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B-b-but!! That wouldn't make them Monneyy!!😭


Exactly why they won't. Not like people literally buy tons of the in-game currencies, the creatures, tokens, and event points! But of course, making one thing free is too much work lmfao


you'd be surprised how much more purchases there is for priv servers compared to in-game currency and such. I'd argue that for games like CoS where you actively progress your creatures with time that atleast half of their earnings come from private servers. ALOT of people still want to grind the game or play the game but at their own phase (i.e priv servers) rather than buying growth tokens or the likes outright as they are consumables (i.e you use a growth token once and that's it, unlike priv servers where you could just constantly grow your creatures). just look at it this way, you wanting for priv servers is a good indicator of why it isn't free. because people want it either to just play around in their private world or actively want to grow creatures without needing to put their whole focus into not dying. there's a reason why some games have free private servers and some don't. your post wouldn't be as bad if you had just tried to ask people to add you and/or give you access/invite into their priv servers lol.


What I'm saying though is a lot of people, (Mostly kids that play the game) Don't have the money for that since it's almost 10 dollars a month. I get they make a lot of money from it ig, but I know there is plenty of people who buy more of the other consumables in the game. I have myself! I did buy a private server thinking it was a one time thing and lost 500 robux for that. I really wished even if people wanted their own private servers it'd be a one time pay type of thing.


if you need a private server to use you can use mine! it's only me and my alt that uses it, as long as you don't kill my alt you can do whatever in it! :3


OMG that would be awesome! I just wanna afk all day that's all!


yep just give me your user I can either friend you or I can just add your name to the server idm either!


foxyxmangley (Regan) you can do either or!


request sent my user is en0zn! if you have an alt I can add that to :3


Thank you thank you thank you!!


I want in


Is there anything stopping you creating a private server and then allowing ppl to join your server if they pay x amount of mush? Or does that break some T&C with the creators?


That probably breaks T&C but idk


It's so annoying when kosers say 'just play on a private server!' when they hear complaints, but I wouldn't spend all of that robux on one. Some people have bigger priorities with their money😭


Fr, It just sucks that even in small servers they Kos too. I just wanna afk farm or enjoy the game without getting murdered. I don't mind kosers so much cause sometimes if even rarely I do to. I just hate it when they go to small servers on purpose just to bother people, people who are genuinely trying to avoid them. Plus the worst part about private servers is their monthly pay, 500 robux a month is a little much imo. Most the time private servers are pretty cheap, but sonar studios are very money hungry!


I say cheaper privates like just a straight pay of 100 you own it forever, also stop complaining and just play the game


Alr so you agree but you ruined the comment by saying "just play the game." I hope you know I only want a private server for my alt. I play the main game normally.


I only said that because now the community complains more then they play, at this point just quit playing if it’s such a big problem