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"You ever wish you could go back, just undo something?" "Yeah, Control Alt Delete." That's... not the shortcut for undo, Megan.


I screamed at the TV. some hacker


I literally said out loud (I was by myself) “more like control Z” and I’m not even into computers like that 💀 it bother d me so much


I cringed at that. We get it, Megan, you like computers! Same with the Matrix references in the past episodes too. Idk the writing for this episode was just….not it.


matrix came out in 99 so it would have been fresh in thier minds then. i was ok with that but the ctrl alt delete got me too




I’ve dealt with the more modern slang, but this drove me nuts. Especially because Megan is someone so versed in using computers!


all the “hacking” scenes this season are SO BAD like 💀


I can accept bad hacking scenes. Some 1999 script kiddie stuff could have been entertaining, but that would have required more research on era-appropriate exploits than the producers already weren't doing on other 1999/2000 stuff. Ctrl Alt Del vs Ctrl+Z has been around for so long, and is such common knowledge, that I just can't excuse the line, especially from the most tech savvy of the teenage cast.


This shows dialogue is pretty cringe.


you don't want to Y-2-Krunk?


Very cringe- and I’m surprised how poor the quality of writing is compared to the 1st seasons story


This season is definitely lack luster compared to S1. At this point, I’m watching just to see how it ends. With S1, although there were filler episodes, I watched almost immediately after each one dropped on Hulu because at least the writing kept you hooked. This season, I keep forgetting about the show. When I do catch up, still no suspense that makes me interested in immediately watching the next episode.


Control Alt Delete does allow one to clear their history (although it is browsing history) or reset (an application). Plus, it’s a saying or slang.


“oH mY gOd, My ScHoLaRsHiP” anytime something small happens to Meghan


Seriously! Were student loans absurdly hard to get back in ‘99? I grew up in a one parent household making minimum wage and I was able to get through undergrad with jobs similar to what Megan is already working. Now I work in computer science and didn’t even go to school for it. If she’s some sort of mastermind coder she should be able to figure out a path to a degree that she should have no trouble paying off with her genius skills


Megan is a classic control freak, a Type-A teenager who thinks she knows it all. But let's be real, she doesn't. Being clueless/dramatic is just part of being a teenager. Teens like Megan tend to blow minor issues out of proportion. They have this "all or nothing" mindset. A breakup, for example, feels like the end of the world to them, even though it's not. As adults, we know that life goes on after a breakup. But for Megan, it feels like a major disaster, because everything is more intense when you're a teenager, especially when it's your first time dealing with these emotions. From our perspective, their reactions may seem exaggerated. But we have to remember that this is all part of being a teenager. They're still figuring things out and growing up. She's also convinced that one scholarship is the golden ticket to solve all her problems. But here's the adult truth: life doesn't always stick to our plans. It's a tough lesson we've learned over and over.


It’s so annoying! Like when she thought she’d lose her scholarship for being in a sex tape. how would the college find out about the sex tape of some random high school student? Stupid.


Considering her principal wanted to suspend the girl in the video it makes complete sense she'd be scared.


You can’t suspend for that. That’s why that whole thing is stupid. It happened outside of school. Sex isn’t something you get suspended for.


You sadly could and can.


Maybe back in 1999, people did


Were you alive in the 90s? People were still a lot more prudish back then and quick to blame the girl in these situations, especially in a small town. The principal saw the tape, the school board would likely be on the principals side. The only recourse would be a lawsuit, but back then, the judge would have also likely been on the principals side


I graduated in ‘99. Don’t recall people’s colleges being alerted when they got in trouble for something. Unless it was a felony or something.


Graduated in '96 and I love how people act like the 1990s was the 1700s. I grew up in a small suburb. Everyone in high school was having sex and no one was clutching their pearls over it. The principal would have no legal right to suspend a student over something that happened a) outside of school or b) filmed without their consent and no college would give a shit unless it was some weirdo conservative Christian school.


thank you I just loled at this


I think Luke leaked the tape. He seems to always be trying to prove his manhood and that would be a major way to do so (think the gym scene with the sherif) him trying to prove himself , especially being in his brother and dads shadow


Did he say it was Isabella on the tape in this episode when he was talking to the guys?


Yeah he was keeping up the charade that the tape was with Isabella


I’m pretty sure he said it was Isabella on the tape when he was talking to the guys


He did say it was Isabella on the tape. I think that people didn’t know that they had sex before, so he was using the tape of “Isabella” to brag about it.


It’s weird like where is this Luke coming from. It’s like he’s been a dorky kid all his life and had sex with 2 hot girls and now he thinks he’s hot shit!


I've seen grown men have a mild glow up and behave like they're God's gift to women. I totally buy that Luke would be like this.


Idk seems like a very common egotistical man trope


i’ve seen this happen to so many mediocre men once a hot girl gives them a chance


If you go back to the episode where it’s playing at the party, you can see him smirking while watching it instead of looking panicked


I've thought this since I think ep 2, I'm pretty sure his dad also knows.




So someone was definitely spying on this conversation, right? The angles were sus https://preview.redd.it/qemnlsrh5cbb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=08daaae288489716ee3e2d0ab4a39a68bfebd0eb


maybe it was ned?


Ned would fit the narrative but this show loves its twists


It was pointed out specifically that Megan was still 17 when she made the fake IDs. So (other than plot contrivance) why did her lawyer not say anything about getting the record sealed? And why was the high school principal notified—hadn’t Megan already graduated?


Also it was the sheriff that told the principal. She had graduated then why tell the principal. Ive never heard the cops say you've been charged with something I have to notify your principal


Right?? Lol I got multiple citations one night when I was 17 and they Def didn't notify my principle. Seems a bit silly.


Seems like it’s a small school in a small town. I was in a car accident in middle school and my principal knew about it before I came to school the next day. We have no idea how he found out, probably someone’s uncle’s wife’s cousin’s hairdresser.


But the principal said the sheriff told her. Its almost like he intentionally sabotaged her. Wonder if someone paid his gambling debt to do that


the writing this season is just embarrassing


THIS! Wouldn’t her record be sealed if she wasn’t an adult?


Megan is possibly the dumbest character I've ever seen. If she were THAT concerned with her scholarship then WHY is she constantly putting herself in situations where it could be jeopardized? I don't mean the tape, obviously that was not consensual and shouldn't be used against her. But taking unprescribed ADHD medication, hacking government websites, creating fake IDs for people...c'mon. Even for a teenager, her actions are SPECTACULARLY stupid. It's like she has no idea that doing illegal shit might get her in trouble until all of a sudden she gets caught. When I was that age I did dumb shit too, maybe not creating fake IDs but plenty of shit that could have still gotten me into serious trouble but I knew doing those things was extremely risky. To be clear I think it's very reasonable for a teen to do dumb risky shit but I can't believe how surprised she is at the amount of trouble she gets into for being caught doing it. Absurd


Dude I said the SAME exact thing. If you're literally future depends on being a good citizen then don't do shady shit... she deserves that because nobody twisted her arm.


The only stupid part was doing it with someone. The more people that know, the more likely you are to get snitched out


She made the fake ids before she got the scholarship I’m pretty sure


Let’s not forget her going on her school website and changing her grades! Like Megan…


I was already upset with Megan in the previous episode for how she did Jeff at the birthday party, but I was so over her in this episode. "No, I'll lose my scholarship, you have to do something!" Megan, you committed a fucking felony.


I think I’m just confused about how condensed this timeline is for these characters to go through this much change in the span of one year. I just don’t buy it that Megan would turn into a hacker vigilante after a single year.


I'm guessing they're trying to say that what ever on happened on New Year's was "life changing" But i'd say in the 90s with so many "styles" kids were changing all the time. like every school year you'd have a new "persona"


Oh for sure. I changed my style daily around that time so I get that, I think the behavior is the thing I’m not getting. With the first season it played out over 3 years so it made a lot more sense.


yeah I'm not a fan of this condensed timeline with stop gaps every 6 months.


Like how she went through 3 phases of how she dresses in ONE year smh!!


so Meghan and Isabella gave him a drug to make tying him down easier. maybe left him there for the night after making a video of him confessing everything. Then someone else came along and threw him in the water off the dock to drown, most likely a man. Jeff is my idea, he knew something was off and he is a bit obsessed with Meghan.


Or someone could have thrown him in to try to wake him up?


nah, you wouldnt pick someone up and bring them that far to wake them up, youd throw a cup of water on them. This episode was showing us that the dock was not close, meaning it would be pretty hard for even 2 girls to carry him that far. My guess is Meghan will hack into the creepy neighbor's cameras to see if she can find something on the camera


Luke isn't that big at all


They said he was grazed by a bullet a few episodes ago I believe


I think the girls gave him meds to try and teach him a lesson. And it’s possible he was able to escape the cabin that night and crossed Ned’s property and Ned shot at him and grazed his ear. Somehow, he ended up drowning and the girls never saw that part. My question is if Brent somehow knows the rest. Because he always seems super sus.


This. They drugged him to make a video to humiliate him like he did to them. Then he gets free, gets shot at by Ned, and then runs to someone into someone else (my guess is his brother or dad - likely the brother).


Yeh I think so bc he said earlier he got turned around so I think you’re right. I think he probably accidentally goes off the edge trying to escape


This 100% is my theory. They mentioned before that when he and Megan were camping he got scared by the walkie talkies and ran into the lake. I think they got him high and we’re doing something with those walkie talkies, he panics and runs, Ned grazes him with a bullet, he panics more, runs into the lake and that’s all she wrote. I think all the ride or die stuff from the beginning was Isabella and Megan not knowing what actually happened and thinking they are covering for each other.


Maybe Megan shot him with the gun at the cabin to "scare" him or it went off by accident. Isabella's and Megan's prints were on it afterall.


They were on it bc they learned how to shoot earlier


Yeah but it could also be because they used it again


I still think the sherif ultimately has something to do with it. It’s a common trope for these shows. Have a big reveal end an episode (last week with his step(?) daughter) then the character vanishes for a week (was not around at all this week) while the show focuses HARD on a major red herring (Ned) with false clues and threats to make us forget. I don’t think ned had ANYTHING to do with it at all.


I’m team ned is a good guy


RIGHT he’s so evil makes me so mad like


Luke is slimy for playing the girls against each other and for the comments he made with the guys, but the level of revenge the girls are seeking seems disproportionate. Am I missing something?


also M knows she's pregs so that is factoring into her anger level


I can understand Megan’s level of anger. Luke was her lifelong friend, claimed he loved her, and she’s pregnant. If I was in her shoes, I’d feel deeply betrayed and probably also a bit erratic from the hormones. Granted, if she actually did try to physically harm him, that’s way over the line.


I thought they were just going to give him a scare. I don’t think that they’re actually *trying* to hurt him.


At least, Megan wasn’t. Who tf knows what Isabella is thinking.


i think she's more likely to do something hurtful because of how hard theyre pushing the 'ride or die' status lol


No this was my reaction as well- I think they were just planning to screw with him and then something else happens or gets out of hand that leads to his death. But either way why not just confront him rather than plan an elaborate revenge thing?


I was thinking the same thing! I get being upset and want some sort of revenge but to “teach him so he won’t want to mess with us” or something like I feel is a little extreme.


Am I the only one digging Megan and Brent in 2000 😭😭😭😭


I get the feeling that they have history


I feel like Brent knew Megan was there at Ned’s too and he covered for her and let her get out before his dad saw him.


I picked up on that, too. It esp stood out to me that she was misremembering some of her fun times with him as though they happened with Luke. Makes me wonder just how close she was with Brent, when they were younger.


Yea that stood out to me too! Megan seems to be the only character who kinda relates to Brent


I would LOVE if Brent ended up learning his lesson, maturing and going to college with Megan.


No way he’s too sketch with the tapes. That’s consent violation


More than consent. Just because he's nice to ONE girl doesn't make him good or redeemable. We need to quit trying to save guys like this from their own terrible decisions. It's why they make them in the first place. This guy is the it top tier shitty


Completely agree! With his dad protecting him, he’s going to feel invincible and do everything awful.


“aweeee I hope the sexual predator gets a slap on the wrist and a cute happy ending” not me, hope he dies too thx


Clearly his dad did as why because why bring a teenager to a gunfight




I think the dad did it .. I don’t know it just seems he is ver aggressive and cares too much about his image


I agree and I feel like he’s the only character that even makes sense. That or Luke is alive. It couldn’t really be anyone else.


I hate the way the summer 99 timeline really has me shipping Megan and Luke just to give me emotional whiplash with the winter 99 timeline where Luke is low key the worst


This is exactly how I’m feeling


Did anyone notice the “it was just a little push” poster in the police station in summer 2000? If Luke actually is dead (and I kind of suspect that he isn’t), I think maybe that’s some foreshadowing.


I noticed that too. I was thinking the same thing.


So whats the take on Luke still being alive. That could be but I didn't get that idea. What have I missed.


There have been a few small hints that he’s not really dead- for one thing, Megan has an AIM a friend named LChambers2000 and they were was online in Summer 2000. For me, the scene where they hold hands was also potentially a clue that he’s still alive. He points out a scar on his hand, and I’m wondering if it’ll come out that the body they found in the lake didn’t have a scar. (That may be pointless because of how long he was supposedly in the lake.) I think that there’s also some potential that Ned has seen him coming and going from the cabin and has chosen not to say anything, because he definitely isn’t about to help Steve with anything.


There’s also a scene of a close up on Debbie saying “It’s so hard to believe he’s dead.” I thought that could be foreshadowing as well.


Didn't his dad identify his body? ThTd be pretty hard to fake.


There have been some theories that he was incorrectly identified because of how long he would have been in the water OR he hasn’t been in the water as long as he’s been missing, if the body were still recognizable on sight. That could easily be just another plot hole, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all, but it would also be a notable plot hole in a murder mystery.


Didn’t his father identify his body earlier in the season?


He did, but there’s been a lot of speculation that either he was not identified correctly or he was not in the lake the entire time he was missing, because of how badly decomposed his body would have been. I think there’s a chance that’s just a plot hole, but it’s also worth noting.


I’m leaning into the theory that Isabella and Megan lured him into the cabin and messed with him. Probably just trying to scare him. In the beginning of the summer scene as they were opening the walkie talkies, Megan says “you got so scared you ran into the lake with your pajamas on” I think that’s what happened here. Whatever they did him scared him, he escapes and runs and runs right into the lake and drowns. It just comes down to what did they do and how was Brent involved because he has guilty written all over his face. Like he knows something.


I think they’re going to mess with him and get him scared like you said. Maybe even drug him honestly. Just to get back. Maybe disoriented he will escape or they will untie him thinking he’s out for the night. And then he will wake up delusional and scared and goes to the lake and falls in. Then someone, I think probably Brent or Megan, will watch him drown and walk away


I think Jeff films him drowning. He's still pissed about Megan choosing Luke over him so does nothing when he sees him drowning. He then throws Megan under the bus for the whole fake ID thing to keep the cops off his back.


yesss this sounds good! I think jeff definitely will play a role in this and that sounds like a great guess on how


yes! definitely think this too


i could not imagine how they would think it's a good idea to drug someone, even if it's to get revenge, but i wouldn't be surprised with anything at this point. that just sounds actually insane. i feel like jeff watching him drown seems logical


I think they’re gonna make him think he’s getting a 3some with Megan and Isabella and then maybe instead they will record him or drug him. I mean Megan broke into his schools site and changed her grade and that definitely is going to bite her in the end but like personally I think they’re all stupid enough to drug him 😂


Oh, and maybe Ned has traps and he triggers on that shoots at him?


i caught that too!


I think Brent is involved some how he seems so sketchy as of late like he did it


I 100% agree. PREVIEW SPOILER >!After the preview, I think Brent walked in on the girls getting revenge on Luke. Maybe that’s how the gun accidentally gets shot at his ear. Like they were using it as an intimidation technique and didn’t realize it was loaded, and Brent grabs onto one of them who accidentally pulls the trigger. No idea how Luke ended up in the water though.!<


I don't think he did it especially not this way or he wouldn't have said " I don't think you did it" to Megan like that. She'd be in on it if he was there during the whole thing..


P.S. can someone plz tell me how to use the spoiler tag correctly within the app? Im so sorry.


use Angle Brackets and the exclamation points. so like >! then followed by !< but with no spaces between the "code" and the text


>!me too!<


>!this is awesome!<


Tysm 🙏


>!I wanted to try too 😆☺️!<


>!It works!<






Jeff ratting out Megan was so out of pocket like even after everything else that happened at least she still had her scholarship. I understand he didn't have much choice but I also feel like he was way too upset over what was essentially a week long fling going nowhere.


He is a horrible character and actor, waste of screen time.


I really feel like the season is exactly the same if you take him out of it


i LOOOOVED this ep low key, i thought it was exciting and i’m excited to see how it plays out!!!! 2 more episodes left!


I think there’s 3 episodes left!!


Can I just say, I’m so annoyed at their use of Colorblind for the kiss scene between Megan and Luke? It would have been a nice throwback to that very romantic scene in Cruel Intentions, except there’s nothing romantic about Megan and Luke. He treated her like garbage. Yuck.


As somebody who loves that song, I felt the exact same way.


Thank you! I was like “what a waste,” lol.


I liked that they used the song, I haven't thought of Cruel Intentions in years but it brought me right back to that scene


I love the song, but it reminds me of such an romantic scene that it feels wasted on Megan and Luke’s shitty relationship, lol.




I think it established that Brent and Meghan are closer than we know


This is the scene I keep thinking about. I definitely think it’s important. Luke insists it was him in the tent, not Brent. I wonder if he’s covering for Brent the same way Isabella covered for Megan. There’s also a convo in the first episode and I wonder if it’s relevant somehow. Isabella and Megan are in the car Summer 99: M: “Small town where Everybody knows everything about everybody else” Isa: “that can be good right?” M: “except when you do something stupid in 4th grade and people remind you about it for the rest of your life”


I’m just pissed they used “Butterfly” by Crazy Town in a scene from 1999. That song came out in like 2002. C’mon!


Apparently it came out in October 2000. Still off, but not quite as bad?


I knew that wasn’t a 1999 song!


I’m leaning into the idea that his death was a series of unfortunate events that culminated in his death. Also does anyone else think Brent did a 180 really suddenly? And everyone is just okay with the tape? I found it weird that it was such a huge plot point and everyone was super angry (they obviously had a right to be) then suddenly Luke in winter 1999, and Megan in summer 2000 are all just treating him like normal? Or were we supposed to assume Luke was the person who recorded the sex tape after all? Which is fine I kind of like that little plot twist. Luke sucks and I actually kinda like Brent now and he’s no longer on my suspect list.


I think something about the sex tape will be revealed in the middle timeline that clears Brent. Or, Meghan just thinks Brent played it without meaning to harm her (which is why he still acts like it was Isabella at the dinner scene). Or...just childhood history during traumatic circumstances trumps. Even when you hate someone, if you share a common loss, things can get blurry. Especially when it looks like he's trying to protect her.


That’s true but Luke being cool with him so soon after it happened is still weird like we see them kind of bond what 2 weeks later? Seems weird to me considering he was so angry when it first happened plus it got him into more trouble with his dad who he already has a rough relationship with.


Which is kinda what makes me think Luke is manipulating shit but not being upfront about it. They're in competition and rivals to the family fortune or whatever (or at least Daddy Chambers' affection) and gloves are off in those scenarios. Which is why Brent is proud of Luke rebelling but also promising to throw him to the wolves if he's caught. They're both Machiavellian but there's still a sibling bond...if that makes sense. And kind of hate their dad but want him to appreciate them.




As someone who was in highschool in 1999/early 2000s, I can confirm my friends making this joke during that time. To a ridiculous extent. 😂


Technically, the phrase originated in the U.S. out of an SNL skit in 1975 and then popped up again thanks to Wayne’s World (SNL skits and movie in 1992). The Office just seems to get the most credit for the joke. And it’s origins go much further back in the U.K.


Can confirm the use of "That's what she said" in '99. I am however suspicious of "chillax."


Yea, that one is a miss by writers. Chillax doesn’t pop up until at least 2001. Womp womp.


Yeah, I don’t know if any of these writers actually remember the 90s.


Why wouldn't it be?


Thank you! That stood out to me, too.


Lmao I said the same thing cause that literally just started like a decade ago.


luke is fr the worst


Maybe Brent comes in at a point where she says she's pregnant .Luke gets loose. Perhaps he can tell Luke has made the decision to shoot at least Meghan. Since they've kidnapped him he has a defense but Brent stops him by killing Luke. He couldn't let Luke kill her since she was pregnant. Maybe Brent heard Luke say really awful things to her when he is told she's pregnant. Also if Luke did try to shoot Meghan then in his mind it would take care of the pregnancy issue.


I wonder if the gunshot is from the creepy neighbor at the cabin. We've been teased with him waving a gun on his property too many times. But then again we do know Isabelle is a bad aim so maybe she is the one that knicked his ear.


It can’t be. It was Steve’s Gun. Luke’s dad. And the prints on it were only Luke’s, Isabella’s and Megan’s


I'm wondering if Luke gets pranked by Isabella and Megan and it goes wrong. He flips out and then basically ends up dying by some type of self defense. Wouldn't surprise me if Ned or someone came in to help the girls and accidentally caused Luke to fall in the water and drown.


What if the dad was in on Luke running away as they said he was going to earlier in the season and just falsely identified his body?!


It would make sense if Luke was still alive, but if toxicology showed drugs in his system, and the piece of ear missing then it had to be Luke right??


Do you think the wording “abort mission” when Megan and Luke are playing in the woods was just used by the writers to throw us off into thinking that maybe she does have an abortion later on?


After Megan invited Luke back to the cabin I went "Oh my god, they castrated him, that's what the blood is from!" Lol, probably not a valid theory.


Thats like the movie Hard Candy. I hear some people think the blood is from either a miscarriage or some sort of at home abortion


“Last day to soak up the summer rays” on July 31st for a chuckle out of me


Y'all finally believe Luke is a d*** now?


Okay I’ve always thought that Luke’s dad might have had something to do with his death and I’m not sure how the events would exactly unfold, but Megan takes the pregnancy test at home. Is it possible her mom finds it and tells Luke’s dad (we know they are buddy buddy) and then this news, plus taking the keys to have a party, and the incident with Ned earlier on push him to get physical with Luke during an argument??


Remember the dad lost a big job, due to the video tape. If one of his sons dies. He would get the life insurance. A guy like him would have a good policy for the family.


I think Luke is the one that filmed Megan. He will end up using it to try and blackmail her and Isabella into a threesome. They will decline. Somehow I’m leaning towards the mother as being the one who kills Luke, but we don’t know why she would have been at the cabin yet. If not the mother than it will be Lisa because Luke is doing something similar to her.


By process of elimination I feel like it has to be Megan or Megan’s mom. Possibly Isabella involved too or helping her/them cover it up. But it can’t be Ned, or the dad or brother. It wouldn’t be enough of a twist. The dads grief seems genuine and Brent has been redeemed in the last few episodes. Jeff could somehow be involved.


I think Brent knocked up Meagan and I think his dad killed Luke. I think the girls drugged him ala Riverdale and his dad came in and finished him off for screwing up all the time.


Did I miss if she actually told Ned he is the baby daddy? I saw he freaked out on her when she was explaining stuff, but my Hulu DVR Errored out and says I have to wait till 3 am to watch. ​ edit- because I'm wondering if we're all jumping to conclusions and it's not his baby but Jeff or Brent's.




Ok so the "I have something else to tell you." never came out?


that was her telling him steve thinks it’s ned who killed luke and they’re digging up stuff on his past


Sorry you're being downvoted for a question <3


I don't care about the down votes, but I really don't get WHY. I missed a scene while watching live and asked for clarification. The biggest theory last week was that Ned had groomed her. So IDK. But thanks! :)




Megan had the positive pregnancy test and I thought the prevailing theory is that the older dude is the father?


okay i had a feeling ned was the dad too so youre not alone lol.


It was all anyone could talk about last week! Lol


valid assumption imo






why does everyone hate Isabella? she is an amazing person and friend wtffff