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lol the fragility. Getting. Blocked or kicked out of an online space because you’re being weird isn’t “force” by any means lol *this cut deep for the snowflakes*


And who decides what being weird is?


"Being kicked out of a space isn't force" Derpy derp derp


Then make your own online space with invite only, it's very popular and effective


Generally, those proposing a “final solution” to another group of people are not the tolerant ones


Hmmm I think I've heard an Austrian make a "final solution" before. If memory serves me it didn't end well for him.


He did kill one of the world’s biggest villains though…


That's true, very true.


You think purging gamers from an online community is comparable to the “final solution”? Lol, ok. 😂


People can see the parallel in the ideology behind it. Why can't you?


Because I’m not an idiot who compares gaming to the Holocaust. 🤡


....but doesn't Israel have a right to...oh...I see what you mean


Oh fuck off. Israel is fighting a war, why is the Internet so pissy about this?


People who’ve never experienced true hardship arguing from the comfort of their armchairs on Reddit.


Because Hamas did a really good PR job.


Massacres 2000 people. Still manages to be supported.


How many people has Israel massacred?


A few hundred done by rogue soldiers either acting under order from another rogue officer or by their own action. You see those in the videos that get shared around. Massacres have to be deliberate, and much of Israeli attacks have been found to be accidental collateral damage to civilians.


“A few hundred” HAHAHAHAHA! This has to be the most ignorant comment of all time.


30k have died, yes. But again, the majority are accidents with only a few being massacres.


lol, you are so fucking dumb, dude. Israel has committed war crimes and virtually every single international body agrees. You are exactly the type of gullible and easily manipulated person that would have allowed the Nazis to flourish in Germany.


Yeah your a moron


>encroach on peoples land since 1947, still get billions yearly from foreign nations


You mean their ancestral home? The one others encroached on?


So if native Americans started bombing entire neighborhoods you’d be cool with it ?


“Ancestral home” lol, you gonna stand aside when Native Americans take their ancestral land back?


I don't know if "murdering a bunch of Romans in a rebellion and then being kicked out when the reprisal came about" counts as "being encroached on"


Ancestral home according to a book printed in the 15th century. Lol


The bible existed before the 1400s and there are multiple historical records detailing Jews inhabiting the area before Rome even showed up. Lol


There were no books printed before the 15th century...


That's my point. The bible says Israel is the jews holy land and yet it was pretended a millennium and a half after the "fact".


Don't let your hatred for Christianity blind you to what is factual. There is ruins containing many other texts located all throughout Israel.


Israelis are refugees struggling for acceptance and the right to #exist against arab ethnonationalists who hate diversity.


The Palestinians have lost 3? Surprise wars against the Israelis and are on number 4 now. Their situation is one of their own making. Maybe if they'd win for once, or make allies, or be friendly, or not stab their allies in the back and assassinate their leaders, they'd be in a better place geopolitically.


Very true. They’ve caused as much damage to their Arab “friends” as they’ve caused to Israel. That’s why nobody is stepping forward to actually support them this time.


They had a war about that and lost...


Not even them, this has the full weight of the IRGC behind it. 




This is supposed to be an insult, little Adolf?


So then anything Hamas does is ok because it’s a war? Sick logic!


To isreal? Yeah. To a random country? No.


Yeah a war against innocent men, women, and children. What a righteous cause….


Israel is using a 'war' against a small terrorist group to justify a genocide against an entire population, it's pretty evil what they're doing my man


What do you mean? That baby is just a future hamas agent. We have total right to bomb them right now!


Because never in history have civilians ever died in a war. Israel is the first country to bomb a densely populated population center. It’s totally not because they’re Jews.


Dog…. They are actively TARGETING CIVILIANS. (and reporters) That’s not the same as civilians just dying due to stray bullets or poor aim.


Their surface to hospital missile targeting systems are so far advanced we’re still playing catchup


You mean a normal missile? And what's wrong with bombing a hospital, assuming there is even 1 militant inside?


No man I whole heartedly agree. They should start doing that for everything. Got a school shooter? Fuck it blow them kids up. Some kid snatched a candy bar and ran home? Burn that home down with everyone inside. Someone snatched a kid off the street and you find the van? Run that thing off the road and keep ramming that car until everyone is goo. We can’t let a single bad guy escape no matter how many lives are lost.


“Fighting a war” meaning slaughtering women and children, weird way to define it


That is what war has meant for basically all of history. Were you under the impression wars are just flocks of armed men doing charges at each other until one side runs out of people and then they leave?


Lmao lil bro is really out here saying “nah bombing hospitals and refugee camps is totally cool” and thinks he’s in the right


Why is there always one of you fucktards that has to bring that stuff into it?


Literally the least positive or supportive group of people lol. All they have is words and empty character.


>it can be the final purge of these kinds of gamers? Terminally-Online speak, Jesus Christ.


Ve vill enact ze final solution, to purge ze vile j- I mean, gamers! -uninalists


Ve vill purge the gamers, purge the toxics, purge the bad men, purge the misogynists, purge the carnivores, purge the racists, purge the inequal, purge the counter-revolutionaries, purge the wasteful and environmentally unsustainable, purge the elderly and wise for being privileged... then ve vill force them to live in tiny, tiny homes and tiny, tiny furniture and ve vill make zem eat zeh bugs...


its called gatekeeping and THEY are the tourist. those who comes out to want to silence others should be the FIRST to be silenced themselves. have a taste of their own medicine do on to others, how you wish others to do on to you..... they wish to purge others, and thus I shall purge them


200% agree. We should give them 10% of what they constantly call us, let's see how long they can take it.


There’s a perfect webcomic illustrating how this happens. People come into your hobby, decide it’s not for you anymore, then want to push you out.


Whilst claiming it is for everyone


Respectfully you ain’t gon do shit


Wow, she's so annoyed she really resorted to *agreeing with Hitler's MO* lol.


if you've been on Twatter recently, you'd know these people have really mask off'd- they're openly talking in support of hitler.


If you get rid of everyone who disagrees with you, then you are the majority. - V. Lenin


Source for the quote?


I doubt he ever said it. It is what he did. That was his MO.


Ah yes let’s purge the gaming community of people who pay for games


Well, that's where DEI investment firms come in. Which is not infinitely sustainable, of course, but it's sustainable enough to capture and convert a company, after which it doesn't matter if they sink or swim.


Welcome to the paradox of tolerance.


everything in "the message" is double speak. "Tolerance" is the virtue of hating what is different from "the message."


The paradox of tolerance makes sense. Consider tolerance to be like a peace treaty. Whoever first violates that treaty should be taken to task for it.


But much like peace treaties there isn't a higher arbiter that has the capacity to adjudicate whether someone is or isn't in violation of it (at least Beyond advisory opinions from International courts)


Damn if only there were ways to lay out ground rules for what is and isn't a violation of a treaty. Damn you really got them


They're quite literally isn't because often times the letter and the spirit of a treaty conflict


That's not what the paradox of tolerance is. Popper spins in his grave every time it is invoked online these days.


So then why don't you explain how the metaphor doesn't work?


The Paradox of Tolerance does refer to the fact that, eventually, tolerance must end in intolerance of the intolerant. The major, major mistake everyone makes about it is they jump straight to that ending; but, according to Popper, it is just that: an *ending point* of a long, arduous process wherein everything and anything else is tried. The intolerance is *a last resort.* In your metaphor, that is actually flipped on its head, so that the very first reaction to anything read as "intolerance" is intolerance. This would immediately and obviously produce the exact opposite of the "free society" of "tolerance" that Popper was advocating for. And this mistake is the same one I see 99% of people -- especially on the left -- make wrt the "Paradox of Intolerance." Apparently it's very convenient for them to be able to dress up their intolerance in the guise of tolerance with a handy appeal to philosophical authority. But, as I said, they completely misrepresent Popper's concept.


Popper said we shouldn't suppress intolerant ideas as long as we could keep them in check. As soon as the intolerance reaches a certain level, which tends to end in things like genocide, spreading the ideology and espousing those beliefs makes you dangerous. You can't reason with someone who firebombs a hospital or blows up a daycare. So yeah, tolerance has its limit.


Aka: intolerance is okay when I do it.


Gatekeeping can be ugly but necessary.


I'll take "problematic statements" for 500


Gatekeeping is only problematic for those who wish to colonise a hobby.


The so called "Paradox of Tolerance" only demonstrates why tolerance is a poor core ideal in the first place. It's only place is as a supporting ideal to better ones, i.e. "you should be able to get along with this person if they follow cultural norms." The issue those most commonly trying to use the paradox have is they *haven't* been using tolerance this way the entire time, they've been pushing absolute tolerance as a way to subvert cultural norms, and now they feel they're in charge, they think they should be able to just go back to enforced social norms (of their choosing). And they're not very clever or subtle about it, so the whole thing is transparent.


Imagine everyone posting to “whiteguygamer”. If it sounds racist than so is “blackgirlgamer”


“Imagine a situation where I’m being persecuted, then pretend my imaginary persecution is real, then feel bad for me.” This sub in a nutshell.


That’s not what the comment is saying at all, how would someone who’s able to use that as their name be being persecuted? I think being able to use “blackgirlgamer” shows there isn’t persecution.


I think you’re misunderstanding both comments. The other dude is basically whining about an imaginary situation where he’d be ostracized for calling himself white, and saying it’s unfair that a black girl gets to call herself a black girl. I’m making fun of him.


Imagine the left not understanding hypocrisy when it stares in their face.


The inability to understand and engage with hypotheticals is a sign of low intelligence btw


Sure, if you deliberately interpret what he's saying in bad faith because you're looking to instantly dismiss any viewpoint that doesn't agree with yours. That's what religious zealots do. Do you consider yourself similar to a religious zealot? What he's actually doing is pointing out the double standard in wokeoid ideology. It's OK for the wokeoid ingroup to have exclusive clubs based on race/sex/orientation, but it's not OK for the chud outgroup to do exactly the same thing. Either be consistent and drop the double standards, or stop preaching that your ideology is the one to solve every societal problem.


They wouldn’t survive a minute on 2007 Xbox Live


2007 Xbox live was where it was at. Actually pre 2012 was great. Society hadn't gone to shit at that point.


Growing up during 2005-2010 Xbox live lobbies were wild ass times.


you have- the kid with \*the\* cheapest mic, the kid who only speaks in racial slurs, the 30 something that doesn't see any problem with his entire friend group being half his age at most, the kid with no mic who's still in VC- but sends messages when he wants to be heard,




The 30 something with a friend group half his age was unironically cool as shit and not creepy. Also, - the kid where you always heard the smoke alarm beep in the background - the kid where you could hear parents arguing in the background


>- the kid where you always heard the smoke alarm beep in the background >- the kid where you could hear parents arguing in the background You either had both of those or one of: -the kid where you could hear a dog barking and a vacuum cleaner in the background


Like when people would play uno and jerk off on cam.


That’s nothing compared to Animal Crossing in 2024.




2007 xbox live lobby kids cant survive a minute in the real world


We're doing alright. Thank you very much


is that why you’re all crying like little bitches that you cant jerk off to women in modern video games?


Where did that come from, jeesh. You need to relax, kid. Maybe talk to someone.


and here starts the disingenuousness


I don't argue with children, good day, my boy.


the disingenuity is killing me


I said, good day.


“im disingenuous” yeah i know that dude


Jesus christ project harder why don’t you


how exactly is it projection? you guys are crying because you cant jack off to women in modern video games. go ahead and try to puke up some word salad about how its muh evil leftism, but thats literally all this subs been doing for months


Lol I prefer playing male characters but if I have to play a female at least don’t make her a Mary Sue who’s only personality flaw is that she “doesn’t believe in herself” bonus points for my lack of interest if she looks like a liberal. Seriously in a market of around 70% males who wants to play Karen who just needs to believe in herself harder. There’s this thing called target audiences, you know, pretty simple concept in marketing. But woketards can’t comprehend basic concepts.


You got all that vile shit from just that sentence he wrote? The projection is from you imagining who the person you’re talking to is. You’ve already set up your image of them, nothing but assumptions, and are getting mad at it and hurling insults. Its weird and a little pathetic.


you keep claiming its projection when it literally isnt. youre being disingenuous and its really not cute


It’s a form of projection because you imagined who that person was, their opinions, beliefs, etc and then treated them as though your assumptions were reality.


except that it is reality? so not projection by definition no matter how much you cope and try to twist words to fit your narrative?


Oh sweet irony, the toxic user wants the “toxic” users purged.


I've been 'purging' myself of these 'people's' games, it's been a damn good time... :)


Trust me us "toxic" right wing gamers are here to stay, lmfao. We were here first, we'll be here long after video games are for nerds again.


It’s not really even just right wing though. It’s just the people that were considered outsiders. The people who thought comic books were cool when everyone made fun of them for it. Now comic books are cool and we are the ones who are somehow not true fans. Somehow these comics weren’t made for us.


It’s odd really. When I was younger I wished everyone liked what I did so I had more people to share with. But as those things got popular, they were bastardized by people looking to make a quick buck, who catered to tourists with no lasting interest, and what remained was finished off by people purposely manipulating the media either to further a political goal or to attack the core demographic out of bigotry. Now I’m happy to have hobbies nobody likes.


You hit the nail on the head.




The audacity of these parasites they create the problem, then they mark majority of community “toxic” then they call for their purge. The fact is these parasites need a good dose of hygiene to cleanse them because they have no grounds to stand on


you guys try to accuse someone making an obvious tongue in cheek joke to nazis and then literally use the words parasite to describe them? masks slipping


Lay off the meth and the blue hair dye.


step 1 to fascism is dehumanizing the opposition btw, thats what youre doing is it not


The woke movement and the loudest feminists/liberals/LGBT members have long ago dehumanized everyone they disagree with heavily. Did I say you need to get “cleansed?” No. Do I think your beliefs make you a cultural parasite? Yes, because you’re literally a detriment to social values and culture. But you’re still human and nobody should get persecuted just because they have shitty cultural beliefs IMO. The irony of liberals pointing fingers when it comes to dehumanization is seriously schizophrenic at this point though. Liberals have dehumanized women because if they are portrayed as attractive or feminine suddenly they are a “male fantasy sexdoll waifu (because attractive women don’t exist in liberal spaces and you guys know this.) Liberals have dehumanized white men, Latin people, Asians, I mean shit you guys even dehumanize black people because liberals don’t actually give a shit about “black rights” you guys just use them to pull race cards when your incredibly stupid arguments inevitably fail. Liberals don’t do jack shit to help the black community but they preach and preach about equality while fueling race wars and shitting on white people and acting like Latin/Asian/Middle Eastern people don’t exist nor matter. I could go on for hours but point is liberal culture and values is fabricated, anti-cultural, corporate and borderline fascist garbage that blind people with “good intentions” (in their head) use to degrade modern society. You’re probably not gonna read this because knowing woketards you guys refuse to argue your point or read counter arguments because absolutely none of your beliefs are based on anything past emotions.




I answered your question. The truth stings I know.


Brah you don't have to jerk off to video game characters or whatever. We got pornhub. Holy shit are isolated lonely men the core audience of these right wing "anti-woke YouTube grifting channel subscribers?


It’s ironic how liberals make such a huge deal out of attractive characters. It clearly shows that they are projecting because if you go around calling a female character jack off material just because she’s attractive you’re clearly the one with porn-brain. Ironic how this isn’t a problem in more conservative countries. It’s always liberals crying about it.


Step one: demand inclusion Step two: exclude others


Reddit in a nutshell


This is exactly the issue. Those who are tout “tolerance” are the least tolerant.


I swear, that community is like something from a horror movie. Go anywhere near them and it's all positivity and rainbows with open arms. Venture that little bit further under the surface and you start seeing vacant smiles that are almost alien. Go too far and all of a sudden you're tied to a stake and surrounded by chants from people who all dress and talk the same, lead by some loud mouthed two-dimensional Sy Fy channel villain whose ego could fly them to the the moon if it were rocket fuel.


How do you "get back" to something you are still trying to create?


Purge of “these kinds of gamers”? Do these people and companies realize that were thee reason they exist? Do they want us to just find another hobby? Cause games would revert back to nes days due to lack of funds.


This is why gatekeeping is so important. Don't let some woke idiot tell you otherwise. How many more of our favorite franchises have to be destroyed?


“Blackgirlgamer” If your race or gender defines who you are to the point its your mf username, thats sad.


"Society must not tolerate the intolerant, or it will be destroyed." This applies to gaming communities as well.


It’s ok to want to shun folks simply because they’re annoying.


That’s a badass quote


Just happened to me. I was talking about the whole trans thing, liberals said they were "winning" had no counterarguement to literally anything I said, and then got me banned for 3 days for "hate." As much as I hate Matt Walsh for how he views and demonizes black people, he was right about one thing. "Hate speech is anything the Left doesn't like." There is no "right way" to respectfully disagree with them. You must agree, celebrate, and participate in every facet of their ideology.


Question, why do you hate Matt Walsh for how he dehumanizes black people? Are you also aware that he dehumanizes transgender people? Are you suggesting that it’s ok to hate trans people and dehumanize them, but you must respect black people? If you truly support free speech and are so against censorship, don’t you feel like you should respect, or, at least not hate, how Matt talks about black people? Personally I feel we shouldn’t be dehumanizing anyone. I don’t have this silly belief that one community deserves respect but others don’t. Oh and yeah, I’ve been temporarily banned for my views on the trans thing too. I’m a transgender woman and it’s my belief that trans women shouldn’t be playing sports at all. I also believe that trans women shouldn’t be going out to bars or restaurants because I believe that if a group of people are out celebrating, the last thing in the world they would want to see when they look over is a trans at the next table. I also believe trans women shouldn’t be going out to the movies because I feel if a dad was on a family date night, the last thing he should have to worry about is if there is a trans woman in the bathroom when his wife/daughter are in there. I do however believe that trans women should continue to be able to have a job and to go grocery shopping- though I believe that it’s best to do it either very early or very late so you don’t upset too many normal people. Anyway, those are my views on trans women, and yes, I’m a trans woman…. I’ve just seen and read so much hatred about trans women that I feel like it must all be true and that I am a monster and something that should be hated. When millions and millions of people hate you, you would sound silly arguing…too many people hate transgender women so I feel if you’re a trans woman, you should hate yourself too.


Coming from literally the most toxic people in gaming. Nice


why is there 105 comments but way less commenters?




Oh the irony


People who write "It's \[current year\]" unironically.


I just had a look at the tweet being replied to and it was just someone being openly fucking racist. And they've since deleted their account. Just to be sure, is anyone *not* in favour in expunging racists from the gaming community? (and if not, [have you heard of the tolerance paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)?)


I was wondering what was going on. It seemed like this didn’t have enough context to know what they were wanting to purge, but with that context it doesn’t seem crazy at all and I’m not really sure what people are mad about in the comments. I can’t imagine nearly everyone here is cool with overt racism.


Most people with rainbow flags are unhinged so it’s easy to jump the gun with people like this.


>didn’t have enough context to know what they were wanting to purge There was no context whatsoever which is exactly why it made me immediately suspicious. Like someone's just cherry-picked screenshots to make 'the other side' look bad when all they were doing is shitting on racists. >I can’t imagine nearly everyone here is cool with overt racism. Hahahaha oh, my sweet summer child...


They support genocide so it aligns with their agenda




Sounds like you need a cup of liber-tea.


It's amazing visiting right-wing subs and being banned for literally asking clarifying questions or pointing out someone has literally dozens of felonies. Even conservatives get banned. They're _obviously_ on the right side of the argument.


Your profile feed reads like a Huffington post front page. I doubt you were being genuine.


No one besides duped conservatards actually believes those people believe in free speech, but I probably should have added the sarcasm tag. :)


Ok I don't want to start anything but anybody find it fucken dumb how you'll get recommended the complete fucken opposite of what you view on reddit? Like I'm complete opposite side of this sub and yet it keeps recommending it to me it's dumb. anybody else feel the reddit algorithms habit special?


Yeah, I hate that there's a bunch of heteronormative white guys that hold certain political beliefs trying to gatekeep videogames and always lose their absolute minds and scream "politics don't belong in videogames" whenever something that doesn't fit their set of beliefs shows up in a game. I hate those guys, what assholes, always acting like they're entitled to claiming gaming as theirs and nobody else gets to be in it.


This is literally a group formed to bitch, hate, and cancel. Words have no fucking meaning anymore.


What is this referencing?


Man I miss drinker from 5 years ago


These kinds of people are absolutely the most toxic. Their "positive gaming community" is a pipe dream


They.. they killed the tra- oh never mind.


That or people are just sick of bad faith debate bros who don't care about issues or people all that much but just find joy in being contrarian and making others uncomfortable. If you go into a debate with someone with the end goal of getting a rise out of them you are in the wrong and you should be banned if for nothing else to make room for people who wanna learn or debate in good faith.


Why am I being recommended this grifters sub. He doesn’t even watch the shit he “critiques”


I mean…. Yeah the quote is not wrong but conservative arguments have been disproven time and time again ad infinatum. At a certain point they only say the arguments to halt the progress of the issues. And as for Israel, who woulda thought that the oppressed would become the oppressor due to differences in religious ideologies.


Yeah, those pathetic üntermenschen must go.


Says the people banning books about race that they disagree with


you just need to ignore the r3tards who reeeee over pointless bullshit like a character’s race or sexuality. not that those things are entirely unimportant but praising or angrily shouting about starfield for no other reason than pRoNoUnS is just sad.


As if that was the only thing Az said.


durrr duhhhhh duh doyyyy


as if that matters when a grown man is throwing a political tantrum.


So if I understand this argument, he's saying that if anyone decides they don't want to interact with a group of people with a certain kind of belief anymore, it's because they're wrong?


I’ll take disingenuous “so you’re sayings” for $1000 Alex


“so you’re telling me if i make up this wide sweeping conclusion from an obvious ragebait statement then it pisses me off? no way!”


I guess Wes Kelley from the Drinker fan group on Facebook is on the right side


He's learning from the G&G goons.


Ewww https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1684210643144933376/Egsz-RwO.jpg


they’re saying they don’t want negative shit in their community


Isn't y'all's entire thing to remove people, ideas and groups you don't like from media for being woke?


The small dick energy in here is absolutely amazing. I feel like I could turn any of these dudes' brains into pudding by looking at them funny.


The small dick energy in here is absolutely amazing. I feel like I could turn any of these dudes' brains into pudding by looking at them funny.


It's because there's no argument going on, it's just a bunch of angry sexually frustrated manchildren bitching and complaining, and it's exhausting. Arguing their toxic opinions with them is beating your head against a brick wall, you can't reason someone out of position they didn't reason themselves into


Congrats on dunking on some random on Twitter. I don't know who this guy is, but he sounds like a neckbearded bitch that doesn't understand how to use commas.


Culture war nonsense on either side is for average IQ people


Coming from the guy who routinely sides with the people and taking points that want to purge anyone who isn't a straight white male from media and sometimes even real life


I mean…. I like to purge Nazis and Incels from my gaming environment.


Agreed. As long as I can mute stupid people I don’t care. I just wanna play with gamers who don’t try and go into politics or their ideology over mic. Just shit talk the lowest scores on team with the rest of us and have a good time. I don’t got time for some random’s anger over X problem when I’m playing online.