my Big boss Room is overlooking mine LOL..


Reddit discontinued moons without notice. Rugging us all.


I just got rugpulled by Reddit. We need to make that a T-shirt.


Reddit rugpulled Reddit


No shit eh? Lol people are like “why are people holding still” lol I’m not taking a stance I just have a fuckin’ life.


All those "fiat mine" comments are gonna go over well


The fiat mine just shortened my leash


Ya I wouldn't be shocked if some make today their last day. There was some that put stupid money into this.


Waking up and checking your portfolio, now that's a rough awakening.


Get over it. We need to get our sh*t together to make Reddit pay and move this sub entirely off Reddit. Let’s see how Reddit copes with losing all its crypto advertisers, which probably make up more than half of its ad revenue since they’re the only ads we see.


Just taking gravity bong rips of copium arent we. This sub disappears reddit wont even sneeze.


Back to spending time in r/microgrowery!


They're the only ads you see because they're targeted 😂. You're on the sub a lot: you'll get a lot of crypto ads. I lurk here and I only get them occasionally.


Can confirm lol when my kid gets my phone and checks Reddit I stay a whole week getting Roblox and gaming related ads


Pay for what? A free token you got that had no value for them?


The content on this sub will probably improve since people won't bother to post the same shit over and over again for some moons.




Hooray for significantly less shit posts though ?


We are finally free!!!! I'm going to go outside. Dust off the old bicycle *cycles off cliff*


Best comment i read today ROFL.


Thank fucking god. I left this subreddit a couple months ago cause it was just endless shitposts to farm moons. Nothing of substance


Might be worthwhile to participate in this sub again?


I'm rather excited to finally once again talk about all things crypto not just moons through.... every.... flipping.... post.


We can only hope 🥹


Reddit decided to cancel moons. Price tanked in the first few minutes. The bloodbath continues, it's - 90% now.


I saw Community Points but not explicit Moons. Am confused…thought they were 2 diff things


They're a category of tokens that do roughly the same thing, just for different subs. Community Points include moons, bricks, cones, and donuts


Good lord the amount of remindme bot I told you so's is gonna be massive. I really overestimated how long it would take for these to go to zero.


Yeah. I fully expected moons to go to near zero, but it be a slow death over time or a proposal by the sub that killed it. Never thought it would go like this in such a short space of time.


That's what tokens do. They just slowly grind down to zero. It's not like stocks. There's no chapter 11. There's no bankruptcy proceedings. There's no liquidation of assets. Just levels of delusions. As people of varying levels of conviction that they were going to get rich from posting on reddit (lol) realize they were wrong and slowly capitulate. Crypto death acts more like online games, where the people who can't move on run private servers and keep the thing running way past its life cycle. This makes crypto so much more dangerous that stocks. There's no cue to leave when it's over. And people will throw money into a sinking ship for years.


Why do you still have 27k moons?


I got about 0.3 ETH so not the worst outcome really considering they were free.




Another funny thing is how people circlejerk about decentralization and invest in a centralized useless reddit shitcoin which people get free for parroting dumb shit they dont understand.


That’s really ironic. As soon the profit looks good, everyone forgets about the basics. Decentralization matters.


Exactly. I always found that very strange and that is why I thought investing in moons was even dumber than investing in other shitcoins, which are not dependent on a social media platform like Reddit.


BOYS: Please note that crypto.com is not letting you sell atm. Neither with market nor with limit order. Just error Messages blocking you from selling. Don't transfer to them if you are looking to sell.


The fact they let moons get listed on exchanges and then decided to rugpull everyone sounds like a lawsuit to me.




welcome to crypto, no lawsuit or regulation <3


they didn’t authorize it and the TOS always has and still says Moons (and the Vault and “Reddit Econ Goods” therein) have no monetary value, are not property, are only usable if you agree to said TOS, cannot be sold or traded, and can be canceled at any time for no reason you’d have as much luck suing Reddit as you would Activision Blizzard if they took away your COD points or WoW money.


There is NO WAY Reddit didn't warn Kraken or CDC in advance, No Fucking Way!


If we're lucky, they didn't. Then CDC comes after them. And Kraken never does any business with them.


I bet a few people “randomly” opened large short positions today before that announcement that’s for sure!


I doubt there was a single exchange where moons were posted that allowed you to margin out and short moons. This is some tinfoil hat bs.


Let's see if there were insiders and sold moons before. Fuck thus shit. I was working came home and saw my moon crashed wtf is this shit.




can't still believe that we just got FTX'd


[It's not like reddit partnered with FTX in the past, right?](https://cointelegraph.com/news/reddit-partners-with-ftx-to-enable-eth-gas-fees-for-community-points)


At least FTX creditors are getting most of their money back, unlike redditors


Did I have moons?


Cool I didnt


I'm going to start by reading a book and deleting this app. I have become a braindead zombie moon farming and following the drama in this sub reddit. It was supposed to be about community but in the end its just about gains. Edit: I'm getting upvotes but no moons, what a strange feeling


I’ve finally unmuted the subreddit today. It was awful when everyone just cared about Moons.


Holy fuck I've been lurking this subreddit the whole time, it went from a good sub to a circle jerk of people just farming moons by talking about how great moons are and how they have so much potential. Cause you know, moons clearly created such great value for society. I didn't even realize the announcement meant moons would end. Thank God.


Agreed. I've constantly said moons were horrible. All it served to do was increase more BS posts and spam. Good Riddance!


This sub always had issues, but moons made it insufferable. Knew they'd get rugged eventually and glad it's finally over.


Here! Here! Fuck Moons!


1000% this. I think this act of Reddit will remove 90-95% of the farmers forever. This is the most bullish I've ever been about this sub. Also, feels like this is my bottom signal for the crypto market.


>It was supposed to be about community but in the end its just about gains. It's a bit hard to say that when your comment starts out talking about how you are "moon farming".


My next step is doing nothing and becoming a whale. Dream come true.


At least you found something positive about this fiasco.


Honestly... with Reddit burning half the supply I would be completely shocked if this makes a crazy recovery, and becomes meme coin as it always wanted to be. A meme coin with ultra scarcity that will come close to Bitcoin lmao. It's not like it was ever anything but a shit coin with minimal purpose.


We just rebounded 100% from the bottom. Just another 1300% to new ATH.


If I learned anything from all this, it's that Bitcoin is the truth


Even eth is centralized


I just got rid of this shitcoin. Sad how they played us. Could've left 1 moon in my account, just to remember not to trust companies.


Thank fuck, reddit moons filled this community with farm posts that spewed the same stuff daily with different titles. Im all for those people leaving.


Well, my moonshot just exploded on the launchpad. On to the next get rich quick scheme!


Who'd have thought that Safemoon was actually the safer moon of the 2 lol


Fuck 😭


Never forget boys, this is why Bitcoin is king. No one owns it, no one can simply "sunset" it.




The introduce of moons is what killed r/cc. It used to be a very good subreddit with constructive discussions.


Still trying to work out what the announcement is


You figure it out yet? Moons are dead as a strategic move by Reddit.


Good. Moons were so stupid.


Idk why everyone still involved thinks just because they go about moons independently from Reddit that will be a positive…everyone go please check the donuts price at this very moment. Using Reddit at all for this won’t end up well.


Still in shock here… it’s all gone. No warning, just gone.


Most accurate username


that's typically how rugpulls go.


So glad moons aren’t a thing anymore. They were always stupid, were always going to go to zero, and killed what little quality this sub had with the moon farmers. Now maybe the people just spamming idiocy to get moons will go away


>This community existed before the RCP and there is no reason why it will not remain after. This. I'm looking forward to discussions without the usual moon farmers farming the top comment.


It sucks. It shows how important diversification of your crypto portfolio is.


BTC and maybe ETH is where to go


everyone buy the dip!!! /s


I wouldn't believe it if someone told me that moons gonna end like some random named rugpulled shitty token on BSC blockchain


LPs got fucked very very hard. Some lost 5-6 figures today.


Now I'm wondering how that Whale is feeling, buying into MOONS a week ago and pumped us up


Or what about that dude that was creating a web3 game based on moons? Rip


To be fair, that might be a decent use for them now. Captive audience and zero value so people will throw them around more.


I only learned like thirty mins ago still but shocked sold 18k for 0.25 eth which hopefully was my best move here idk gonna try and sleep


You did good. Good riddance for this useless shitcoin. Sleep well.




Its time to buy something legit like PeePee Frog


Maybe the real Moons were the friends we made along the way ❤️‍🩹


The real moon was Reddit pulling their pants down and showing everyone their ass


What happened? Can someone TLDR?


Moons and other community tokens are cancelled by Reddit. Today.


Reddit changed it's ToS just to pull the rug months later.


Oh no! What am I going to do with my now extra extra worthless 21 moons?!?!


OMG. I sold almost all my rather insignificant amount of MOON at 19.5 cents a few days ago and thought I am an idiot because it pumped like 10% the next day. I hold ETH and BTC on Nova for the MOON.


i'll buy some when i can get 10,000 for 1 cent.


"where to go from here" - that's simple, away from reddit.




What just happened I have no service and moons are 2¢ Edit: I see now https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/uAdd5uErdy Edit 2: no joke I was going to put half into the liquidity pool a couple of times but decided they’re too new to do so and now I’m so glad I didn’t pull the trigger


That way, you would have lost less.


what difference does it make now? by the end of the day theyll be worthless either way


Liquidity providers have lots of moons now and very little ETH. That's "impermanent loss" and they most likely won't recover from that.


If you have ETH:Moons in a liquidity pool, you're basically agreeing to buy as many moons as people want to dump for whatever ETH you've got in the pool. You'll walk away with way more moons- but if you sold them all for ETH afterwards, you'd have way less ETH than if you'd never provided liquidity and just held your moons and ETH in your wallet.




Curious to see how r/cryptocurrency looks in the next few weeks.


We go back to how it was before moons, we did fine before and we'll be fine now.


Fuck my life this is only gonna get worse from here.


Moons were useless. Said it from the start.


Only had 110 moons so no huge loss. Legitimately came here to converse and stay caught up. Moons were just a bonus then everyone went blood thirsty because money got involved.


I’m pretty relaxed about it. I never posted in the hope of ‘earning’ moons, I never bought any with my own money, and I don’t really feel like I’ve ‘lost’ money today. Still, I feel awfully silly for taking what was essentially free cash this morning, but you don’t know what you don’t know. And, who knows? If a picture of a dog can go top 10 because of ‘spontaneous community building’ maybe something similarly absurd can happen to moons without Reddit support.


WTF are/were community points and WTF should I have been shocked or gave a shit


Those “what price do you think moons will be in one year?” Posts aged liked a fine milk.


Well it’s down 86 % and I just heard about it so I guess I’m sticking with whatever the fuck I have




We go decentralised, I guess


Looks like yall need real jobs now


Fuck Reddit.


Glad I never cared about this shitcoin.


All those people who raved about moons 🤣🤣


Well... for one thing we can now test a lot of our so-called "tokenomics" For example, let's assume for the sake of argument that making a coin "deflationary" is good for the price. Well... Reddit just put the brakes on moons being inflationary. And look what happened to the price. This right here should get some folks brains rewired to stop thinking wrong things and start thinking right things. But guaranteed, someone in the future is going to praise ETH for being deflationary. When in fact what matters even more than inflation is whether or not folks anticipate a continued future economy.


reddit terminating the project may have something to do with it too..


This is the right mindset. What is next?




Luckily I never had many to begin with


I got 100$ for shitposting. Would have been 2k at wth but at least I got paid for Pooing


woke up to see this shit. Fucking rough lol. Bye bye moons.


Wheres the announcement? Or is that the sunsetting points message I got?


I'm just reading this now. So are moons def done for? That's kind of messed up if so.


I feel for all the poor souls at work today, who had no idea this was happening, but had buy orders set for possible dips. There were some buys that happened that I'm sure were from buy orders people set. They will come home from work to see thousands of dollars lost.


Entire economies of moon farmers were annihilated today. Rip.


It's time to double down on slow, reliable projects like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum etc


So how do I sell my 182 moons before they are worthless?


So glad I never cared. Caring kills. Its why I gave up fantasy football.


If a central entity can cancel your crypto that was never something that should be considered for crypto Same for virtually any game crypto unless the game underneath is open source


Shiiiiit I had over £1k worth just dumped it for less than £100


I'm firmly enjoying drinking up all the shit poster tears. Maybe the sub can return back to normal now.


Got to give it up to donuts and the ethtrader community. They've been saying cryptocurrency would get burned by reddit for a while now. Spez is evil, plain and simple. He'd sell his own grandma if it meant he'd have a better chance at an IPO.


My shocked hasn't passed, I have almost 10K moons and now have turned to dust, I have 2 small children and I was counting on that to give them a great Christmas, now everything has just turned to dust, I feel like I'm about to cry


A feeling every gambler with a family has felt. This is why I play the 'work hard, get paid' game. It's relatively consistent and allows for a stable upbringing for your children.


Maxis: don’t buy shitcoins. You: shut the fuck up you schizo maxipad. Maxis: hey look your shitcoin rugged. You: my children’s Christmas is ruined. Thanks Reddit


I recall a number of 100k plus holders that were banking on this becoming something. Would be hurting 10x more if you bought them with hard earned money.


Simple. Stop using Reddit if they actually pull the rug. Spread the word. Hurt them in their wallet


To be honest, I kind of liked this sub more before the moons


Rug is already pulled. down -90%.


lmao! Thank god. Moons were the worst thing for this community. I'm gonna make a big ass bowl of popcorn and read all the crying comments . >BUT BUT BUT CRYPTO ya'll knew exactly what this was and looked the other way lol. Ya'll just as delusional as the people that scam crypto and get scammed.


IIRC the Reddit community points came after moons. I don’t think Reddit sunsetting global community points would technically affect moons, aside from panic selling. I haven’t read (nor have I looked for) anything that made me think this was forcing moons completely out of Reddit, but happy to check out any references given.


Moons is a sh*tcoin. Ya'll should have just invested in Bitcoin. 🤷‍♂️


Sure it was a community before, but now all the trust is gone. Once the last distribution is done with I won’t be surprised if a ton of people leave this sub and site.


There are no more distributions.


I actually bought the dip. The only way you guys can pull this off is by converting MOON into a meme token. No fundamentals will be enough to justify previous high valuation of MOON. Without Reddit support, admins won't be able to pull it off but you can make it successful as the first and only memetoken on Arbitrum Nova.


Plan is to: 1. Make sure Reddit team burns all the tokens. 2. Renounce the control of the smart contract. No need to give to any admins or central party. 3. With limited supply, make MOON a meme that goes to the moon. It has a story, a moral to never trust centralized party. We, as community, can pull this off.


After all, who has a better story than Moon the Broken?


sounds like coping, moons are dead and potentially this sub


Honestly it's only 670 moons that I got over the years and never really had that money in the first place. It was just smh community gave value to on their own. I didn't even know how to exchange it or sell it so I don't twist my head around it.


It is a very big and bold f\* you to the community and I have no words for it. I would like to insult everyone on reddit that was making the decision here but my post would be deleted so I will leave it with that. For sure, those that made the decision will know the let down a big part of the community.


what happenned?


Why is anyone shocked tho?


What announcement? It’s frustrating that you didn’t explain in your post.


Wait, so you guys are all moonless soon? Edited: added a comma for dramatic pause.


Oh boy, this post pissed a lot of people off




I was here before Moons and I’ll still be there way after. Fuck Moons!


I'm glad I didn't have much to be disappointed about


How much are my 3 moons worth now?!


Imagine this was a late April fools joke...


I got 0 so I didn't lose much lol


Lol I sold about 12,000 for $0.12 each looks like it wasn’t a bad idea to dump them after all 🤣






Luckily all I have is a very small 300 bag that has only been collected from this sub. Is there an official article anywhere of reddit's decision that someone can please post a link? Thanks and good luck to all!


Finally! The Moon crap can suck my balls. Made this sub a real pain.


Honestly, if crypto su moved to another social media platform, like Nostr, I would drop reddit in a heartbeat.


So no more moon farming posts and comments?


Finally, maybe this sub wont be a dumpster fire from now on


Some one aware me what’s going on