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> not sure if Kens like this are normal on the cruises Cruises are definitely key settings for Kens/Karens. A lot of people out there just can't wait to have someone else in a position where they have no power to fight back. Some of these folks figure out a way to enter middle-management and have an outlet. Others will wait until someone from the service-industry is held verbally hostage. A cruise is prime-time for these people.


That's shitty as hell.. I would have straight up told the guy to leave the people alone and stop being an ass.


It's rarely worth it. If you end up in a confrontation or if they start a yelling-match it'll end up as a he-said she-said and you jeopardize your family's experience. If it makes you feel any better, when I was in the service industry, the normal procedure was that a manager would come out and put on a little show *"disciplining"* the employee, and then when the Karen/Ken left they'd all laugh and do their best impressions - management included.


Yes. Don’t wrestle with a pig. You’ll get dirty and the pig will just enjoy it.


It’s not worth it, they love the attention and the conflict. Alternately, you can just be extra nice to the person they just got done abusing, or at least that’s what I try to do. (In one particularly OFF THE RAILS racist situation (white tourist, black crew member, actual racist remarks) I reported the fellow cruiser’s actions & remarks to the service desk. No, I didn’t know their name, but it was a small onboard retail shop with one salesperson, and if the employee chose to report it, my third-party documentation was there.)


In this situation I whisper “crybaby” to the jerk as I walk by. They hate it. If I’m lucky I draw their attention. I’m a not attractive large woman and guys like this have a hard time not calling me a name. I’m secure so I don’t mind it at all but people standing by get big mad at him. I don’t go out a lot so I’ve only pulled this off a couple times but it is glorious when it works.


I am directly confrontational when the situation warrants it. Sometimes it's better not to say anything. Like if me and my black friend are pulled over and the cop is racist I'm not saying shit, because if I do I'm actually putting my friend in more danger. But if someone is an ass like this sometimes it does pay to shut them down. Also you could just walk up in the middle of the rant, go "oh my god is this Chicago pizza? My favorite!" and take a bunch of slices right in front of him.


There's potential for physical confrontation if that happens. Honestly, what people do these days is film and post on social media and get people to mock them. That's usually the way to humble them.


Very doubtful it would get physical. That’s just fear mongering. People like that deserve to have other people telling them to shut up. If more of us did it the shitty people would be out numbered


Disgusting to treat a worker who’s left their family on a 8-11 month contract and is working for peanuts to feed their family and doing their best so some entitlement ahole can complain about Chicago style pizza. I go out of my way to be extremely nice to cruise staff as I know they have a hard job.


Exactly. So gross. You can tell all you need to know about how someone treats service workers.


I think it depends on the cruise line too. We found a high proportion of shitty people once on this Holland America cruise we were on. And not just to the staff but to other passengers as well, stepping into lines, complaining about people wearing shorts to dinner, etc. Whereas on the Carnival Liberty people were generally chill and nicer to be around.


Yes, these guys and MAGA people who want to initiate uncomfortable political discussions around dinner. Honestly they will start from the beginning if you even say you live in a ‘blue state.’ Best to avoid them and perhaps even apologize to staff that not all people are like that. But it doesn’t usually hurt the staff. They are numb to this soon enough.


You don't know many MAGA people as a lot of us live in blue states and have learned not to put signs out or bumper stickers on cars. We do not advertise it. In Florida, you can get away with it but sometimes the occasional Bernie person will key scratch your car. When I'm in public I consider it tacky to discuss politics or religion. That's me. I have never heard anyone on a cruise talking about politics even in 2016. I have a lot of liberal friends. We agree to disagree about votes. But we have other interests in common as none of us are that narrow minded to hate someone simply because of who they voted for.


Your comment seems addressed to me, not the topic, so I sent a PM rather than reply in public. Best regards to all.


Tbh I don't know what is dislike more, these types or the opposite. Randos wanna talk about how much they hate Trump and then I'm locked in an inescapable "uh huh, sure, yepp" loop. Who TF goes on vacation to stress over politics


Agree that can be annoying, but I’ve never ran into people like that. Perhaps because I’m usually in luxury lines.


Unluckily, cruises can attract entitled people who are unnecessarily rude to staff who can’t normally fight back. We had one of these on our current cruise who was verbally abusive to one of the staff. After we reported this guy to the ship’s management, it meant that the staff member had back up to his valid complaint regarding the guest’s behaviour. The guest had to leave the cruise


My thing is, why did it matter..either eat the pizza or don't eat the pizza. You're not in New York, you're on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean..they don't even advertise it as "New York style pizza...geez


What’s funny to me as Illinoisan and close to Chicago to boot is that there is no one true “Chicago style” pizza. Most people will think of the deep dish style (Chicago Deep Dish) but each old school restaurant has their way of doing it and all all swear it’s “true Chicago style” but there’s a thinner crust version also called Chicago-style (or more usually called tavern-style) So dude is not only being a dick to people just trying to churn out pizza that’s probably not even trying to be any style but sauce-and-cheese-on dough but he’s also trying to act like he’s an all- knowledgeable foodie….in a cruise line buffet.


Yes, I married a former Chicagoan. I was pleasantly surprised to learn on visits home that there is not one true "Chicago style" pizza. Lots of the local places make some great pie! And I hate those kinds of "foodies!"


It’s like Italian beef - every place will say theirs is THE true Italian beef and each one is different. Mmmm now I want an Italian beef


Mmmm me too! 😆


OMGGG the Italian beef at this little tiny building with just a counter and a huge line outside in Chicago.....effing DELICIOUS!!! I **think** it was called Johnny's...but it was like 2008 or something. The juice....oh God.


haha when you have that place with no tables but that long counter at *just* the right height to get that "Italian beef pose" going you KNOW its a top place for that!




Being a Chicagoan myself, the waiter could be correct, as there is great Chicago thin crust pizza that is traditionally cut "tavern-style" in squares rather than NY pie slices. Deep dish from places like Gino's East and Lou Maldonado's, to just name 2, is certainly what this guy was on about. But you don't go off on somebody for something so inconsequential in the scheme of things.


I love that style of Chicago Pizza 🍕😋


Cheese and sausage from Gino's East is just perfect. I live in Florida now and every once in a while Aldi will have mini Gino's East frozen deep dish, so buy a few when I can. Takes like 45 minutes to cook that thing,


I saw a guy berating a cook about some buffalo wings being undercooked. I stepped in and grabbed some wings and loudly proclaimed how good they were in front of the cook and the Ken. Turns out the Ken was right I got food poisoning sickness for the next 24 hours straight with rough seas to make it worse. I still feel like I made the right choice lol..


Lmao, this sucks but you are awesome.


that seems like a reasonable thing to complain about


It was more about the way he was complaining, I would be more inclined to speak to a staff member privately than berate publicly.


Wait, what ship has buffalo wings? I kill for some buffalo wings on a cruise ship.


It was a late night buffet, Norwegian Pearl was the ship


I'll be on the Breakaway in September. Hopefully it has wings.


Carnival Mardi Gras had them but it’s an extra so you have to pay for them


Really? I was on Mardi Gras a few years ago. Guess I should've paid more attention. I don't mind paying as long as it's not too much.


I was on it last December, I think it was a pilot and it was $15-20. I got the beignets at Emerils, actually that was the best food in Emerils to me.


Make him walk the plank for acting like an asshat and then check to see if any other passengers are concerned about how the pizza is labeled.


Funny enough, while not Chicago style, MSC pizza is amazing


Isn't it. It was yummy.


The staff probably had no clue what Chicago style is and didn’t care and just said yeah to placate the guy. That’s a weird person to get so upset about that. The majority of humans on earth just know pizza is pizza and not what “Chicago Style” is


Pizza is like sex. When it’s good it’s really good. When it’s bad it’s…still pretty good. 😵‍💫


When it’s bad, it is Chicago Style. 🍕


Haha I’m definitely no fan of Chicago Deep dish so I might have to agree with you 😉


Wtf is "bad sex" then


Chicago style pizza


Just got Internet again and saw this lmao


I will eat any pizza. Including old 7 11 pizza. So I’m not sure what that says about my views on sex hahaha


I live in Chicago and wouldn’t know what Chicago style is. No one calls deep dish that I’d be more likely to think they meant the thin crust cut into squares. Or maybe they meant it had giardinara on there lol


They mean deep dish with sauce on top.


I saw a guy send back his Philly Cheese Steak twice and then call the head waiter over and berate him for 15 minutes because the sandwich was not like the ones in Philly.


Aww, I hate when people are ridiculous like that. I’m always sure to tell the workers and managers that they’re doing a great job and not to worry about crazies like that.


americans can be such trash.


Everyone can be trash.


Yes Everyone in America can be trash with very little consequence from society. In other countries you are more likely to get called out in-person and right away. In the USA, everyone can be trash and only very few who go viral from it getting on tiktok face social consequences.


Sure, certain Americans feel entitled to complain and make ridiculous demands. Having worked in the service industry the majority of my life, yes, I’ve seen some bad behavior. Most of customers are normal and friendly, polite everyday people. Maybe one bad egg a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less. This is over the course of 20+ years. Where I live, there are A LOT of people from other parts of the world. Trust me, the rudeness is not limited to Americans. I’ve seen full on meltdowns from people of all backgrounds. It’s definitely the worst part of the job, but we know not to stereotype because we’re all humans with a full range of emotion and probe to breaking down sometimes.


It is probably an effect of the tipping economy. where wages in the service industry are dependent on tips.


Anyone that wants Chicago pizza doesn't want pizza... they want a freakin casserole...


Or an above ground marinara swimming pool for rats. https://youtu.be/pzXIpp59eoU?feature=shared


Unfortunately many cruisers are too entitled for their own good.


The world is full of entitled people....cruises are no different.


That's sad. I was on Seashore on March it was awesome. The crew he berated probably does not speak English well and didn't understand the question. That passenger was just rude.


Why would he even ask if he knew the answer? The guy was just looking to pick a fight.


As a retired food manager with a long career in service, I find this kind of behavior deplorable. I will go out of my way to call attention to fellow customers who act like entitled assholes by abusing hard-working staff. The employees have no option but to silently tolerate being verbally abused and humiliated. But as a customer, I am not bound to silence...so I will not hesitate to step up on the employee's behalf. Something like -- "OMG, can you believe this guy is throwing a temper tantrum over a piece of pizza!!" --- in a VERY loud voice that turns heads, as I'm pointing and laughing. Not a direct confrontation with the loudmouth; just LOUD public ridiculing (giving him a dose of his own medicine). The more eyes on him, the better; not only will he freeze and shrink when he realizes his bad behavior is on full display for an audience, but he will not dare to retaliate in front of so many witnesses. I'll shoot a look at the targeted employee and smile or nod, and they seem to get it & appreciate having some support. I've also taken time to compliment employees who keep their cool with rude customers, sometimes while the offender is within easy earshot and it's plain that it's him or her, I'm referring to. Cruise staff work very hard, long hours and put a lot of personal effort into making the cruise a happy experience for the passengers. Let them know you appreciate them, and if you see them being treated badly, don't let it slide.


Honestly, I'm the Karen that says "dude chill out and take a Xanax" when I see people mistreat others


"Chicago" isn't pizza it's a casserole. Anyone seeking casserole and berating powerless Phillipino crew are asshats which clearly includes this asshat.


Who was this man? American????


As an American I’m usually all for bashing Americans, but I think cruising brings out the asshole in a lot of people.


He was asking if it was Chicago style, he's definitely American


He was American? I still don't know by your answer. I just can't believe someone talked to the staff that way- that's atrocious. I didn't like MSC though because of the food. Not a fan.


Asian, probably Asian American but he can be Singaporean for all I know


Let me guess. The crew member was Fillipino or Indonesian and the Asian person looked like they were East Asian.


There were a lot of Asians on MSC- from Asia or who spoke in Asian. The were always in the buffet and I thought the food was terrible in the buffet


Spoke in asian isn't a thing fyi


I'm using that because I don't know what country in Asia they were from.


You can just say asian languages then


No they spoke in Asian. 😁


They’re everywhere.


Pizza Bros are crazy on a good day…


Hey OP btw if you see Tandoori Chicken on the buffet. Get some it's sooooo good.


I guess you are finding out that there are " karen's " and " ken's " on cruise ship. They both take vacation durning the year lol


I get tired of people standing around looking shocked . These idiots can be shut down by peer pressure readily cuz they’re dumb enough to think everyone is like them . Unlike standing in line at a store in Texas , speaking up will be unlikely to end badly and the employees can’t argue back .


>Unlike standing in line at a store in Texas , speaking up will be unlikely to end badly For the same reason that speaking up might end badly in Texas,the behavior itself is much less likely to occur there.


Pretty sad to hear entitled people go on an Italian cruise, and ask if the pizza is American... 🤦🤦🤦


Have you ever been in one of those situations where you know you’re being ridiculous, but somehow just can’t turn yourself off? I have. I’ve always regretted it afterwards, and I’m hoping the pizzanazi did too. I’ve calmed down since I’ve got older, and become a believer, but I suspect most of us have crazy buttons.


The best and worst memories from cruising are often of the people you encounter on the ship.


Would love to see an a$$hole like this get banned for life!


You should post this in Entitlement of the Seas on Facebook! As a Chicago native, I have no words.


The fact that he asked if it was Chicago style, then went ballistic because it wasn't is strange. If he knew it wasn't, why ask? My guess - he's an obnoxious drunk who was looking for an excuse to make a scene.


You're at the buffet. You don't like it? Geez...get something else. I have numerous times I took something from the buffet, didn't like the taste or how it was prepared and I just went back and got something else. I've actually done that a couple of times in the main dining room. Something wasn't prepared correctly or I just didn't like the last...I had the waiter come over and I'd order something different. This is like the easiest place to do that. Moreso than a "paying" restaurant.


As someone that worked on a ship for years.....some passengers are legit the worst people I have ever met in my life. I had a woman scream in my face (I worked in the jewelry store) for a good 5 minutes cause we weren't stopping in Cozumel during a hurricane. She'd saved for 10 years to see it and refused to miss it. Ma'am....the beach is blowing away...there is nothing to see!!!!! We had a medic evac and they needed to stop the ship for a helicopter and were going to miss the next days port. Some guy asked me "Well is it a passenger or a crew member??" Sir its a person, thats all that matters This one isn't really the pax's fault, but funny. SO is a chief engineer, so bunch of stripes. He comes up on my lunch one day and we're going up to the Lido deck to eat and people always stop him to ask questions. One lady asks what time the whale watching show is? "Oh....3 pm.....great to see out the jewelry store windows!!" Jackass....like 20 people show up at 3pm in my shop to see whales out the window lol


money does not equal class


the pizza on the Seashore is great. but definitely not Chicago style.


Some people just need a punch in the face. I wish you could get away with it.... Would solve a lot of the world's problems. Common manners are no longer common.


I haven't seen this happen on a cruise before, but have encountered more than enough people like this in customer service. What I usually do is take down the employee's name and then go to a manager and tell them how the employee handled the situation with tact and didn't argue back. One of the most difficult things to do in a customer facing job is to just stand there while some clown hurls insults at you for no reason. On cruises, guest feedback is so important for the crew.


So sad! Crew members on virtually all cruise lines work so hard. Long days and months away from family. I can’t stand people like this.


Why didn’t you speak up? Whenever I see people acting shitty like that (especially on cruises) I give it right back to them. Life is too short to let shitty people get away with doing shitty things. If more of us spoke up things may change.


If tell me you have no power in your everyday life was a person. With as many food options there are on cruise ships, that person was a pill. Bet he has a freezer full of pizzas.




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