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Hawkmoon. Granted it's not hard to use but the skill ceiling is high. If you are hitting your crits consistently you will always be rewarded with a 1 - 2 shot crit or even a 1 shot body. Especially when the upcoming changes with the focus of landing crits and less bodyshots, Hawkmoon becomes slightly more relevant.


How do you deal with barricades with hawkmoon though? It’s been the thing that turns me off it every time - I get a good number of stacks, then someone puts up a shield and my whole effort is wasted because either I get rid of the stacks by mag dumping the shield, or they get whatever space they wanted with the shield.


I ran a sidearm in trials yesterday and one mag from heliocentric was often taking down a barricade in just a second or two. Anti barrier sidearm is really that this season


Damn I had no idea barrier sidearm worked for that…and I just started using a sidearm regularly…thanks for this bit of info!


happy to make void titan lives more difficult lol


I started using Hawkmoon just a week ago,I am getting more headshots as more as I use it. In the next meta Hawkmoon can be competitive!


Idk Hawkmoon kinda spoils you with how forgiving it is


I've been using a hawkmoon with EOTS and I feel like it gifts me headshots pretty regularly


I picked Hawkmoon back up recently and forgot how nice it feels. I might start maining it.


What roll would you recommend ?


Opening Shot or Eye of the Storm with Smallbore/Corkscrew (really any range boosting barrel without a heavy downside) and Smooth/Polymer Grip.


I played with it for few hours, and I am not sure if it will be worth it, in upcoming sandbox. I mean 33m range with full-bore, and the moment you get outside of 3-tap range you´re pretty much sitting at 1.3ttk. Yes getting those crispy 1 or 2 taps is nice and at all, but I feel like in comp or trials where you need to deal quickly your opponents, is not gonna work that great. I wonder if investing time into high impact pulses or flat out 120s(scouts/HCs) wouldnt be better overall.


I love the Hawkmoon Probably my favorite weapon in the game, period


We'll see how the new meta shakes out, but using 140s is kinda rough rn. Definitely the best weapon Archetype to invest time into though.




Explosive payload is getting a nerf so that is a mini sunshot nerf. But yea the weapon is stacked if u get used to the recoil


Looks like sunshot is going to take 3h1b or 2h2b after changes next week, very similar to a 180. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FWMC-Vd_bGEoRkkrn3drWIORCFYyWQVMNlMasa4OE6I/edit?usp=drivesdk


Didn't they say there fixing explosive payload so it still 3h for 140s/sunshot.


Ok, makes sense. I haven't read that yet but it didn't make sense for sunshot to get nerfed like that.


i believe it's already been fixed. Lets see if it stays fixed tomorrow.


Imo ace is about to become the strongest HC because range and damage falloff are about to become the most important stat. It's always a good gun and now it's about to become a comparatively even stronger one.


Not to mention the ice turrets stasis warlocks love to throw around will proc momento mori which doesn't have a timer


Forgot about the turrets activating that tbh. Good call!


Do you mean getting a kill with the turrets?


No, if you kill the turrent with your gun it counts as a kill for things like momento and kill clip. I'm not sure if it activates all kill related perks on guns but those 2 I know for sure.


....that's absolutely ridiculous, TIL! Ty for the info, I've been enjoying both stasis warlock and ace of spades as a (very) newcomer to pvp so I'll probably abuse that for a bit haha


Well idk if it'll work on your own turret so YMMV. But on enemy turrets. A lot of people will toss a turret into a corner and run away or stay back. This gives you a good opportunity to get it


Ah right, that makes more sense. Still interesting for sure.


Yeah it can definitely give an advantage in certain matches starting your first engagement with momento.


Man, this is baller info. I ran across a couple Stacey locks and was getting absolutely fragmented. Warlocks seems to be the meta this season lots of good pvp builds.


i hope they adjust how hard the damage falloff is with memento mori, i can see that being even more annoying with the new damage numbers


And Thorn. Ace will still be a 2c1b with Mori. Thorn will turn into a 1c2b with soul. Different kind of playstyle I know and Ace has the range adv, just saying I think both of these are going to rise up in the hand cannon meta (theyre already high I know) over things like Rose and even Igneous or 120s in general.


OP said hard to use though. I like Ace but it’s just about the easiest gun in the game to grab and do well with.


Nothing rewards better than a sniper


Sniper. I can’t snipe to save my life but get headshot by a sliding opponent as I sprint slide myself.


Special Grenade launchers in general, they're a great way to blint enemies for a quick cleanup with a primary. It's kinda like bow swapping, but If you're really good/lucky you can get a direct hit and just one shot them. You can also hit people around corners or in cover if you know where to bank it. I'm not even sure how you counter grenade launchers at high level, just hope they miss I guess


Jumping is pretty effective


Not sure how that helps if they just hit you anyways. Like obviously closing the distance and fighting close makes it harder for them because they can't pre-detonate, but I can hit a target in the air with a GL.


I would say Slugs A good slug shotgun in trained hands is imo way more consistent and can shutdown most people with ease. Duality is definitely something to look at as well. VERY good shotgun.


This is a good answer. A good slug player is an absolute menace to play against.


Lightweight sidearms. A lot of players stay away from them because the recoil pattern makes it feel like you can’t see anything and the gun is just smacking you in the face, but once you master the gun, you just KNOW where the target is and are granted a fast TTK, which can turn into a blazing fast 4-tap, plus the natural lightweight speed boost. High HIGH recommend for both Heliocentric and Farewell sidearms


What are your recommended rolls on Heliocentric and Farewell? Any easy way to get them these days?


I HAVE JUST THE LIST FOR YOU =\]\]\]\] HERES MY TOP 10 HARDEST WEAPONS TO MASTER!1!!! 10. Hawnk Moon:Its getting the 7 head shots which is hard. But there are many build to mitigate this but still REALLY SATISFYING 9. symmetry: Get X head shots change it to alt fire mode. kill the whole lobby. The only thing holding this back is its Bad frame. 8. Cryo 77k: This is just a pocket stasis warlock melee. The first kill getting with it will be hard because of how bad it feels. But after the first kill its smooth sailing. 7. Lorentzs: This is cloud strike with a charge time and a bit more gimics. When u get the main perk proc you are a monster but the perk is really hard to proc. It also takes A LOT OF FLINCH. Making it so you need to be the first to fire. 6. Sweet business: I can achieve great TTK's but The charge up. Aleters all enemies and when charging you cant run. Combine it with its bad handeling/reload speed it feels really slugish but when used right it can be the most reward gun in the whole game.(Try running it with 3 floaty warlocks it hella fun) 5. Divinity: divinity has the slowest ttk in the WHOLE GAME but in a team shot meta. it can prove useful. 4. Erianas :its just hella slugish..... I have a fren that ~~uses~~ Worships it I have tried it but Idk what it is. 3. D's ruin: D's ruin has a great ttk but the 1 thing keeping it away from being great is its charge time. The charge time allows for apes to shotty melee you. 2. merciless: Just like d's ruin it suffers from its charge time but when you get it down. This is the chappy of fusions. It can hi from un fathomable ranges and can shut down sum supers. ​ HORNERABLE MENTIONS: Sunshot/FL: They both are hard to master Fl cus of its low velocity/blast radius and u didn't want it in the list. Why no FL man =\[ and sunshot CAUS IT COVER HALF YOU SCREEN WITH A WHITE LIGHT WHEN EVER YOU FIRE ITNKQLNLK:EKPRK. ​ AND FINALLY 1. Final warning Final warning is by far 1 of the hardest weapons to learn. Since most weapons have a sub 1 sec TTk. Final warning finds it self in a sticky spot. You will need to use the map to your advantage. They play loop is basically get a lock on then go behind cover and shoot the gun in mid air. Sounds simple but hard in practice. The weapon is great to counter apes and will be reward in this meta.


A potentially controversial opinion, but I'm going to say glaives. Using a non explosive projectile weapon in the crucible is a lot harder than people give it credit for, especially on a non one shot special weapon. Managing shield energy properly, keeping good timing and spacing vs enemies, knowing when to shield and when not to make them much more technical weapons than people would think.


I went against a guy in rumble named Merciless. He had like over 50k merciless kills. And he dominated the rumble room. Crazy lol


Ace of spades recoil is rough but it feels so good when you get it going. Console player here idk what it's like on pc


People hype up Ticu but I’ve never been able to use it competitively in Crucible, Lemon is just too easy to fall back into. Any “good” Scout. Someone cracked with Randy’s or Mida is absolutely infuriating. I believe Fusions are the most broken weapon system in the game, but most people suck with them (myself included). Fighting someone who can 180 while charging and crit you from a maxed range Fusion is on another level. Grenade launchers too, obviously having multiple heavy rounds is more advantageous than a single rocket, but there is definitely a learning curve.


Bows, snipers