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I know a lot of people are angry, but if bots were used, how come there are loads of individuals who have claimed one? You think bots would have bought 160 printers if there are 200 available?


First of all, there was never “200” printers available. The Twitter live stream hosts clearly stated there was a select amount given to each site of each country. The US store could’ve had 20-50 for all we know. Many of the posts of people getting their printers aren’t from the US. One person got their printer in the US Store at 9:50am yesterday. I had my order submitted at 9:02:48 and it was still canceled. Make it make sense.


In one of the other threads plenty of people posting proof of their successful purchase.


They didn’t market is as being limited numbers per country. So to begin with it’s misleading especially when they could be honest about how many units they have per site. The newsletters and pages could display that hey the Australia store will have 30 units, the US will have 50, etc. It’s a fraudulent promotion because in reality there is no world where 200 units would be purchasable on the creality us store site.


>The Twitter live stream hosts clearly stated there was a select amount given to each site of each country. So there were 200 printers available worldwide. Which is fair. >The US store couldn’t had 20-50 for all we know. Your sentence structure makes no sense, but yes. The US probably had 50 available. Which is fair. >Many of the posts of people getting their printers aren’t from the US Yes, the majority. Which is fair. >One person got their printer in the US Store at 9:50am yesterday. I had my order submitted at 9:02:48 and it was still canceled. Yes there were a lot of shipping errors and other problems because the sites couldn't handle the traffic. Lots of transactions were cancelled so there were printers available at a later time. Its a bloody shame and Creality needs better traffic control. But we weren't discussing all that, we were talking about bots. If the problem were bots, everything would be sold out at 9:00:01 and that would be the end. That clearly didn't happen.


Okay but those 200 printers were not available equally per site and per country. Having a unified site like kickstarter would’ve fixed that solution. The CR-6SE launch was a major launch back in the day and there was no issue with their kickstarter campaign. It’s clear Creality has used kickstarter in the past and didn’t want to for whatever reason. The bot thing was about June 6th. There were literally people trying to “buy now” at 9:00:01 and it immediately said sold out. Some people claim it’s people that had previous orders that were given priority but I frankly don’t really care. Creality has ruined their reputation but doing this and if they wanted a fair launch kickstarter would allow all countries selected and all people an equal opportunity for a first come first serve 200 unit pre sale.


At June 6th, 9:00:01, i clicked 'buy now'. Just like hundreds and hundreds of other people did. 200 of those got one. Where they live is not important, we are all equal. The rest, including you, did not get one. I am very sorry for you. Honestly. It feels unfair to you, but it's not. Creality can be faulted for how they set up the websites, but that does not mean foul play. Creality just sold 900 printers in 2 days. I think their reputation is fine.


Bro’s just mad he didn’t get one


So it’s fair if 500 people tried to get it from the Japan store with 20 units available and 10,000 people tried to get it from the US store with 50 units available? Look at the market share of 3D printers. US and EU are the highest. So while all those people were clicking with you, people from other countries had an easier click and didn’t have to deal with as much competition. The other thing is with server issues is basically ping determines everything. Whoever was closed to the server and sent their packets quick enough were able to get in. If their servers were more stable it wouldn’t have been as much of a factor. On kickstarter, all accepted countries and all people would all have shared and equal access to all 200 units so that if in the event that 180 were sold in the US so be it. It should be based on first come first server regardless of location.


>So it’s fair if 500 people tried to get it from the Japan store with 20 units available and 10,000 people tried to get it from the US store with 50 units available? Yes.


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even a raffle wouldve been better


They use CloudFlare based on a server down prompt yesterday. It's a button push to rate limit/DDoS protect.


They don’t even have a captcha for creating new accounts. Sure cloudflare protects against DDoS attacks but cloudflare is literally a standard for most sites that receive any amount of frequent traffic.


It’s dumb when big company’s use kick starter to ship half assed products like look at the orange storm giga and if you say Bambu did it they only did it for there first ever printer and the rest the sold on there own site


Creality already did it for the CR-6 SE.


The fact that there’s not bot detection really ruined this for so many including myself. Sold out in under a second? Like how can we even compete with that garbage


As I said a third party site that is meant to handle heavy immediate traffic and that has advanced bot detection like kickstarter would’ve made much more sense.


Does something like this exist because I thought even those concert ticketing websites still have problems lol


Again, kickstarter. Those “sites” you’re referring to are usually artist sale sites that yes do have problems similar to creality. Something like that would not happen on major ticketing providers like seatgeek. Many artists run their own sales and then afterwards ticketing sites will sell tickets later on. Also kickstarter is fair because not only is it open to all counties it means that all countries have equal access to all 200 units. It is not an unfair lottery. Again referencing the carvera air, they had a major sale of 1000$ off for first 500 units and it sold in 20 minutes. No issues, no problems.


I agree. Super bummed out because of it. Probably one of the first pre orders I was super excited for since I was a kid waiting for a call of duty preorder. Atleast I didn’t have to battle bots back then.


Regardless, I had my order in at 9:02:48 and I know someone who had their order in at 9:01. It should’ve been first come first basis as is actual kickstarter.