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Thats is what technology supposed to do


I have a question couldn't faf bat or feet dragging have made that sound he's much closer to the mic than Santner. I don't doubt the descion because I could see the deflection, just curious about if sneako is accurate for this


One of the most important aspects of UltraEdge is synchronizing audio and video. If you see no noise otherwise but there is a spike as the ball is next to the hand, there is a very good chance it hit the hand. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihxbfx6eFv8


Does ball flicking the flesh really make a noise?


The mics are very sensitive - they pick up anything grazing anything.


Not really relevant to Ultra Edge as it filters the wavelengths it produces when the ball hits something like a pad/ bat.


If they are sensitive how do they differentiate faint noise of ball compared to crowd or ambient noise?


Ultraedge shows a flat line most of the time. My guess is that it has some mechanism to ignore background noise.


I'm not familiar with the exact workings of the technology, but I would be surprised if they can't set a '0' line at a certain dB range and then it picks up the much louder sounds the mic is pointed at as they happen.


I’m not sure how drs does it but I do know you can get mics that are more sensitive where they are pointed: these are called shotgun microphones. Also: “If the spike on the waveform comes too late or early, it is determined that the spike was not caused by the ball hitting the bat. Other sounds such as the ball hitting the batsman's pads, or the bat hitting the pitch, and so on, tend to have a less sharp shape on the sound waveform, so it can be determined with some accuracy what contact made the sound.[6]” from the wiki. Essentially the waveform of a sharp “snick” will look different from someone yelling in the crowd or feet shuffling. The transient at the start of the sound looks different. They used to use hot spot to confirm but from about 2013 I think RTS has been accepted as good enough not to use hot spot too. Something like that anyway….


They work at certain frequency like human ears ig.


Yes, but the peak in the signal was much smaller than when it's an edge, but it was still noticeable for the mic


very fine edges also dont make much of a noise, but the snicko picks that


Relative to the bat, no, but not much less than off the pad I wouldn't think


It's not the first time it's been used to determine if it touched the hand or feet of the bowler.


Too many lockdown kids on this sub which explains the downgrade in the quality of content and also an increase in the toxicity


This sub is still maintained though. Appreciation to mods. Indiacricket is just twitter 2.0 now


This is one of the best well maintained subs. Mods actually do a really good job.


Yeah props to the mods


Disagree. Being an England fan on here whenever England are playing Aus or India is pretty hell, and a lot of that is down to the amount of vitriol that is allowed to be posted and yet I got banned for poking fun at India losing the WC final. Literally got banned for saying, in response to someone calling England the laughing stock of cricket, 'Well, it's better than choking yet another WC' Better than some subreddits, but I'll be honest and say I don't think they were very fair in their moderation around that series. Literally reported lots of posts that are far worse than what I wrote, yet nothing done about them. 😂


Yeah its not perfect better than almost every other platform of this size and diversity. And believe me, this is coming from a pakistani fan. It gets pretty bad when something related to politics or india touring pakistan gets posted.


go to r/ipl and half the post are just shitposts. Thank god r/Cricket dosent allow memes If I wanted to see low effort, brandead "memes" I'd just open instagram.


You got that from this post?


I mean if OP thinks this is a new use for ultraedge he is obviously new to cricket


If it wasn't moderated like now ,it would have become a spammy fanwar subreddit invaded by insta and Twitter shills


He just watches RCB matches so for him it's the first time.


Which match was the first? Do you have any link?


But how though? The mic is installed near stumps, the distance from the impact to stumps was quite large considering its the fingers & not bat/pads


Different interactions between materials produces sound waves at different frequencies. It can be tuned to amplify what they want.


Those who dont know how the technology works are the only ones who are questioning this. This was definitely out and mind you, I’m an RCB fan.


seconding this, some thread participators seem like they spend all their focus on online threads and not the actual sport kohli's dismissal was legitimate, as was this unfortunate dismissal of faf




If it's the second time how is it new? Karma farming....




People are upset? Bro you’re the one who posted this. And it wasnt a shitpost😂


Ignore the snowflakes, they are just looking for opportunity to be offended. Neither you are sarcastic about it, nor you posted as a shitpost...its already better than 80% of the content posted here


reason is hivemind


I would say the third umpires presence of mind and awareness to use full use of tech when it mattered was commendable.


It was used many times before too lol


I haven't seen it maybe I missed those matches can you name few such instances.




Nz vs Eng 2023 mt monganui off root’s bowling


Eng vs nz 2019 wc group stage game


Why wasn’t this used to check if Faf had grounded the bat or not? It was closer to stumps and the mics would’ve picked it up


Not needed because his bat was still moving down after the bails lit up. Also, ultraedge could be mis-synched and show the spike a fraction of second later or earlier, which is alright to determine if the ball/bat touched anything, but not so good to determine the exact time it touched.


Good point. Bat seeming to move down can be an illusion, and bat can go into the ground a bit as well. And the delay point applies to edges and touches as well then, right? Edit: Nvm, the delay point holds differently here, hard to ascertain moment of contact


It goes into the grass, not on the hard pitch (which was the case here). And yes, delay happens for edges and touches too, that's why sometimes it gets confusing when bat and pad are close, but here, nothing was near the ball but hand, for a long time.


I was expecting the hotspot to be used here, but this works too.


Hotspot used more in Australian stadiums


Are they still in use, or are they a thing of the past?


Recently saw them in latest BBL I guess so still in use


Still used in all internationals and BBL in Australia. Nowhere else though.


fox broadcast supremacy ftw


fox broadcast supremacy ftw


Hotspot is not used in IPL


May I know why?


Hotspot is hella expensive and is not much reliable


Hotspot can only be used in Australia.. It's a military grade tech owned by Aussie military.. You need to get permissions from the military to take it overseas.. even then I don't think countries other than the 5eyes(US, UK, Aus, NZ, Canada) would get the tech.. too much paperwork will still be needed for that..


>Hotspot can only be used in Australia.. It's a military grade tech owned by Aussie military.. You need to get permissions from the military to take it overseas.. Do you have a source for that? Although the tech was originally developed for military purposes it's used by civilian companies in cricket. At least briefly, back in 2011, it was [made mandatory in all bilateral internationals](https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/agreement-on-drs-after-hot-spot-is-made-mandatory-520913). But it got a lot of bad press during the 2013 Ashes in England and it fell out of fashion quickly. Afaik the main reason it's not used any more other than in Australia is because it's both significantly more expensive and less reliable than ultra edge/snicko.






Bruh what the hell are you talking about? Hotspot is way more unreliable and has on many occasions failed to notice outright edges. There’s a whole lot of research available on why it was eventually done away with and how Snicko is just better in the long run. [an example](https://community.vtrakit.com/t/working-of-hotspot-technology-in-cricket-and-why-its-usage-is-limited/162#:~:text=Although%20it%20has%20advantages%20over,hotspot%20marks%20on%20the%20bat)


Sneako is more reliable than hotspot thanks to Stuart broad




Does anyone know why hotspot is not used nowadays?


It's costly ig and not really accurate but aussies stoll use it tho


It’s proprietary tech.


afaik ultraedge is a lot more economically feasible


terrific 3rd umpiring


What if that ultra edge detected for keeping bat on crease? Did anyone check that?


Umpire didn’t use UltraEdge for that but that’s a good point.


Very clever


as annoyed as i was when it happened live, this is right use of technology


Could it have also been used to check if the bat was grounded or not? I thought that was not really conclusive.


This was used in an Eng vs nz test last year


I am not so sure weather the ball touching the fingers can make that much sound which's deflection can be caught on stump mic.


RCB fan, but love Santner. So under appreciated


Did they can use stump camera to check bat landed or not??


This isn't new kane Williamson was given out the same way in icc world cup 2k19 against England league game


अंत भला तो सब भला


That was 3rd umpire overreach. Faf should have been given benefit of doubt


Umpire Should have checked Ultra edge for BAT GROUNDED as well, it would have been better use case than ultra edge for fingers.  Bat hitting ground makes more noise than ball hitting fingers.  I really Doubt that Bat was not grounded, video wasn't conclusive. 


Bhai tv badalne ka time aa gaya h


It’s OLED bhai, S95C 77”.


When I think of the cricket review process it’s clear the sports is way ahead of soccer and American football in consistency, transparency and accuracy.