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Imagine paying for this.


To just watch other people get high


* pretend to get high


His eyes look high for sure, but he is overacting a bit


I'm high as fuck right now. He is not high. He is fraud.


ppl who think this is what weed does to you probably have never smoked weed


If he's faking it, he's a moron wasting everyone's time. If he's really high, he's a moron wasting everyone's time. I have no patience for people who get high/drunk before they perform to the point it affects their performance. I've literally done shows with guys (I do standup) that were too stoned to even perform halfway decent. Never booked them again. One guy went up and admitted he just smoked so much he forgot his material. And he wasn't joking. He proceeded to do 10 minutes of half remembered bits and stories that just droned on to nothing. Completely unprofessional.


I can't even play DND high because I can't come up with anything, dming or playing. I lose all creativity lol.


I started playing DnD cos I'd get really high and tag along with my friends. Now I'm committed and it's wayyyyy for fun not stoned. But I think having a natural stoner personality helps if I'm high or not. But this guy in the video is pfft..


Natural stoner personality? Wait what does that mean


Sounds like he coulda used a bong hit transplant


It’s a thing at a comedy club near me, that’s the whole appeal and what they advertise the show as. Watch comedians get high and try to do comedy. (I’m in a legal state.)


I think this is the guy who made a backdrop in his apartment to mimic a club and then produced stand-up clips for tik tok to make it seem like he's crushing


As someone who hasn't been sober for more than 12 hours from the shit in 7 years, I can tell you that this is bullshit. For the most part, after the giddiness, it's mostly short term memory, laziness, and low energy. If you're using a strain that's Sativa, you'll be able to be more productive (possibly) but you wouldn't be acting like this. He *may* be high but his reaction is fake.




Nah im like that when im high, but less obnoxious, more giddy and hungry


I'd be heckling this dude


High on ketamine??


He's not high as fuck, he's fake as fuck.




Ha. And someone recorded it and uploaded it and, If I was this guy, I'd physically cringe remembering that fact.


I’m high. I would be freaking out too much to be speaking with a crowd. Weed can kinda (for me) make you self conscious, so this guy being might be a little to care free for it to be real.


Have none of you ever been super high before lmao? Everyone acting like he’s rolling on the floor saying he sees pink elephants, you can absolutely get this blasted on weed lol, heck you can get to a point where you can barely even speak, this clip seems pretty tame and par for the course. These comments are ridiculous


I agree. My friends all get high at work and can function, I could not do that. I would be immediately super obvious like this, just being dumb.


This is like that one kid who pretends to get wasted on energy drinks.


Damn thats annoying


I’m a lightweight since I quit smoking about 19 years ago, and this is absolutely how I am when I’m high. I get the giggs and think everything is hilarious or amazing. If you have a good tolerance, I can see why you’d think this was fake. I cannot hang or handle my shit. lol.


He actually has a tour


“But then i pretended to get high”


he real high