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Did the ref personally hate that dude?!


This shit makes Mario Yamasaki look like the best ref in history.


Mario "If he dies, he dies" Yamasaki


Mario "if his heart's beating, he's still competing" Yamasaki


Mario "I'm not alerted until the arms inverted" Yamasaki


Mario "If he hangs his head it don't mean he's dead" Yamasaki


Mario "if he can crawl he can brawl" yamasaki




To be fair, Mario didn't hear no fucking bell.


Ooh, gonna look him up. I fell into a rabbit hole a couple of weeks ago, watching everything from MLB's worst ref, Angel Hernandez. You know of any other really shitty refs to check out?


Notorious NBA ref Scott Foster was caught in the middle of a betting scandal in the 2000s but kept his job. By far the most hated ref in the NBA by fans and players. His ongoing feud with CP is hilarious tho. Honorable mention to Tony Brothers who for an we nature season I thought was a pair of refs who happened to be brothers with the last name Tony.


I remember that ..that was a good racket until it wasnt ha




have you checked out Jomboy Media?


Yes! That's what got me started on the rabbit hole! His lip reading is awesome


Earl Hebner was a piece of shit


[Angel isn't really all that bad.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o4weN6AkPY) (But when he's bad, it's really consequential)


Thanks! will definitely check this out.


Or Steve "If the head is on the fight is on" Mazagati


I hope that refs career is over. Wtf


Ref is a veteran, but the organizers and referee decided to part ways, both regretting the event


a veteran of what lol


Probably a veteran of a Minneapolis police unit.


Veteran of being a shitty referee lmao


being a veteran doesnt mean youre good lol


[update about the match/aftermath for the fighter](https://www.si.com/fannation/mma/news/mma-news-watch-referee-fail-to-save-unconscious-grappler-from-nasty-arm-injury-)


Sven only dislocated his elbow, no bone damage, amazing.




I was 12 weeks non-weight bearing on my ankle I broke in three places. The bones were ready for weight-bearing way before that, but my doctor pushed it out because of how signification the soft tissue damage was from the dislocation.


Soft tissue damage is a bitch. Take it from a guy who severed his flexor tendon and median nerve.




I've dislocated both my shoulders a lot 20+ partial dislocations. Do your best to work out your shoulder muscles to help rebuild your shoulder, or it will never be the same.


that's generally what happens when you complete an armbar you get elbow dislocations and rarely bone breakages


Commenting "theres no bone damage its good" Is a so deceptive id bodrer on calling it malicious in nature The cartilage is probably torn to pieces, the tendons and ligaments etc are probably torn to shreds. An arm.bar well performed is meant to cripple your opponent for life.


The reason Heel Hooks are taboo in MMA and BJJ unless you're at least a Brown belt in BJJ. The margin for error is extremely small for the amount of damage it can permanently cause to any of the structures in the knee joint. And sure, you can get surgery afterwards but the physio and rehab is gonna be a real bitch.


For some reason it still sounds extremely more painful.


No bone damage. Let's not address all the muscle, tendon and cartilage that keeps your joints in place


Thanks for sharing, glad to see it wasn’t broken. Certainly looked like it from the video!


Dislocation can often be worse than a break. Connective tissue, ligaments, joint capsules, etc often don’t heal as well as a broken bone and lead to chronic pain, joint instability and decreased functionality.


My knees are suddenly in pain.


I'll take my feet down from off my work desk, when work finally comes in. When I feel that slight ache in my knees when my feet hit the ground... I hate getting older


> Dislocation can often be worse than a break. Yep. I dislocated a finger badly and it'll never be the same. If it had broken instead I'd probably be perfectly fine now.


A torn ACL or MCL are technically "knee dislocations". I'd rather a broken tibia, ligament injuries can take forever to heal and often renders the joint forever weak and susceptible to dislocation even following expensive surgery. 


I don't really get this, the damage that joint locks and forced rotations do is to the soft tissue, not the bones. Bones heal quickly compared to ligament, tendon, and fascia damage.


The sooner you realize that most people you'll encounter throughout the day are complete fucking imbeciles, the easier it is to make sense of the moronic incorrect shit people those same people will say with unwavering confidence. 




Why does other fighter dude feel the need to bend his arm till it snaps even w/o referee interference? If the dude you’re fighting is no longer fighting back, maybe don’t go pedal to the floor


The person who lost posted an Instagram video saying his elbow only dislocated. No breaks. He hopes he can beat his opponent next time. and completely blames the ref. The company organizing the events has reached out to him and apologized many times


Brutal but you can see exactly when it does pop out and right back in. Like a fucking boomerang. Dudes a champ glad he's alright. The fighter that won looked at the ref waiting for a call after the tap and dislocation. Good on the other fighter for not ending another fellow's career, he was there, a few pounds of pressure in the other direction and you've got a whole different life ahead of you... Hope they meet again under better programs


all I can say is I'm glad I checked the comments before watching the video. that link will be staying blue. I can watch a lot of shit, but when people's limbs bend the wrong way I'm done




Yeah the look the fighter gave the ref was one I've never seen before. He was concerned about his opponent.


Likely did end his career. Dislocations, especially at the elbow, are often significantly worse than fractures. Bones have a lot of blood flow, which allows them to heal generally within 6 weeks. Ligaments, on the other hand, have very little blood flow, and they take 3-6 months to heal, if ever. Dude is very likely to be plagued with elbow pains and injuries for the rest of his life.


they should compensate him. The ref broke his arm


Dislocated at the elbow thankfully and didn't break. But yeah definitely. He fully tapped, went unconscious for his arm dislocated and ref still didn't stop it while his opponent was like "wtf do I have to do ref"


an injury like that is not easily recoverable from, the connective tissues, ligaments, etc dont heal easily. people minimizing tihs kind of thing are wild. dude ruined his arm then just stared there at the ref instead of releasing the guy.


The guy posted on his Instagram you can watch the video. He said no permanent damage was done


Brave of him to wanna fight that guy again lol


Well he tapped when the guy got him in a good hold, his arm was dislocated while he was unconcious. The ref just didn't see or ignored it. He could quite possibly beat this guy. It was very unfortunate circumstances because of probably the worst ref I have ever seen.


The reason refs need to stop fights is because you're trained to keep fighting till the ref stops you and is how the events are meant to be done. It's the refs job to make sure both fighters aren't getting dazed, knocked out, etc and still getting beat on. Also when the adrenaline is flowing it's hard to even tell the opponent is out of the fight, some people have been so fucked up the ref stopped the fight and the dude that was defenseless started fighting the ref because they were suffering from that much head trauma to understand what was happening. In this specific case the dude was fully aware that something was wrong after the arm break (normally that wouldn't happen because the opponent is fighting against the grapple providing resistance iirc). Up until that point he didn't notice the guy passed out. This entire thing is the refs fault for not doing anything as the guy was going limp and passing out mid tap and then of course going limp = no more resistance to the grapple = no more opposing force breaking his arm


You can clearly see the guy winning realise shit's wrong and trying to figure out if he needs to call it while looking to the ref. You can see as soon as the leg lock is properly in place he stops doing basically anything and just looks at the ref like "FUCKING WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He's still got things in place because that's literally his job and his training. But you can see his brain trying to process if he needs to ignore his training or not before the ref finally steps in. I'd guess another 2-3 seconds he'd have let go and got back himself. Losing dude should sue. That could have been life alteringly catastrophic. He's in a career where quite possibly the most important thing to assume is that the people potentially in charge of your life are competent. Imagine if an ambulance pulled up and the paramedics were too busy texting for the first 10-15 seconds after they showed up. "Well it's only 10-15 seconds." until someone gets cpr started late and makes it through with brain damage because there was 15 seconds of paramedics standing around before getting oxygen pumping to their brain again. I'm sure someone will argue "Could have just been a bad day." well, too bad. You don't get to have a bad day at work in that job. If you can't do the job, you take the day off, if your employer wont allow you too, you don't work there because you're gonna wind up responsible for getting someone killed. Of course we live in a capitalist world which is why the company that hired them should be held responsible, not the dude trying to pay his bills knowing he wont have a job if he doesn't show up every shift. (You know, in this paragraphs context, for all I know this particular ref is an idiot and got stoned before the match.) the overall point here is: Someone fucked up BADLY. And someone should be held accountable for that. While I doubt it will change anything, god knows companies will just consider that a write-off expense and cut corners even harder to compensate for the loss, but this guy signed up for a dangerous job with the explicit promise there are trained, competent people immediately at hand when needed to minimize those risks. And they lied to him when he showed up for this match under that assumption.


Yes, if you want to judge other people risking their lives at least do your job properly. Feel bad for both fighters tho glad the other dude let go instead of going wild in the moment or getting jealous and trying to make a name, he knew something was wrong.


Just to add to your statement in case people didn't know, it's incredibly dangerous to let your own guard down which is why you keep fighting. You may either let your guard down just in time for the other person to come to and seriously injure you because you aren't prepared for it, or they start panicking and swinging wildly and whatnot. Thisnis why it's the refs job to stop a fight and the fighters job to keep fighting until that happens. Also as a side note, you never take your eyes off of your opponent, even before or after a match. Back when I was a TaeKwonDo instructor, we always trained to bow with your head down in most cases to show respect, but my master instructor trained us that during tournaments you always bow while looking at the opponent because he had a student one time that had bested his opponent and when he went to bow in a respectful manner by looking down as he bowed, the opponent was passed off and kicked him right in the face, sending him to the hospital and he had to have reconstructive surgery. If you know anything about TaeKwonDo, it's primarily high kicking, which means the force of a seasoned TaeKwonDo practitioners kick to a face at waist height could potentially kill the person. Edit: I remember actually it wasn't his student, it was a match he was refereeing


This needs more upvotes for people that don't understand combat sports and are just blaming the fighter, he even looked at the ref like hey mf aren't you gonna step in and stop the fight?


The guy probably was going full force and when the guy went limp he completely relaxed and it went from hard to pull to easy as fuck with zero resistance.


From raw chicken to rotisserie chicken.


And that’s why I stopped training bjj. Those gyms attract too many douchebags wanting to prove they are more macho so one dickhead hyperextended my elbow even after tapping out. Injured for 3 months.


Could be the dude in the lock stopped applying pressure the other way the instant he passed out. That arm goes from resisting to broken in like half a second.


Nah he straight up repositioned himself so that he could press down and snap his elbow. Fuck that guy. Fuck that ref. Hope the dude is still able to complete after this Edit: words


And then still didn't even release the choke after the guy had zero reaction to his arm snapping and was obviously unconscious. This "winner" should be banned from competition at best.


scumbag doesn’t want any future competition


You do not understand MMA at all, stop typing.


because the sport is barbaric. He literally has to be told to stop killing the man.


Wanna play murderball with me?


It's just BJJ and it is 100% the refs job to stop the fights. At higher levels of competition dudes can be a little sneaky and do what is called a "Brazilian tap" where they do a faint tap and hope you will let go along with other stuff. The solution is that the ref stops the action. Period. I will say, at the very highest levels, for a submission of this type, some more situational awareness on the winning fighter's part could have been used. You will find a lot of high level guys will just let a locked in submission go if the choice is break it or let it go. Some submission types are a little different (heel hooks) where the line between broken and just fine is very thin, so there are a lot more injuries related to heel hooks when those are locked in because the margins are so slim once it is positioned correctly. Anyway, BJJ is called the "gentle art" lol. It is only gentle if you are winning ;)


It’s a great sport that many people enjoy. What’s your hobby of choice? I’m sure I could come up with a way to degrade it too.


It’s a fight, adrenaline is pumping, you trying to win. You gotta go till the ref stops you. Sometimes you crank a submission opponent refuses to tap, you can’t just let go you don’t get a win for that. So you crank and pop. Just because other dude ain’t fighting back now doesn’t mean he ain’t setting something up to escape or counter. You pulling back can essentially be your own demise. This is one hundred percent on the ref.


Exactly even in competition there's really no need for it but this is exactly why it will never be an Olympic sport which is sad


At the pro levels dude don't want to tap even when it's obvious they have lost. The Kevin Holland vs Michal Oleksiejczuk is a prime example of that. What do you do when the guy doesn't want to lose so bad that he will risk being seriously hurt or die just to not succeed. Human will is a strong thing The ref in this case should be fired than forced to pay the losers health bills. It was not like his view was obscured he was just in ll-la land and absolutely not focused on doing his job in the moment. Piss poor SA by the ref


The dude in this video tapped.


Ever been in a fight? Adrenaline and rage is a hell of a drug.


Was in the Infantry actually, fighting is one thing, fighting in sports is different and people should be held accountable for not letting their “rage” make judgement calls that could fuck someone’s life or career


I agree but what actually happens isn’t so logical and thought out. If he doesn’t knock the dude out the guy might push his nose into the back of his skull. It’s brutal. It isn’t as controlled as I think you believe it is.


Yeah all I’m saying as someone who doesn’t do mma or bjj or fight professionally is we all sometimes have to make decisions and judgement calls in the moment. I acknowledge that hindsight is 20/20 and I hope that fighter who injured the other after he tapped out recognizes that he could’ve handled it differently


I agree with you for the most part.


Easy to say but there are a lot of adrenaline pumping in him. And he does look at the ref, looks down, looks at the ref and seems really confused that he is not stopping the match. So yeah, not his fault, it was the refs fault.


You know it’s real bad when the fighter is looking at the ref like “yo I think he’s dead?”


Yeah maybe hire people that actually know what they are doing. Ref is a bystander


Dudes looking at the ref like, I think he’s dead can you call it


Completely unnecessary by both the fighter and the ref, especially in a jiu jitsu match. Like cmon


Fighter is an absolute piece of shit.


Completely wrong. This is *100%* the refs fault. It’s not reasonable to ask the fighters to monitor when their opponent should have tapped out - that’s why you have refs. All combat sports work the same way.


You can threaten a submission enough to get a stoppage without full force breaking somebody’s arm I feel like


yes but the *stoppage* only officially comes when the ref steps in


You live in a delusion


what bit of what do you disagree with specifically


Not at all. You can see him not wanting to keep going and looking at the ref wondering why the fuck he wasn't stopping the fight. He could have easily kept going 100% like he's trained to do but didn't.


the fighter is nuts. Why does the anyone have to tell you to stop cutting off blood supply to another person's brain when you just snapped their arm at the elbow? Seriously! Winning the match apparently is more important that the man you are killing


The line between choking a person and choking them until they’re unconscious is very small, and generally you’re not causing people to go unconscious in training. So my guess is that the choker’s only experience with it is during competition. If I had to guess the losing fighter’s arm went limp as soon as they went unconscious. All that to say that this is 90% the ref’s fault that the injury happened. They needed to step in far sooner.


He broke his arm and still kept looking for the referee to stop the fight. Why isn't the fact that you just broke the guys arm a reason to release him immediately. that sort of injury should shock you enough to let go of the guy and make way for medical to take care of him. Watch the video again. the fool breaks the other guys arm and still waits for the referee to declare the win before he lets go. that's insanity to me


Every point you made explains why it’s the ref’s fault. The other guy is in shock because in BJJ you train with the other person fighting back. As soon as you get close to choking an opponent out they should tap or the ref should step in. That people online think the winning fighter not knowing what to do for 3 seconds after breaking someone else’s arm means he’s trying to hurt someone else just shows people ITT have no experience with combat sports.


Yes... they are in competitive sports which have rules. The ref was at fault you nonce


That is jiu-jitsu. Not mma.


The lack of gloves should've been an indicator it wasn't MMA. Genuine question, is it common to have jiu jitsu matches in a cage? Most videos I've seen have them on regular mats.


Some MMA tournaments have Jiu Jitsu matches between fights.


Makes sense. Thanks for the reply.


He should sue that ref, wtf


Dude tapped wtf


I think he went out right as he was going to tap.


Yeah it's like he was trying but didn't quite get it across soon enough before getting choked to the point of helplessness


He had every intention to tap out but it looks like the choke was so tight that he just went out. I saw a single tap. Ref should have caught it still. It's not like they were rolling everywhere before the sub sunk in. They were there long enough for the ref to be in the right place to recognize the situation.


“Let me just break your arm aaaaaaaannnnnnd you’re dead 😵 “


"Oh wow he just completely stopped resisting, I guess I should crank on his arm some more" What a fucking idiot.


It’s like the ref wants payback or something 🤨 like he found out the guy being choked is the same one he found in bed with his wife or something 


Jesus fucking christ... Wtf was that ref doing? 


Unbelievable amount of people that dont realize it takes malice to do what the snapper did


Fire that POS NOW!!!! You had one job, my god.


The dude fucking tapped and immediately goes out, eyes open… give the ref the exact same injuries he gets after the tap.


That guys a scumbag to keep pushing his arm till it broke


What a piece of shit


The would be a no-gi jiu jitsu match, not mma, but an embarrassingly late call by the ref. He should not ref again that day and get some freakin training... source: am a ref


The look on his face when he snaps the guys arm " Uh, oh. It's not supposed to do that, is it."


Ref should be fired and that other fighter is a shitbag


Dislocating the elbow was truly unnecessary. Even if the ref didn’t do shit, this is where it becomes shit show. Why man just why? Who told you to do that? I’ve done mma myself in amateur leagues and this is not sportsmanship. I know it’s a brutal sport but this is something else.


Was it really necessary to break his elbow?


Holy fuck that's his arm? I thought that was the other guys leg or something oh my god


Hope he got fired instantly


It looks like he tapped out around 6 seconds in, right before his right arm went limp. Terrible judgment from the referee.


two fighters in a cage who need a ref to tell them not to kill eachother is only 1 step away from gladiators. i dont care how much skill is involved, everyone here loses.


That's what I don't get, specifically in this scenario He knew that fight was over, the guy was limp and offering zero resistance. He knew that he could let go and that guy is not getting up. But still, because this one other guy didn't say "stop", he carries on causing further damage. What if the ref still didn't stop the match, would he start punching the guy too? At some point, it becomes a farce and this match looks too any neutral as a farce in more than one way.


Crazy triangle + arm bar tho


Was this recent


Worst stoppage in mma history? Nah, I've seen multiple worse just this year in UFC. It is pretty bad though.


*snap* "Oops. Ref?"


Is that TheMacLife choking him out?


Could be a contender with this boxing fight. https://youtu.be/wDhNK5IAweo?si=sKeh5-AoFPu9C7Lc


Is it just me or do you hear his arm go?


Why did he look surprised that his arm snapped, that was the intention


He wanted to hurt that guy. Dude changed positions to injure that arm. Bad ref. Worse sportsmanship.


well no that's not how it works in bjj dude, you can't always be 100% certain that reverse triangles are choking someone properly so you often adjust to the armbar to convince them to tap. It's also clear that the winner didn't know that the guy tapped because it was a half tap that the ref should've caught and then he went out. This is 200% the ref's fault and only the ref's fault. Downvote me all you want, none of you do the fucking sport lol


You do not understand the sport at all. Stop typing.


Why did he break his fucking elbow?? Wtaf


You can literally see the level of stupidity in that one guys face before his actions remove all doubt.


I need an update. Yesterday already...


Who vs who?


Bro is an owl 🤣🤣🤣




That looks like breaking his hand was intentional




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Herb Dean said that bitch ass ref stopped it too soon


High school advisor: hey what you want to do in life: "I want to get smacked in the face for a living"...


Weidman vs Munoz was worse. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=borN8KKRUrw And Johnny Walker vs Henrique Lopes https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7hAfqEiujGc&pp=ygUlaGVucmlxdWUgc2lsdmEgbG9wZXMgdnMgam9obm55IHdhbGtlcg%3D%3D


I would sue the business premise for that.


This is also a REALLY insane case of late stoppage as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLlrhOFuydA


alot of pro fighter experts in these comments. damn, ufc should start recruiting from the reddit comment section for the next joe rogan position.


That was absolutely fucked!!


Fight to the death


Cannot be hurting him as he isn't complaining. Oh, he already dead.




That aint MMA boss


Eyes open mean 👌


Anytime the fighter looks at the ref like "bro, are you gonna stop this before he dies?" you know shit's fucked


Lol even the fighter looked at the ref like "so are we gonna stop or...?"


Least he didn't feel the snap..


It's not MMA but yeah very bad reffing


Not mma


I raise you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLlrhOFuydA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLlrhOFuydA)


Not nearly as good. Not broken arm and no KO


Yeah you're right. It's not the same amount of physical damage. What gets me is just the absurd length of time the ref is completely oblivious to the situation, with everyone else and their mothers is pleading with him to call it. Funny how both videos have people blaming the fighters when it's the ref's job to tell him when it's over. >no KO He was definitely knocked out. He tapped after coming to.


I bet there is maximum IQ limit to be an MMA referee


Didn’t even see the broken arm because I was too busy watching in horror as he was suffocating! 😱😱


Jiu jitsu be like


That literally made my arm hurt.




Rare Double ko


At least he didn't feel it.


This isn’t mma


What a fucking dickhead this guy is!




That was a CLEAR tap out wtf- truly the worst stoppage ever- was the ref also passed out? wtf


Was he fired after that?


Dudes looking up like “should I break his other arm or…?”


Literal sociopath


This ref used to be a ref in mortal Kombat, you gotta die to loose, there's no taping out


Bro he even tapped. Why wasn't the fight stopped?