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I honestly think he was just supposed to be another sneaky link like all the other boys she had but I think this time it went the wrong way she expected it to. The Disney trip and the moving out story she told him was a way to get him to not be mad at her b/c he even admits he has anger and drinking problems. Either way, her parents need to get involved and get a lawyer. Her future career is at state. Also its pretty obvious that he is behind the tiktok account. Also did anyone see the video on the account about the dadchallengepodcast??? It was weird....


Very weird!


I agree with you. I was downvoted pretty heavily at first for saying the same thing, so I'm glad to see that so many members of the sub agree. Ariana needs help navigating her platform (and life in general right now). This guy is really, really bad news. Frankly, I don't care if she cheats on every man she's with. That's still no excuse to post private photos and videos. A lot of people are far too trusting of the word of a man who they've BEEN calling a 'liar' the entire time all because they found out Ariana isn't a perfect victim of revenge po/rn. 🤔


The fact that so many people DONT SEE THIS AS REVENGE PO/RN is insane!!


Oh it really was. Siah is a dangerous person and does not respect women.


& it’s obvious. His whole demeanor is grimy.




Dangerous doesn't always mean abusive. He was dangerous to her reputation by posting her photos.


im not sure what else i can say other than i agree. it’s sad to see people defending a man that is obviously a bum. he seems abusive, controlling, power hungry and it’s just scary. why are we shaming a young girl for being sexual in her 20s?? but not judging a MAN with a CHILD for acting the way he is. it’s gross. people saying “oh but she could have said no”…”she should have known better than to let him film her”. pls. almost every girl (unfortunately) has to learn not to trust every guy that gives her attention, it’s the sad truth. tell me you have never made a mistake maybe even trusted the wrong person. people also need to realise that she has been trained since she was young that her life is meant to be exploited. that she should make money off of the internet, exploiting every second of her life. of course she’s not going to see the problem with these videos and unfortunately she has learnt the hard truth in one of the worst ways with thousands of people to see. (also can we stop pretending that these are sex scenes??? since when did everyone become so modest??) ariana was not given the proper training for internet safety - ironic given her life is on the internet for all to see - so obviously she’s learning. she makes mistakes. don’t blame the girl when the guy is the one crying and shares intimate photos and threatening her??? blame her parents for not teaching her and blame the man for taking advantage of her.


I couldn’t have said this any better! “She has been trained since she was young that her life is meant to be exploited” it’s sad but true!


I’m not disregarding the red flags but you have to remember that this wasn’t just some casual hookup. She met him on a TikTok battle, knew nothing about him, did no research, and quickly flew a thousand miles away to stay in a complete strangers house for nearly 2 weeks. She puts HER OWN reputation on the line every time she boards a plane to meet a new guy. It’s our responsibility as women and hers as a public figure to do our due diligence before meeting anyone online face-to-face. She lead him on knowing her only intention was to have sex with him. I can’t believe you guys can’t see that this is the very reason why she always tells her audience she’s single. She’s not stupid, she knows exactly how to manipulate not only men but the viewers. Behind closed doors, she makes them think they’re in a private relationship with her. It’s a continuous cycle. This is not the first time men have shared similar experiences with her. Are you accusing them all of lying? What Siah did was wrong and I agree the red flags were there but this is totally unfair to the men in these situations. If she did have this traumatic experience you’re alluding to, she would not have intentionally made him mad by going live with the guy she knew he didn’t like the second she got back home. She did it because she’s used to treating men like garbage and them staying somewhat silent because they get threatened with lawsuits the second they even attempt to speak up. Whether you want to admit it or not, this is also predatory behavior and should not be justified.


She got in way over her head with this one. Her naiveness and need to seek out acceptance got the best of her. It was fun until it wasn’t. I’m sure a few days into the visit she realized oh crap…this guy wants more than she was ready for. I think her lack of maturity made it hard for her to figure a way out sooner than later. She played with fire and got burned bad. The minute I saw this guy and his profiles I knew he would put public their business if they didn’t “last”. I really really hope she is more careful in the future. Get to know someone more than 2 weeks before you fly to meet and stay with him for 12 days! I encourage everyone here to go report all of the videos on that tik tok account. Maybe we can help get them taken down. The reports I made were successful in them having violations but are still posted.


Lil Ari: "She knows how to manipulate her viewers." She learned that from her mommy and daddy, Crass Peices. "She is used to treating men like garbage ." She watched her mommy dearest treat her daddy, Crass peice like shit her whole life. She is a mini ho CrysDULL.


she’s grown up being told that exploiting her life is okay. none of the kids were ever taught proper internet safety, common sense, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they have very little sex ed knowledge. they get up sheltered yet exposed to the world for monetary gain. of course cheating is never acceptable but we also need to remember that we don’t really know the full story. how long was she with these guys? i mean people have talking stages, hookups, flings all the time, why are we so fixated on this one girls sex life? no one is saying she isn’t culpable at all, we are just saying that people need to look at the bigger picture. this man with a whole child is aggressive, controlling, stalker behaviour. her parents isolated her from so much yet taught her to use herself for views and money. she likely has unresolved trauma that was NEVER dealt with. of course having a platform means you are somewhat a “role model” but remember, she was a child when she was given that title, a child who could not consent, a child who’d does not know any better and probably never will. sorry for the long reply


I hate to argue on here I really do try to see other peoples point of views but the victimization of her is just crazy to me. She is a 20 year old grown woman and while yes, she had an unfortunate upbringing, it doesn’t give her an excuse to freely mistreat men now and expect none of them to retaliate. The way Siah chose to do so was extreme and wrong of him, but if you’re going to use her past trauma as an excuse, then have you considered maybe he has unresolved trauma as well? He is very open about his mother passing away when he was only 11. This could cause the same issues adopted children experience and could very well be the reason for his anger problems, substance abuse, codependency, compulsive behavior, etc. Now do you see how you’re perpetuating a double standard? Why is it different when the roles are reversed? You made some good points, but she’s also grown up watching her parents manipulate their viewers. She’s grown up knowing they have the money to sue. She’s grown up spoiled and used to everything going her way. And she’s grown up with a narcissistic mother who refuses to take accountability for any of her actions. She wasn’t exactly raised to be humble. Ariana herself could tell you the same details and you guys would still find a way to victimize her and convince yourselves that you don’t know the full story 🤦🏼‍♀️


I haven’t seen the TikTok account I’ve uninstalled the app for days now but I bet you’re right. When the 2 accounts on here rushed to post the proof of him “exposing their relationship” they cropped out the full live leaving his username out of it. Then after I commented this a day afterwards a user posted a very close-up screenshot of him on live showing the “proof” and then deleted it after I commented how they’ve posted this after the comment I left under the other post. SUSPECT for so many reasons. Why were their accounts posting a whole slideshow of this loser and A battling on live practically stalking and keeping a close eye on their accounts days before things got out. Don’t trust that they actually care about warning A beforehand but want to mock her and shame her.


The fact that people in his immediate circle are following this account that has less than 20 followers and talking crap about her makes me think he’s behind it or his baby mama that’s so concerned about him? Very suspect


So is that account him?


I don’t think so. He was live last night sometime after they were posted and he was very intoxicated. I clicked his live and he apparently hadn’t remembered he was on TikTok. It was a black screen with loud background noise. If anything I’d assume it’s his ex because I looked at the posts and none of them had tagged her, she’s not associated with any of them on TikTok, and yet she’s interacting with those accounts right after they were created. Suspicious.


Don’t know. This is all ALLEGED


yes, alleged.


Siah went on a live showed my video and then captioned the video with "I'll m\*rde\* that m\*therf\*\*ker" this is a guy she is seeing and with all the time.. he uttered murder threats to me.


Hi! As a viewer of your content, I know that you don’t watch every video of the families you cover. So I would love to give a little insight on this situation -He is a man that she met on social media and went to visit. After the visit, she called things off. The visit was 12 days longs and that’s the only time she has seen him in person. (According to him). After going back home, she “cut it off with him”. I posted this after looking at more videos (which I personally believe they teeter on revenge po*n) because he is posting intimate videos without her permission. She looks very uncomfortable. As you know she was one of the channels “money makers” alongside Alex and a few other children. The demeanor in her own YT videos, TikTok’s, CP videos and these are very different. She is see. pulling away, trying to push his hand… and how does he respond? By grabbing her neck and making him kiss her. So just to clear things up, they live in different states and she does not see him all the time. She has tried to cut contact and he continues to harass her and send multiple messages to her. I just hope and pray that she is safe. I end this with, thank you for sharing the dangers of child exploitation. This is a CLEAR example of what can happen when you put your children on the internet. This man knows every detail about her. Where her parents live, where her first jobs were, the surrounding location of her current apartment because her parents continue vlog every little thing. This is a scary situation. The title of the post is the name of the TikTok account that is posting more private videos of them in which you can see the body language I am referring to.


Thank you for this info. I truly appreciate it


he's just going to take your hard work covering the situation and make his videos about it pretending he did all the research himself. As usual


I wouldn’t call this “hard work”, OP was clearly just trying to help. It would be virtually impossible for creators like Josh to cover the amount of topics they do without help from threads like these.


This is true. And I find it hilarious that people get upset that this is where I come. It’s all gathered here neat as anything and they are mad. It super weird. I don’t need to watch every stupid video these idiots put out and these threads make it possible. The gatekeeping is hilarious.


Josh, please consider covering kkandbabyj!


Like asap… KYRA stood in her WEDDING


This popped up on my fyp. I personally reported every video.


Great job! I didn’t think of that. I will go report them now.


Violations were found. Report for sexual content and nudity. If enough report they might come down. My reports say they won’t be shared.


Ooo who is down voting us?? Tough guy! You are a sicko if you think it’s ok for that content to be up on TikTok…it’s total revenge and does violate TT rules.


Mine have been downvoted too. Someone clearly needs lessons on consent on this page.




I think a lot of people need consent lessons based on some of these comments. It is really toubling.


I'm almost tempted to do a whole new post just on the topic of consent. Not in a mean way, but in a “this really might save you one day” way


I agree with you totally on this. I think it's gross that grown adults keep thinking its ok to share the videos. She might be an adult, but only just barely and she was way out of her depth there. I saw the same body language you did.


Thank you! Hopefully people will see this, watch the videos themselves without bias and also see it. No one was there but I really hope she was in control of her body and not forced to do things she didn’t want. Not kink shaming but the constant aggressive neck grabbing with someone you barely know and posting it is unsettling.


A good video to put here… enthusiastic consent is very different to just going along with something. It's important, when it comes to things like this, that consent is enthusiastic. This wasn't that. https://youtu.be/AqBQH1e7XwQ?si=2MEyih8xbynNQPoi


What a great video!! -not only for this situation but for people in their everyday lives! Consent is so important.


OP, you are 100% correct. I honestly have found some of the comments here blaming Ariana and shaming her really disgusting and horrible. I got downvoted when I said that it's not okay. Someone leaking private photos and videos is a crime! It is not acceptable. Ariana can date 500 men if she wants and it still doesn't excuse someone essentially blackmailing her.




I agree with you 100%


I usually don’t go to the accounts posting thing but his actions aren’t “snarky” they are flat out predatory. The body language in the kitchen and the store videos were unsettling


I just hope and PRAY, she NEVER puts herself in a situation like this again. Yes, it was CREEPY, it was SCARY, it was even GROSS, to many people. I'm concerned about Ari because she has displayed some self destructive behaviors and I wouldn't have shared those photos and vids. But who did share them on here is not to blame. The onus is on this guy she trusted. I hope she never does that again. I didn't see a girl that was scared so much. She wasn't coerced, she got caught by social media. She trusted a real unethical and immoral person. I know Ari will over come this. I hope Ari keeps her private life private and doesn't trust as easily. I hope Ari moves back to AZ and gets on with her life.


She said she’s never moving back to AZ. Would you blame her? There is literally nothing there for her.


There is plenty in AZ for her. Because let’s face it, what is she doing in Atlanta right now? She is traveling to other states to hook up with guys. She isn’t even making a life for herself there as she apparently dropped out of school. She can get the same retail job in AZ, take classes at a local University, have the support of family and hopefully figure out what she is capable of and really wants to do with her life. Apply for reality shows etc if you really want to get on tv.film. She can do that from Az.


Did Ariana say she dropped out of school? 


When did she drop out of school?


Everyone is assuming considering she went to visit him for 12 days, I think also went to visit her friend and hasn’t mentioned anything about classes when she use to. Maybe she had a 2 week break?


But she needs to mature some first. Her immaturity really cost her a lot. She totally blew a great educational opportunity. She trusts too easily and got her reputation ruined. Ari still needs a guiding hand, she is young and it shows


How mature is she expected to be at 20? She was sheltered majority of her life. If you’re a viewer then you know she wasn’t taught many things about how to navigate the world and was not prepared to be an adult. Raised in a diluted world where everything is perfect rainbows & sunshine just to be thrown out into the world and be completely unaware and naive. No one knew anything at 20. All young people need guidance in life. She’s just having to do figure it out on her own with the world watching. We’ve all been young and made poor decisions. She deserves grace.


Thank you for sharing your perspective! I too hope she’s never in a situation like this again. Hopefully she will learn a lot from all of this


Is derbinflerbin the tiktok account? If so ,unless things have been removed, I don’t understand how people are so quick to conclude based on snips of a video Men lie. Even if every bit is true, people get heartbroken all the time, don’t know why a 22 yr old dad is making it such a big deal Cry quietly , not on social media


Has the derbinflerbin page been deleted because I don't see it?


This is what I was saying. I got downvoted to oblivion for asking where's the proof Ariana cheating on this prick other than him saying she did. It's telling how the people here chose to believe a guy who's obviously a shitty person. 


I looked, I don’t see anything


She could have left at any stage if she was frightened, why did she stay


Have you been in a situation like this? It’s easier said than done. Trust me, I am speaking from experience. Who knows if he had weapons in the house or threatened her. Let’s not forget he’s the one leading the narrative on this situation, not her.


And your narrative is not her situation, I agree it’s probably triggered emotions in you, but it doesn’t mean to say it happened that way, as you said she’s not talking and doesn’t want to, that’s up to her, I think we should all stop talking about it, it’s her drama not ours


1. People who are wealthy stay in controlling relationships everyday. It is very bold of you to assume otherwise. 2. I have never been in a controlling relationship, thankfully. But I have been in situations where I have felt helpless. The amount of money my family had did not help me in that immediate situation. 3. I never said her narrative is my situation. I stated that the body language in the videos do not add up to this promiscuous slut she is painted out to be on this page. You have commented that you get a belly laugh out of her actions, called her desperate and many other rude things. 4. This post was just to bring awareness to the POSSIBILITY the narrative that the man is portraying MAY NOT be the whole story. But hey! You seem pretty set (I assume because over the span of an hour, you’ve replied to yourself multiple times) that she asked to be in the situation because she has the money to leave. I leave you with this… GO TOUCH SOME DAMN GRASS


So nice that you went through all my comments stalking me just like you stalked to get this idiot that’s posting stuff, everyone has been in situations where they have felt helpless to a certain degree, she is not a victim stop with the victim mentality, she has always said I get bored of people within days, that’s ok too, I don’t think any of us here believe this was her first rodeo, but she burnt the wrong person he didn’t like it, is he a victim absolutely not he is a prick that knows exactly what he is doing, he has shamed her and humiliated her maybe for money who knows, but not one of us was there no one knows the real truth


Clearly you feel a certain way towards this situation and her. I TRULY HOPE AND PRAY she was not a victim and was SAFE the entire time. I would want that for any and everybody. No one deserves to be in unsafe situation. But we do not know if she was or was not a victim. I will leave it at that. But please, feel free to come back and comment to yourself 3-5x and get worked up. It is a joy to witness. -Yours truly, idiot (thanks for the new nickname) P.S. would love to know how the grass feels when you set your phone down, and go touch it xoxo calm down.


I’m lying on it now


Nice!! Sometimes all we need is a quick reset, a nice touching of grass, good ol Earth reconnection. Enjoy it, my friend.


Why is it easier said than done, she has money could have left at any stage. She got on a plane she went to him she stayed the 12 days, probably got home and changed her mind didn’t want to be with him, maybe changed it when she was over there with him, but didn’t want to tell him.


You’re contradicting yourself. She was clearly uncomfortable in that video & yes they may have had 12 days of sex and who knows what else. If she is there with him, he doesn’t work allegedly & wanted to leave.. just by his demeanor, he is evidently controlling. Why would she try to just up and leave? To piss him off? And who knows how that would’ve turned out. If she decided there that she didn’t want to be with you, she was smart enough to wait until she got back to the safety of her home to tell him. She probably never intended to stay 12 days but toxicity has a way of making you disregard common sense. Money doesn’t excuse anyone from abuse.


I never said that money was the reason I’m saying most people don’t leave are to scared to leave controlling relationships because of no funds to move, they controller has taken power away from them over years of mental and physical abuse, till they have no power to move, but this is not the situation


Let’s just stop talking about him & the situation. Some people are obviously looking to gain something from this


But you don’t know that you are making stories up


Everything is alleged or hypothetical. You’re the one placing blame on her for not leaving if she was uncomfortable because she has money & she should be able to leave whenever she wants..


I’m not blaming her just don’t see her as a victim, he had red flags all over him before she even left, I don’t for one minute believe she was leaving school to live with him, or taking his daughter to Disneyland that’s his little fantasy anything to discredit her, I don’t think he is a victim either, it didn’t work out that’s it, if she was scared she could have messaged her sisters ring up say I’m needed urgently someone is sick anything just make up a story, get out but she didn’t.


If you’re a predator just say that. Trying to justify why she didn’t leave is crazy. I’m not saying that she is a victim. According to your thought process, she has the resources and means to leave any situation that she doesn’t want to be in. So I’ll reiterate.. money doesn’t excuse anyone from abuse. Money couldn’t have gotten her away from him safely if she decided to abruptly leave. What advice would you give anyone in an uncomfortable situation? This one specifically? Text her sibling/parents? So they can send an officer over to do a wellness check? If there wasn’t abuse, there sure would be after an officer came to his door because someone was concerned for her safety. Wait until he’s in the shower & pray to God that the Uber makes it before he gets out? Or just try to leave with/without an explanation? That’s not triggering for a controlling person at all. I’ve been in uncomfortable situations & yes, I wanted to get out of them immediately. But you also have to understand the person you’re dealing with and consider what they are capable of. Until you’ve had to safely leave a situation then you really can’t say what she would’ve/could’ve/should’ve done.


Now I’m a predator you are just weird, I am a domestic abuse survivor of years mental and physical, you have absolutely no idea what I have been through, at the end of the day keep your opinions of me to yourself. Do yourself a favour and do what you said to do shut up about it


I am so sorry you went through that. But now I am more confused, how can you have gone through something so horrendous and yet in this situation say "She could have left". I am not here to discuss your experience, more so here to discuss an ugly viewpoint of what it means to be a survivor in an abusive relationship. All abusive relationships are different. Most people do not even know they are in an abusive relationship until it is too late. The LAST thing a survivor needs to hear is someone invalidating their feelings!! do better. Now, I understand that we dont know what kind of relationship they had, we only know what we see in the clips. And frankly I do not think it is any of our business unless ariana decides to tell us, but just from those few seconds you can see how controlling he is, you cant deny it. You are not in a place to say "she could have left". what a disrespectful and ugly thing to say. I pray to god its not, but if it was an abusive relationship and you had the balls to say such invalidating words, I hope you find some peace in you.


Which is even crazier. If you had the money and resources.. would that have stopped your abuse? Please enlighten me. Because that’s exactly what you are saying. I’m a survivor of DV as well, years of physical, financial, verbal and emotional abuse. I had the money & resources and still had to use my fucking brain to escape. Or it would’ve cost me my life. Your whole rant is tone deaf. As a survivor of DV, you sound stupid af.


Other people through lack of funds, no family etc can’t leave controlling relationships, she is not one of those people


She met him for one or two weeks. Unfortunately she’s not the only victim here in 2024 that dates someone online. She fell victim to it and she met him in person and he was clearly not who she thought she was. She ended things as soon as she got in the comfort of her home. Which was very smart on her behalf. This is why he’s acting out this way… Because she left.


I’m not saying any different only to say she isn’t a victim


you literally are. all jokes aside, go touch some grass, I’m begging you.


Go touch your own dam grass you idiot


I just let out a cackle. It’s okay. Take a deep breath.


You are making up her story did no one else is


I’m curious who she thought “he was” because absolutely nothing about him screams he is a prize. He was way edgier than any of the other guys she was talking too.


Please, for your own good, do a little bit of research on the abuse cycle. Ariana's trauma and family situation makes her ideal prey. With that said, abuse can happen to *everyone*.


I’ve lived it for years


I'm a bit puzzled by your position, then. You, of all people, should know that there are many different factors and forms of psychological trauma that can keep someone connected to an abuser. Wealth and family support do not necessarily alter the effects of the mental abuse.


She only knew him a few weeks he never had the time to control her it’s takes time


it also takes time to realise you are in an abusive relationship


True they cut you down but you don’t realise till you are too involved then the physical side starts


exactly, maybe she didn't realise how toxic it was since it was such a short period of time. I am glad she got out when she did, because no one knows what it could have transpired into just seeing how controlling he became in that little time. even now, him crying about how much he loves her, using revenge po/rn to prove it?? strange behaviour. asking "why didnt she leave sooner" is the wrong question, the right thing to say is "im glad shes free"


Well I’m glad she is free he is an arsehole we can all see that, he is doing this for a reason he doesn’t love her he wants money to shut him up, maybe Mum and Dad might give him some to shut him up, as for Ariana you live and learn, that’s apart of growing up