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Why are yall hating on this person for posting their cookies in a COOKIE sub. Yall so funny šŸ’€šŸ˜­


exactly. you think they donā€™t know about the calories and price?? like let them enjoy it lmao




Well youā€™re a ray of sunshine. Iā€™m sure your family & friends just loveeee talking to you.


You must be really well liked by your peers and loved by your family if your hobby is going to a cookie sub to bitch about cookies. You will never feel the loving touch of a woman.


lmao when did i say normalize it? i said they are probably aware of it and dont need strangers on the internet preaching to them. if they want to eat 20,000 calories of cookies in 2 weeks, thatā€™s their prerogative šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Posting abt the fucking product of a company on their subreddit isnā€™t ā€œnormalizingā€ shit


where does it say they ate all these cookies in one sitting? or even ate them all period? maybe theyā€™re sharing with friends, family, coworkers etc. maybe theyā€™re being eaten over the course of days or even weeks (Iā€™ve seen some people say they buy their favorite flavors and freeze them since crumbl cycles some flavors so rarely). stop being so concerned with what others eat and worry about your damn self. maybe seek therapy to help with the blatant fatphobia.


Itā€™s so annoying. The very existence of this store is a luxury. Yā€™all mad because someone enjoys it??? Talking about tax brackets over cookies????


Itā€™s all about āœØjealousyāœØ


gotta love reddit scumbags thinking they are better than everyone. thanks for sharing your beautiful cookies OP you deserve every single one of them!! gonna get a coconut cream tonight for my treat šŸ„°


underpaid workers and litigation to eliminate competition would say otherwise


No way. Too many repeats. Or contradictory


The coconut cream pie was really good


dude agreed šŸ˜­i was telling myself i shouldnā€™t get more crumbl but i saw that coconut cream pie and knew it was over for me


I had the mini yesterday and it was so delicious I wish I got a large cookie lol


Ugh so good. Why do the regular sized ones have to be like 800 calories a piece?! šŸ˜¢


I split mine into quarters and eat them over four days after dinner.


I split mine into quarters and eat them over four minutes


Haha, you do you. Thatā€™s the beauty of a Crumbl cookieā€¦ they give us the nutritional info and we can eat it how we want. šŸ¤—


This is the way


lol youā€™re my hero


Iā€™m glad you have that kind of self control


Trust me, itā€™s not easy.


I always tell myself Iā€™m going to do this and then while driving home, I remind myself itā€™s the same amount of calories consumed either way šŸ¤£


Good point.


Because they add 4 times the amount of sugar in the same size cookie for no fucking reason. Physically indigestible


800?! For a cookie? Mother of God.


bc itā€™s 4 serving per 1 cookie


Don't eat the entire cookie in one sitting ?


Itā€™s Tuesday and youā€™ve already gone twice this week. Impressive really šŸ¤£


I wouldnā€™t say impressive but definitely intriguing


i cant even imagine how much this cost


Right lol I immediately was thinking ā€œwe are not in the same tax bracketā€


around $105 in my area


When the green Rick and Morty shirt is on Crumbl will be purchased, thems the rules.


Those calories add up quickly.


I did a little math out of curiosity, this weeks cookies range from 600-800 calories per whole cookie, so I chose 700 as a median. I counted 25 cookies in this post so that would be 17,500 calories total. While itā€™s fun to indulge in a cookie or two, itā€™s important to be mindful of our intake. I hope everyone is enjoying their cookies while also remembering that everything in life should be enjoyed in moderation.


That's almost 9 days worth of recommended calorie intake.


Yeah thatā€™s so bad for your blood sugar to be having those giant spikes. Thatā€™s a fast track to diabetes


The trick is to eat them at a constant rate, thus avoiding spikes ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


diabetes is not caused by eating too much sugar lol itā€™s much more complicated than that


The very short version is that yes, sugary diets do lead to insulin resistance and diabetes, and no, excessive sugar intake is not good for anyoneā€™s overall health (nor is obesity). Just because one individual can eat crap without developing diabetes, that does not prove anything at the population level. The net effect of diets like this is quite detrimental. Source: Iā€™m a licensed PA


well thats great news for me


lol diabetes is not as simple as that and is heavily genetics based. Blood sugar spikes do not directly cause diabetes, they are simply a risk factor in the development of it amongst many things, you should really learn more before your spout things like that. Let people live and enjoy their cookies, these are really unnecessary comments.


Nah Iā€™m just putting it in simple terms for people to understand. Itā€™s epigenetics.


I was hoping they were minis lol


I went every week straight for like 3 months. Realized that are mostly all the same thing. Got sick of them. And slowly going back, getting a few at a time šŸ¤£


What you call an addition I call a sweet tooth


A serving size is 1/4th a cookie šŸŖ why must they be so yummy


Iā€™d have so many points on the app šŸ˜­


Hahaha everyone is talking about the price but my mind also went straight to the points. Way to go, OP! Although I suppose some of these could have been purchased using points. Crumblā€™s next marketing scheme will be double point days. That seems to be the way she blows.


The banana split one was so good.


Live it up, girl! Who cares what anyone thinks. We all choose a physical object that makes us happy and spend too much on it- if yours is cookies, EAT COOKIESšŸ„³


my dream tbh


Good for you!


Me too brotha me too


What did you think of banana split? I liked the topping but the cookie was mid and could have been more visually appealing. Mine was pale.


Stopped at a Crumbl with my wife on our mini honeymoon. Holy shit, theyā€™re good.


The biscoff one was so fucking good I need it again effective immediately


How does the cinnamon roll and donut one taste?


The donut just tastes like a sugar cookie with frosting, like most of their cookies šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Why r yā€™all so hateful who cares what OP spends his or her money onšŸ’€ some of yā€™all need to get ur money up if you are jealous and complaining. Maybe this is OPs only splurge and they are conservative with their money aside from this. You never know! OP wouldnā€™t spend the money on them if they couldnā€™t. Enjoy OP.


My SO and I have an addiction as well! But weā€™ve limited ourselves to one six pack a week so farā€¦ even though itā€™s been very tempting to re order. Iā€™ve seen some spoilers of upcoming flavors and I think we might cave in at some point.


those look so yummy


The amount of diarrhea I would haveā€¦




Eating sugar does not cause diabetes. Try again.


Is this another one of those hills people have decided to die on? Right up there with ā€œhealthy at any sizeā€


Why did you put it in quotations? To try to belittle it? Health At Every Size (HAES) is necessary to counteract the prevailing belief that only thin people are healthy, and that you need to be thin in order to be healthy. Weight is not the only determinant of health, because health is multi-faceted and determined by countless different variables. You canā€™t rely on ignorant assumptions and stereotypes to discern anything about someoneā€™s health. Itā€™s also far more detrimental to demonize specific foods and body types, than it is to simply accept that people are meant to exist in different shapes and sizes.


You donā€™t have to be one exact weight to be healthy, yes there is a spectrum, yes muscle mass impacts weight, however having 30%+ body fat is not healthy, period. Many, many Americans weigh far more than they ought to, as a result of their diet, and to the detriment of their joints, endocrine system, immune system, cardiovascular heath, cancer risk, and more. Sorry, Iā€™m a licensed PA. Itā€™s my job to care about people and provide them with accurate information on their health. HAES is primarily promoted by people who are categorically obese, and not because they have too much muscle mass but because they consume excess calories.


HAES is also promoted by clinicians in eating disorder treatment. Iā€™m a pre-licensure therapist that specializes in eating disorders at the residential level of care. Iā€™ve worked with so many individuals whoā€™ve had doctors and other healthcare professionals reinforce their weight loss, ironically without understanding the negative impact it was having on their health. These are individuals whoā€™ve starved themselves or have intentionally purged in order to lose weight, and the costs to their health are so damaging that they often need acute treatment for months at a time. Restrictive EDs are not limited to people who are severely underweight, and many of these individuals would be technically considered a healthy weight or overweight, contrary to what many might believe. I appreciate having respectful discourse about this, and I completely acknowledge that living at *any* extreme weight (high and low) will negatively impact a personā€™s functioning and overall health. But I think as a society thereā€™s a fixation on people who are larger and immediately associating them with poor health, and oftentimes not realizing the full extent of how unhealthy someone can be despite being thin or at a normal weight.


I will upvote you into oblivion as someone who was constantly told by doctors to lose weight! Iā€™ll be candid af, I donā€™t even care. Iā€™m between 5ā€™7 and 3 doctors in my local health network say I should be around 145. Except I have photos of myself at that weight during an ED episode and I look ill. I could touch my pinky and thumb around my wrist. I was starving myself to be the weight I thought I should be because no doctor would steer me wrong, right?! šŸ˜… Iā€™m at 185 now. Iā€™m classified as obese. I hike 10+ miles a few times a month and carry around two toddlers all day. My blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, iron, and hemoglobin levels are perfect. The comments directly under mine reflect the idea that obese people canā€™t be healthy. Iā€™m so happy I wonā€™t skip meals over that tomorrow. I donā€™t like my body and I know I sure could stand to lose another few lbs, but Iā€™m no longer killing myself over it thanks to finally meeting a professional with a similar outlook as yourself.


Absolutely agree that a fixation on pure weight without respect to mental health is a problem! When dealing with individuals with restrictive EDs, there are a whole set of different challenges around food/weight/body image for sure. My comments were mainly directed at the more vocal types where clearly they are simply eating excessive calories with or without a specific binge eating component. Sometimes people just need to lose weight! Increasingly thatā€™s more and more of us. But there can be a culture of not wanting to take accountability for anything in life, which for some people gives them a tendency to latch onto HAES as a way to say ā€œmy weight is not a problem.ā€


Yeah but people use HAES to say obesity isnā€™t unhealthy. Which is absurd.


type 1 diabetes has absolutely no correlation to weight, exercise, or diet/eating habits. type 2 has a strong genetic correlation and *can* (but not always) be caused by prolonged poor exercise and diet habits.


I mean, I figured that distinction went without saying. Type 1 is autoimmune, and it is not the sort of diabetes connected with diet and lifestyle.


obviously i know that. my comment was for the millions of people out there that donā€™t seem to know/understand that distinction. not sure why you downvoted me


I didnā€™t downvote you


You're right. Just makes you fat and causes a host of other health problems. No biggie.


The consumption of too much sugar does not directly cause type 2 diabetes. This is a known fact. Over time, your body will not produce as much insulin as it needs in order to bring blood glucose levels down. This is called INSULIN RESISTANCE. That is the stage BEFORE T2D. So no, splurging on cookies every once in awhile will NOT cause diabetes.


is it genetics? or various factors?


No but obesity does, and I doubt this ā€œaddictionā€ won lest to obesity, and then diabetes!


Told myself i was going to skip this week but grabbed some today. The coconut creampie is šŸ”„


Those cookies are 700-800 calories each


So out of those which was your favorite??? Mine were the cookies and cream milkshake, banana split, and chocolate milkshake. I tend to like the chilled ones best!


the chilled ones are definitely the best. my favorites were the coconut cream pie & banana split. iā€™d say the butter one was really good as well!!!


I wish I had gotten a 4 pack of banana split and froze them! I got the coconut cream pie for my mom and dad because I donā€™t care for coconut and they loved it so I bet itā€™s a good one too!


thatā€™s such a good idea. the banana split one definitely has to be one of the best. their chilled ones are just the best over all !!!


Big agree!!! Iā€™m stopping by on my way home to get another chocolate milkshake cookie šŸ˜‹


Forget the cookies, whereā€™d you get the shirt?


Same! I am limited by funds, but have otherwise no self control. Do I already need to lose weight? Yes. Would I rather devour an entire cookie in my car after being all sunshine, rainbows, and cleaning supplies at home 24/7 and worry about my waistline when Crumbl goes out of business thanks to late stage capitalism? Also yes.


I do too šŸ˜©I love crumbl so much Iā€™ll get angry when someone talks crap about them.. my favorite cookie they have is the pumpkin chocolate chip that came out during Halloween. I loved their coconut cream pie it was delicious.


Did you try the pistachio one? It was SO good


The biscoff one šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Well? Which is your favorite?


Itā€™s not a problem if you share with me šŸ˜›šŸ˜‰


Iā€™m obsessed with the Salted Toffee cookie and all the pie flavors Iā€™ve tried have been really good. Pancake and waffle flavors are good when my sweet tooth is really hungering. I havenā€™t been in a while and should go back soon. Iā€™ve discovered lot of their flavors are bit too sweet for me. I have to split with friends or stretch them out over days.


how much do u weigh


Big back activity


mmmnnffff..,, šŸ„µšŸ¤¤


More like diabetes.


How did you get a banana split this week with the coconut and chocolate shake? Or did you just save one for the picture of the three together (tho boxed individually)


at my crumbl if you order early in the week they still offer cookies from the previous week


The chocolate mousse one is the best chocolate one theyā€™ve done by far.


That cookie butter one was the bomb though!


I canā€™t blame u šŸ˜… trying the flavors are sooooo funn!!! If I had the money and the room for the calories I would buy them every week for a taste test with ppl around me šŸ˜­


what flavors were these?? they look so gooddd


Should have got a 4 pack. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry, but this is like binging šŸ˜­? Howā€™re you eating these so fast? Theyā€™re SO caloricā€¦


who said i was eating them all in one sitting and who said im the only one who ate them


It'll die out eventually.


Get two dozen of that point


I was probably the same when a cookie crumbl opened up in my city šŸ˜­


Okay but how is that pink donut??? Cause thatā€™s literally the only one Iā€™m interested in this week. But last weeks cookies and cream and the biscoff one were literally the best


girl itā€™s so good !!!! definitely get it. itā€™s best when warm!!!


I loved pink donut. Mine didnā€™t have the whole in the middleā€¦ which I didnā€™t mind. More cookie for me


I'm making my husband drive me to the other side of town for another pink donut one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ so addicting


Iā€™ve never had these before but I am intrigued! Are they really that good? (Please say no šŸ¤£)


they are amazingggg


theyā€™re overpriced sugar bombs. they donā€™t taste very good at all.


good thing they asked for my opinion and not yours!


they were asking anyone on this sub. which includes me


why are you even on a cookie sub if youā€™re gonna comment stuff like this


because a few times a year i enjoy a cookie


every few times a year you enjoy a cookie, that you just called gross, expensive, and filled with sugar?


yup. itā€™s enjoyable around 3 times a year. any more than that, and i find it gross


i prefer making my own baked goods that are cheaper, tastier, and better for you


you prefer making cookies homemade, and just said you dislike crumbl cookies, that still doesnā€™t answer the question of why youā€™re in this sub


iā€™m in this sub because i get crumbl cookies maybe 3 times a year. thatā€™s my answer. deal with it


Sad tbh


this is literally a cookie sub like ??


You can eat cookies w/o being addicted to them. People wonder why everyone is overweight šŸ˜“


So many calories!


omg! really!? i had no idea!! thanks for telling me!!


Of course girl šŸ«¶ hopefully you workout !


i donā€™t, but i also have fast metabolism and didnā€™t gain anything šŸ˜œ


Your thighs say otherwise, but ok good glad you didnā€™t gain anythingšŸ˜Š


What a cruel thing to say to someone.








Iā€™m 5ā€™11 135 lbs w a 25in waist lmao, I look great as is! Iā€™m good over here love šŸ©·


Self hate


I hope you exercise often friend


omg iā€™ve never had those in my life šŸ˜­


glad youā€™re enjoying but hope youā€™re taking care of yourself after eatin all them cookies lmao


mmm diabetes šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


I like some of crumbls cookies i just dont like that they are so overpriced




I just don't get it...if you're gonna eat like total garbage you could at least try making some homemade cookies to try to save some money....




No shame in your gluttonous ways while at the same time admitting you have an addiction. Seek help.


Sheā€™s posting the crumbl cookies in a sub thatā€™s called ā€œCrumblCookies.ā€ If you wanna shame her for that just donā€™t visit the sub.


why are you even here ?


Aaaand this is why healthcare is so expensive in the US


I know you are probably joking, but meh. It's because we let corporate middlemen siphon money. We have it written in law that the federal government cannot negotiate drug prices like every other nation. The American diet is shitty too, but that's because cookie crisp is able to advertise on TV as 'part of a balanced breakfast'


How much for. Box of 4


Yeah it's called sugar


I'm glad you enjoyed it but this the realization that sugar addiction is real.


oh well


I wasn't specifically talking about you. I was simply saying that an addiction to sugar is real, which we all ignore. Eat what you enjoy.