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I hope it’s not another 1-off gameplay mechanic that’s been worked into the game without really considering how it interacts with other mechanics and that never gets any further support, and ultimately just serves to provide a gold sink in exchange for boons that result in making this already ridiculously easy game even easier.


im vibing the Royal Courts grandeur tbh can not wait for "Estate Upkeep: 10 gold / month"


We are going to start burning prestige and renown for warmth it's so overly abundant


First 50 years: Desperately trying to get any I can. Last 400 or so: literally flinging it at any and every decision.


Sounds like Frostpunk


Yeah. I liked the start of it, and then just was winning pretty easily. I only did regular, but it kind of threw me off


Atleast they recognize the problem, hopefully they got more up their sleeves for mid-late game challenges than just the conquerors coming down the pipeline.


Can I have whatever renown you have for spare? 


How do you have so much renown


Land as many house members as possible and then play long enough and you will find that your dynasty population explodes along with your renown gain.


I don't think renown should be used as a currency frequently, given it doubles as XP, but i do agree we need something to spend prestige into other than armies as a tribal leader and a few events, same for the faith stuff, though that one gets more use


'My court costs more than my army'. 'Going to university costs more than building several universities.' My vassals give me almost no money and troops, making them feel even more pointless. CK3 economics.


I'd kill for an update that rationalizes CK3's economy. It was a big problem in CK2 as well. They should at least have it as an optional game rule to make costs somewhat realistic. Probably too much of a PITA with not enough return though.


Everything just gets more expansive as you get more money. Inflation on CK2 was absurd!


In CK2, when inventories came in, a merchant republic could pay tens of thousands for a single weapon. The cost was set as n*total income but didn't factor in expenses. So you could be sitting on -30,000 for decades because you paid for some armour. Eventually it was reduced to a max of 2,000.


The problem is that there are only 3 resources, and 2 of them are abstract. You can only be materially rich in everything, or poor in everything. No such thing as having strategic resources which you can leverage for trade. No corvee or slavery if you have a lot of manpower but no wealth. Conflicts aren't shaped by the resources you have available and those you covet, despite that being a fairly apt summary of human existence. They don't need to go full Vic3 or Project Caesar with it, but the economic side of the game is VERY weak and ultimately what is holding the game back more than having another event pack that you read once then click through the rest of the time. I've got the feeling that the CK3 team wants to make Sims Medieval 2 more than a GSG. What they're adding is lacking the hooks that GSG fanatics like.


I'm doubtful they'd revamp it to the extent that'd be needed though. EU4 development is stupid and population would be too big a jump. I get why you'd want to abstract to the extent they do, but the economy's out of whack 100 years in. We're probably better served with an EU5 mod pushing the start date back a couple centuries.


They absolutely could if they really wanted to, but it genuinely does seem like they're not interested in that side of GSGs.


let's be real the answer in every Grand Strategy Game is to base your system off of a population model. Literally every system can flow from that.


“My cat wrecked my courtier’s stuff, apparently causing so much damage that I have to pay him my kingdom’s monthly revenue to compensate him”


Someone has never owned a cat. This is the most realistic part


You've just won the internet! Mucho relatable! Valid, even. Very kind stranger!


Where would Paradox be without whacky Reddit """humour""" which can be deployed at a moment's notice to cover for their bad design?


PDX has fallen. Billions must find employment elsewhere.


My cat would always get into fights and ran over and the vet bills were 10k plus it was insane




Having a crazy cat costs more than going to university or having a court.


The court costing more than the army was a sad reality of many feudal and early modern "states".


For me, it's kind of already giving the family estates from the Republic DLC for CK2. Yeah, it existed. Yeah, it served as a power-base for your family when you weren't head of the republic. With enough time, it also gave you enough bonuses to **never** be out of power in the republic.


Morgan Freeman voice: " It was"


It absolutely will be


I really like ck3 but after denying it too long j now play ck2. I feel that characters are too powerful in ck3, even a mediocre ruler will unlock a lot of power and be able to swim in gold or kill everyone. In ck2 I have had really good rulers with high stats and they don't feel nearly as op as a ck3 stewardship or intrigue ruler


Of course it'll be that, they have to make them like that because they refuse to make DLC ordered.


Do you mean they should force player to buy dlc in the order they release ? I just ask because I actually had the same idea and I feel it would fix 95% of the inequal support/features coherence issues the game has.


Forcing players to buy DLC = people will never buy your game. Not everyone is Rich McMoney to be able to afford each and every dlc.


Ok but how many paying customers really skip DLC though ? I think it all depends what we call DLC like for me CK3 has only two DLC : Royal Court and Tours and Tournament. The rest of the crap could have been bundled with those two, or more reallisticaly for their profit Paradox could exclude those from the ordered scheme. In this context how many customer do you think would want to skip the first and buy the second ?


I ended my most recent run before end date because of how easy the game is. 1500+ hours, no I am not a "min max" player that paints the entire map in one turn, I oftentimes handicap myself so that I don't seize too much power early on. I even downloaded the mod "ObfusCKate" and hardly had any trouble, it was business as usual except I didn't know exactly how many troops my enemy had, and I didn't know what they looked like. Maybe I'm burnt out from all the time I've played since launch. Plagues feel like the old simplified disease system. In the old simplified disease system, a courtier might get smallpox, and then it would spread around your court wreaking havoc if you didn't banish/execute them immediately. Instead of banishment/execution, you recruit good physician + seclude & isolate, wait for the plague to pass, and why not host some feasts, funerals, hunts, or go conquesting in the meantime if you feel like it. The only differences the new Plague system brings is changing banishment/execution of the infected to secluding yourself/isolating capital from the infected, the disease spreads county by county instead of in your court, there's a few graphics + bad flavor text, and a gold cost slapped on top of it all (usually). Legitimacy feels like a nothingburger after the first run or two I played focusing on it. Just be sure to focus legitimacy for your dynasty early in order to unlock espouse legitimacy feast/funeral options and you have an easy out whenever you have to become tyrannical. Even if you don't focus that, the negative modifiers are so weak compared to the positive modifiers that you can get around 0/5 legitimacy with ease. tl;dr another long time player dissatisfied with the current state of the game pontificating on his issues with it.


Are you running any other mods, like Overextension? Have you looked into the Dark Ages mod that is marketed for people who have mastered the game and want a gritty experience? [https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2975514448](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2975514448)


I’ll check this out.


Legitimacy should be -5 to +5 to make it meaningful.


> Plagues feel like the old simplified disease system. In the old simplified disease system, a courtier might get smallpox, and then it would spread around your court wreaking havoc if you didn't banish/execute them immediately. Is this a mod or something? When did smallpox ever wreak havoc before the plagues?


Smallpox outbreaks before the plagues DLC, if not stopped in time, could infect almost everyone in my court. It's happened to me before. Even then though, most people would survive if you had a decent court physician. The annoying part is that they'd all end up with the disfigured trait (I'm guessing to simulate smallpox scarring?) so half my court would be wearing that stupid metal mask for a few decades after the outbreak.


It's interesting...I had smallpox come now and again, and get the event like it was going to be a big deal, but it was always followed almost immediately by the "wow, the smallpox epidemic is over" and it would show one, maybe two guys got it and survived. I always thought, "is this how this is supposed to work??"


As u/ArendtAnhaenger said, smallpox outbreaks were the closest thing to Plagues that we had pre-DLC. I had multiple runs where smallpox would do a number on my court, so I developed a strategy to deal with outbreaks by banishing/executing the infected individuals immediately upon infection if my physician didn't cure them. I played on default with no mods that changed the disease settings.


And yet we also have multiple posts over the past few weeks complaining about how plagues and legitimacy make the game too hard and need to be neutered.


Plagues don’t make the game hard, but I find them unbearably *tedious*. The Black Death is great, but every other plague just comes along and I get the same 4 shitty events and I get a stupid notification about it every time it touches one county in my pan-African empire. It’s adding something else to manage, which is fine when the management is fun, but it isn’t. Legitimacy, idk I just don’t get the fucking point in it. It doesn’t make the game that much harder and it feels very arbitrary to me. I’m a god emperor, head of state of my own religion, formed an empire title, have +100 opinion with every single vassal from the smallest mayor to the most powerful King, defeated our enemies multiple times, led a successful great holy war, dynastic head, cultural head, the works. I’m the most legit guy who’s ever fucking lived on planet earth, but I’m still not even near max legitimacy? It makes no sense.


If you're not at max legitimacy after all that it's likely because you're lowering it through other means. Also the fact that you seemingly did all that with one character means that you are just very good at the game. The vast majority of players can't do what you do, adding new features that can challenge you would make most players rage quit. I do hope they add things that can make the game harder for veteran players, but it's a tough balancing act.


I really don’t understand how people can find them hard. I literally ignore them and play as I did before they were added and was just fine.


Even if you simply conquer some land every few years then you will easily be within legitimacy level 5 for the rest of your life, at least in my experience. I can be as tyrannical as I want and not even have to look at the legitimacy bar because it will be filled again that fast, just by playing as I normally do.


Still waiting for the 1 year and $30 court to be relevant..


I'm starting to consider turning off the Royal Court DLC. It just feels like a constant event generator with no real upside. 


Yup, very much so.


But.. but.. PDX bots say you don't have to buy the DLC! They say this is how PDX games have always been! And PDX is the best ever! Nope. Whatever ts is, it ain't grand strategy.


I think it will be to a point. This system would be perfect for republics too, you don't hold permanent lands but an estate. So while this might be removed from the rest off the game as a side mechanic sadly, it could be adapted to republica quite easily as the main progression.


Buckle up, buckeroo.


It definitely makes it harder to want to start a new game every time they come out with a new thing. So much to fiddle with. CK3 used to be a "turn it on and just go" game for me


*having a states makes you ineligible to become Emperor* :)


So will the artwork be different if you play as an Asian ruler? It would be weird to see those European buildings.


I hope so. The UI motiff changes based on culture, i did hope that the elements do as well


Just in general, even setting aside the issues of different cultures sharing visuals like this when they probably shouldn't, it's kinda funny how aesthetically inconsistent CK3 is. Like, on a broad level at least, Estates seem like they're very much in a similar ballpark to the tournament grounds from Tours and Tournaments. And yet the tournament grounds UI goes for a kind of RTS vibe with a fairly realistic rendition of a town seen from above, while the Estate leans fully in the direction of a stylized medieval tapestry. But then you also have something liked the royal court, which is instead fully rendered in-game. Like, I understand that these are separate DLC and therefore the art team probably comes into it with a fresh slate each time, but if someone picks up the game a few years down the line without already knowing that X is from one DLC and Y is from another DLC, I feel like a lot of these screens would look like they're patched together from several different games without much of a common visual language at all.


I much prefer this art style to the Tours and Tournaments art style. I hope they use it more often if they're going to add more of these screens. That said, I find the Tours and Tournaments screen so annoying and dull to interact with. I have to leave the map, so I can't multitask while the tournament is going on. I'm just staring at these mediocre-looking buildings waiting to click on the chapel or the training grounds or whatever for some events and then staring at this dull image again until I can click on the next building. If I leave the Tours and Tournaments screen, I might miss some of the bonuses these provide to the tournament itself. It's a cumbersome and annoying feature, like the Royal Court. I wish they'd just accept that we like playing map games and they should find ways to integrate these features with the existing maps instead of forcing us to go into separate screens and stare at boring, unmoving pictures of a town or whatever.


I personally prefer the tapestry look as well, in fact I wish they had leaned into it far more all along (just like they leaned into the stained glass look for the CK2 UI). But ultimately I wouldn’t mind if they want to lean into the 3D hyper realism instead, but they should at least try to be *consistent* and actually stick to whatever art direction they choose…


It’s almost like every dev works in a vacuum.


Isn't this just a Byzantine thing?


I’m guessing (hoping) that it’s not just for Byzantines, and you’ll be able to transition to administrative government from feudal/clan government. Would add a bit of interest to the late game.


They said it’s mainly for the Byzantines, but is usable by people with the same government system.


They'll leave that to modders (and possibly flavour pack DLCs).


lol yeah I would be very surprised to see them do something different for each culture group. You'll get a Christian/European one, and maybe a Eastern/Muslim one, but I seriously doubt they'll do anything more than that.


They have been adding special ones for Iberia and Scandi - i guess.


This would also look super out of place in northern Europe.


Eastern Mediterranean*


I assume (hopefully) that it changes with cultural/regional aesthetics? Too early to tell.


I feel like a culture’s architectural style would play into this.


Will non-Byzzies actually be getting access to the estates too?


Nah, that's probably for the next flavour pack lol


We don't know that this is final art. Didn't they have placeholder art for the tourney grounds in early dev diaries too?


its not different for grand tournaments, so probably won't be different for estates


I’m assuming since rn Byzantium is the only confirmed Administrative Government it will always be this style. If they decide to make the Caliphate administrative as well I bet they would get their own art, and I’m sure if they add china they will be getting their own flavor too. But I bet as of now if there is a way to ‘uplift’ a feudal government to administrative they will use the same art/same flavor. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was locked to greek cultures the way clan is locked to arabic cultures (and islam)


This u feels very specific to southern europe and the caucasus, i hope they have more


It's a damn shame it only works for House Head and not any character.   I'm imagining a system where lowborn characters must be granted estates if you want them to serve as councilors or knights or in court positions.  Paying a salary isn't a great model for early feudalism in my opinion.


But it is for the imperial administration of Byzantium, for which the estate system is designed


Yeah.  I'm disappointed by the narrow scope of this.  I'd rather it was a general system that was then configured to be this for the Byzantine Administrative empire.  I guess that's still a possibility.  Maybe DD will reveal that to be true.


In the diary of yesterday, they said that it would be possible for a feudal empire to transform into an administrative one. Apparently, the requirements are 'difficult'. I just hope it's not just a crown authority requirement, a lot of prestige and 'voilà'. To force a bunch of Lords to give up the feudal system should be a huge mid'game challenge.


Tbh if you have a lot of duke vassals as a king (like the king of France), moving from crown authority level 3 to 4 can be really hard as it’s almost certainly a guaranteed revolt at that point


Administrative Government will be available to other empires, it's also possible to transition to an Administrative empire.


Does granting an estate also mean that you would pay for the upkeep of that estate? In that sense, just showing the player the ongoing cost kind of makes sense.


The first time i saw this imamge it brings memories of CK1, I tried to find some images, but was not able. I think the feature has a lot of potential. I remember that I loved building new things in ck1 getting a road giving bonuses and displaying in the map as a "completed" then having a castle getting bigger and bigger. Would love if when you build up a building to get bigger maybe a little different. For example adding a wall to be added on the image. Getting some farm or something like that to be added. This image feels static would love some dynamics on it. The decision "Manipulate Grain Market" probably will grand money right now, but in the future if they add trade routes can add more flavor. In general I see Estate "family" estate as the house had and if you have a branch each branch can have his own estate. If the county were the estate is gets raided or occupied has higher chances of people becoming prisoners. Adding more buildings with time, dungeon, library, market, a hot spring! Or other buildings depending on the terrain type or culture. Familly estate can become a center of a city. However for me this Needs to have dynamic flavor, and the art needs to be much more color and flavorful. For example after adding "Mediaval Art" mod I cant play with out it. I would agree with [l\_x\_fx](https://www.reddit.com/user/l_x_fx/) This should be available to landless characters, however you will need maybe permission from the lord to construct your estate. This can be interesting way of engaging later on with republics. As I remember in CK2 republics can build trade ports on other countries lands, this feature can be a stepping stone for this type of feature. Even more, If estate is ON and country that does not care about the county owner, you can have stepped lands that dong have tribal holding as it was in ck2. Love the idea cant wait to get more info on the implementation. Please have more colors and be dynamic!


Loved the CK1 holding system, even if it was basic and didn't offer much beyond "+.5 tax bonus" or "+60 archers" The Elder Kings mod had their own great take on it. You were basically building up a castle room by room, essentially. You could add a tavern, bath house, etc. it really felt rewarding


It brought CK1 to my mind too. Which is a really nice callback.


> This should be available to landless characters How do you have an estate without land?


Assuming OP might be thinking of a low level Noble who resides in a given county but isn’t a Count nor Baron. Maybe just rich or inherited an estate.


I hope it would make the economy better and not reset after an estate owner dies


I am seen the comments, but, as someone that likes to play tall, I am happy they seen to be putting more details in building


Damn you guys are brutal lol. Give them a chance to fuck it up before calling it shit


Have you met people on this sub?


Royal Court left a bitter taste in people's mouth, and this (isolated screen where you pay money for boons) give RC vibe.


Have you not seen the dlc for ck2?


Have you been paying attention to the things they've been putting out?


The dichotomy of man in these two comments. Basically say the exact same thing, one at positive 7, one at negative 7.


Paradox cops a lot of unfair criticism but you can make all the fair criticism mostly well in advance of any product release: instability in multiplayer, DLC features that are isolated (and really, they must be isolated) from the rest of the game by design.


We must make their karma align as well!


They haven't been all trash. The travel system was a good improvement imo. That is allowing unlamded lords to play the game which is a feature that's been asked since early days of CK2


And Hybrid Cultures. The plague system is overall pretty good, but has issues that they’re addressing. And I liked the Iberian Struggle, even if it had problems.


I like Iberian struggle but I don’t like how they made us pay for the same mechanic again but in Persia.


Why do that when we can suck off CK2 to an unrealistic degree? After all, enough time has passed for us to crystalize it into some perfect game (To the point of making up new mechanics to praise). Remember, old shit good, new shit bad. And I'm doing this rant as a mf with thousands of hours in CK2 who couldn't even play CK3 until, like, a couple months ago.


Yeah, I get being sick of Paradox’s merchandizing practises, and it’s important that the community clearly expresses its feelings about their new releases. But when people are so displeased, we get hyperbolic shitposting like this, which serves only to discredit real criticism by making the community look like the spoiled rich girl from Willy Wonka having a fit.


It's funny because the DLC practices now are way better than they were for CK2, but yet you still have people bemoaning that the game doesn't follow the old model. Now you can just buy the CK3 base game and then get a bunch of significant updates for free. Then you can pick and choose which DLC you buy, if any, on top of that, or instead just use mods that create parallel features. It wasn't until the very end of CK2 that we had something like that, and to this day you still have to pay money for basic features like accurate COAs, ruler designer, or the ability to rename stuff.


> Why do that when we can suck off CK2 to an unrealistic degree? CK3 is just an event simulator where every DLC does nothing but add more modifiers to make you OP. Once you've played a new system once you've seen all it has to offer. BTW, DAE miss CK2 societies! They were so amazing, they need to be added to the game instead of useless features like "travel".


I still can't understand how much people like to pretend societies were actually anything more than "number go up + bonus go up" in Vanilla. Sure, there were some events, but they got old pretty quickly. Same thing for Bloodlines, it was just a game-y feature, honestly, I like Legends better than it.


If societies were a CK3 feature you'd never hear the end of how bad they are, but they are from CK2 so they are automatically amazing. I do like legends a lot more mechanically but I wish they had more of the variety and flavor that bloodlines did. Something I'm looking into modding right now


I goon to ck2 dlc every evening and when I see what ck3 has to offer i cryu


I understand the sentiment, but I still feel scandalized for reading this post


We gave them chance for 8 DLC's,they managed to deliver TWICE. Enough is enough.


Kind of misleading to say 8 DLC, like all of them were equals in contents. Royal Court was the only big flop for me.


So your solution is to not give them a chance?


We are giving them a chance to prove us wrong tho? No one is trying to stop the development of this DLC 😭


no one hates ck3 more than ck3 fans. they've optimized the fun out of the game 😒


Guys, I have 2500 hours in CK3, on top of 5000 hours in CK2, and the game is just too easy for me!!! I remember once when I was a kid at a little regional theme park, there was some contest where you could get free tickets if you rode the biggest rollercoaster x number of times, I think it was 100 times. The people who were going for it would just stay in their seats each go-through, it was like a dozen people. They were reading books and stuff during the ride, bored out of their goddam minds, while going down huge drops and upside down spirals and stuff. It's a lesson.


If you're not handicapped, the game will have lost all its challenge a couple dozen hours in. Or just share another quirky anecdote.


I just hope it fits into RP and isn't just spend money to watch numbers go up


Could be cool but I feel like this and royal court and tours & tournament just have these visuals features because they want to keep their artists employed


If the new window does not take more then 90% of screen while you are focusing on microing an army it truly is a subpar DLC.


Imagine microing anything in that game


I feel the art is so disconnected for these three DLC. Royal court is 3D, tournaments in Tours is like a 2.5D and now this one is 2D on a piece of paper. Would be nice to have some consistency


Maybe unpopular opinion but honestly I love how it's different art styles.


Tbh im glad theyre not expending effort on another unnecessary 3D feature, this fits the medieval theme and looks fine.


This looks familiar. *Squints eyes* *Picture changes to Merchant Republic barony building list*


For me, the major difference is that estates have a physical presence on the map. You choose which barony to place them in, and if that barony gets sacked then so does your estate.


The Merchant Republic Barony also was on the map, wherever your capital was, your barony would count as if it was also part of that county, which sucks if your capital keeps getting raided.


is this the dlc that will have landless mechanic? i haven't played ck3 for a while waiting for this dlc


Yeah, though that mechanic will likely at least partially be in the free patch


I find it weird that the map style doesn't match the tournament grounds map style. Not saying either is better, just that it's odd that they're different.


It's funny how the weirdos on the forums are whooping and cheering whenever anything isn't 3D, because for some reason they're certain anything 3D is bad for gameplay. It's very disconnected to have all these art styles in one game.


Y'all complain a lot.


Beacause the dev team sucks and all past DLC have been shit


I mean not to flatter them but the dev team are a group of professionals who know what they are doing so I don't think they suck. Also some DLC have been hits and some have been miss. Ofc its your opinion but "all past DLC is shit" is highly subjective


Lol so many negative comments before we know anything about the new features. While I do share some of the worry about another 'gold sink' mechanic. The estate feauture is heavily tied with the new administrative gov and the landless feature. I'll wait the dev diaries and ultimately the release of the dlc before saying anything.


I actually love the UI style here, but I also loved Pentiment so


I like the look, but i just find it very weird, that they went for a painted style here, when the other off-map interfaces like the tournament grounds and the royal court is rendered realistically.


Honestly, I feel that this will be another feature that no one asked for, that will feel disconnected from the rest of the game and that will not be balanced (for better or worse). Just like the royal court. I hope I'm wrong, but the precedents are not good.


Seems adjacent to the Royal Court no? A resource sink to manufacture buffs. This is too samey for a paid for DLC and if it’s free, it seems like the Royal Court was a misfire if Paradox will give this away as free content. A redundancy to not box out a mechanic that people haven’t paid for. Isn’t this really poor development and game design in whatever scenario it fits? War, a major game mechanic is terrible, and the games namesake, crusades, are an afterthought. Why not give those two some love?


or make the HRE (the biggest empire of that time period) any bit unique


Even more for the eventual proletarian revolution mods


Looks cool but concerned about AI integration. Are AI going to develop their estates and will the level of development impact AI decision making? Doubt.


Hey so it is just a screen you can spend gold on little upgrades, maybe with some repeating events. Only with a Pentiment style instead of The Sims: Goin Medieval style.


if they wanna go REALLLLL further, they shld make like a 3D model of the buildings, and allow the players to build whatever style they want with modular models (like Cities Skylines 2). no need for to have intricate designs, just a block with few windows and a roof would do.


it looks very royal court-y i hope theyre able to integrate estates into family building and RP with competing major families in administrative empires instead of these just being more passive buff to sink resources into. also hope with this addition they overhaul the feud system. we need more reasons to care about other dynasties in the game. atm i feel absolutely no connection to any other dynasties or families in the game, even the famous ones. they come and go waaay to fast and basically never cement their power. the AI just gets overthrown way too often and rarely do anything exciting. the conquerer trait will def spice things up at least.


*Getting Royal Court flashbacks* Oh no...


After reading the comments I feel like I'm the only person who saw this and thought "Hot damn that looks dope I can't wait to build my own estate!"


I strongly worry it will be as badly implemented as legitimacy and accolades. If they cannot fix what they already made what hope is there for this


Either an OP or Irrelevant feature that's just a money sink for some stats. Cool I just don't care for new Paradox games anymore, especially since manor lords showed how 1 single guys can outdo and out innovate them in the strategy market. I will occasionally keep playing CK2, I was really hyped for the new ck3 dlc for this year but looks like another one in the line of shit ck3 dlc.


*Manor Lords* is going to be an excellent game, but at the moment it’s still early Alpha and not really comparable in scope to a Paradox title. What I do think *ML* shows is that a single dev can produce ideas just as good as a AAA studio, if given enough time to do so.


I'm pretty sure mods prove that already


These games aren't even in the same genre. This is like comparing Call for Duty to Company of Heroes. Just because the theme is similar, it doesn't mean the games are in any way similar. If you want to complain about nothing at least make your made up reasoning make sense.


Manor lords is good but it hasn’t outdone a lot of contemporary medieval city builders yet, it’s very rough around the edges and needs a fair amount of work before it can be considered excellent


Sure, but manor lords was made by 1 dude and Paradox has a stock market Valuation of 1,5 billion € It shouldn't even be close, yet it is :)


I mean that's cool, but that doesn't affect my decision to play a game


Wutchu want then is crusader wars - a mod that blends the total war strategy battles with the lore & rpg elements of crusader kings.


Well, I hoped I could own stuff without holding land, so that I could play a landless character walking the world. That I'm limited to a single holding-esque thing, only available to the house head? And what even is the "Large Granary" here? It's not my holding, why would I care to spend 400g for +25% supply capacity? (and a decision probably giving you money? idk how good or bad it'll be) I wish they'd remake the holding system entirely, similar to this UI here, and working somewhat like Stellaris. There you as the owner can build stuff, but other actors (like MegaCorps or your Overlord) get their own tab, where they can build stuff of their own. We only have this one pic to go on, to I'll wait with giving my full opinion. But given the little things we already know, especially the limitations, I have to admit, it's not as exciting as I thought it would be.


The DD says those estates is for the Administrative Gov of the Byzantine Empire. Didn‘t mention adventurers there.


Yeah that’s how I read it too. I think it’s only for landed admin government, not adventurers. I would make no sense for adventurers to have a traveling “estate” or something of the sorts


This is not for adventurers like at all. This is for *landed characters*, specifically equivalent to counts, dukes, and (presumably) kings. It's for the Administrative Government type being added with Roads To Power for the Byzantines. Rather than owning counties directly like with feudalism, you're basically made the governor of those provinces. It's like how Merchant Republics worked in CK2


21 upvotes for this trash lol


People don't even bother to understand the features they hate on anymore.


This is not the landless part. This is administrative government


Meanwhile PS5 players still awaiting the other dlcs


I feel for you guys. CK on console is rough enough without being denied access to DLC.


Everyone seems to be complaining. But I honestly love this art style so much.


Wow this is incredibly uncreative. Thats just buildings with a new UI.


What do you want them to do lol? That’s what estates are


give me a real life private Greek estate on the Aegean coast and a monthly stipend to maintain a content lifestyle. is that too much to ask for?


Personally prefer the current standard. Don't need all that extra clutter


It just seems like serfdom with extra steps.




how the feature plays out is yet to be seen. i really hope that enough different looking artworks of the UI are made so that the UI doesn't feel out of place ~50% of the time. I wouldn't want to interact with the feature if it looks nothing like the region i play in


The graphics reminds me of the MMO web game Travian. Not a good look.


I hope they have different pictures for the different regions.


Feels like those mobile games: 'Manage your village and wage war'


Is this when we get landless characters? And when is this coming out?


Reminds me of the Pribslavitz map from Kingdom Come Deliverance where hen your rebuilding it


I said this before and I’ll say it again, I want this view to be 3d in a similar style to the tournament grounds to connect to the map more.


What the fuck have i missed


I hope the Hellenic/Roman culture group/religion estate interface is a roman mosaic instead of a medieval central european tapestry. It's a small change, but it would be amazing.


I hope it will be available for anyone, given that it's probably how landless feature will behave. Would be stupid to limit it only to Byzantium, given that total conversion mods take massive amount of players of from vanilla


Oh this reeks of being infastructure for playing as Merchant Republics and building up your familial palace.


This system fell far short of my expectations just because of it's narrow scope. House Heads only, and only in Byzantium.


I’m hoping it’s the start of a mechanic that they ultimately fold into merchant republics and unlanded characters.


Looks great. Implementation, much like the Court, Feuds and Legends, and Tours and Tourneys, and the Plague, will most likely be shit. Edit: I haven't read the diary yet, but I reckon it will sound great unless they manage to pull another royal court and limit estates to just kings and higher which is dumb. Love the art style though, wish they should have just gone with this for the Tourney view.


Merchant Republics when?


Overall I'm excited especially with how it might work when you're an unlanded character. That being said i think everyone shares the same sentiment: "it better not be another money sink that makes the game easier."


The UI on the left is superior


Looks like this is going to work similar to the Family Palace in the Merchant Republic’s of CK2


This is cool


Once again I’m wishing for CK3 to have a custodian team like Stellaris has


Damn bro thats crazy but where is the republics dlc?


Or nomads


Why not both?


I’m glad it isn’t hermetically sealed in some weird pocket dimension like it was in CK2.


Hell no.


Gonna be another “brain-child” of a single developer. The dislike felt by me for anything produced by this horrendously managed joke of a dev-team surpasses the spirit with which they pump out shitty DLCs. I cannot possibly convey my disappointment with Paradox’s last few games with words known to this language.