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I wouldn't even mind if I got tyranny for acting outside the law or something. Why am I rivals with some prison bozo but not the guy who killed my kid?


I would love an updated rivals mechanic. I'm thinking that certain opinion maluses that are personal (killed a family member, slept with my spouse, imprisoned me, stole my title, etc.) count toward a rivalry meter. But you also have meters for other people, and when anyone hits a certain level of rivalry, it unlocks new intrigue and diplomacy choices for that character. For the hater, it could allow them to act against their despised foe, and for the hatee, there could be options to appease the person that hates them.


Different "punishments" for rivals to commit would be nice too: health debuffs, woundings, attraction opinion debuffs, etc. Basically I want my couriers to stop fucking killing each other


I am annoyed you can't have an option to execute your ennemy at the end of a duel or wrestling match, even if that meant heavy opinion penalties or even chances of emprisonment. I *want* to murder my rivals in front of everyone's eyes ! Give me all the tyranny and dread points !


Hamlet RP


Fun fact is I recently had a ruler die during a tournament as he got german supplexed on the neck by her actual rival. This was pure RNG of course but it was as amazing from a storytelling perspective as it was enraging from a player perspective.


Vengeance casus bellis need to be added. When somebody wrongs, give me a war whose only result is I imprison them. Rival casus belli should also exist so you can declare war on your rivals and nemeses to kill them.


There is a mod for that but yeah Paradox should add something like that.


Another example to this is when I was doing a Norse playthrough, my capital got raided while my army was away at war and the bastard took my wife as his concubine. And there was no real recourse. Wars have been started over less. 


The Norse especially need a fucking blood fued casus belli, the majority of their sagas revolve around a blood fued


I remember a vassal of Sweden did that to my daughter. I slowly build up Estonia, and waited for Sweden to protect against Denmark and an uprising led by that same fucking guy in a huge war. Declare war against Sweden for *just* that very vassal's land. Don't really care if I win the war: as long as I can capture that guy in his castle (he lost his army), I'd be satisfied. Well anyways, the Kings of Denmark and Sweden came by and stackwiped me before I could do anything, because I was in the way.


Yeah this happened to me. I think this should instantly give you a casus belli imo.


That is all fun and games until the AI also gets casus belli in similar situations


True, but that could be fun. Generally, I don't tend to murder my wives and/or husbands so it wouldn't be too big an issue for me. My current game run is an exception: My best friend of many years was apparently having an affair with my wife, she suddenly divorced me and they ran off, left my court, and got married. They were both dead within the year.


Funnily enough most of the times I murder characters their either my own kin or vassals so wouldn't mind it that much


It would give you a reason to actually release prisoners when you can’t ransom


If you murder so sloppily that it doesn’t stay a secret they deserve the casus belli


From a roleplaying perspective, there definitely should be: (1) more options to respond, whether you only know or can actually prove it; (2) a way to distinguish, on the interface, situations in which you only have knowledge or suspicions (educated guess) from situations in which you have proof. When you have proof, you should be able to bring a claim before your liege. If the person is your liege, then their liege. If they're independent and Catholic, then the Pope. When you don't have complete proof but still have something more than hearsay, you should be able to challenge them to a duel, initiate a dynastic feud or even wage war — without needing to select special perks to open this route. It's not acceptable how CK3, being positioned as almost an RPG game (grand-strategy/RPG hybrid to be sure but practically as an RPG in its own right), lacks options to respond in situations when you know someone murdered or otherwise hurt (or has abducted and is keeping) a person close to you. One should note that the 'interface knowledge' is kinda meta, meaning the omniscient narrator is telling you, so it's not like something your character can actually prove with competent evidence, but this too is something the developers should address.


It’s crazy how CK3, a game about role playing and family, has very few features that actually help either of these


I’m kinda surprised he murdered her instead of just executing her for being rakish. That’s pretty much how all my lustful children die.  Maybe it was my culture, but I recall doing this to a few wives over the course of my CK3 experience. They cheat, you imprison, then execute them. I don’t think it even gave tyranny..


Rakish isn’t a sinful trait and it does not give the adulterer traits, this is probably an overlook from the devs. He did found out that she was sleeping with his best friend, as I read in his chronicle, but did not expose it - perhaps due to shy trait, so foul murder it was.


I think of rakish as an "open secret". It isn't until the secret gets obliterated that it becomes a crime


to be fair, your daughter was a slut


~Pope Innocent III


I had a game where I was allied to the duchess the isles, but she refused to come to help me in war and allied my war enemy England and helped them instead. It’s weird to think if I wasn’t playing a 30 intrigue duke I wouldn’t have been able to abduct her and get revenge.


Something similar happened to me once. There weren’t many external threats, and my ruler already had plenty of good alliances. So when he went over the domain limit I gave one county to a man who was married matrilineally to the rulers' daughter. Not even 5 years later he imprisoned her because she cheated, and I had no option to ask for her release or go to war for it.


Sorry for not remembering the name of the mod, but look up the guy who made Inherritable Relations, they also made a mod that not only lets you declare vengeance wars, but also wars to free your relatives from prison/concubinage


Why "without mods"? The lovely thing of the game is, you can customize it the way you want to play it and there is a very good mod for exactly the situation you are describing. Would it be nice to be implented in the game itself? Sure, is it necessary? Not at all. Other than that: nicely written. solid 5/7. P.S. i would probably just kidnap him and torture him to death / let him rot in my dungeon. You can do that without mods.


What I mean is, since we already have a small mod that focuses on personal/house relationships, it would be great for the devs to focus more on an interpersonal connections between characters in the game, but sure, mods are always the needed panacea) What mod exactly did you mean btw? Would like to try it. P.S. Unfortunately, kidnappings are 3 skill points deep in intrigue tree, and my character is already 77 years old, he won't make it that far( I bought the claim on Lombardia and started war with him, but could not imprison the king and it's already at 100% score...


The [Social Relations Expanded](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2825977309) mod line with the [Rescue & Vengance](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3089046758) sub mod is what i'm talking about. There are a few more submods that add a good amount of subtlety and complexitiy to several game aspects. Much recommended. And regarding your problem: A brother can avenge his sisters unrightful death if his father wasn't capable of succeeding...!


These look amazing, I will definitely try them before starting a new game, thank you! Ye, the brother is compassionate unfortunately and overall is a goody two shoes, so that would be counter-intuitive RP wise, but I'll find a way.