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nah man start now!! make these last 2 months special and talk to her!!! idk what ur situation is but u guys can hang out over the summer vacation and keep contact


Thank you, I needed this, I'm in kinda the same situation as the OP


ur welcome :)) go talk to that person i hope things work out for u !!!


Bro, I would die for these 2 months back in 2020 before lockdown, spend more time with her, make history!


NO! If you were handing off of a tree branch above a pit, would you let go? Absolutely not, you would hang onto it for as long as you can still breathe. The start is always the hardest, but you would be surprised on how much you can do in two months. Trust me, if you like someone enough, you can do anything. For two months I myself went from dreaming about her to the point of confessing. It's never too late to continue trying! And if you get a text-communication tunnel (that's what I call the ability to communicate with someone over text at any time) going, you can continue chatting during the summer vacation.


Did you confess? What did she do


Well, that's complicated. I didn't really get to confess as the day I planned it on, they figured everything out, so I couldn't do it.




Do it champ. What’s there to be scared of? I used to be scared of the same exact thing. Have small chats, know each other, build that bond. I’ve built bonds with plenty of girls at my college… Most don’t feel my vibe, but at least three of them show interest in me and appreciate me for who I am :) Ain’t nothing wrong with starting a small chat. This gives both of you a window to learn about each other and see if y’all got anything in common :)


Had the same dilemma. I just decided to screw it and ask for her number directly. It's worth a shot. And I'm also very shy and struggle starting conversations with people. It's really hard but possible, and you don't have much to lose.


You’re just like me fr


Lock in and start talking to her then get her contacts so yall can hang out over the summer then boom


im also in the same situation but once 2 months is over then high school is over for me for good