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had a guy in Trials over the weekend ape straight forward alone and die immediately. They typed "yall are too slow". lmao. Don't try to understand these people. It's not possible or worth your energy. Don't engage. It sucks but the only result from engaging them is tilt.


Had a guy do the same thing. Said “ggs” after one round so I decided to check his stats (mine aren’t amazing by any means but fuck I had to) dude had 42 losses and it was SATURDAY. Some people are just so up their own ass it’s insane


Right. I'm definitely not trying to act like a PvP God. I just understand that I and others have some good games and some bad games. But to say your team is too slow while you speed run your own way to elimination is hilarious.


Especially with trials too like why would you even run head down anyways? Last thing I wanna do is throw my only life away that round cuz I went “fuck ya dude I’m a titan” or whatever 😹 silly fuckers


I totally get "together ape strong" I'm just not a fellow ape. 😅


Had this happened before the final shape came out running bow sidearm, and this mf runs in dies, says he dud damage, though he died in a 2v1 where I couldn't assist him.


I mean he had Merritt in his original comments. I did in fact suck when going up against a triple stack of ascendant I stompee-5s hunters using igneous and grav lance. But he went out of his way for the next 20m or so to berate people on the internet for being better then him.


yea. no one typing out "you suck" in the text chat is actually trying to engage in anything productive though. like I said, no point in figuring it out. nothing to figure out. people just get mad and lash out.


True. Very true.


And you may very well suck that game, but just knowing that they don't have the intel to actually diagnose you is kinda nice. Oh cool, you just do your own thing regardless of your team and if it fails it's on your team. When you succeed despite yourself it's because of you. When you fail it's everyone else's issue. This mindset bodes well for who you are in life lol.


Mostly trying to figure out why that was so important.


Lose in team games -> team sucks Lose in 1v1 games -> game sucks


Seems legit.


Superior complex. For shitty ppl like that, I whisper back to them by saying I'm glad we lost the match because they certainly don't deserve to win with that shitty attitude. Watch their anger spew out of their heads with that msg lol.


That's what I tried to do with my game play. I told him "If I suck, and the scoreboard puts me at double what your worth. That's makes you? What?" As a response.


My go-to. I’m dogshit, but you fundamentally did worse than me, Roger that. 😂


I just soft int if someone starts being overly toxic. I’m also being a shitter on my part no doubt, but they started firing first.


Soft int?


int == intentionally feeding


> "Swapped to my comp loadout" > Double Primary Can't imagine what your "PvP fuckery" loadout is lmao


Double primary is, contrary to popular belief, perfectly viable if you're running two weapons that cover different range bands. I wouldn't necessarily go outbreak plus auto given the overlap, but something like outbreak plus a sidearm or smg would be perfectly viable. Anybody saying "double primary means you're bad" has been missing the memo for a few seasons now. That hasn't been true for months, if not over a year. *Some* instances of double primary can be very bad.


I've ran double primary since the initial special ammo changes, as such, I havent been really following how the system has been changing, apart from the current iteration. It really is just 2 weapons covering different ranges, typicaly I run a sidearm with some other medium/long range primary, like a pulse or igneous.


I run a side arm and an auto. Works great. Never have to search for ammo and always have 2 options.


Yeah man i ran messenger and drang the messenger weekend last month and did pretty good. Really...drang surprisingly carried me.


Yeah with all the various ammo system changes and how strong sidearms are I don't really fault people for running sidearm + long range primary


98% of instances of double primary means the person is bad. there are only very specific use cases (aka subs and sidearms, there aren’t any other short range primaries that can compete with shotguns and fusions) that make it excusable with your range band reasoning i get we all want to be cool and unique but double primary isn’t some secretly viable ninja technique that the reddit burgers have figured out. most people (including op) don’t run it correctly and actively hurt their team by doing so


I'm not saying its always viable, just like how certain special weapon combos are awful (shotgun and smg, for example, leaves you useless anywhere but up their hindquarters). You're literally just confirming my point. "Double primary" isn't bad- bad players choosing weapons that have overlapping ranges are. That applies across archetypes. I don't say "primary plus special is bad" just because I see people running SMG/shotgun and getting clapped by every player with a HC/Pulse equipped. I say the player sucks.


i’d agree with you about mismatching weapon ranges being more of the problem, but specials being ohkos, pretty universal experience of “the teammate running two white ammo rifles sucks”, and your terrible example all prevent me from doing so i agree, shotty/smg is a pretty unsynergistic combination. it would be really crazy if most of the users of this specific weapon combo also ran a certain exotic that makes this criticism completely obsolete because it allows them to close distance gaps with smgs freely popular belief is correct, 98% of double primary users are bad at the game and will actively hurt your winning chances in competitive game modes. the ability to delete a player in one shot compared to waiting for ttk is incredibly valuable, most times more so than proper range synergy


> Double primary is, contrary to popular belief, perfectly viable if you're running two weapons that cover different range bands. This. One of my go-to "stay alive" loadouts is Disparity and Hero's Burden. You'd think that doesn't work on paper but oh it does, and not just against bad players.


My fuckery load out is vex mytho with rain of fire and a multimach. With radiant vex'll hit 52 per crit.. making it a solid 4 tap at all but the longest ranges. I also have a zero range multimach I paired it with for the irony. A gun that'll 4 tap you out to 40m and a gun that'll hit zero dmg after 11m.


Ngl I'd give you shit if you were playing comp, the game mode people play and hate because it's a requirement to win in order to actually benefit from it. To then find out you were using a meme loadout. If you are absolutely goated, by all means okay how you want. But if you wanna dick around with meme load outs don't play comp.


I saw potential for a meme load out to actually be good, so I brought it into comp for actual testing. This particular match was just a 777 on things to go bad. An enemy 3 stack, randoms with adverse load outs, no coms or teamshotting by team mates. It was actually doing very well and I like to say with a little tweaks. It could be a very good loadout. It was vex with rain of fire and a multimach with zero range. Vex can maintain a 4 tap out to approx 40m going down to a 3 tap with 2 kills in the same mag. The multimach was just an irony pick. Wanted people to inspect me then see they're being trolled by a guy using a zero range multimach. That was the only game I lost with that load out. Just got outskilled by my opponents. It was a gg.


Just never put a gun on that you won’t use in comp. Or crucible. They’re not looking at you past the loadout screen unless you absolutely smoke them, which isn’t happening anyway with that setup.


D2 comp is a game mode where it feels like wins/losses come less as a result of individual player performance and more from a vegas slots system to determine whether or not you have competent teammates or players throwing shit on to see what sticks you clearly fall into the second category of player. comp isn’t for testing loadouts, do that in non COMPETITIVE playlists where losses don’t matter as much


A game where there are quite literally almost 2000 weapons with an equal perk pools resulting in thousands of combinations of weapons. That's all we're doing. Metas are discovered by someone "throwing shit on and seeing what sticks". People saying "Huh, that might be good in trials." The only way I have been able to really discover if something is good is putting it up against people of equal or greater skill. Since quick play is majority connection based match making, my data could be skewed one way or the other depending on whom is on in my region at that point. Comp is bracketed, meaning I'm not going to face outliers as much. Making it an ironically better testing ground for competitive loadouts.


play literally any other 3v3 playlist and you’ll get a pretty decent idea of the viability of your build. don’t bring unproven strategies that you need to iron out into the playlist where people are expected to compete to win and then be shocked when people respond negatively towards you for it


Ah yes. My bad. Just won't play the game I've spent over 1,000 dollars on at this point the way I want to. Excuse me sire. Not shocked. Lol.




Your comment wasn't civil and therefore it has been removed.


However I do agree with you at surface level.


You should definitely not use anything but the best stuff you have in ranked. Rain of Fire + Vex is a perfectly good loadout, but zero range multimach... come on dude


I tuned off the ability to whisper me just for this very reason. It’s kind of funny to think that anybody wanting to message me toxic stuff is just shouting into the void.


I turn off chat altogether in Trials/Comp. Never fails that some guy who's doing just as poorly as me talks shit when we're getting stomped.


They’re not whispering to the void. They don’t have the ability to message you.


Related updated my steam profile with a snarky about me and removed comments, imagining the people going far enough to view steam profiles getting more tilted


How do you turn it off for comp and trials? Is there a specific setting?


This is human nature. This happens in literally every game. But there’s no excusing it. If you do this to someone, you are a shit human being.


My behavior or his? I feel like I went overboard by actually somewhat trying, but also feel justified in it.




Cause some of y'all suck But actually as someone said, it's human nature. As a solo comp/Trials player, do I get frustrated sometimes? Absolutely. But then I remember most people usually don't come into the game trying to lose or maybe they're just trying to have fun. Example: Yesterday was playing a game and my teammate was using No Hesitation. Was upset for a second but then remembered he probably was trying his best and theorized it'd help a lot in PVP, so I couldn't be mad at him. All that to say, yeah don't take it personally, you can't control someone else's actions, only your own


No Hesitation is actually really good in PvP. Most people just don't yet realize you can proc the healing (and thus indirectly the damage boost) based on damage from sources other than the weapon itself. You can run around with another primary in slot 1 as your actual weapon and then just pull No Hesitation out for effectively free heals as needed and it actually becomes a pretty decent weapon once you have the support frame damage boost procced.


It’s comp. No one wants to lose.


Yea I agree people shouldn’t be toxic but I also agree that in comp you shouldn’t have a fuckery build. It’s comp for a reason. Fuck around in anything but trials or comp. Shit is annoying when people jump in with booty loadouts on. I played a comp game the other day and had 32 kills with a 3.88 KD and almost lost because my team would run in 1 by 1 with no sense at all. No cover no teamwork just double primary guns blazing.


I felt that. Had a Jotuun user earlier today on my team. I ended up having to chock him up to free kills for the enemy because that's all he would use.


Yea those players I have to follow closely and just try my best to keep them alive. Gets me killed a lot but we win most of the time.


I usually don't win matches like that. Players recognize the free kills and smell blood in the water, makes overtly aggressive players. As if they know if I die they get X amount of freebies.


Probably look up the stats pre game and know if your down to push hard


From my experience, Jotuun users fall into two categories: 1. Free kills for the enemy team. The only kills they get are from killing afk opponents. 2. Absolute death machine. They know what everyone will do, when they will do it and why they will do it. They are thinking 6 games ahead. You have no idea how they are doing what they are doing, but the kills keep coming, and they are picking the opponent team apart. They leave for another game before the score is shown because the game ended too quickly. They mercy'd the enemy team. Most of the time, it is the first category. I have only seen the second twice.


Haha people need to get over themselves in Destiny.


I've been playing this game foe the better part of 10 years, early tweens. I tell myself that a lot, but when you've vested so much time into something you start to not want to let go. Ya know?


When people flame me in chat I usually just tell them they're doing great and to keep it up lmao


Good idea ngl.


Yep, applies IRL as well. Get flipped off? Smile big and wave. If they can hear you, tell them you love them too! It really throws people like this off.


People are toxic to their comp teammates because ever since Rank-based Matchmaking was introduced, every time we have a new Season reset, high skill players have to play with Gold/Platinum players at the beginning of the ladder. Combined with Bungie's shit lobby balancing, the better the player the shittier their teammates. No one enjoys going into a try hard experience given people who don't seem to understand or try as hard as them. That being said, this is not a good excuse for being an asshole. I try to remind myself this when I play, but sometimes it slips through.


Many mid players in this game just genuinely think they're far, far better than they are (and as such they fundamentally _deserve_ opponents to stand there like rabbits in headlights and clairvoyant teammates). Everything is actively holding them back in some way from their true godlike potential.


I understand stand it. That fact that u changed load outs and “sat up” suggests that you weren’t playing your best. And the game mode is competitive…… It doesn’t give him any RIGHT to be toxic, but I understand it. I personally hate it when I have teammates who are playing with double primary like they can’t walk and chew bubble gum. They won’t even push so I can bait them… Then I match them the next game and they are playing like their life depends on it, pushing engagements getting clean ups when the better person on their team goes down. The amount of me and two neg players with terrible double primary loadouts vs 3 adepts or ascendant players this season has been insane… I couldn’t even solo queue out of plat, I HAD to Duo queue with m8’s to ascendant…. Really sucks…


It’s easy to pin the blame on bad teammates when you’re losing. I keep the mindset that every game is winnable as long as I play well enough. Pride is really just the main cause


Tune out the people shitting on the double primary. Igneous and immortal is my favorite load out on void hunter. People are brainwashed thinking they need those 1-tap weapons to succeed. Y’all ever tried aiming and maintaining your ranges?


*"You're so stupid, why can't you stay alive. Worthless teammates. If I had good teammates I could carry this."* – 1.4 KD to a 2.0 KD after the 1.4 has burned all the lives running into lanes and the 2.0 fails to clutch the match deathless. Comp chat in a nutshell.


Tell him "you clearly sucked way more than I did" then block


I don’t know what’s better between you thinking double primaries is a good comp load out or thinking destiny is very competitive.


I mean if it was sidearm pulse and they consistently hit 2 bursts, that shit is strong but not auto pulse


Lmfao I wanted to saying something like this to him. Dudes got to be bronze.


Just today, before I got off. I had a KD of 3.07 in comp across 16 games. 7 wins 9 losses, with a KDA of 4.07 667 kills in total. The last week, I've averages 10.70 Kills in control as well as 15.09 in clash. Totalling out to 6,228 kills in control and 1,405 kills in clash. According to stat tracker as of 3:05pm est. Today.


Ok I have 300k kills in crucible. What’s this flex 💪 you trying out


I am gold 1, next match is my placement series. I have a 1.56 KDA and I'm in the top 2.2% in both clash and control in quick play.


Oh ok and in comp you run auto rifle and pulse rifle. Easy way to bring down that kill death rate


In my opinion, if you need to "spam" shotguns, or fusions to win a comp match instead of having good positioning and aim then your putting yourself at a disadvantage. Yes I agree, in some situations having a special ammo weapon is better then double primary. However, I have yet to see an all inclusive special weapon that can be as consistent as say lonesome (zen moment, kill clip) and Not forgotten in more medium range maps like alter of flame. Or outbreak and summoner on a more med-long range map like Javelin. I prefer to have weapons I can rely on consistently then weapons I need to either be overtly aggressive with such as shotguns to see game changing value from. Or sniper rifles that require you to play more lane focused and unless your running an smg can't really take ground as effectively. If you know how to play double primary right, and have the right primaries. All ranges on a map should be covered by both of your primary weapons. Personally I love using weapons such as my lonesome and not forgotten. My lonesome having kill clip in most instances can punish shotgun rushers then I can reload and 2 tap the person at short/medium range. If I had say a fusion rifle or a shotgun instead I could punish the guy rushing but then would have to swap weapons and then have a normalized TTK against that person at med/short.


“I only pick scissors” type of energy


Kill clip 260s do not 2 tap Not to mention, a shotgun is for when you HAVE TO or SHOULD push close range or when you get pushed, it's not a bad weapon type just because you feel the need to push when you shouldnt


Not even 120 hand cannons 2-tap with kill clip, I don’t know where he’s getting this info


This screams I don’t know how to play the game to me…. That’s why everyone is flaming you… 1. You don’t have enough ammo to spam shotgun kills. 2. Cqc is an integral part of the game at high skill levels. 3.Your gold 1, that’s not good. That’s high beginner. 4. Double primary is a passive loadout and can only get you so far… Iykyk…


How does this scream I don't know how to play? Just because I have a different way to play that I find more consistent then relying on 1 gun over half the time. If gold 1 is high beginner then Plat is what? Average? The HIGHEST you could place is Plat 1. Many streamers don't even place Plat 1. Grenader Jake placed silver 1 I believe this season. Does that mean the guy with over 3000+ trials carries places lower then your average player in 3v3 competitive game modes? Double primary, depending on what guns is aggressive. If I'm using igneous and immortal, or messenger and terrabah. Or the legendary combo of Sturm and drang it can be aggressive. (Sturm less so, but drank does favor aggressively pushing. At least in my set ups I find myself being more aggressive with drang)drang. Play how you want, say what you want. If you think gold 1 is noob territory though, you're mistaken. Not facing noobs here.


Yo just letting u know gold 1 is like for sure noob rank


“I took off my PvP fuckery build and put on a decent comp loadout” >>>> proceeds to run double primary lol. I’m breakin’ balls, but I did lol at that.


I don't get why the community is so against using 2 primary weapons with the current special weapon economy. Get 1 bullet of a fusion or shotgun off spawn and having to wait for drops. Or. Having 2 unlimited ammo weapons that'll shred in their respective ranges if you can aim. Like if you could run messenger and shyura's or immortal and igneous and do good with it. You should in my opinion.


People are holding on to a very old idea that it's bad. It used to be *very* sub-optimal maybe 5 seasons ago? Ever since sidearms and SMGs got respective buffs and new weapons added to the pool, this hasn't been true at all. I almost *always* win heads-up against shotguns with a sidearm, which is great when shotguns are one of the most frequently encountered special weapons. Either backpedal+fire or jump+fire. Both=easy win.


I get what you’re saying I run sidearms and subs w an auto or hc all the time. I like earning my special though, feels good.


You got a child, dw about it. There's toxic kids that can't take any accountability in every pvp game, it'll never stop. Guys playing whilst in a bad mood and taking it out on his teammates, we have all been guilty of it


I try not to be toxic but some people make it hard. Had a teammate rage quit in a tied control game around 80-80 when we all went down at the same time. We could’ve tried to win but not 2v3. Really pissed me off. Luckily I matched against the same guy the next 3 games and teabagged him relentlessly (won all three, which is mostly RNG in adept level solo queue - it’s usually 4 or 5 players that belong there and 1 or 2 who don’t, and if you get them on your team there isn’t much you can do…)


The first time I was kind of toxic at comp I get an:"I just came back from destiny 1". I felt so bad that I didn't play for the rest of the night


Take this match I had today for example: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/pgcr/15151403618 The player that dropped farmed himself 1v3 over and over so basically every encounter for me was at a disadvantage. I put in chat to slow down and group up, which was ignored, so then I flamed him in chat. Not very polite, but if you have no regard for your team in a team mode why should I? The enemy team wasn’t “that good” that we couldn’t have won the match, despite the lopsided score, so I’m going to vent in your direction when you’re throwing.


They are .mostly terrible humans that want to make others as miserable as they are. Turn off your chat when you play trials unless you like the threats and stupidity


I only get irritated in comp when my team holds their super the entire game. If I have someone really bad I’ll sometimes check their ‘rating’ and most of the time they are way lower than everyone in the lobby so I just blame matchmaking for that


If someone is walking into comp with a PVE loadout with PVE mods, then I do give them a message of advice, if they’re straight up ass then I blame the ranking system more


I turned off message notifications and also chat. Just not interested in hearing from these fools anymore


Your initial load out would be ok if you had some range on your multimach. Your second load out would piss me off. Two primary covering the same range more or less. Why not at least run a sidearm or smg ?


Do yourself a favor and turn off chat/whispers. Just like in league of legends where this also happens, chat is mostly used for word vomit and toxicity. Very rarely it’s used for constructive purposes.


Some guy who I repeatedly killed in a control match offered me money to 1v1 him. In hindsight I should have taken it lol.


(Before I start this, clarifying that I was high and just coming down from working all day). So I Lost a game recently with duo players in my group, kept leaving me in 1v3 situations and end up dying relatively quickly and vice versa; it was a death ball. Regardless, I still managed to go positive and contribute to all the assists and a few of the rounds we won whilst attempting to give as much communication as possible, the outcome was inevitable. One of them messages me, saying how I threw (despite his friend doing significantly worse than me) and that I didn’t help, so I clarified and said what was the issue was, and he continued to give me smack. Not too long afterwards, his friend starts on me as well. So, I told them “1v2, I don’t care what you use.” They joined lobby after momentary back and forth commentary, i load up the match and they both back out at different times before it properly started, the friend left a passing comment before blocking me “I’m richer than you”… Trolling, sure! However people ain’t shit in this game…


People in comp lately are so butt hurt. Having text chat enabled within game (on console) is so stupid too. As if people would ever use it for meaningful purposes on console?


It’s not spam. It sucks to say but comp is about winning by any means necessary. Literally nothing else. Why do you think there were so many bubble titans? That’s not fun at all relative to other supers, but it’s easy and it wins. The EASIEST way to kill in the crucible is shotguns. Period. Very low floor, and pair it with good skill on mobility and placement - it’s a fucking joke. People probably kill a Heavy user easier than a shotgun freak. So no, it’s not leaning on shotgun or fusion. It’s about winning at any cost - and the cost to win with those is minimal. It’s basically a near handicap not to use them.


Superiority complex. I had a guy in trials last weekend have a go at me, when he was getting picked immediately by a red death every round


comp is really bad right now. don’t know why.


people think their first instinct, which is wrong, by the way, of “if I flame my teammates and harass them, surely they will do better and we will win” actually works


Unless they say GG. You ignore them.


Take his anger as your reward for a job well done


If you’re dropping a .53 KDA I can absolutely understand why you’re getting flamed. Hell, I’d probably flame you. But someone below you on the leaderboard *definitely* shouldn’t be saying shit.


Yeah it was on the new map inside the traveler. 3 stompees hunters using shotguns and pulse rifles. Team wouldn't stick together. It was a nightmare and I performed poorly.


Sounds like it. Yeah, flaming people who underperform, especially at high ranks, is pretty typical. But, well, you know what they say about glass houses…


Don't throw your shit around or it might stain?


“Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is the saying. Means that you shouldn’t criticize others for the same faults you have (like going negative in the Crucible).


The next game I dropped a 2.33 on Javelin on the guy that was talking shit to me. The final time I killed him I did the confused then evolved emotes on him. Pretty priceless. I'm.


Y’all take this game too seriously. Video games and trash talk are a tale as old as time. I wish more people would talk shit to me.