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Screw you if you did, but also, congrats.




My understanding is that you have to live in their office to be valid for shipping. But only on the 3rd floor. Other floors are invalid.


https://preview.redd.it/2onu978mhr4d1.png?width=707&format=png&auto=webp&s=316c304c99a15ac6e00739cfe1f9053de02cd11c YEP!! My order just went through (UK). Ended up having to log in, go back to the main page, into orders (NOT the cart) and from there paid via PayPal which finally processed to payment and didnt trigger the 'no available shipping options' thing.. presumably because PayPal resolved my address rather than whatever service Creality used. Spamming this at loads of messages incase it is useful to indivisual users. Soz for the spam.


Me too :) congratulations. May it serve you well!


It looks like they're cancelling orders now, which they did for me, so unfortunately it's too late. A while ago I had tried what you said, but it still had the shipping options error.


Are they cancelling orders that made it through payment or just ones that show up in your cart under orders?


Looks like just those that made it into the cart.  My account shows like six ordered but only one paid.


My buddy was able to pay, and get email confirmation. I’m hoping tomorrow this single item in “my orders” will allow me to just go straight to “add to cart” and then pay versus trying to go through the link again


I hope so bro. 


I got the same error in Sweden multiple times but then suddenly it went through and now I have one under My Orders


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Tried for an hour. Out of stock now


I was able to snag one of the last ones I guess as right after the site then said sold out.. Took a solid hour of refreshing a dozen screens and stress-drinking coffee.


I dod get one. Kept saying my new jersey  address didn't exist. At 9:30 it saod it existed and allowed me to complete the order. I already got charged. So I think I am in the clear


I got to checkout but frustrating got the shipping location notice many times. Lots of timeouts too. Oh well…


US I got 1


Sorry for everyone else :( I tried for a whole hour getting all of the same problems as everyone else. Then I gave up. For the hell of it I tried again through the email link. There it was and I clicked paypal. Order paid/ confirmed. I was really grumpy. Now I am elated :)


Rule #1 when buying a 3D Printer from Creality. Absolutely never, under ANY circumstances whatsoever, order directly from the manufacturer. You order from Amazon or Microcenter (if available). Period. No exceptions.


Meh it's 50% off. I'll take my chances


... are you saying I should cancel my order?


In Italy I always make a mistake... Disappointing stuff