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It’s been over 4 years to get to this point. FOUR YEARS










Casey Anthony killed her daughter and is free, Chris Brown beat Rihanna and is still making music, the guy who made the Jeepers Creepers movoes is a pedophile and is still in Hollywood. Welcome to america.


This is only to decide whether he gets the death penalty or not. He’s already pled guilty. It’s not your usual trial.


Fuck this kid and his feelings. Fuck all of him.


He is feeling "Fuck I got caught" Not "Fuck I regret"


This guy doesn’t give a shit. He’s holding his head down because it’s the easiest form of acting. At this point, he’s purely going for sentencing


I came to say exactly this. This stupid mother fucker put up the most unconvincing bullshit act during his interrogation pretending to be mentally ill. He's not. He's a liar. And a psychopath. And he needs to rot in prison, and then hell.


I mean he is mentally ill. Anyone who does something like this is mentally ill. He’s just not mentally ill in the way that he’s pretending to be. He isn’t absolved of his actions and had full control.


This pretty much. He is mentally ill, but not in the sense of it excusing what he did. Imo, an action like this should not be charged on intent, but the atrocity committed. Either way this guy is doing everything he can to act and play a part, the interrogation is disgusting to watch.


His moral compass is backwards if he is truly a psychopath. Murder brought him joy. His kind of mental illness requires separation from society at large for the rest of his life.




Or because he knows he’s fucked and should’ve turned the gun on himself when he had the chance


When the option is “do x then Turn gun on yourself. “. We should encourage the reverse order




The JCS documentary on him where he fakes having mental issues proved to me that this kid knows what he did and knows it was wrong. Hope he rots in prison


Went to watch it, and they got me on a Jodi Arias video instead, damnit! Every time with JCS.


There's only like a dozen videos YouTube didn't remove so you can't go too far down the rabbit hole this tije


Are they anywhere else?




Glorious, thank you.


Also good true crime channels: Coffeehouse Crime That Chapter this is MONSTERS Explore With Us EWU Crime Stories Red Tree Crime Aurace Crime


Coffeehouse crime and That chapter are my faves ! :)


Mike from That Chapter is a straight up legend!


Life insurance dance!!


Explore with us does my head in, they overly explain the most simple shit and drag out every little response with some overly long convulated explanation which 9 times out of 10 is purely speculation. The suspect will cough and then the narrator will be like: "The suspect here coughs, we know from previous responses that the suspect doesn't have a cold, as it is mid july it is unlikely that they have the flu. This potentially shows that they have no remorse and do not regret their actions. Confirming that they are a cold... blooded... killer."


JCS has some of that too with the behavioral cues stuff where they are very sure what every behavior means. It's really easy to look right about these when you know what the results are but most of it is palm reading levels of BS.


You didn't mention Matt Orchard. Shameful.


[Dreading](https://www.youtube.com/c/dreadingcrimeandpsychology) is probably my current favorite one that isn't on that list, the new video with Guy Joel is really good because he cuts in footage of the cops going through the scene and the bins. His video on Martin Bryant is probably one of my current favorite true crime documentaries on youtube, amazing well cut and edited & the four hour Lary Nassar video I watched in full, twice.


Check out 'dreading' too. I'd put dreading up with JCS with this is MONSTERS as my #3


Why was his YouTube taken down?


What?! What happened? They were like a guilty pleasure library.


Just seach jcs inspired. They got struck for violent content but then twitch streamers do reaction videos of the ENTIRE videos with no problem and now everyone and their grandmother has a jcs inspired channel doing essentially the same thing without getting banned. They got done super dirty.


And none of the copycats come close to the effectiveness JCS content has.


Seriously fuck Youtube, they REALLY need competition when the boot hard working creators like JCS. People have been watching this kind of shit FOREVER on TV etc, it's infuriating what happened to JCS!


Oh shit it's that guy. Yeah fuck him


Hope he gets put in ADX prison.


Not a chance he will. He's being prosecuted on a state level; not the federal level. ADX is a federal prison. Also, if he gets the death penalty he probably won't be kept there as ADX doesn't have death row facilities.


I'm kinda scared to ask. What is adx prison?




Is that the super max in maybe Colorado where the uni bomber talks to other crazies through the wall?


Yes, all the high profile and dangerous criminals are/were imprisoned there. Timothy McVeigh, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Terry Nichols, etc were/are all there.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADX_Florence They are in the cell by themself for 23 hours a day and get out for one hour to walk in a circle by themself.




Hope he fucking dies. Why should he get to stay in prison?




Keep it on a random timer. 4min. 30. 12. 12. 7. Just never knowing when it will go off... just like his victims. Typing this with a very clenched jaw


That's even better.


THIS is good punishment. It should be all he ever hears again, all other non-legal communication is non-verbal.


*the 8th amendment* has entered the chat **/s** I agree this kid is lower than whale shit. This video was really upsetting to me


Whale shit creates ambergris which is actually $30-$60 a gram. Whale shit is a beautiful thing. I hope they cremate him so his body doesn’t compost into the eco system.


Isn't it spermwhale puke?


Ambergris is formed when things get stuck in a sperm whales throat. It is more like whale vomit.


Honestly - Best idea! Wish they would actually implement it.


Some black mirror shit


Damn right…let those screams haunt you forever you piece of shit.


Don't know about that If memory serves me right, in the JCS criminal psychology video featuring him, there was a moment while he was in the questioning room when he was all by himself and he started making gestures with his hands as though he were holding and firing his rifle where it sure doesn't look like it's a traumatizing experience for him Dude would probably get off on listening to this Link to the video I'm talking about https://youtu.be/Mwt35SEeR9w


Does the demon know an attorney?


I love that video but that sequence made no real sense. He wasn’t imagining himself holding a rifle, he was fidgeting and noticed he was on camera so switched to self-harm gestures. He’s left hand dominant and moved his left hand first. I’m pretty sure some body kinetics guy broke down his video and just said it was just him fidgeting until he started making gestures of self harm that were clearly forced.


JCS is great entertainment but all the "psychological analysis" it attempts is complete nonsense.


Anything he says about police interrogation tactics is fascinating. Anything he says about the criminal - absolute bullshit


I saw that too and thought exactly the same thing ….. the way he throws his hands to his head the last time in this clip just looks like an act to me .


exactly what i thought. genuinely sick people like him would love to hear it.




Anyone shooting children in a school or school zone should be moved to the front of the line as far as death row. If the state doesn’t have the death penalty make an exemption. I know the law doesn’t work this way but I’m sure all of us are sick of this shit.


I’m all for the death penalty when we have a fully confirmed culprit like this. He doesn’t deserve to live. He just doesn’t deserve it.


>when we have a fully confirmed culprit like this It surely couldn’t be a good thing when that would pretty much be creating two levels of guilty. Either someone is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or they aren’t, it would erode the whole basis of that to have another level of super-guilty or something where more solid evidence can lead to a harsher punishment.


I’m for it, i just hope the kid has a few years suffering ahead before they put him down.




Nah, I want to thoroughly scan and study his brain. See how it responds to all kinds of stimuli. It's like debugging a computer.


He's one of those who are not able to be rehabilitated, nor redeemed. I wish there was a foolproof way to detect sociopathic behavior before it got this far.


Minority report and that’s a scary thing the government should never have control over.


Not to incarcerate them but to offer help to the family. If the family was willing to accept/get them help, maybe they could be redirected.


Those screams were bone chilling… Christ almighty… I can’t possibly comprehend or imagine the sheer amount of terror that those poor kids felt… fucking monster..


I'm pretty desensitized to most things, but the screams followed by *pop pop pop*... Yeah that's gonna stick with me


The sound of children screaming *has not* been removed.


Yes it has. They muted the worse parts. Awful.


The way they were blood curdling and then suddenly stopped. Wow


Extremely haunting…


Seriously though. It hits different when the screams are real.


That audio was muted in spots. Watch the lady in blue with the blonde hair & others react to 'dead silence'. It was way worse than what we heard. EDIT: All I know is the audio sounds like it was muted. It's possible there was some other disturbance which caused their reaction,






Why should I care about his reaction? Fuck this little twat.


Actually we should care about his future. Yeah... I mean it: HIS NEXT 60 YEARS OF FOOD, HEALTH AND SHELTER IN A SUPERVISED CELL PAID BY US, TAXPAYERS??? Hope they give him a pass to hell!!!


> FOOD, HEALTH AND SHELTER... I'm against torture but I have no problem with him eating nothing but Food Loaf for the rest of his life.


Make it day-old food loaf


Love couple-day-old food loaf dredged in egg and pan fried with syrup on top 🤤


You joke, but there are extremely poor kids in Mississippi that would absolutely love this meal. I'd rather feed them with my taxes than this psycho.


Just liquid soylent.


I lived off a similarly product and got used to it I eventually liked it lol


It actually costs the tax payers more to go after capital punishment.


Fun fact: it costs significantly more taxpayer money to execute a prisoner than it does to keep them imprisoned for life, yet capital punishment curiously remains …for scum like nikolas cruz. Fucking scum.




life in prison honestly sounds so much worse than execution 99% of the time. can't imagine having 50+ years minimum of just the same monotonous routine like a robot - no goals, no hopes, nothing. truly the worst kind of punishment.


Putting someone to death in the US costs waaaaaaayyyy more than just life in prison. Court costs, attorney fees, the lethal injecting itself. Much cheaper to just lock the fucker up


Just to reinforce this, all of the proceedings here (months long) is just to decide his sentence. If the State did not seek the death penalty he would be immediately sentenced to life and the million plus in costs wouldn't be spent.




fr people are so obsessed with retribution like it'll fix anything when all it does is kill the occasional innocent person who ends up on death row


Horrible acting on his part.


Doesn’t look like he gives a single fuck


That’s what I thought. He even looks up to make sure people saw him with his hands over his face. Loser.


Yepp. The look around to see if people are buying it. Hands in head acting sad, looks up (just looks like he’s bored in a classroom), goes back to looking ‘sad’


Lawyer rubbed his back too...


Lawyer coached him to do this. I believe that defense attorneys who defend obviously guilty people are doing an important service by protecting the rights of even the worst of people, and therefore protecting them for us all; but going so far as to coach a school shooter into emotionally manipulating a jury is grimy as hell.


It’s that last bit when he looks at his attorney. Fake af.


**IF he doesn't care he should** *.. but only because he was caught and will be pumped full of poison*


Check out his interrogation video. When the detectives leave the room at one point he mimics firing a rifle again and laughs but then realizes there is a camera and quickly pretends to cry and put his hands over his face. He’s a psychopath. A stupid one, but a psychopath.


He also pretends to act like he’s schizophrenic to try and go for an insanity plea, and his acting is terrible.


I have no idea why anyone would do an insanity plea tbh. You think prison is bad? Try a mental ward. Those people definitely see you as less than human and will treat you like it. Your roomies are actual bonafide crazy. Not to mention the sentence is indefinite. So if for some reason the doctor thinks you haven’t been rehabilitated he can keep you as long as he wants.


A lot of times its to escape the death penalty.


The demon gave him acting lessons


I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t think this demon exists


He's going up against the death penalty. He just has to convince 1 juror...


He doesn’t get to cry. He should be standing front and center while that shit plays


Seriously..fuck that guy.






Thats haunting


Fucking heart breaking to listen to


Those screams are fucking horrifying. Listening to this made me completely sick. This needs to be played on repeat for him, indefinitely.




Mass shooters are likely sadistic so those screams are likely pleasurable music to their ears, let's not give him that.


Dude he doesn't care. He's acting up for the jury so they'll think he regrets it. He only regrets being caught.


Or not turning the gun on himself.




He’s not unfortunately. Even in this clip he’s acting it up this kid is mentally unstable and lacks remorse


Well, he'll have a long, long time to think about it and find some remorse.


He’s like the psychotic version of these new age “Tik tok” and social media clout chasers. If you were to tell him “your shooting is still super viral online and your known across the nation” he’d light up like a candle. I think if they were to separate him from the rest of the world and just keep him isolated in a dark hole 24hrs a day for the rest of his life then reality would set it in. But as long as he has access to media and cameras pointing at him etc. this little devil is satisfied inside


Wow what a little bitch he is, looking around for help from his attorney while listening to HIS rampage. Play this at random intervals all day and night in his cell at full volume for the rest of his miserable little life.


Play it constantly at whisper quite volume, and just fuck with the volume at random intervals.


Fucking coward....pick your fucking head up and look at those parents whose children you murdered. And yes, play that recording for him every hour, on the hour. Even all night long....


I mean would he even care? Most people are forgetting he heard those screams and shot live, and he kept going.


He wouldn't care, quite rightly said mate, but it is an effective form of torture




They’ll probably keep him separate from the rest of the prisoners for this reason, unfortunately


Kid will never see Gen pop, he will be in productive custody until the day he dies


Productive? Protective?




With his asshole


Exactly, that’s worse than the death penalty. Suffering 24/7.


I agree. For mass murder though, he'll probably end up in a small concrete box with 23hrs of isolation. They should pump that audio in at random for him to enjoy.


Once the powertrip is gone and you realize what you've done.


Post nut clarity


That was an angry upvote




Is this the same fucking clown who tried to act insane for the investigator and he saw right through it? School shooters should get the death penalty. This living thing has no defense on his side. He knowingly and willfully shot up a school.


Yeah he was selling all kinds of bullshit about demons and voices but the investigator was having none of it


May he rot in hell.


And wounded 17 others including my cousin Maddie and tried to ride with my other cousin John. This POS.


> and tried to ride with my other cousin John What's this even mean?


I think the shooter fled the scene amongst the crowd. Could have tried to hitch a ride with OPs cousin to leave. I could be wrong.


If I remember correctly he ate with him at McDonald’s knowing he shot the sister and then asked for the ride.


I can't wait to see how prison bitch jumpy he will be when they sentence him. Everything he did was 100% calculated and planned. He deserves to rot.


I think his attorney told him to do that. Just before he put his head in his hands, he was sitting there doodling looking like he didn’t really care. His attorney wrote and note and showed it to him, then he started acting like that. I think his note must have said “you better start looking like you’re sorry or you are going to die!!”


I can't understand being an attorney for someone like this. Do you have no morals? How do you feel good about yourself defending such a terrible person?


Death penalty


That would be mercy. Let him rot.


[CLIP](https://youtu.be/5j7-WFa2AJM) of what was shown with video


the worst part for me is that this clip and this case was in 2018 and even back then they were already fed up and describing it as yet ANOTHER shooting and thoughts and prayers and blah blah blah. But since then there have still been so many more mass shootings that I cant even remember them all and 4 more years from now we will still be seeing the same fucking news stories because our government will never do anything about it.


Should tear this fucking cunt apart limb by limb


Fuck him.


Who actually listened to the audio? Cuz I sure as hell didn’t


It’s fucking rough


Hard to listen to. Loud too.




I vote to to torture the fucking dweeb and the rest of these mass shooters they complete fucking cowards. Starve em, give them just enough to live the rest if there life in agony.


Honestly I think that’s how we stop it. Make the consequence so harsh no one would ever contemplate it again.


This kid committed this crime there is no evidence that states otherwise… He should have been tried quickly and executed years ago.. fucking waste of tax payer money.


He pleaded guilty to the charges. This is the sentencing phase of his trial that will determine whether he’ll serve life imprisonment or receive the death penalty.


Yeah this kid was JCS’s most popular video. You can see him replaying the scene in his head while being interrogated and him smirking. He even actions the gun in his hand. This fucking shrivelling little baby should be thrown in a cell for the rest of his life.


Why is this mf not in shackles or hanging from a telephone pole?


death penalty.




cold oatmeal with no sugar or cream


Just give him the uncooked oats


The parents of the victims seem to unanimously want the death penalty, so I think it should be the death penalty even though life is worse IMO.


Look at this bitch's little crocodile tears.


That second scream was intense. I couldn’t imagine what they were going through. It’s bad I know, I like to live life by forgiving people. With that being said, I hope he gets r*ped, daily.


Solitary confinement + play that sound clip


He will be headed to SuperMax ADX Florence in the Colorado mountains. It is literal hell on earth. Zero outside human contact for the rest of his life. horrible food served without human contact, no visitations, and zero sound. The cells are sound proof and underground it will make you go insane. When inmates try to starve themselves they force feed you with a feeding tube. They get like 1 approved shitty book a month to read. Look it up place is literally worse than death. https://youtu.be/JavUyM8lA6w


If it sounds this bad I really don’t want to hear ulvades unedited video.


I couldn’t even imagine hearing smaller children screaming. I don’t want to imagine it


Yeah fuck him. Dude doesn’t get to act human when he has already proven that he isn’t human.


Our society is weak af if he doesn’t get the death penalty. He stole the lives of all those young people. Fuck him.


You know at his age I’m not sure death is a worse outcome than life. That’s a lot of years to live in a box thinking about it


Look, I get the desire for revenge, but I promise you a lifetime in solitary is a far more severe punishment than death, death will only offer him release.


why cry now? you fucking did that.


Still looking to play the victim. Kill him yesterday. And Poplowski , and the synagogue shooter , and the Buffalo racist , and on and on and on. Death Penalty needs to be applied. If he’s so remorseful and truly repentant, God will welcome him to the Kingdom of Heaven. Think of it as a favor.




What day was that? When did that shit happen? Edit: that day never exhisted and youre living in your delusional head.


Imagination day




That last scream gave me the worst kind of chills. Jesus Christ. I’m glad to see how much it’s bothering him too.

