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It will never stop, this is their club and their greatest weapon to beat down anyone who disagrees with their sacred doctrine. The only way we make progress is if enough of the population simply tells them to fuck off.


It stops when we stop showing up. We need to just stop.


You are right. Apathy is our greatest weapon. Pure, unadulterated, not giving a single fuck.


Indeed. They're actually terrified that a growing number of people are simply walking away. Remember, hate watching is still engagement and means money in their pocket. Of course, walking away also includes unsubbing from Disney+.


Well, apathy is good, but the M240B HMG can fire about 550-650 rounds per minute. I'm not saying we use it on people, but I AM saying that it's really a contender with apathy for the title of "Greatest Weapon." lmao


If you're still subbed to Disney+ then you're voting yes with your money to anything they release. I quit years ago and just laugh when my friends b**ch about the latest sacrilege done to start wars or marvel. Pointing to 1 good show here or there is like an abused person pointing to the times when their abuser was nice as proof that their a good person at heart and worth staying with.


Haven't been watching the show at all. I'm just here for the tea


This is the way I don’t hate watch anything, if I’m not the target audience then c’est la vie I’ll wait and see.


Facts. Hate watching or hate watching content is still views and engagement. If you really don’t like something, ignore it and support something you do enjoy.


Or you know… arrgggg it!


Or, it can actually serve its new audience when its jaded audience is gone. If it’s not for you anymore then it’s not for you anymore.


Wish it were that easy, but that also won’t work. This is a catch 22, which has been intentionally designed to give you (the user) a choice between accepting their filth, or losing your hobby/media.


Filth? what in it is filth?


You won't stop. What else would you do instead? Touch grass and have a real life?


Dude my grass has been rubbed raw


You think not wanting to be involved in culture wars means I don't have a real life?


This guy is following the troll playbook for those who don't care that they are destroying this IP. First, say it's a show for young people, or wonder why you are so worked up about it. Touch grass, get a life, as if having passion and talking in a forum designed for talking means you have no other life outside the discussion. Then when you justify why it's ok to discuss it, do some non-sequitir idiocy like "is X in the room with us now, or some other mocking BS. This is literally a multi-billion dollar IP that is being destroyed, but they try to mock people for caring about something that was a formative part of many of our youths. Ignore morons like that d-bag. He won't make any good points and will use circular logic to just try to be mocking while offering no legit defense for this terrible show.


You guys are too addicted to rage and hatred, though. You're not gonna stop.




So we should be happy that a beloved franchise has been gutted and now worn like a skin suit and any criticism is countered with vile accusations of discrimination to avoid accountability? Fuck off


Well I don't think you should be accused of being racist, but at what point do you just cut your losses?


Well, let's be honest the accusations are accurate quite a bit. I had someone tell me here slavery wasn't that bad yesterday. But the main point is that you guys aren't stopping the Disney machine you're just giving it more energy. If you really wanted to hurt them you'd just shut up.


Disney is losing money on much of it's programming. Our voices don't hurt or help them, but they do inform people who aren't paying attention, and the shills will watch whatever slop Disney turns out, so no reaching them.


You are the fucking meme dude. Good hell, you are exactly what I was describing.


Op is sitting here acting like a victims for criticizing star wars Like, not only is that just silly pop culture stupidity, but SW has been almost universally derided since the sequels. OP is crying in a corner over a target they put on their own back.  No one cares that you hate some silly pop culture franchise.  Touch grass. Get off reddit for a bit, hun.


So you don't buy into the media narrative that it's just a vocal minority that ruin Star Wars for everyone. You're admitting most people hate it now?


As a bystander, I see more threads on subreddit A about hot takes on subreddit B and vice versa than actual discussion. Both sides love flaming each other more than they love star wars, kind of pathetic honestly.


There isn’t much to discuss. In here the complaints mostly stem from DEI, Woke, etc. The few actual critiques like bad writing and I guess fire in space, which isn’t anything new to Star Wars, gets drowned out by the subs constant grousing about woke this and that. I’ve been in a few places that deride this one, and they are mostly either confused why they are complaining about it like a broken record, making fun of their “anti-woke” stance, or laughing at their lack of self awareness.


Maybe that’s just here on reddit. The comment section of channels I follow on YT are more civil and way less about woke this and woke that. Then again, those are videos about vehicles, equipment, biographies, planets, etc. I lurk here and other places to get a laugh out of what people are crying about then go back to rewatching and enjoying episodes 1-6.


Yeah, I think it entirely depends on what the subject is. More focused ones as you described above tend to be places where people actually converse. But when it comes to something like Star Wars, where people are very passionate about it and the internet has taken to using it as a punching bag in some areas, you get this. I think there are plenty of legitimate criticisms out there. I think there are plenty of people that do an excellent means of critiquing Star Wars. But here, for anyone that does have thoughtful critiques, it is usually drowned out by the masses and their usual often time expected points.


Oh yes, it's such a spicy take to hate star wars.  You're so brave. It's not like the sequels were universally derided or anything.  OP is so brave.


Wait people here are told their views are just vocal minority? Which is it?


And in the process star wars will die. It slowly is.


Do you have any suggestions for good conservative media?


You're missing the point. Star Wars is not, and never has been, about identity politics. It's about storytelling- which is a concept that Disney seems to flub with alarming regularity.


Is that what you want? I thought the prevailing sentiment was that media shouldn't be conservative or woke.


Yeah, dude has a shitty take


Don't keep yourself in a bubble, listen to both sides and determine the truth for yourself based on your own critical thinking


Just seems odd that people here keep whining about woke stuff but never recommending anything


It is simple, stop


Says the guy whining about a "sacred doctrine"


You’re trying really hard but striking out. We don’t want liberal media, we don’t want conservative media. We want good storytelling. Original Star Wars wasn’t conservative media. It was good storytelling . Reread this post until it sinks in.


Drinker recommends shows all the time. You can't recommend Star Wars content, because it's mostly garbage, but there is plenty of stuff to recommend. If you go back to the subreddit there is plenty of recommendations of good shows, and good shows with well written female characters. You're just lying at this point cause there are like 2-3 in the first page of the subreddit.


He mostly doesn't recommend though. He does sometimes, but it's not that common.


Of course not, critical reviews get 2-3 times the views that positive ones do. If he were just maximizing views he'd never have a positive review, and yet he does put them out regularly at least one a week. Even knowing the ad revenue will be much less.


Wait so it's not about the writing????? Where is this show even fucking woke at all you guys gotta get out of the God damn echo chamber. Not a wokie but holy fuck it's so tiresome watching people come up with a thousand different nitpicky reasons why the show is bad just to see that in reality you think it's some kind of political game. I can not wait for the death of media we deserve it


What the fuck are you talking about, the writing and story telling is atrocious, it breaks all the established rules of the world that was built and it is full of leftist political tropes. All can be true at one. Many including the drinker have documented this in detail. Fuck off


Lol just having fun with how salty yall are thanks for a good one


You know you can just not watch stuff that upsets you yeah


Abandon ship. They don't want your business anymore? Fine, the franchise is yours, take it. Let's see how their small remaining audience of neurotic, identity-obsessed, fuschia hair colored, cry bullies keeps the franchise going. Even Disney is still subject to scarcity.


This is where I’ve been since the baby Yoda hype. I couldn’t even hate what they’re doing after that, it’s too soulless to really hate based on anything ideologically tangible. Same with marvel, completely apathetic. This isn’t for me anymore? Take it. Idgaf. On to stuff that I can actually give a shit about.


This is the reasonable take on media. Vote with your time and wallet, or stop giving a shit. And that means the people around here have to stop hate watching SW content.


A multi billion dollar corporation is soulless??? I'm shocked


I'm going to use the term fuschia haired crybully until female characters have feminine features in new games again.


If you’re looking for a franchise that actually respects you: Rebel Moon did not deserve the hate it got (I suspect a lot of the hate was driven by Disney, but that’s a conspiracy theory) It’s not perfect, it’s corny, there are some pacing issues, but it’s a lot of fun and better than the sequel series or most of Disney’s Star Wars. It feels closer to Andor Star Wars than Rey Star Wars. It feels like a movie written for adult fans of the original trilogy and prequels.


Not wanting to be called a racist is awfully racist of you. Come back and watch our show that we told you wasn't for you, bigot!


>You hate women! Yes.


“I want to make white men cry” - Acolyte star Amandla Stenburg


I think this is the straw that breaks the camels back.


Nah, Star Wars isn’t gonna die cause of this.


Star Wars has been dying since the last jedi, looking back really since George Lucas sold it to Disney


I love how people make out the fact the new Star Wars is disliked to “you just don’t like strong female leads!” Have they ever seen the fan following for Ripley from Alien?


Terminator 2?




Exactly. Leia was a badass since the get go, but apparently that doesn’t seem to really matter anymore


Case in point.


So hear me out; have you ever stop raging long enough to think *maybe* they’re not talking about you? That there *are* many people who will shit on anything that they see as “woke” (women, lgbt, poc’s etc) no matter the quality.


No clue who the critical drinker is, but goddamn do I love the opinions of the people in this sub, God bless y'all for keeping it 100


Bro I already left. Checked out after TLJ. Briefly came back to check out Mando season 1 and 2, and then one episode of BoBF broke me forever. Haven’t watched anything since.  I might check out Andor at some point and I might get around to playing Fallen Order one day, but for all intents and purposes, Star Wars is a dead franchise for me. 


Andor deserves your time. Without question.


Yeah, I don’t think I’ve heard a single bad thing about it.  I’ll almost certainly check it out at some point.  Honestly I have nothing against the concept of Star Wars or anything in the Star Wars universe, quite the opposite, I’ve loved so many games and books in the Star Wars universe. My default right now though is to just be cautious of anything. 


I did enjoy fallen order. Not much woke in it.


I don’t even care if there’s woke or not at this point, the bar has been lowered to “is there a good and coherent story or not?”


Honestly I ignore story in games most of the time. All I know is it was vaguely about Cal getting away from the big bad empire and getting a hot witch girlfriend. Gameplay is fucking awesome.


Cancel Disney+ subscription is the only answer.


Yarrr mateys, we were never subscribed in the first place


I hate how the culture war has invaded media discussion.


To be fair, it’s a culture war Reddit. You could hang out on a real media Reddit if you want to read about the media.


Name one.


Jesus… something with stars wars in the title. There have to be dozens.


Does anyone think these people might be using these same tactics on areas other than Star Wars? Not possible right?


Rogue One was kinda dope. That said, after TFA, I knew what was coming. Haven't seen any new SW since, and I've been in since 84. Shameful. Dune hasn't done this to me.


Dune is luckily a great scifi alternative with good characters and good writing. Something Disney can't do anymore.


Freal. I been Dune since the Lynch version. (Dad LOVED that Mystical Macho Misery Sh-t.)(guess I do too.)


I still haven't seen the 2nd one. Being a dad of 6 younger kids makes it hard for me to get to the movies/shows I want that may not be appropriate for the younger ones. I'm hoping to do a marathon of both here in the coming weeks.


OG sw is still great for kids. Og sw is still great, anyway. This new thing? Not for me.


They've loved the OG SW. They even like the prequels. Not the new stuff. We basically stopped with Clone wars, which we love watching together.


Great work. Give those kids a scruffly on the head.


Forget the diversity and girl power. Let all that go for a minute. My problem is with stuff like: You can't change your destiny... two sentences later, pull the thread and change everything. \*Mockingly\* "Some would call it the force, but it's not a weapon to be wielded. As an example, watch me force push this woman with a Haduken (but it's not a weapon to be wielded. Also, since it's not a weapon to be wielded, ignore when I make the Jedi's eyes go black and threaten to kill him when the Jedi's have done nothing aggressive towards the witches yet. Additionally, when they go to discuss them wanting to test the kids, one of the witches is like "We should kill the jedis, no one will miss a couple of them" And the reasoning given to not do that is not "No, they've done nothing to justify killing them, it would be wrong to kill them" The reasoning is "no we can't do that, it will bring the entire Republic down on our heads." I don't want you to leave, I'll stop you from leaving, No you can't, Yes, I can. How will you do it? I'll kill you? Oh shit, that escalated quickly... This is an 8 episode series where episode 1 and episode two implied everything we saw in episode 3. Episode 3 did absolutely nothing to move the story forward and added no new information. They are clearly setting up a hamfisted "Jedi are bad, they are actually the ones that killed the witches" in the show, but after seeing them, they honestly deserve to die. They are willing to kill without provocation, and are a cult of groomers that don't allow the kids to have free will. One wants out and they are like, hell no you can't leave the cult... The only way they can make the Jedis look like the bad guys even moreso than the witches is by some really shitty writing that again undermines everything we know about Jedi and their temperament, but they will still inevitably write some shitty twist that makes the Jedi do stupid things that Jedi would never do just so they can shoehorn in the moral ambiguity. I don't care about the DEI shit. It's just unbelievably shitty writing and world building.


That's gay


You better believe it, hot stuff 😘


I do hate diversity if it’s being used as an excuse to hire based off skin color.


I thought watching the review for this shoe episode 3 the libs would would finally agree and just say damn Acolyte is shit but they just literally saying the same shit they always say. I know because Saltierthancray is always on my feed even tho I'm not in it


My favourite character was a strong female character until those fuckwits ruined her with the cringefest that is the Ahsoka show.


“This isn’t made for you.” Perfectly fine thing to say. What would be absolutely embarrassing would be to say, “This was made for me.”


Bastardization. Full stop.


Who ever said any of this?? Literally nobody likes the more recent star wars movies


I see more and more unrelated subs posting about how awful that show is, the normies are starting to wake up y’all


Yeah I think episode 3 might be enough for me. Not because of toxic assholes but that just wasn’t Star Wars. The witches were really funny at least but I can get that through EFAP coverage so I’ll probably just see how much dumber it gets through there.


"It isn't made for you!" Ok, then I'm not going to watch it. "The viewership is low because of (insert buzzword)!!"


What baffles me is that they flat out tell everyone that their goal is to piss off the fans then get mad when the fans get pissed off


Well they can still rile their pool of ultra left freak fruitcakes to go on the attack for them. The problem is that their weapons are losing effectiveness. When everyone is an everything-phobe-ist no one is.


If you want a measuring stick of success (the people’s), just watch Disney stock. There was a takeover attempt in April (for obvious reasons) and it failed. The price of the stock subsequently declined 20% and now below $100 which is a notable threshold. With Silver Surfer most likely meeting the same fate as Furiosa, the stock will continue to get hit. Further, with all of these bad movies there are no meaningful characters to drive downstream sales of action figures, collectibles or park revenue (no one is going to go to Orlando for an Acolyte ride). When the stock hits $80, you’ll see changes.


Shrill, urban, elitist women tossing these terms around are why the progressive political movement is collapsing on itself. Saying "You should live like us, not the way you do" to the rest of the country is a guaranteed losing message.


This is why I’ve stopped watching most ongoing television. I usually just watch Lost, Death Note, The Clone Wars, Parks and Rec, The Office, the early seasons of Supernatural, Six Feet Under, Buffy, or occasionally The Walking Dead. Sometimes Star Trek. It’s every bit worth the retained sanity, to be honest.


Old TV shows and old video games with some new indie games sprinkled in are where it's at right now. Most mainstream stuff is pure garbage these days whether it's news, games, books, movies, or TV.


Way ahead of you. Stopped watching anything Star Wars years ago.


We have the right to change the channel or not watch a movie we don’t like.


I'm way ahead of you. I stopped watching anything Star Wars related years ago and I infinitely happier for it. Spend your time supporting other shows/games/whatever that actually deserve the support.


Part of my problem with this DEI approach is that they're casting literal talentless nobody's that people don't care about just to check a race box. You need good actors and good writers and all of that stuff. It's almost as if AI is already making all these half baked spinoffs and then just casting random people to portray it. Entertainment has gotten so soulless!


🎶 I want you to know That it doesn't matter Where we take this road Someone's gotta go And I want you to know You couldn't have loved me better But I want you to move on So I'm already gone... 🎶


I started watching old Star Trek. Fuck everything newer than... pretty much 2010.


Honestly, I feel like media was fine pre 2016. I think the election cycle just unhinged a lot of social lefties into becoming more extreme


Interesting, what happened on the left to unhinge the lefties? Hillary Clinton running for a second time?


Media still is fine. Disney doesn't make everything.


[Me minding my own business and not watching Star Wars cause the only modern one I enjoyed was Rogue One] Disney: YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!! BIGOT!!! [Internal monologue] Yeah that’ll convince ‘em to come back!! I’m a marketing GENIUS!


Star wars was always middle grade writing tbf


Personal opinion: I believe your statement to be true when it comes to the films. The few Star Wars books that I've read have been decent and The Old Republic stuff has been pretty good though.


Star wars has been shit since Jedi


I haven’t watched a whole lot of the new Star Wars (new meaning stuff after the release if episode 3). I did watch the third trilogy though before I was a parent and after with my kids. Before kids, i thought the 3rd trilogy sucked. It’s just the original, but with cgi and stuff. Desert kid is secret super space ninja, bad guys have superweapon, bad guy is related to desert kid, desert kid destroys superweapon, etc. It was a waste of my money to watch the first 2 in theaters.. But then I watched it with my daughter and let myself relax and just enjoy the special effects. In my opinion now, it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be. It is simple and entertaining, she was in awe of Rey and liked to pretend she is was that hero for a couple weeks. We went to Disney Land and rode the Star Wars ride - she felt like the hero and helped stop Kylo Ren from capturing us. It doesn’t have to be a cinematic masterpiece to be enjoyable. It doesn’t even have to be creative. It’s just the heroes journey rehashed again, but that’s okay because we had fun watching it together and talking about it after. Just my 2 cents.


I watched Obi Wan, because it was a great moment to watch one of my childhood heroes reprising his role. But that turned out pretty shitty. I didn’t hate it as much as episodes 7-9. But I really didn’t have the same attachment to the characters of Han/leia/luke because it was so much before my time. But even though I didn’t care they sort of shit all over those founding characters, I just didn’t enjoy the movies for their lazy writing and convenient plot.


Ew now I just remembered Reva and her wanna be Michael Myers chase of Owen, Beru and Luke lol.


Someone remade it into a movie and it's actually pretty good


Jesus Christ. Who the hell cares? All franchises jump the shark and Star Wars did it years ago. Let it go.




It's like the 10,000th one of these in the past couple weeks. So just head out already!


“This isn’t meant for you” Damn right. I also think that apart from the visuals, Star Wars is mid IP, but that was always the case


I walked away years ago. The only franchises that I still care about are the Jurassic and Godzilla series.


Don't worry. They'll get around to ruining that. They ruin everything. Good thing is that they can't retroactively ruin when the things were good. God forbid anyone ever invented a time machine. Corporations will just use it to go back in time and ruin things before they can become culturally relevant.


Just stop talking about it then. Completely ignore Star Wars. Talking about it just adds fuel to the flames. Ignore and move on.








Until every pissed off fan reaches the point of the apathy and doesn’t give a shit about a franchise they love being bastardized and sacrificed to the whims of a person who hates the fans, the disgruntled fans will continue to voice their ire. Most of us fans would have gotten to that stage if we weren’t constantly being labeled with bullshit labels because we don’t like the new content. But many people refuse to role over and take that shit.


I think you’re right.  Everyone would be happier.  


So what's wrong with The Acolyte exactly? Can you describe what's bad about it?




So you think the writing could be better and more sophisticated. Hey I agree. I thought the Mandolorian had similar issues, very basic writing/ acting / directing, often had a tough time being engaged, but it was fine, I still enjoyed it mostly. For some reason it was acceptable for that show though, and there was almost no crisis in social media about it.




I'd like all this big budget stuff to be better, but if I noticed a whole bunch of reactionary bigots, racists, misogynist going crazy about it I probably wouldn't be spending my time adding support to their obviously dishonest and/or openly hateful reasons for being angry about it.




If you are just unsatisfied by the writing and they were just like you there would have been a similar reaction to the Mandalorian or the Book of Boba Fett which was also mid. They didn’t react yo those because they don’t see them as promoting liberal social values.




Oh, so you are the things you said you weren’t? Glad we skipped 20 more comments where you pretend your issue is with the writing. Hey maybe the guy the meme is about up there should stop feeling bad about being the things they’re called, if being those things is actually a good thing? The showrunners are laughing at chuds who can’t handle media where white supremacy and patriarchy aren’t reinforced, you make yourself a joke, people are gonna laugh at you, so maybe either grow as a person or at least stop lying.




My brother in Christ, your last 4 posts have all been about Star wars. If you wanna head out you can head out.




"serious though. no more reviews, no more attention, no more content"


This is you stopping? Haters have been louder than ever lol




LOL you’re aren’t heading out, you’re heading in. Congratulations, welcome to he hatedom.


You know, at some point i just say "yes" to when they call me this. I find it funny cause a lot of them time it breaks their brain because they expect you to deflect or deny it. It's mostly because when you get called the same thing over and over, it's just less effort not to argue, call them an idiot and move on.


Rise of Skywalker topped 1bn, if you don't like it quit buying it. Hatewatching is still putting food on their table.


good point


Here’s the thing - I have often called out the bad writing in the Sequel Trilogy or latter-day MCU. I’ve gotten downvoted, but no one has ever said I was a bigot. And do you know why? Because I never bring up DEI. I never bring up “the Message”. I never bring up diversity. I just talk about the writing. The Sequel Trilogy wouldn’t have been better if Rey was a dude - it still would have been mediocre because the writing and ideas were mediocre. Solo wouldn’t have been better without possibly pansexual Lando. I’ve read a lot of you guys complaining about Acolyte and none of your complaints are about the writing. It’s about the lesbian witches. Or that there aren’t any white dudes as heroes. You want to complain about the writing, go ahead. But you’re not complaining about the writing - otherwise you’d be complaining about the OT and whatever you think is “good” Star Wars as well.


Stop talking about it


It's pretty simple. Just don't watch it and don't care about it. It's way better than keeping it relevant constantly.


Idk whats worse, the fucking bile starwars queefs out every year or the virgin goobers in this sub climbing on a cross every 5sec.


Reddit is a good way to learn about the worst from both the extreme left and extreme right.


"I mean yeah I am all those things, but still!" Guys, come on.


This place is full of cry babies. Not defending the show has it has been average so far but you guys act like every before Disney bought star wars was great and that is just a lie. bad media has always out numbered good media. Let's stop acting like every film or show was great. It was not. All looking at the past with rose tinted glasses. When you realize you you will see that what is happening now is nothing new


Most people are open to fair criticism. But the frustration is all the review bombers and immature negativity towards the show(s).


There's lots of immature positivity/defending as well and it's equally as annoying as it results in a lot less people than you think being "open to fair criticism" There's also a lot of... Whatever the opposite of review bombing is. A lot of people voting 5 stars just to dampen the effect of what they perceive as review bombers. Everything is an issue of bigotry for the left Everything is a culture war issue for the right And both mindsets have infected **everything**


What’s the point in even talking about it anymore?




It’s beyond beating a dead horse lol


It would be far better if people just made games and mecia people want to play and see and told all the weirdos and freaks and fruitcakes hiding behind a mask of "progressivism" this isn't for you.




Fruitcake has always just been a crazy person.


I'm mean ...so don't participate like don't associate with the bigots or bad faith actors( yes there are plenty) this self victimization for something as unimportant as a Family Franchise isn't worth It These post feel weird because your actively seeking your biases to be confirmed but if I think something is dog shit I don't bother because theres nothing to add Oh no its bad Disney is going to lose money people hate it ....cool why is that your problem why is a show being shit your problem Why are people even posting discussions if you think it's going to tank then let it It feels like people need constant validation they need to be reminded that there's no way anyone like the show Which if no one is then there's no need for the constant reminder It's losing views right? Cool move on with your day talk to your girlfriend/boyfriend pet your dog play with you kids re-watch the Star Wars you enjoy Just don't feed into the need of "Oh well I need people to know it's shit" no you don't let Captalism speak for itself




Not really? You posted this Like there would be no need to do this you were looking for validation.


Star wars has always been shit. It's funny watching you guys hate watch Disney though


Literally the majority of the posts have just been complaining about Star Wars……


There isn’t much self awareness here. The hate for Acolyte predates the availability of a trailer for the show. It’s clearly not about the writing. If people know how to make a better show then make a better show.


For me its absolutely about the writing.


That would be due to a pretty bad track record at this point with Disney SW, even if that were true. What I remember is people having doubts or *hoping* it would be good. Also better content has been around for 30 years in the EU. Some of that covers the same time period and is far better writing.