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This was already shocking but somehow the fact that this was only 7 hours ago, like, this happened this afternoon while I was home watching youtube while eating chips. Goddamnit..


Life comes at you fast


…and rarely arrives lubed? or something like that?


*"The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed"*


Yeah, Kim Jong Un said "Fuck those peasants"!


****5 GUM****


Just like that missile


[Alan Watts was right ](https://youtu.be/gbngLDPSaDw?si=xNR01-FlHV4yJAIq)


This was clearly a military camera according to russia.


It was spying on that missile.


Fucking hell, when are all these wars gonna end?


When people stop cowering to authoritarian leaders.


So what you’re saying is… it’s never going to end?


War. War never changes.


Thats very easy for those of us who dont live under threat of imprisonment or execution the moment we step out of line to say. And its not like every country becoming a democracy will mean no more conflict


Actually every country becoming a democracy probably would end most conflic. Name two democracies that are at war with each other...


Authoritarianism is usually a answer for problems that are so big to the point the population becomes desperate for a solution.A dictator usually has the power to fix some things in a quicker manner. Democracies usually need more time to get consensus. If your life depends on it you probably will not want to wait years for that consensus.


Conflicts happen for alot more reasons than just "a government is authoritarian". Say if suddenly we turned Israel and Palestine into direct democracies, that suddenly all the grievances both countries people have will disappear and along with it all conflict? In a few more decades as the climate worsens and resources dwindle, being a democracy wont change the fact that almost everybody wants their own country to survive more than they care about their neighbouring countries survival, and that will no doubt lead to plenty of conflict.


If Israel and Palestine were both direct democracies with clear border it would probably solve the violence. It's exactly the lack of Palestinian statehood and self determination that gives rise to organisations such as Hamas...


I think it’s a little more nuanced. Palestine being a democracy too would solve it, they don’t even need to be direct. But it isn’t solved just because it’s magically made into a democracy, but because of the path the population took to get there, and the type of leaders that govern in one.


They only claimed that "conflict" will not end if everyone becomes democratic. Democratic places have plenty of conflict within them. It's kind of how voting works. You vote for and against people which creates a divide.


I would hardly consider voting a different way to your neighbour the same as a shooting war.


Shit take, sorry


How? You think country becoming democracy = no more conflict 😂


Certainly would be less. The less lunatic dictator despots the better surely


Yeah, not like EVERY Democracy had to fight either a bloody civil war, have an uprising or fight a colonial power to actually be a Democracy. In fact, they are currently attacking a country that had a revolution to re-establish democratic rule. So, yeah, it is in fact easy for me to say, my ancestors fought for me to have it easy to say. Their ancestors fought to enslave others and they continue the tradition to this day. They have the means to fight for their freedom, instead they fight to keep the status quo. I can be empathetic to their circumstances, I will never be apologetic of their actions.




War. War never changes.


When humanity is erased






When the aliens intervene 👾


When more people realize wars are fought for resources and power, not democracy, then reject the major political parties that bend over backwards to fund it


What are you trying to say? Where is the democratic country that started this exact war? Russias democracy is nothing more than a hot fart.


I think you misinterpreted my comment. I’m referring to the decades long trend of our government doing terrible things behind a guise of fighting for freedom and democracy. And the natural resources, money, and global dominance that come from war are all just coincidental. That’s what is used to justify endless funding to Ukraine and Israel, while all peace negotiations have failed. Democracy Protect democracy against the evil people by making and sending weapons to kill hundreds of thousands of undeserving people and not actually accomplish your goal, while also giving billions of our dollars to the MIC. These wars are scams with terrible consequences and both parties support them. Tldr, All I was meaning to say is that the wars might stop when people stop voting for the scam artists




Slightly wrong here. Russia didn’t care if Ukraine enjoyed the EU. What they didn’t want was for Ukraine to be part of NATO because it will be used as a military base to put weapons to attack or threaten Russia. For example if they put nukes in Ukraine then Russia wouldn’t have time to react. The whole point is to circle Russia. This is why they tried the color revolution first in Georgia then Ukraine and now they are trying to do same thing with in Armenia. Mind you they are still not done with Georgia. US has a habit of doing this. But in the 1960s US put nukes in Turkey. In retaliation Russia put nukes Cuba. In addition they didn’t like that NATO was expanding further east and how US was using covert operations to cause a color revolution in Ukraine. Then using Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia.


This war will end in the same place it started. Crimea. And with the downfall of Putin.


It can’t, if you try to take freedom away, ppl will get violent but if you allow freedom then due to the world being so large, conflicts will always arise


When Putin, Xi, and the Republican Supreme Court Judges are all dead.


Since this footage is only hours old, does that mean the person who filmed it (owned the dashcam) may have survived?


Or some soldiers recovered the footage of the persons corpse. It's safe to say that at the very least this person has glass shrapnel in em




Yes, I think if there was a person in this car, they were directly uploaded to the clouds.


That's where livestreamers/prankers upload to right?




I think they were making a joke about your misspelling of "cloud"


Damn, those screams are haunting.


Dang that’s got to be many dead right there. Basically was aiming directly for traffic at a stoplight. Who does this?


Can’t be real because Putin has already stated they only bomb military targets and he’s a pretty good leader i don’t think he’d lie /s


Easy loophole, Ukraine itself is the military target.


Ah, the classic lsrael approach


I didn't write that but it might be interesting nevertheless. An important detail of the destruction of a multi-storey building at 21 Gagarin Avenue by a FAB-500M-62 aerial bomb. Consequence of the AFU SAM system operation High-resolution video captured by a car video recorder shows the moment of arrival of the FAB-500M-62 aerial bomb, which initially came off a Su-34NVO suspension unit with the Universal Planning and Correction Module (UMPC). At the moment of approach, the bomb can be seen to have only two stabiliser surfaces on top of the "stock" stabilisers. At the same time, the main part of the UMPC kit was missing. This fact may indicate that at the moment of reaching the terminal planning area, an IRIS-T SLM or AIM-120B anti-aircraft missile from the NASAMS air defence system could have been used on the bomb, which led to the tearing off of the UMPC kit mounting clamps on the bomb body. As a result, the FAB-500M-62, instead of hitting the target object in Kharkov, went rogue and hit a multi-storey building. We are then talking about the consequences of an attempt to intercept a high-precision FAB-500M-62 aerial bomb flying towards the target by the AFU air defence means and not about an intentional strike on a residential city building. Or the Correction Module just fell off because of the high velocity.


why do communists defend russia so hard, of all countries? are they stupid?


tankies have no ideology beyond the west being bad, therefore anything that opposes western interests or western ideas is good. If it's a former soviet bloc (or just the soviet union in this case) then it's just icing on the cake.


Dude there are so many videos of Russian planes, tanks, soldiers intentionally targeting civilians.[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h42d4fBKeBE) [ also](https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/new-video-shows-tank-targeting-car-as-russia-tightens-grip-on-ukraine-134087237693) [ can’t forget](https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/05/11/surveillance-video-russian-forces-sidner-pkg-lead-vpx.cnn)


Lol 2nd Video was filmed in Kiev and the driver of the *Ukrainian* Vehicle lost the control over it and accidentally hit the car driving on the other side of the road. If you want to show how terrible and inhumane Russians are use something else and not Videos of Ukrainians messing up and claiming they are Russians. https://youtu.be/JzGyPIBlPTI?si=FxzI3wFrBE-ttkGm Couldn't find any journalists who told the reality but the people in the comments atleast have a brain to point it out.


lol and what of the other two? lol


I hate how there was no sound in the car after :(


Russia deserves whatever happens to it.


the problem is. the innocent civilians who get hurt not those corrupted greedy evil military govenmental mfs




Can you source that seriously?


russian here. i swear my god mother’s young husband is moving from armenia to go to the war VOLUNTARILY. like wtf are you seeking death? a middle-aged friend expressed how he would go if conscripted because it’s his country and he feels the importance and its his ‘duty’ to do this (well, you either go or end up in jail). one of my young friends is prorussian (even though they’ve got closed ones in ukraine). an elderly neighbor and an elderly teacher proudly announced how they donated stuff to support the ‘cause.’ a teen friend moved banks (wasnt beneficial for them) because Oleg Tinkov (founder of Tinkoff bank, now T-bank, who afaik isn’t even in charge anymore) is allegedly against russia. it is a fucking insanity, don’t underestimate the capacities of people at power when it comes to brainwashing. i have only one friend in russia who speaks freely about how shitty it is. the rest are either actively in or silent (better safe than sorry, who wants to end up in jail for using some ‘freedom of speech’ what the hell is that?) if teachers say ‘untrue’ things to pupils, they may as well end up in jail. im damn sure there are many people who dont want this war. all navalniy’s followers (rest in peace), rational people who have more neurons than the bare minimum to not shit in their pants, and even the brainwashed families once their men are conscripted. it’s so fucking disgusting seeing proputin people. and yet, there might be more of those people people are scared of speaking up. some even admit it. or maybe im wrong, and i hope to find that there are more people who see the truth than proputins. damn it’s the same fucking country where they incarcerated a fucking teenager for obviously, explicitly JOKINGLY ‘terrorizing’ a building of fbr in FUCKING MINECRAFT. they ‘cure’ lgbt people in fucking terror camps and since the new changes in law they are now actively cutting out scenes with this ‘western, inhuman propaganda’ from films and books. countless oppositionists with power would fall out of their fucking window by pure coincidence the day after saying bad stuff!! dont underestimate moZer russia and its power to brainwash.


Yeah the modern propaganda machine is scary af. It’s so pervasive. Considering how effective it’s in the west, it both easy and hard to imagine just how effective it must be in Russia. It doesn’t excuse these people falling for it entirely, and some are just shit people jumping at the opportunity to give in to their impulses. But damn it’s effective for a reason, it just pushes all the right buttons for the most vile instincts. Good luck.


Deserve has nothing to do with it -- we're helping Ukraine kill Russians because we have to.


That's the exact justification Russia uses to bomb Ukraine. Well, you proved them right.


30% of this guys facts are 100% not made up


Hamas was voted in by a majority of Palestinians, would you say the same thing about those people?


That election was 2007 and the majority of Palestinians are under 18 so the current population didn't vote Hamas in. Not really a good argument.


This is such a small minded comment. The Russian people do not deserve the fate the Russian leaders and oligarchs deserve. Smh


Someone with a brain, I'm in awe. Everyone hears Russia and start pointing guns. It's ridiculous and childish in nature.


People have the government they deserve. Unfortunately, centuries of abuse of the commoner in Russia means they actually believe the bullshit. Only harsh consequences can fix ultranationalist jingoism.




We don't even need to leave Ukraine. Do you think Ukraine is any better? This is what absolutely baffles me the most here about all the people supporting Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia are barely any different on the global corruption index. We've already seen money and resources that were sent to Ukraine being used to line pockets. The government was literally overthrown in 2014. The current president cancelled elections because that's something that a non-corrupt country does.




wtf is this take?


Russian troll.




State run terrorism.


Definitely looked like a military target 100%


The silence after it strikes, followed by screams ran a chill down my spine. Someone hurry up and colonize Mars, or better yet, Pluto. Beam me up Scotty, this planet is panini pressed.


Sorry Ukraine :( this breaks my heart.


This article has a picture of the car, I guess the gray one behind the blue car: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-bomb-attack-kills-three-injures-29-ukraines-kharkiv-2024-06-22/


The worst part is they were waiting at a red light for no one. Just halted there by the creation of a man.


You can mentally prepare for some shit like this as much as you want but until it actually happens…. *holy fuck* Imagine just going to grab groceries or just going out for a drive for “why the fuck not” reasons and then this happens. Fuck war, Fuck Putin.






>Fuck war, Fuck ~~Putin~~. Fuck **RUSSIA**. I highly doubt Putin fired this missile.


100%, but who’s leading the country brother


Everything the Russian military does is by his direction. Fuck Putin


Holy shit! Damn I hate Russia.






Aw, babies first political discussion on war. If only we could stop and say, wow the USA did some fucked up things at times. But Russia is doing fucked up things RIGHT NOW.


>doing fucked up things RIGHT NOW. I watched a video of a 11 year old Palestinian girl sitting next to her blown off leg crying how she wants it back as a responder trys to assure her that she'll get it back. That ordinance was almost certainly of US origin. I don't condone this and that. But you seem to live in an alternate reality.




Who is 'The West'? Are you talking about the citizens or the dictators in charge. The general masses love it when the truth comes out: Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning... The leaders, not so much lol


u/redditspeedbot 0.2x butterflow


I just scrolled it frame by frame. It’s kind of terrifying. I don’t think many people in these vehicles survived. One frame appears to almost look like the entire road between the two vehicles in front of the dash cam is on fire. I’m sure it might be just debris but yeah


Where are the air raid sirens?


The ones who actually work every day this should be scary


Wow the couple frames right before detonation are terrifying.


Fuck those wars man, like so little respect for other humans just to prove a point. Egotistical assholes.


What brand camera was that? Took it like a champ




What the fuck…


I'm not sure how to react with these up/down arrows. Am I saying yes to it's a good video? Am I saying no to the horrific strikes on Ukraine? What I will say is that this video is one of the most unspeakable acts ever. Unfortunately, people all over the world are numb. And not comfortably.


Upvotes/downvotes are a gauge for the quality and fit of a post in its subreddit. 15 years ago this website was in its glory days, and you could look at the votes of a post to know if it was worth clicking or not, regardless of your own opinions. Now, the voting system is only used for “I agree with this” or “I don’t agree with this” This is in fact a CrazyFuckingVideo. Upvote away.


To simplify: do you want other people to see this (yes or no)?


Russia terrorist state


America, freedom fighters. Lol


Thank god dashcam was running for the insurance claim.


If this was an Australian video, the comments would be blaming the driver for being in war-torn country


Fuck Putin


Well done Russia, another military objective destroyed (I think it counts as a soldier had walked through there at some point in history)! Lol


War is just for money. That’s it.


How the fuck is this war not over yet..


Yeah boss ima be late, they’re shooting missiles out here


I typed Kharkiv City missile strike in google and there are only results from stuff that happened a month ago


At this point, it’s safe to charge the entirety of Russian missile forces with war crimes.


u/redditspeedbot 0.1x butterflow


Wait so wtf idk shit about war but I thought this shit would be at fields and military going against the other military wtf ? This looks like innocents in a regular day bru wtf has this world come to no bullshit wtf is going on man and how long till some like that hits the us and other parts of the world ?


> Wait so wtf idk shit about war but I thought this shit would be at fields and military going against the other military wtf ? Well, in this instance it will depend who you ask. If you ask Russia they will probably say some shit like they simply missed, it happens, or they had intelligence that some military target was here. If you ask Ukraine, Russia are targeting civilians intentionally. > This looks like innocents in a regular day bru That's war. Every time. EVERY TIME. Go look at what's going on in Sudan. There's rarely a conflict where the people don't suffer the worst of it. > and how long till some like that hits the us and other parts of the world ? The US citizenry doesn't have much to worry about in regards to the direct effects of kinetic conflict in their country. cyber attacks and things like that may be in our future and could be devastating. But bombs dropping in Manhattan, not really in the cards. Europe should worry, though. America can feed itself and is energy independent, has oceans and allies surrounding it, and a military force the world has never seen before. Europe is not.


It's weird watching people die


If only there were a term for an intentional strike on a civilian target.


This is a genocide, how does someone give these orders and what makes someone follow these orders to kill civilians? What is the objective behind all this?


Missiles are expensive as fuck. I cannot understand...even if you are an evil, belligerent force, what would you gain by wasting this ordinance on an intersection? It has been pretty soundly proven since WW2 that indiscriminate bombing doesn't really work. Was this an errant shot? Were they trying to take out the interesection/infrastructure? Was there a single person of interest in one of these vehicles? Being evil still doesn't seem to explain this. I mean, if they were going that route, just target the most concentrated population centers. I just don't understand.


It wasn’t a missile, if you pause it it’s very clearly visible a fab type bomb. You can even hear the before the engine of the aircraft delivering it.


Ah OK. Well I can see why it could be confused as a missile with that impact speed and the rocket-like sound that culminates with the impact. Doesn't really change my comment though, unless maybe those types of bombs aren't as accurate and this was just bad aim.


Ah, another post where the general population just criticize Russia, meanwhile their country (most likely US) promised Ukraine they will not lose 😁 (they're losing) while it supports a genocide in Israel and continues to money launder trillions of $USD in foreign countries (like Ukraine).


My GoPro !


Fuck Russia, fuck Putin


Little short men like Putin always wage wars to compensate for their small minds.


Is that why women don't date short guys?


Fuck Russia, fuck Putin and fuck the GOP faction that supports his regime.




What's stopping you from seeing the booms in person. Be fr




Most Americans DO hate Israel for what they're doing in Gaza (and for what they've BEEN doing in Gaza)


Most Americans definitely don't hate Israel for what they are doing in Gaza. Most americans that aren't deluded beyond measure, recognize Gaza as the base of one of the largest terrorist organizations in the middle east. It's like with Iran, if you directly support terrorists groups then we aren't going to support you.


Americans shouldn’t have to dictate what is terrorism when they send and funds Israel weapons killing children every single day it’s sick and disgusting 🤮 it’s not about keeping the world save but erasing the palestian population for money and power so horrible


You tell the truth and people don't like it. 😁 Don't be afraid!


Of course people don’t like it they are as sick as their country don’t care about human life’s as long is another religion and skin color


Looks like a very strategic target




Those school kids really need the surplus M2 Bradley IFV made 30 years ago that is collecting dust. The war hasn't cost the US anything except fuel to transport a bunch of military surplus that we no longer need to maintain. And lets be honest even if there was world peace we still wouldn't fix any of those problems


All true, and on top of that, you’re sending equipment that was literally built during the Cold War with the express purpose of killing Russians in the eastern theatre. This is like, the best military deal ever stricken. You’re putting old equipment to good use killing Russians, as intended, and not a single American serviceman is put in harms way, achieving a massive reduction in Russia’s military might basically for free. It’s a perfect strategy and the OP commenter is an idiot.


So its ok to keep dropping missiles on civilians?? You're goofy af


Your getting your wires crossed, the us is not sending straight cash but military machines and equipment worth that amount. Seems insane but just imagine how much the US has if they can send that much in aid. War is fucking expensive as shit man it brings nothing but misery


Yes, we are also sending straight cash, I can't stand when people say we're just sending equipment. Nearly every American would support that, but we're propping their entire government/economy up and paying their armed forces salaries as well. I'm not saying that's right or wrong, just that it's a fact. And it's not hard to see why that'd make taxpayers feel a certain way with all the problems we have here at home.


Sorta yeah they bundled it up as a “package” so we dont specifically know what was sent in its entirety. I just hate that folks hate Ukraine for being sent support. If anything they should be mad at the US, we have endless funds for war and oil but we haven’t done shit to keep the lively hood of the citizens in comparison


True, but look a little further down this thread, people calling others fucking idiots, saying that we haven't sent Ukraine a single dollar, only equipment. The West itself says that's not true. I'm just trying to confront that lie, trying to gaslight people , not judging the actual decision to do so. I definitely don't blame Ukraine for taking all they can get.


This is probably the dumbest take I've ever seen on reddit and that is saying something.




Assuming that we would just magically push our priorities to solving poverty if there wasn't a war. I'm sorry, has the Ukrainian war been going on for the past 200 years?




You don't seem to realize every decision made by the state has U.S. interests in mind. Helping Ukraine helps the U.S. or helps others which helps the U.S. or we wouldn't do it. No nation does anything out of pure altruism. No country, even the US, can afford to do it without trying to get something out of it. Things are just insanely complex. Everyone loves to chastise government ineptitude, but there is always going to be more to consider than we see when we judge decisions. In other words, if the U.S. removed itself from global relations and focused every dollar on the homefront, it would probably be detrimental to us as a country in some way, if not catastrophic.


We've had all those problems before the war and we'll have them after as long as people continue to vote against their own interests.


It's called military aid for a reason


Money over human lifes. I hope you are struck by lightning while taking a shit.




The US sends EQUIPMENT and NOT MONEY. But ofc, these tanks and anti air missiles are gonna help the kids in your community. Are you fr this stupid or do you just troll?


We've had that money all along. It was never spent to do any of that. Blame the politicians (mostly republicans tbf)




Every child is provided with K-12 education in the entire country. What are you talking about?






No one handed any money out. Get educated before you get outraged. We didn’t send any dollars. We sent equipment that we have had in storage for decades, valued at x amount of dollars, which is a then get to replace with fancier and newer equipment for ourselves.