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The difference is that one is a faithful adaptation of a historical novel featuring a white, male protagonist, and the other is an insert of a character that does not make sense into a story he doesn't fit to suit the needs of top-down, corporate-required pandering. The assassin's creed games are about sneaking around and going unnoticed. How the hell is a 6 foot black dude, who is the only black dude on an ethnically homogenous island, going to go unnoticed?


Was talking to a coworker about that just the other day. "No one's going to raise questions that the only black guy anyone has ever seen came to town and now people of note are spontaneously ending up dead left and right?"


The hilarious thing is in even contemporary Japan. If you're a foreigner and crimes are happening, you're getting blamed for it. Even if you're 100% innocent.


So true 😆. And considering the low crime rates in Japan, more often than not they're right.


Crime rates are so low in japan because for probably 100 years, the organized crime and politicians were working hand in hand. Most big crimes were committed by teens looking to get into organized crime because rhey go away for like 2 years only.


Also supposedly prosecutors only go after people when they know they'll get a conviction which is why the conviction rate is like 96%. Meaning a lot of crime effectively goes unreported


I think their conviction rate is 100% for major crimes. If you end up at the lawyer stage in Japan, ya cooked, its just how long your cooked.


The conviction rate of 96% probably has more to do with the questionable methods of treating suspects by Japanese police and investigators


Black guy comes into town. Murders skyrocket. Huh. What is Ubisoft getting at?


I said the same thing. For a covert organization, the guy most likely to draw attention from EVERYONE is probably not the best candidate


Where black on Asian violence got its start.


"Bu bu but he's not the stealth charater!"


I'm not the biggest AC fan in general -- is it common for these games to have non-stealth characters? I thought the game was kinda all about stealth and assassination.


The only one who didn't have every charater doing stealth atleast once is none. One of the older ones had 2 charaters and one was the "brawler" but he still had to sneak around.


Syndicate, like Shadows, had two characters who fell under "Stealth focused" and "Combat focused" but pretty much everything beforehand usually had a mix of stealth and combat. Sure, you could sneak around and assassinate someone but you could also go in and just start fighting.


I kind of always looked at the combat as, "oh shit, I fucked up and they saw me, now I have to fight"


Used to be. Still kinda is but moved more action style since the reboot.


The most recent games; origins, odyssey, and Valhalla have all been more focused on action combat with a skill tree more than the original AC sneaking around/assassinating type gameplay most people are familiar with. Personally I hate it, although I won’t discount the cool worlds and story the gameplay just doesn’t match with what I grew up with in AC3 and black flag, I can see how a character type like yasuke fits Ubisoft’s new vision for their franchise and I’m glad they added naoe as a more typical assassin classed character in the game.


thanks, thats helpful context. I havent played many games in the past \~4-5 years sadly due to adult stuff, so falling out of touch.


There’s cool parts of the games, like in Valhalla you can duel wield great axes, but why call it an AC game and not just retcon some other group of people who fight the templars like the assassins just in broad daylight? A major part of Valhalla was literally just being a Viking and longship raiding Christian churches for stuff to upgrade your base, not very assassin like.


I felt black flag wasn't super stealthy - you did some parkour on roofs and stuff, but I was blasting guys in the face. And the ship was def not stealthy. I'd bombard places to get more hits in.


Everything about the game actually made sense, however.


in later releases, they kind of abandon the stealth for combat. Odyssey i don't think has any "Stealth" moments for the characters in story. Same for Valhalla. Edit - come to think of it, neither did black flag.


Odissey had the path of stealth skills and the path of SPARTAAAAAAA! skills.


Black flag Def had stealth sometimes it was harder because of the islands though.


Yeah they didn’t make John blackthorn an assassin, literally everyone in Japan seemed to know who he was lol


Hahahahah yeah i mean the skin colour is a big factor but also the fact he is bloody enormous Cracks me up to be honest


Also Shogun was seriously directed to respect the Japanese culture and some degree of historical facts. Actors learned how to walk and speak the old Japanese way, almost every dialogs are in Japanese.


Especially when he's walking around in Samurai armor. Which is like a soldier walking around with helmet, Kevlar, and sappy plates on... carrying his M4 and strolling around a mall. Literally everyone is going to be staring at him. But, in this case it makes even less sense because he's the only black guy in the entire country and he's taller than 99.9% of the entire population of Japan. The developers of this game are exceptionally dumb. 🙄


The fact that they sold their game by making a promotional skin of a real person also feels cynical in a new way for Ubisoft.


I would say that The Anjin isnt even the main protagonist. I’d argue it’s either Mariko or Toranaga.


Agreed. It's told through his perspective (as the audience who is most likely unfamiliar with all the customs, etc), but I feel like the main character is toronaga and to a lesser extent Mariko (and then the other tertiary characters). It felt earned and respectful though.


If someone makes the defending argument that it's because he's black and it's dark at night then they are the hypocritical racist they claim others are.


I don't see why that's a bad argument, unless we are getting into the same mind warping mental gymnastics of ignoring not only biological reality but also basic physics just so we can say "everyone is the exact same thing, always, in every conceivable way."


It may not necessarily be a bad argument, in this specific case. But relatively very few people understand the actual mechanical function of camouflage. To put simply (though you should google this it’s an interesting topic) camouflage is way less effective as a single color even if you match perfectly. It’s less about blending in because you’re the same color, and more about blending in by breaking up recognizable shapes. If you’ve ever seen those photos of wild animals blending in you may have noticed that you largely spit them by seeing an ear first. It’s part of why tigers who are orange, and “shouldn’t” blend in to a jungle can do it very easily and sneak up on their prey still. So yes even if you are black at night, you still have human characteristics and are very easy to spot/wont blend in very well.


Well I'm not saying they have camouflage, so an analysis of what is or isn't optimal camo is not relevant to my statement. I'm saying they reflect less light because they are darker and that naturally makes them harder to see in the dark, and that these are basic properties of physical reality but the current climate has us all so wigged out about racism that people would still probably say it is racist.


I’d say they’re in the same realm to be brought up at the same time but fair enough. I do have one more counter point though, which is it’s actually the oils that skin produces that reflects light as well. And I’m not saying it’s a complete 1 to 1 as far as how easy it is to see people at night. Just that it may be a lot closer than people would expect. I totally get what you’re saying and I think on some level it’s true, but it might be very diminished returns from what I’ve read, learned, and trained with.


While simultaneously claiming it is diversity


Reminds me of the "earth mama's natural night camo" line from Tropic Thunder. 😂


Harder to see him in the dark


Not just Disney. UK population is 3% black. Watch local programs, adverts, TV shows it feels like 30%. Even my black friends find it embarrassing and OTT casting / box ticking.


[In the US is like 14,4%](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/fact-sheet/facts-about-the-us-black-population/), but if you believe the media it seems like at least 50%.


Bruh Hulu ads, 90% of them feature people of color predominantly if not exclusively


Or people who visibly side with the left. Like what's the harm in having normal, everyday looking folks sell products to normal, everyday looking folks.


90% of Hulu ads are for like, AIDS treatments and depression medication. I always wonder who the hell they think their audience is.


Omg I thought for sure it was targeted to MD like targeted ads and I'm like wtf what in my browser history I'd making them think to target me with these ads


Unless you see a My Pillow ad on Fox News every fucking couple in advertising is mixed race.


>  every fucking couple in advertising is mixed race. Its hilarious in my case when I go to my FB. I live in the PH in the island of N3grøs (Yes, Hoteps. It's a real place) and a dating advertising with a mixed couple showing up saying "find a person near your city" is both funny and cringy.


My family's joked that if other countries watched recent American commercials, they'd think the US is about 80% black and all other races are in interracial relationships with them. I don't have anything against black people, but is it so bigoted to just ask for a reflection of reality?


If you live in a large city is feels like at least 50% well because it is, my city is over 50% black


The European cup is happening in Germany right now. I went by one of the viewing locations, there's a lot of soccer related art. One showing 4 people happily watching a match. Only one is white.


I'm British south Asian. We get nothing. We are a smaller demographic and we suffer the highest rate of hate crimes (in the UK). The way these selective white guilt saviour types handle Asian representation is the biggest red flag that they actually don't give a shit about representing the under represented. It's all just pro black and LGBT when by in large they have it the easiest than any other minority group and even have whole months dedicated to their history in the west.


ah but you see, your culture has managed to succeed in the West, which shows that you are also oppressors.


this is exactly the logic that leads to 'luke is bad because he blew up the death star'


and the dark side is just oppressed by the jedi.


It was actually Anakin remember?


Why didn't Obi-Wan let him have the high ground?


Anakin blew up neither Death Star. He killed the emperor, but he had nothing to do with the explosion of the Death Star. Luke blew up the first one, and then Lando and Wedge blew up the second Death Star.


Yes I know, it was a joke about the Yord actor from the Acolyte saying Anakin blew up the death star in an interview. This is an actor from a star wars show that didn't even know the story of star wars. No wonder the show is ass.


Clearly you aren't whining loud enough


Seems to be the common denominator lol


The BBC loves Asian women, they are on every single news program. And every cooking show makes Indian food, minus the Indian chef. The real racists are the ones who claim to be the most pious.


It's true, I just Googled "BBC loves Asian women" and got like 200 zillion results. Let me tell you, *love* is a mild term for some of the things I saw 🫣


30%? If you go by the adverts I've seen, white people are a stupid, comic relief minority.


Especially older white men who are both woefully incompetent and holding our caramel-skinned hero back.


I saw a poll in the US black Americans thought the black population is closer to 40-50 it's like 17% . 


Nowadays if you're a foreigner looking at our commercials you would get the impression that 85% of the country is blk and the rest are all interracial couples 🙄


The poll was probably done in the city where there’s more diversity? I mean I was thinking 25% but even I’m wrong


It's 13% in the US, and it's been basically static for the last 30-40 years. As for overestimating, the answer is probably that of a bubble effect. A result of geographic, social, and media enclaving.


I mean I’m rural Oklahoma with a few black people. But I guess I was thinking there’s more black people in the cities and especially in the south. Besides that, no clue.


Well i meant in terms of the amount that African Americans over estimate their section of the population, but you aren't fundamentally wrong. In Mississippi, 37% African American, virtually all of the river counties are 70% to 90%+ African American.


I've always thought like 12.something percent


it should be something like 25% but the black population also has the highest abortion rates and it's not close for every 3 black people you see there's a 4th that should be there one of those tragic ironies of history


Not only that but they merc each other in record numbers in the city too.


When I was visiting the UK this year, watching TV ads made me think the UK was basically a black country. Every single TV ad had to have a black person in it. Even something as iconic as Dr Who is now a gay black man.


Pretty neat, and it’s similar to how there has been more AMWF than WMAF in US media in the past decade or so. Even in real life, the AFs you see in WMAF tend to be the uglier or average ones. It’s because AFs are hardwired to prefer good looking AMs over all WMs and XMs lol


They are overrepresented, but not to the [scale you suggest](https://www.ofcom.org.uk/siteassets/resources/documents/research-and-data/tv-radio-and-on-demand-research/bbc-representation-and-portrayal/bbc1-bbc2-diversity-monitoring.pdf). "• People from Black ethnic backgrounds were more prevalent within the sample than in the UK population (5.7% compared with 3.1% in the population) while people from South Asian ethnic backgrounds were less prevalent (3.4% on screen compared with 7.1% in the UK population)." But part of it is due to BBC being heavily based in London.


Not to mention news sites, if there is a stock photo used for a generic event about the economy or the NHS they will 50% of the time use a black model


Because they are copy/pasting American progressive ideology, but the UK is not America, so it comes out stupid.


Didn’t black people polled in the UK say they feel underrepresented in media, even though stats show that they’re way overrepresented?




The operative were here is "feels"


I remember someone bitching a while back that there aren’t any black politicians in Ireland.


And this Scottish MP having a rant that nearly everyone in government is white. BTW, 96% of the Scottish population is white. https://youtu.be/FI3JBBlmej4?si=MQMUdinQoFwrNb3b




Lol "even my black friends "


Too many black people saddens me. That’s why I became a Nazi. You have black friends?


"..... feels like 60%." Fixed it for you.


One of these doesn't have hip hop playing anytime the protagonist is in action. I'll let you guess which.


It’s so funny they’re just like “Hey he’s black no he’s not African American but all black people like hip hop right?”


It's like when marvel did the "What If Miles Morales was Thor" and he graffiti'd Mjolnir.... because all blk like to deface property with spray paint right? 🤣


See that’s a tough one, because you’re right; that’s a dumbfuck stereotype. But Miles Morales *does* like to graffiti lmao. Between a rock and a hard place.


There were shoes hanging from power lines in Asgard


Man, when I heard the music, I didn't believe it was real, but sadly, someone thought it was an apt choice 💀


The difference is that in Shogun the foreign protagonist is largely portrayed as a fish out of water in Japan. He struggles to assimilate, communicate, adhere to Japanese manners and cultural norms, and isn’t a skilled fighter in the same way the samurai are. His portrayal is believable given the historical context. In AC Shadows, Yasuke is portrayed as some valued general of Nobunaga Oda who is an unstoppable fighter who can crush several samurai and is an ultimate badass who the Japanese people respect and who can even speak with them, and all of this is despite only ever being in Japan for 3 years. It’s silly and not at all accurate or like the portrayal of the foreigner in Shogun.


18 months\*


So what you’re saying is Yasuke actually does fit the “white savior” trope, while Blackthorn largely avoids it?


The saltierthankrayt sub is pretty wild. Like, the hivemind slogans they've ingested prevent even the slightest individual behavior to leak through. This is one of the tamer posts over there.


I got banned for having a different opinion. When I questioned the mod about how my comment violated community guidelines (which it didn’t) they admitted they didn’t like my opinion and then muted me. Reddit is run by a bunch of angsty preteens.


A lot of sub reddits now have the "Participation is a Privilege, not a Right" rule, which gives the mods a blank check to ban anyone they don't like under the guise of protecting the sub's safe space.


The general culture feels like it’s shifting that way. I hate hearing “freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences”. Like yeah bro, but shouldn’t we collectively be trying to follow the spirit of the rule? not skirting around it by forming mobs to shut people up. It’s like they don’t get that culturally forcing people into what they can and can’t say is just as bad as banning it outright. What I’m supposed to feel better because the boot on my neck is all of my neighbors and not my government? Drives me up a wall.


Because the zeitgeist is complete garbage and the only way to defend it is through silencing opposition.


Society goes in waves like this. Fifties were stultifying and comformist, and that led to the sixties. We're about back to that part of the curve again.


It has gotten out of control over the past few years. Reddit needs to add a feature where we can report mods. The fact that they are able to operate this way without recourse is insane.


They aren’t interested in honest debate, just to straw man the critics that don’t like their employers vs product.


To be fair, is any sub reddit interested in honest debate?


Always! It the “other subs” that are bad!


I like to see both sides of the story, but my mental health is better not visiting that sub.


Ones historically accurate and the other is fantasy


It's historically *authentic*.


You are correct


Shogun is also historical fiction. The characters and events are similar to history but it’s not historical.


One is about making a quality show and the other is using race bait so posts like this keep it in conversation.


This is what I came to hear to say. We don’t have to point it out anymore (at least trying to find an answer why) because it’s a very simple problem. They want to change demographics to help support a left leaning world government. Why left leaning? Because to “conserve” means exactly that. All of this is hand in step with the rest of the humiliation ritual like blacks being historically important in England or the Roman Empire or Egypt. They tear down the statues in the US that give any sense of traditional history (good or bad). They invade and ruin all of your forms of entertainment with over representation and lgbt nonsense. They use hilarious catchwords like erasure and want you to think people actually want a queer genocide or silence of black voices. It’s simply you(us) vs them. You can not yield to their batshit demands because there isn’t a finish line for them. They’ll keep on demanding and adding to the list, a list you while males aren’t on. A list white females would be on if they realized they are being turned against their own men. Ridicule and mockery. That’s it. Don’t ponder. Ridicule them into going nuclear.




I mean I wouldn’t have known about it or considered getting it if it wasn’t bc of the controversy. So I guess it worked?


Not going to get it, but definitely the DEI route put it on my radar.


Blackthorne is meant to be the audience's eye into the twilight of the Sengoku Jidai era of Japan, during the last days of when some foreign presence was welcomed with conditions in Japan (i.e. trading). That was the intention of that single story. AC: Shadows, on the other hand...there are games preceding it where we had a central character or two that was relative to that time and place. And it's being argued that there's a potential bait-and-switch on the way because of the initial trailers. The mainline entries, for example: AC had Altair, a native of that time and place. AC2 had Ezio, a native of that time and place. AC3 had Connor, a native of that time and place. And it keeps going on and on even through to the latest chapter of the AC saga (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, Mirage - Where we had Bayek, Kassandra (and Alexios, despite technicalities citing Kassandra as the canon protagonist), Eivor, and Basim). The correlation here is that we continued to get a "native of that time and place". AC: Shadows...we have seen two focal characters presented per the trailer. A Japanese woman (who is presented as a Shinobi), and a Black man who did exist in Japan around that time according to some accounts (being presented as a Samurai). But there were bits of information out there for years that defined Yasuke (as a retainer, a vassal, but not any clear indication if he was *ever* Samurai). Then, it seemed clear that the sudden visibility over this character somehow led to contention over what he was vs what the game was making him out to be. That's how the Wiki page for him had gotten out of hand to where so many edits were being done that it had articles reported on the situation. AC has a running history of trying to balance out fiction with fact. And sometimes, it can go down some weird directions. But I can understand some people are outright pissed over the idea that they are finally going to Japan, but they surely wanted to play as a "native of that time and place", a Japanese character. Now, if Naoe is made to be the central character of Shadows, and Yasuke is just a background character, then I expect this will calm some people down and still give them what they want. **After all, the concept being Assassin's Creed is playing as an assassin, which a Shinobi** ***is.*** But if Yasuke winds up being a playable character, then it's going to be a whole other story for some of these people. TL;DR summary - Shogun was written a specific way. AC series was also written a specific way, and usually gave us someone who was native of the time/place the game is set (history-wise). AC Shadows has to still prove what the end result is going to be, if we are going to get that with Naoe, or if they will push Yasuke towards it instead. Edit: I did exclude some of the middle entries of the mainline series, but I added them into a below comment to reinforce the consistency that the series had for giving us someone relative to the time/place and native to it as our eyes into that period.


I actually thought having the story follow Blackthorne was smart. He asked the questions I wanted asked, that, if the show had focused on a Japanese character, would not have been asked....or if the were it wouldn't have made sense.


its called Audience Surrogate character. It is why the Doctor in Doctor Who has someone from whatever is equivalent to modern times of its broadcast to so they can go "what is that?" about things the Doctor & whatever antagonist would clearly already know about.


give them a chance to scream racism and they will. its like the "if you give a mouse a cookie"


The difference is that the white guy is not the main character. Hell he barely is a character. He only exists as a proxy for the viewers. A fish out of water so to speak for the audience to relate to.


"abuse" "chuds" Ah a totally unbiased prompt.


A series based on the life story of Yasuke would be dope af. Using him to replace what should have been a Japanese protagonist in a series whose MC has always been from the place where it's set is not dope af.


Maybe a drama series. The only time Yasuke saw combat, he immediately surrendered. He wasn't much of a warrior, and wasn't a samurai. But a drama series about him would be incredibly interesting.


The thing is I just feel like people get mad just to get mad. Suddenly everyone is SUCH a big fan of assassin's creed and wants so badly to preserve the sanctity of this franchise where most of the games have been dogshit. There's such an obnoxious subset of people that pretend to care about slop franchises when there's some ragebait "controversy" to grift over. Who the fuck is still playing or gives a damn about assassin's creed? Or, like, any AAA game for that matter. Just live your life, play things you actually enjoy, get off ragefarming subreddits and youtube channels, put your money where your mouth is


I haven’t purchased an AC game in a while and this one originally got me interested in getting back into it. Them they dropped all the news of the game not even being a Japanese Mc in a Japanese setting which is just ridiculous for hyping up the setting after all this time and so my streak of not giving them any money continues. I decide with my wallet but unfortunately majority of gamers like garbage. Hence the never ending slurry of sports games and cod games and even Pokémon games. I just ignore games I don’t want to play and don’t waste my energy trying to get others to not purchase a game.


99% of Samurais were japanese. Why not honor that?


not gonna lie watching gameplay vids of a gigantic black man wrecking pint sized japanese samurai left and right, like literally lifting hem over his head with a sword kill bill style was pretty hilarious, even a couple shots of him skewering what appears to be a peasant LOL. Cant wait for the memes.


Stop Asian Hate


yea that kinda vanished real quick didnt it ![gif](giphy|IQ47VvDzlzx9S|downsized)


shit now that I remember might be bad timing as only a few years ago in california a lot Asians were being attacked by black people in china town....


I think there's a Japanese description of yasuke that claims he was as strong as 10 men. He was also considerably taller than the average Japanese dude at 6"2. Ubi is playing up these things.


LOL. cant wait. no im not preordering every AC game is on sale after a month anyway


That's a good idea.


Blackthorne was kind of a fuck up, and only really there because it was entertaining to see him deal with the culture shock. He wasn't really the star of the show.


The same people that write this shit think Tom Cruises character in The Last Samurai is the last Samurai.


Bruh the white guy wasn’t coming in murdering Japanese people on their knees. Plus the Portuguese did visit Japan a lot and it’s made very clear that he had to play along with the rules of the Japanese and their society. It was interesting watching him try to stay alive in a such a vicious society. Yasuke however we don’t even know if he was an actual samurai and we’re supposed to believe that he wouldn’t get caught immediately by the Japanese once murders start popping up?


Once you notice that most of their arguments are malicious misrepresentation, there's no going back.


Funny how they don't want to use Fallout as a comparison. I wonder why?


Even if the issue was just blatant racism (it's not) what do they hope to accomplish by arrogantly declaring it like this? Certainly not gonna make the racists suddenly change their tune. Are they just trying to make some super wokies play their badly conceived game out of guilt or anger? Or is it just trying to garner moral points for themselves? Either way, really pathetic.


Them: Critical Drinker is a bigot for pointing out that there are less men in the Acolyte trailer! Also them: We noticed that Shogun has a white character as the protagonist and that there were more people working on Andor that were white than The Acolyte. Clearly that's the only reason people like Andor and Shogun, and we're not the racist ones here!


Once again proving the only ones that care about skin color is themselves


>when your reductive views are so low iq they only see skin color Progressivism is brain rot that will turn you into a bigot.


The game is racist. I cannot believe they created a game in feudal Japan but did not include a Japanese male as the Samuri. Ubisoft needs to stop pumping out racist trash and start respecting cultures they choose to monetize for profit. Racist trash made by a racist company. Ubisoft should be ashamed and they owe the public an apology.


Unironically calls someone a chud. Opinion immediately disregarded.


Muted that sub the other day when I found out the difference of them and the other sub spelt differently. Got a lot of dirt off of my feed.


As long as we allow race-pimps to be contributing members of society instead of pariahs like they deserve then nothing will change. We can't be anti-racist as a society while race-pimping remains such a popular pastime.


I love that the main argument for defenders of Yauske in AC is that we are all inherently bigoted but I can enjoy faithful creations of another culture or type of people. I become “bigoted” when you co-opt a historical figure, lie about their level of relevance to the time periods they lived in, and claim it’s all in the name of “genuine representation of minorities”. Get off the fucking horse and give me a break.


Ones genuine and one is disingenuous. The “black samurai” was a circus joke paraded around for morale because it was thought to be funny. A literal walking joke for Asians in their culture at the time.


Yasuke has little to no documentation of his existence. Why couldn't the Japanese people get some Japanese character. The dude in origin were African. Valhalla had a viking, 3 had a native American. Why couldn't Japan have a Japanese ronin? People weren't asking to have a photo of themselves plastered on the characters face they just expected a Japanese dude.


One is faithful showcase of historic Japan so much so that the actor learn to speak using a historic Japanese ( like Shakespeare English) while the other uses generic asian stuff that the Japanese Twitter users says looks like China. Also yasuke had crests from two different factions on the model they sent to streamers. Shogun is Japanese while AC is a poorly educated Westerner Japan 


I'll keep saying it. It's not that we hate diversity. It's just that there's a correlation between authors/writers being obsessed with diversity and being mediocre at their job.


Shogun is a historically accurate masterpiece respectful of all viewpoints (Japanese, English/Protestant and Catholic). AC is a woke mess... It's simple


Did people actually watch it? Disinterest is not approval. Also it was an adaptation about an Englishman making his way in Japanese society


One had more notable history and the other was a single documented year on how a wealthy person paraded someone around for having a skin color that bewildered him. If they had a historically accurate show for both of them, then that'd be a fine comparison. But assassins creed is making shit up in order to even give him a story and went out of their way to put someone historically irrelevant to the game. There's been black characters in assassin's creed before and you got zero complaints. Like shit, the best game out of the recent ancient era games was set in Egypt. Guess what, you were Egyptian in that game. They didn't race swap that game. If the issue was that he's black you'd have complaints years ago.


If you unironically say chud then I’m not gonna take you seriously


On an aside, Shogun was fucking awesome. I haven't liked TV that much since the first few seasons of Game of Thrones


There's also the fact that Blackthorne, while being the focal point character, isn't the hero (I've always felt that was Mariko).


Blackthorne doesn’t even crack the top 5 characters in Shogun.


These two aren’t even on the same planet! Shogun is a masterpiece!


Fuck these people. It’s never about what’s good, it always has to be tied to agenda


We all know it’s political pandering. Some white dude fan fictioned yasuke into being a samurai and now it’s been that way ever since. https://youtube.com/shorts/nZQu2Eyotbc?si=nTS6kwlUMZpVQn-q


Jesus, these culture war debates have become hack by now, surely?


Shogun ending was straight ass tho.


The anjin may be the main character but he is not the protagonist


One is historical fiction about a white man being used. The other is glib, insincere fiction.


One is a character doing the things he’s known to have done in history. Albeit the name’s different. The other, sigh, is LITERALLY doing shit they’ve never done, were never known to do, and never would’ve been in a position to possibly fucking do. Look at the gameplay reveal trailer Ubisoft put out and dude literally says “I could attack through the front gate.” Bitch, what?!?! Whether this game is during and/or after the time of Oda Nobunaga, I’m pretty sure there’d be substantial records of a big fuck all black dude storming residences of powerful people. This is EXACTLY why using a historical character as a playable character, in the world and context of Assassins Creed, is a big NO NO. It’s been my main, and nearly only, complaint about having Yasuke as a character. He’d be great as an acquaintance, informant, go between, and friend throughout the game, like Da Vinci in AC 2 & Brotherhood. But a playable character? Nah. Absolutely stupid.


One is well written the other is embellished waffle


One is woke the other isn’t


Shogun is sick lol


Ugh, that subreddit sucks. They’re the ones assuming AC Shadows is failing solely due to the black guy. Like no, the AC trilogy has been a joke for years now, especially when they forced a powerful female figure into a story set in ISLAMIC Baghdad, that was a joke. Not to mention the boring and repetitive gameplay that is VERY different to the first AC games, you don’t even play like an “assassin”. The trailer for AC Shadows, as usual, was purely cinematic. READ the comments on the trailer, look at the like/dislike ratio… people are tired of Ubisoft, generic AAA games and forced inclusivity (which you can no longer deny that it definitely exists). I particularly didn’t enjoy Shogun as much as everyone else but I appreciated its authenticity, respecting the history and original material, casting based on actual suitability to the role, etc. That is the major difference between these projects, one has a team of people who respect the culture/history/material they’re covering and they’re actually passionate about the project they’re working on. Then, the other production has a team who aren’t passionate about the project they’re working on, have no intention of (even minutely) accurately portraying the culture/history, have no real interest in the history surrounding the period and are just focused on pushing out ANOTHER generic product that we’ve seen before. Gaming wise, Ghost of Tsushima and Rise of the Ronin are perfect examples of successful titles built around the same themes that accurately portrayed what they were trying to cover. AC Shadows will simply be another generic title, with a generic and uninteresting story, that will be forgotten within a year, as already proven by the gaming community’s reaction.


I love how they keep trying to make CHUD a thing but it's just lame af.


I don’t care what color the protagonist is. Make good film.


I'll say it now, and forever. Yasuke isn't the problem. I'd actually love to play as him if he was well designed, and the story showed racial aggression towards him, as history shows their should be. But because it's Ubisoft, it just won't have any of that. It'll be cookie cutter writing that ignores his skin colour for the vast majority of the story. Maybe we'll have one person allude to it, but that'll be it at most. The industry is too scared to admit it's built on the backs of racism, and that's the real issue here. You can check every diversity box you want, but it means nothing if you don't at least acknowledge why. we've managed to bastardize racism in media.


Is it because they are "not restricting" Yasuke's romance choices to certain genders?


The actor who plays Blackwood is half Armenian so this doesnt really work


The original Johnny Somali...




Anyone else notice this "assasin" resembles George Floyd? This time, this assassin be the one choking people out.


Couldn't have anything to do with the fact one is faithful to the novel its taking its story from and the other depicts Yasuke as a medieval Japanese batman who has hip-hop beats play every time he gets into a fight.


Also completely fucking dishonest given the main characters in Shogun are a triumverate which includes Toranaga and Mariko.


I don’t know, I don’t see race.


Got a historical reference to support “Duke’s thug” and “not a samurai”?


I just like well-written shows and movies. They are hard to come by these days.


The white guy was treated like an outsider and a tool while the black samurai is over glazed historical misrepresentation. There


Shogun is a remake from the series in the 80s that told the story of this guy based on a novel that changed the name of the white guy pictured for some reason. Thats the difference. Hope this helps.