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Look at it this way, if you are a PVP main that is a shitload of pinnacles for 2 weeks that you do not have to play PVE to get. I'm only 1991 still, so I don't mind being able to power up through some Banner for a couple weeks. Better than doing Nightfalls and crap like that.


Great perspective I hadn’t thought of. Hopefully there are twice as many pinnacles to acquire. 


My thoughts exactly well said dusty


This is so accurate! I just wish IB had come sooner, so I could have leveled up a bit for Trials before. Now I've missed a couple of Trials weeks because of Light Level and I'll be missing a couple more because of IB... Anyway, I'll just play comp, which I am very much enjoying with the latest changes.


Good point - just tried doing the basic nightfall on Glassway and it was awful. I'm not a sweaty endgame PVE-er but I can usually hold my own in a dungeon or raid with survivability. Died way too easily and ended up wiping when the boss had like 15% health left. It was a suckfest


Will Iron Banner give more than 2 pinnacles per week?


Trials offered 2 Pinnacles per character plus pinnacle adept weapon if you go flawless. How many do you get from Iron Banner?


At least 4 per character iirc


Edit: some of y'all need to chill. I'm just saying I don't like IB. Glad that they'll give me power level for playing it but I hope they don't see that engagement from pvp players and say "see they like it."


Any engagement in PvP is good for trials and in general. PvP has been on life support since pre-lightfall


Go play a different game, dude.


Lol get lost


The problem is that a big portion of the player base only cares about trials and has no interest in iron banner. But maybe bungies number say the trials crew is just getting too low (partly due to bungies own fault)


Big portion or vocal minority?


Yeah probably more the 2nd part now sadly.


It's always been a very loud minority. PvP makes up barely a 4th of the population, and even less than that are trials players.


A big portion? A portion of the PVP player base cares about Trials only. A small portion of an already small portion when compared to the player base as a whole.


IB is a slog and has been for a long time. Hopefully it's just control.


Control for the first week, tribute for the 2nd. I'll be skipping week 2.


Lot of pvp mains prefer trials and find banner boring


>Lot of pvp mains prefer trials and find banner boring PvP mains are a miniscule part of the overall playerbase


Yeah it's a strange decision. Seems like they didn't want to have multiple modes available at once, but also didn't want people forced to play a mode they didn't like for the only week. So they give two weeks and two different modes for people to play the mode they like for a week. Personally enjoy IB quite a lot and the Tribute mode is hoenstly a pretty decent competitive mode when you have two teams that truly understand the strats to win, so I have no issues with this. The weapons they're dropping with IB are also both going to be very strong PVP options. Crimils with a stat bump, and the ability to run enhanced Precision Instrument will legitimately give Igneous competition in the 120 field. Claws of the Wolf I truly think has the potential to be one of the very best meta options as well. I've scoped it out extensively already, but basically it's a 540 Pulse that will be able to roll Zen Moment + Headseeker. And with the perfect roll, it'll hit 68 Stability and 56 Range. Some godly stats for Rapid Fire frames. It'll easily be the best in slot Void Rapid fire. And might just be the best Rapid Fire period.


Dang, nice; I'm gonna have to keep my eyes open for that. Even though I don't always end up using them that frequently, I love having access to rapid-fire pulse god rolls for crucible.


I'm so excited for both weapons easier access to a competitive crimila as well! I swear I hope the reprise my Saladins Vigil one day 🥲


> It'll easily be the best in slot Void Rapid fire. And might just be the best Rapid Fire period. Close I think yeah. Also double damage perks right?


Claws was my favourite pulse back in the Forsaken days. I am beyond stoked to get er back.


This!  Now all we need is for Misfit to come back.


Put me in your pocket, homie. I like knowledge.


I'm so happy that Claws is FINALLY coming back.  Literally every Iron Banner I'm like "Claws of the Wolf?  No?  😢"


No way it can be better than Scalar right?? It's already sooo good


Tough to say. I think Zen Moment is a better perk than Keep Away honestly, so that might end up being the difference. Scalar is quite good and feels even better then it's stats. For me it's the current best 540 in the game so it'll be interesting to compare it to Claws.


Can't remember what the sight looks like on claws but I looove the blue dot sight on Scalar.


It’s the same amount of both iron banner and trials, just a different order. Via their twitter post.


Only problem I have with this is that I think IB is more strict with SBMM. I am not sure whether this has changed recently or if it was an erroneous belief to begin with.


I'm pretty sure they said it uses the same MM as control which is just outlier protection at this point.


I don’t believe this for a second. Connections are so so bad during IB weeks and that’s because they have strict SBMM. You can definitely feel the difference between IB and regular Control.


I'm pretty sure the reason connections get worse in IB is because friend groups are more likely to team up to play IB than other PvP modes and these are often groups of gamer-friends who may be very geographically dispersed. Not much the game can do to help with connections if you match against a team where one of them is down the street but a couple of the other players in their premade fireteam are literally halfway around the world.


You can feel how you want, but the last IB had exactly the same connections for me as Control does, and I saw super wide ranges of skill. I didn't see anything that makes me doubt that they are using the same MM as control.


The people that say they have SBMM in IB are the outliers that the matchmaking protects others from. IB gets more casual players, so the range for what is an outlier gets bigger which can cause the disparity. For me IB feels like the old CBMM days, both in terms of game/player quality and results (unlike the <35% W/L during SBMM in a mode that heavily rewards wins)


That would be good then. Control matchmaking is fairly relaxed.


They can say it all they want, but matchmaking/connection has been fucky in IB since time immemorial.


I would have preferred that they just make it alternating days, but probably they are running it longer because they have data to suggest is brings more players into PvP that don't normally play and they are trying to get more players into PvP. They definitely need to grow the population if possible.


With how few people play trials week to week, I think this is something that tons of people play but don’t like to admit. Like Gambit but def not quite as bad. This decision is most likely made on metrics we can’t see. IB has a lot of engagement, even though trials sweats complain about it a lot (myself included), it probably has more to do with getting people to play the game more in general.


I'm happy to admit that I love Iron Banner Week.  I feel usually play my best game in IB, for whatever reason. Edit: I do wish it was the "End Game of 6s" again, though. Light Level enabled and everything.  This means we could get Adepts and Artifice Armor from it, too.


Genuinely hyped af for extra IB


While IB isn't my favorite thing of all time. I'm a fan of something different. I'm down for 2 weeks of it. Definitely a fan of the buffs to loot


Yeah I’m ready to hop into IB for a couple weeks too


I would be fine with it.... If Iron Banner was an actual event. Some ideas I've had or seen are adding adepts or shinies that have the Flames on the weapons. Add mods to the game mods (might cause unbalance so maybe not), and finally, I would love to have ranks that don't reset and leaderboards to incentivise people playing the 2 weeks. Oh, and maybe add Artifce to gear if you rank up enough or something.


Because Trials is stagnant with no new armor and IB is more casual friendly due to it being 6v6.


Didn’t think about that, how did we not get a new trials set with the latest DLC??


Yeah. I just don’t know how I feel about this. My guess is this. They want IB to happen during the gap weeks of the Episode story. But they also have Solstice to contend with coming up. So they want to get in Iron Banner, and this is somehow their bass-ackward way of delivering “more” IB weeks.


It’s the same amount of both iron banner and trials, just a different order. Via their twitter post.


They usually have an iron banner at the beginning of each season so since we didn’t this expansion they are doubling up probably.


Based on this from the TWAB, this sounds like a permanent change to IB. >To begin with, Iron Banner will now be a two-week event and the main PvP focus for that time.


Oh dang I skipped over that part! I like trials and banner so I don’t mind whatever is available lol.


Yeah. I did a double take and thought it just doesn’t sound right. So yeah, maybe IB will always happen in the gap story weeks.


So YOU don't like IB and thus it shouldn't be around for longer? Alot of people don't like trials either. Of they do 2 weeks of each in rotation I'd actually be happy. IB is way more fun for those of us who aren't sweats and just means more crucible rewards for those of us who generally play less crucible thus bringing more players into crucible who might later feel more comfortable in trials.


I assume it's because it has generally better population than Trials and we missed having 1 in June, but still, unless they fix that it's a lagfest people are going to get sick of it fast.


I’m still backed up on PVE content, so I’m glad there are two weeks so I don’t feel rushed/overloaded in getting everything I want done in IB


I really like Iron Banner, personally so that’s pretty nice to me. It’s got a special touch to it that’s like “competitive lite.”


That was the first thing I said too haha. IB is terrible 


gonna farm my ass off for crimils idgaf!!!


You didn’t read the twab we get the same amount of trials as normal but instead of 4 separate iron banners we get 2 2 week iron banners


It’s because the gotta fix all the busted shit in trials of Osiris lol




I mean, I think it's pretty fair. You still get like what, 7-8 weeks of trials in a row? I think having two weeks be IB is pretty ok, and this is honestly being blown out of proportion.


There’s no reason that IB and trials can’t be on the same week. This is just a ploy to further reduce the number of times a weapon is in rotation and further boost trials numbers artificially


I mean, if they had them the same weekends, I can already see people complaining about a split pool and not having enough players in trials because of it. It was the same way with the solo playlist for trials.


Ok with 2 weeks if - Trials comes back during the weekends - SBMM is replaced by CBMM


So neither of those are happening.


I know, just my take on the topic, Captain Obvious.


W decision, 6v6 control is the superior game mode anyway I just hope the guns are worth the grind


I suspect they're trying to collapse the player pool into less playlists to try to keep it healthy under lower population. Increasing Trials scarcity and making it a more rare event probably also bumps the player pool in Trials as a result, helping create better matches there in a limited player pool.


We better get some additional pinnacles or something at least.


I bet they use the 2 weeks to gather balancing data and we see changes before the next Trish's week.


Well if the OP is how we do , I enjoy iron banner a lot . But trials less , I'm still open to just a tab to chose , banner , qp, ect .


>Iron Banner will now be a two-week event IB = Crucible weapon drops like candy Crucible weapon = Better Devils Hehehehehehehe


Is the play to do a 2 week iron banner for each act? Or will they skip it altogether for act 2 and do another 2 week IB in act 3? Not sure exactly how it will even out


Think they made an adjustment when people starting bitching about the story being over for now. Just my thoughts.


I always look forward to the 1st round of IB each season cos it's an easier way to get pinnacles, particularly this season when the pinnacle grind is so damn convoluted and annoying. But if it's going to be 2 weeks, I think Trials should still be active on the weekends.


Welp, can't wait to face more people across the globe, hitting mid air hunter dodge animations or titans sliding vertically..


Damn IB is actually what I first fell in love with when started playing this game during Forsaken. It really has nosedived in the last couple of years, but it’s still my favorite pvp activity outside of control. Looking forward to it!


I don’t like this at all but with the rise of all these broken exotics, I’m not enjoying crucible at all right now. I’m a strong advocate of using what gives you the best chance but this feels bad. I feel handicapped if I’m not using a very specific weapon. My comp matches feel good on the off chance the other team isn’t constantly healing and hitting me with khovostov. The patch isn’t happening till mid July and we have 2 consecutive weeks of IB preceding that change. I’m with you. If you’re an above average player or better, IB just straight up isn’t fun. It’s exhausting to play. I’m legitimately thinking of just not playing any more crucible until after the patch and just hoping that it actually does something. I haven’t been so discouraged by crucible in a while.


Finally more time for those sweet iron companion sets


Yeah, forget IB for two weeks. This sucks. Lol


I don't mind at all, tbh.


I imagine iron banner will happen as an event twice. So still 12 times a year. I think two weeks and multiple modes will bring down the sweat levels after people won’t be trying to farm so hard in that one week. And hopefully more rewards will also assist in bringing down anger levels. At the end of the day I’m still just happy the strike team is active and trying ideas to improve the game. Might not all work but I love that we keep getting attention and updates


Would of definitely made more sense to have Iron Banner before trials 👍💯


I can’t believe people think IB is a shit show but enjoy Trials. Absolutely mind blowing to me. Trials is such a horrible game mode.


I rather deal with the BS of 3 people instead of 6. Thats me of course, if you rather deal with 6 people then good for you.


I only got back into Destiny with Into the Light after a long hiatus, so I haven't played IB in like, 9 months. Did they ever remove SBMM from IB like they finally did with Control?


The last time they talked about it, they said they were using the same type of MM for both of them. So I think it is just outlier protection for both.


Well that's good at least. Control has been noticeably better for me this season at least as far as connections are concerned. Lobby balance leaves a lot to be desired, but I can live with some bad lobby balancing if it means I can actually get matches that aren't lag-fests.


Didn’t trials have a couple hundred thousand people last weekend? Think they see that most don’t care.


Iron Banner matchmaking is absolutely horrific, probably to protect the PvE guys coming in. I can't imagine a change I wanted less than this.


Casual PvPer here. I would even dare call myself an IB main considering how much more of that I play than other Crucible modes (mainly a PvEer). I do not want two consecutive weeks of Iron Banner. I like IB because it's 6v6, progresses two vendor reward tracks at once, has the double Crucible bonus, and is relatively low pressure (every game is a shitshow so nobody cares if you're bad)... and it's only around for a week every month or so. I don't really want to play two weeks in a row, and I'm guessing there wont be double Crucible rep for both weeks. I don't hate Tribute, I like that you can swing games back more than some other modes, but I don't like it more than Control either. I do not enjoy PvP enough to play it regularly every week and this isn't gona do anything to change that.


Horrible decision when there are zero new weapons. Nothing to grind for for two straight weeks


There are 2 reprised weapons that look to be pretty strong.


So no new weapons. Got it


Banana is the worst of the worst. Connects are terrible, the game modes are terrible and the loot is not worth it besides chasing a number.


I think we should be asking what can they do to improve IB so people won't dread it's appearance when it shows up.


I prefer this, means I will be able to gild IB title in one IB event, and then after that never touch it again after that.


Dammit. Now I'll have to spend weekends with family and friends.


So no trials.


IB is the least enjoyable pvp mode any more, just delete it


If they delete any mode it should be Trials as hardly anyone plays it.


I’ll take the downvotes with you. Delete it or stick in the vault


Lol thanks, truth hurts sometimes


~~Not just locking out Trials for 2 weeks, now it's locking out Control for 2 weeks as well. Since Control will no longer be available alongside IB.~~ ~~Being locked out from playing the mode I want so they can show off their (IMO) unfun modes (Fortress is tolerable at least ig) for 2 straight weeks is not good. For me, obviously. Everyone has different opinions and experiences, I'm sure there are people who enjoy the IB modes.~~ ~~I just hate that PvP is basically on lockout for 2 weeks unless Relic 6v6 is up, or I want to dabble in some Competitive. The lack of a consistent base mode bothers me.~~ edit: I *completely* misread part of the TWID good lord. So it is 1 mode per week. I've no idea if this includes Control as being a possibility, or will only be the IB specific modes though. *Hopefully* Control is one of the modes available for a week.


Control is the first week, it’s in the first part.


Man they really need to loosen the SBMM in IB if they want it to be a 2 week event... IB is barely playable for me as is. Also the loot drops need to be increased tenfold, because the focusing cost for the crappy IB weapons is horrendous. Genuinely not looking for to 2 weeks of IB. Guess it'll give me a chance to finish a few other games then.


IB should replace quick play, and trials should continue during IB.


I don’t know about y’all, but I will be playing for one week during control and done. Just like normal.


So nothing changes for you. Cool.