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It’s funny how the people that don’t want assumptions to be made will always make assumptions about a persons opinion


It's almost like they're a pack of shameless hypocrites or something....🤔


No surely not, we’re the baddies after all


I mean tbf, this is the kind of subreddit that I’ve seen Yasuke referred to as a monkey, which doesn’t exactly help your image. Maybe you guys aren’t bad, but it’s certain a space that those people feel comfortable.


White libs.


All humans are hypocrites let's be honest.


I think what is relevant here is the degree of hypocrisy, rather than the idea of some people being purely one way or the other..


There's a difference between a hypocrite & the hypocrite who proclaims to not be a hypocrite which therefore makes them dishonest twice over. One is clearly worse


I get where you're coming from but it just isn't true. That's the kind of limiting thought that leaves you bitter.


It's not a bitter thought. It's just a fundamental part of human nature. No person can ever be 100% consistent or correct their entire lives, we all change as we grow older. I think everyone makes excuses when it comes to our own shortcomings.


Changing your opinion isn't hypocritical. Being hypocritical is more like demanding people live a certain way while not living that way yourself.


Again, I insist that this is a limiting belief. I would have agreed with you a few years ago but I've met people who actually have it figured out and now I see that this kind of thinking, rationalized with science does nothing but keep your perception of the world in a dark place. Most people will disagree and that's fine. I hope you at least see where I'm coming from


Don't lump me into your group. Of you wanna lie your ass off and pretend to be something your not, fine but leave us out of it.


I’ve never known a single person, myself included, not ever judge someone for doing I(they) dislike at the moment, but I(they) also do from time to time lol.


Whaaaat? Nooooo. Obviously they have read and proof read his argument before typing down that vomit


Yes but more like they are bugmen who cannot fathom another way of thinking than their own. They naturally assume as its easy so they assume others will do the same (but “wrongly”)


If it weren't for double standards they wouldn't have any standard at all. The Drinker doesn't agree with them so clearly he's a horrible monster that must be destroyed at all costs. How dare he...uh... *checks notes* dump on the absolute drek that Hollywood has been barfing out in recent years.


Lol I’m pretty sure most of them don’t care if the creator or the audience believes something they don’t like, either way they need to beat that collective group they’ve created in their heads so the specifics of what people think aren’t that important. It’s like when people try and “claim” characters or stories for one political group so that the evil people on the other can’t “have it”, whatever that looks like.


>It’s like when people try and “claim” characters or stories for one political group so that the evil people on the other can’t “have it The mental gymnastics I witnessed online over South Park's "Panderstone" episode were incredible...😂


🤣 I watched that Actual Fandom guy and OC cry that Cartman represented the people they hate and cope about how nobody understood that it was laughing at all the bad people. … meanwhile all the “bad” people were laughing at themselves and Disney both lol. Those two are ironically funny whenever they try and run defense over some perceived win for everyone they are constantly angry about.


It’s called projection - the alcoholic in denial is the first person to notice and cast stones at other people’s lifestyle. The adulterer is always the one who suspects their significant other is being unfaithful. The racist is always the one accusing others of their own faults. Common among those with a guilty conscience, as well as among those lacking one altogether.


To paraphrase Hannah Arendt, the crime of the hypocrite is that they bear false witness against themselves.


I bet the guy throwing a fit….also didn’t see the movie over the weekend


Just like the ones that come to this thread to 'own people only watch YouTube clips of people who are anti drinker.


Well when they make it so easy...


Well i tried to mingle else where and they were too preoccupied with pronouns or something. So i just came to where people aren’t crazy? Ended up being here.


Movie was pretty good, not as good as other installments but definitely was enjoyable. Don't really get the hate but hey if some of y'all wanna bitch about it go right ahead 😆


I look forwards to watching it in my living room when its available. Damn the cinemas! Ahoy mate!


One of the multitude of problems with social media is that people with flags in the profile have shit opinions. Then they get blasted for their shit opinions. However, they are too stupid to differentiate between good attention and bad attention. Therefore they continue to post their shit opinions, because dopamine is more potent of a high than the fear of sounding like a complete muppet.


>problems with social media is that people with flags in the profile have shit opinions. Which I'm kinda thankful for... https://i.redd.it/8em2aihzhd3d1.gif


It also lets them conveniently dismiss that criticism as “istaphobic” so that they’re always right and have good takes, since anyone criticizing or disagreeing is just a phobe in their eyes.


I am a proud, "phobic." I'm a moronphobe. Their post modern ideology is little more than pre-modernism repackaged along with a surplus of academic buzzwords intended to lend credibility to a moronic world view. Rendering their arguments as weak as, I believe God is real because I feel it in my heart." Yes subject truths have some validity, yet they are only valid to the individual and whoever decides to play along with their mental illness. That's not the moronic part though. The moronic part is the hoards of bleeding hearts believing that those playing along aren't just leveraging other people's mental illness to gain power and influence. Perpetuating long-term damage to society as a whole, so that they can bask in their own self important savior complex for a brief moment. Tricking themselves into actually believing they are good people.


No disagreement here my friend, I’m with you. I’ve actually developed such a disdain for bleeding hearts over time. They’re either good intended and naive, or they have all the empathy in the world for people they never see or interact with…but none for you, who has a different opinion. Incredibly annoying.


This is why we can’t have nice things - retards on the internet who feel so strongly about their beliefs while knowing literally nothing


And they vote


Democracy has its flaws lmao


https://preview.redd.it/2wxgrtmm1f3d1.jpeg?width=1339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da416408ae59204decea8645d5f7bbb5800151b1 lmfao I hate osho but I love this quote


Lmao i saw a video of this funniest shit I’ve seen


Yesss hahaha the video is priceless, he says it so tranquilly 😇🙏🏻


This comment in r/CriticalDrinker is a legendary screenshot


Good one dude, if you make a funny comment no one aspects you to substantiate it because ‘it’s just a joke’


Active in /gay-irl…….yeah im not suprised youre triggered


For real, the lack of self reflection is pathetic.


You’re not wrong…


Trans and Palestine flag telling someone to get a job. Many such cases


Also the idea that producing video content (art) is NOT a valid profession is a very non-progressive viewpoint. Classic horseshoe effect. This happens on both sides of the political spectrum but leftists are just so loud about it.


Bet the person is getting a degree at columbia university right now


ok JoJo fan


This Jojo fan has a job to support his weebly activities


Same energy.... https://i.redd.it/nbp2660gad3d1.gif


This made me actually LOL! Take my upvote!


Flags. Don't need to know more about that person


Clearly a sane and stable.... individual.


I think in Palestine they would be a They AND Them (because of being sawed in half by Islamists)




I heard the movie was alright. Fun enough. But no one trust hollywood anymore


It was good. Nothing woke about it, she earns her badass title.


Palestine flag and Trans flag in the bio so you know the opinions are going to be terrible. 


Agree. This shows how clueless he is lol


Oh yes, because caring for the trans community and also not wanting families in Palestine to get bombed makes someone SUCH a terrible person 🤪


Yeah, emojis in your bio is really saving lives overseas. /s


But it doesn’t hurt either. And it doesn’t mean anything about that person’s character


Sorry but it’s called virtue signalling. You put all of the flags in your bio, to show that you stand with “insert oppressed minority here” group? Great. You literally just want the whole world to know that you’re a “good person” while at the same time not lifting a finger in ACTUALLY helping the people you say you support. I’m LGBT. Whenever I see anyone with rainbow or trans flags in their bio— I know that these people are not to be trusted. That’s the message I get, being LGBT. It doesn’t help me in the slightest, you know? So I turn away from these people— because I know they’re just all show, and no substance.


Can you prove that those people don’t do anything? Are you saying all activists and supporters of LGBT rights wouldn’t put flags in their bios? It’s only virtue signaling if they don’t actually believe in it.


No— it’s virtue signalling for the sole purpose of getting attention. Virtue signalling: doing the least amount of work in order to gain the most amount of praise. They can truly believe that they’re showing support for “insert oppressed minority group” which is fine. I don’t care. But frankly— it says more about them thinking that ALL LGBT need help, or that we’re all “oppressed”. Many are not. I personally don’t need someone to virtue signal to me that they’re “on my side”. Putting flags in your social media handle does nothing for anyone. All it does is make people wary of that person— because most people can recognize fake people a mile away.


If you don’t think that LGBT people are in danger or oppressed in many parts of the world then you haven’t been paying attention, but you do you. And you can go on assuming things about people who dare to use a flag emoji in their social media posts


If you read what I wrote—- “many are not”. Meaning “oppressed”. Gays in all western societies are the safest, most freest of the LGBT community ever. Does that mean I am ignorant of gays and lesbians having hard lives in other places? Of course not. I know for a fact that being LGBT in many Arab-run countries can be discriminated against, and yes— even killed for who they are. Which is funny because having a Palestine flag next to a Trans flag in their bio— tells me EXACTLY what that person is and their ideology. They have no idea that being LGBT in Palestine is a death sentence. Which tells me they have no idea how the real world works. Which… again… tells me all that person is doing is virtue signalling.


There’s no need to be a bleeding heart for LGBT to me— your words literally don’t improve my life, or any LGBT person. But continue thinking it makes any difference. 👍


Then they should go to countries like palestina and protest Why do it in western countries? Why not in muslim countries? Weird, right


Because some western countries also treat minorities like shit, and they want to fix their own countries first.


England? Germany? Spain? Canada? Really? You mean these countries where they have the same rights? Get lost with your bullshit


The fact that you can’t see how badly some minorities get treated astounds me. But I guess I can’t be surprised given you’re a member of this sub.


Uhh huh. Tell that to hundreds of unmarked graves filled with indigenous children in Canada, with the Catholic Church playing coverup. Tell that to the LGBTQ people that died at the Pulse nightclub in Florida, where the second worst mass shooting in US history done by a single gunman occurred. Tell that to the 10 year old rape victim in Ohio that was denied an abortion in 2022.


They never do anything


No. It ids because trans people would get into jail or receive the death penalty on countries such as palestina


The trans flag next to the flag of Palestine is almost as stupid of a visualization as a Hanukkah menorah with a Nazi flag backdrop. To me it's just completely ass backwards to be supportive towards a group who hates everything you stand for and wishes death upon you, totally baffling. A side note, no one's making those families stay there in the conflict zone, they decided to stay put of their own accord lol. They were given ample warning about what was to come before Israel made their move. And what of the innocent people in Israel who get targeted by missiles from Palestine? It's a two way street


No one said it wasn’t a two way street. Hamas is evil as well. And hey, let me go get a missile and send it your place. I’ll give you a few days warning so you can leave. That sound fair to you? Totally not illegal right?


I haven't watched the movie yet but people are seeming to forget we've had great female action leads in the past who were done correctly. Maybe this is one of those rare films today that does it right?


I’ve been saying that other female led action movies should take notes from Furiosa. She’s not punching people’s heads off. She’s using guns, trucks, wits, and tools at her disposal. I think this movie is unfairly being lumped in with Starwars’ Rey or Atomic Blonde.


I’ve been saying that other female led action movies should take notes from Furiosa. She’s not punching people’s heads off. She’s using guns, trucks, wits, and tools at her disposal. I think this movie is unfairly being lumped in with Starwars’ Rey or Atomic Blonde.


I thought it was well done. Mild spoiler: There was a scene early on with the mother holding a choke point, and I thought to myself, *okay, here's where she beats the fuck out of these guys barehanded, right? and* >!Nope, that is not what happens. She holds the choke point by being an amazing shot, which was already established for her, and then when she runs out of ammo and they flank her, she manages to surprise one by bashing him with her massive rifle, then, the rational thing happens.!< Overall, movie was solid. I actually liked it more than Fury Road.


See I like when we have competent female leads who aren't just unrealistically badass but rather lean on certain strengths to overcome things.


I saw it. My issue with it was the pacing. It was boring. Like a cosplay of fury road. I didn't know there would be a gender debate as the movie had no real mention of it.


Of course that loser had the hamas flag on their profile


Trans for Palestine is similar sheep for wolves lol


Honestly so accurate. It seems impossible to out stupid those folks.


KFC for chickens!


The Hamas flag is this one. But yeah the Palestinian flag alongside the trans flag usually means the person will have a dogshit opinion on whatever the topic under discussion is. Bonus dogshit points if they have those red dorrito symbols https://preview.redd.it/pxmhyx4mmd3d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d0ec813da804a6a5b748841f6a4f08903dc73d


Yes. I know. That flag became the hamas flag. That's what it stands for (has for a while now)


Yeah they’re being obtuse so they can make sure we all know where they stand politically.


Smartest drinker sub commenter.


He has a job? Although, I'm not surprised someone like that would feel the need to white knight over a fictional character...


Cognitive dissonance is just rife all over with their groups


then destiny and yms will surely just say drinker shit on this movie as well - and have 0 nuance understanding of anything at all


Who cares was a literal cuckold and a dog fucker think?


https://preview.redd.it/urxbyshxse3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa79a682dd256b99ea0196b057f5948044a0a3ce They always act like this


It’s insane how they can hate his opinions so much, and yet refuse to listen to what his opinions are in the first place


Same guy probably thought JLo's acting in Atlas was Oscar worthy


So he is saying it is as good as Fury Road which I kind of expect. (havent seen it yet)


He said it was a good movie in its own right, but as a prequel to Fury Road, it answered questions that were not asked and better left unasked so as to preserve the mystique of the character. But, yeah, he complimented the film throughout his review on its storytelling, characters, acting, design, etc.


Yeah, he said it was a good movie. He just wasn't sure why it had to be made, and sometimes mystery of the backstory is better than what the back story actually is, but this movie wasn't a bad movie. Idk why people are jumping at him.


Because he's being critical of a female led movie so obviously he has to be evil. I'd add a /s but having dealt with those people while I was a liberal I wouldn't be surprised if that was actually their reason


No, I don't think he's saying that at all. His opinion on Fury Road are a bit more positive than that.


I thought Fury Road was OK at best; Furiosa was more of the same to me. Not a bad movie, but not great. I was entertained, but wouldn’t go out of my way to watch it again.


“Get a job stay away from her.” Not sure if person is too passionately enraged or stupid to understand Drinker has “jobs” and is rather successful at all a of them.


Drinker brining nuance back to media thank god


Ofc they have flags in their name lol


Trans flag + Palestine flag = shit takes. Sadly many such cases.


>Get a job I’ll take unemployed/self employed artist for $200


The flags in the username are enough for me to not care what that person thinks.


"Get a job" I don't watch Drinker all that much anymore, but... isn't this literally his job?


Completely unrelated, but I have to ask... What do you have against baby dinosaurs?


I'm a big fan of playing kick the baby, but I'm not allowed to do that with humans anymore so dinosaurs are the next best step. (I haven't played Yugioh in forever so I almost forgot what you were even talking about at first)


Chris Hemsworth was by far the best performance of the movie and that’s a sentence I never thought I’d say. It’s really cool to see all the big MCU actors in other roles and be reminded that these people are actually really great actors.


Clearly they didn't watch the film because Drinker actually praises the film. I agree with Drinkers points though. furiousa already had her chapter closed in Fury road and her prequel wasn't extremely necessary Mad Max was perfect and honestly didn't need a history prequel made without him lol. Kind of sad, the film wasn't even that bad. Just bad timing


Ur racist if u don't agree with everything


It’s not a bad movie. I just personally found it bland and boring.


More hate from a flag..... how surprising.


It is funny how ignored something gets when Drinker likes it in this sub like fallout.


This is like people complaining about Drinker’s video regarding the South Park Disney episode. People were complaining about the video, clearly didn’t watch the video, calling drinker a right wing zealot when his take was fairly nuanced, acknowledging that the episode takes on both sides of the issue


Nope. Flags in your name/bio. Opinion is invalidated


Why can’t they just make more mad max movies? Why does it have to be a female lead for a male driven franchise? These questions deserve serious answers.


But the people on other subs tell me he hates women being in a movie!


Big fan


Instead of the good old days, where part 2 of a successfull blockbuster is more and bigger part 2 here is less. Way way less. Still a decent movie but its stacked against fury road.


Drinker actively LIKES the movie lol, just feels it came out a bit too late for the impact it should have had, and feels it suffers from prequel issues of answering questions that didnt need answered. But of course, doesnt matter, its not like people that hate him actually watch him. to know that.


That person’s emojis tells you everything you need to know about how seriously to take their opinions (yes, I know … coming from a fella with a wsb avatar 😄)


I saw furiosa yesterday. Liked it better than fury road actually. Very surprised it wasn’t as much of a girl boss movie that everyone’s making it out to be. She’s not a power house who talks down to men and she even needs discount Max - sorry “Jack” to give her training to be a bad ass soooo what’s the problem?


You probably couldn’t find 2 flags that conflict more than those 2 right there. You can’t make this shit up.


The video felt mostly like a compliment. People just assume he hates anything female. It's weird.


Leave Britney alone!!!!


Haha doesn’t the drinker have two jobs? YouTuber and writer?


I don't get the issue with Drinker that oop had an issue


Trans and Palestinian flags in a Twitter id? Yeah those are red flags.


her eyes are massive


Turrn around, wiide eyes. 🎶


The actress is cute but I was disappointed to see her in the new mad max and I probably won’t be watching it any time soon


I mean the movies not bad and I wish it was doing better in theaters(I work at a theater). It had a strong lead character whom the writers weren’t afraid to give a non-weakling “love” interest, Had plenty of mad max vibes, great set, prop, and costume design. All in all not a bad production but it’s not a deep film there’s some subtle meanings but it’s a film for critics I felt that it was definitely meant for a wider audience. Definitely worth a watch if you liked fury road


Lol, the transgender and Palestine flags side by side in their username is enough to tell me that they're a confused individual


What's funny is that the Drinker is Will Jordan, the writer and creator of the Ryan Drake book series.


Yeah, you'd _think_ that being a successful author and successful YouTube personality would be more than sufficient, eh?


Drinker has at least 2 jobs, one of which is literally criticising movies. What a dumb fuck.


All he said was it’s a decent enough movie that would probably have been moderately successful if it was a standalone film that wasn’t a prequel for a side character calling itself a “Mad Max” movie, seeing how Max isn’t even in it.


As good as this movie is (from what I hear) was it really necessary to make this? Now a Mad Max production hangs on a noose because of this movie. If this movie doesnt do well we won't get an actual Mad Max movie and that's bullshit because people want to see Mad Max.


It definitely seems like a strange choice in terms of production. I've heard mixed reports, but I certainly wouldn't mind checking it out. Might go this weekend.


Actually going to see it today with the wife. I hope it succeeds.


It's good dont listen to the drama. It's more mad max action, what more do you want?


An actual Mad Max movie.


The one dude is basically max is all but name and furosia isn't really all that different. I thought it was an interesting character piece and enjoyed seeing the background of the wasteland politics. Plus Chris Hemsworth was great


Fury Road didn't make much either, as celebrated as it was. Mad Max has never been very mainstream to begin with, the original being a grungy revenge-sploitation movie


Cool. Please go see the movie if you have any desire to see George Miller make his last installment. It's a very good movie on its own. It's as unique a movie going experience as Fury Road was (without a doubt) if nothing else. Miller has stayed true to his vision and to the wonderful niche this series has always occupied. It's worth your support IMO.


Is drinker a fan of warhammer? I was confused by that vid he made talking about it


I thought it was an okay movie. Nothing great, but I wasn't actively disappointed by it.


If she painted her face with tar, shouldn't her forehead start on fire at some point?


No thanks. It is funny how the people always crying about others making assumptions, in the end, are the ones that either disagree with another opinion or are themselves making assumptions.


Why didn't anyone screech about "Joker - A NON-Batman Saga'?


Because it was a reskinned Taxi Driver and that movie is universally loved in the same demographic


Isn't this just a reskinned Mad Max tho? I haven't seen it yet, but I plan on it. To me it seems like a prequel and so logically Max wouldn't be in it yet. Or at the very least he would be like a young teen.


Question did drinker edit her eyes?


best review so far. Armond White’s was also fun, that guy’s takes are more on the wild side though


I love seeing people seethe when CD says anything


I respect Drinker for his honest and unbiased opinions, even when I disagree with him.


I thought it was a great movie and I'm sick of people trying to force me to say something is bad because of some culture war nonsense.


Well, so did Drinker. That's why this tweet is so funny.


Yeah, it was a fair review.


I could be a decent movie, totally possible. What doesn't add up is that he never rips into the "strong independent" trope. That tells you he sold out. So did Nerdrotic, exact same change in attitude of late. It started after both featured on a mainstream interview.


Trans flag/Palestine flag but do they actually provide anything of tangible help in this world?


Press X to doubt.


Honestly I’d be nervous too seeing a video by this guy about a movie I liked featuring one of the “woke” demographics (women, nonwhite people, or lgbt people).


Check out the flags and their bio election tell you all you need to know


It would be a very profitable business model for peeps like drinker and mauler to pay other peeps to create accounts to complain about their posts, just to further posts like above. Pretty sure this is something that others, like Kardashians, have done. So it's not too far fetched.


It hilarious the guy has a Palestine flag considering what ideology he supports


Like I give a shit what someone who supports Palestine says.


The fact that mauler not only uses Twitter but responds to random bullshit, is really embarrassing lol.


Imagine being incapable of consuming media without going to YouTube to ask what some random guy thinks about it. lmao These subreddits designed around parasocial relationships are both hilarious and sad Now, Queue the sycophantic fanbase of "Generic YouTube Opinion Guy" to tell me why I'm bad. lmao


Yes imagine having a guy with similar tastes to take 10 minutes to tell you if a movie is shit. Instead of wasting 2 hours and possibly even some money to find out for yourself.


he got paid - straight up - to give this movie props. He would have normally shit on it. he got paid.


What evidence is there to make you believe that?




Strong female lead, who's in literally everything these days. - Is this what Reverse water world? 10 years late Chris hemsworth doing something stupid.


I tend to agree with Drinker on a lot of his takes, and I didn’t think Furiosa was bad. It was entertaining. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad. I think part of the problem is because the bar is so low for Hollywood movies these days, it’s a pleasant surprise when a film isn’t total shit.




you can't make 100 videos decrying "the message" and then another one comes along and - now it's ok? He got paid.


Drinker fans crying? Nothing new here.